Women's black velvet and ermine cape from the 1930s

This woman's black velvet and ermine cape is comprised of a straight tube of black velvet that is a below- knee-length. It is lined with white satin in a rice-paper pattern. The cape has armholes at shoulders, and a wide shawl collar of white ermine. It dips down in back to below waist length, and a band of ermine runs down the front to the hem. The collar is lined with black satin, and the velvet inner-lined with white wool. The cape is without fastenings though they may have been removed. Label: Pack-Wolin. Worn by donor in early 1930s about the time of her debut. Donor is daughter of Eleanor Ford Torrey, and granddaughter of Emory Low Ford.
The original materials from this collection are held at the Detroit Historical Society. Additional related items that were not photographed are also available.
Date Issued:
[1930 TO 1932]
Data Provider:
Wayne State University. Libraries and Detroit Historical Society
Digital Dress Collection
Detroit, Michigan
Subject Topic:
Outerwear, Clothing and dress, History, and Cloaks
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