Counterfeit Confederate notes publicly offered for sale in the "City of Brotherly Love".

A disreputable looking soldier in a Zouave uniform, cigarette in mouth, motions toward a broker's office which bears a sign that reads: "Counterfeit Confederate treasury notes for sale; Soldiers under orders to the South supplied with lots to suit at reasonable rates." Two soldiers beside him appear to be examining the goods. A rather effeminate officer wearing tiny-waisted pantaloons and using his saber as a walking stick stands in the doorway of the establishment. Around the corner is the "Bible House, " which advertises "Tracts for Soldiers." Reprinted in the 1880s from original plates created by Volck in the 1860s. Set titled Confederate War Etchings and published by Porter & Coates. This is plate 25. Adalbert Johann Volck originally published this print under the pseudonym V. Blada.
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University of Michigan. Libraries
William L. Clements Library Image Bank
Subject Topic:
Counterfeiting--1860-1870.; Money--1860-1870.; Economic aspects of war--1860-1870.; Sectionalism (United States)--1860-1870.; Zouaves--1860-1870.; Caricatures and cartoons--United States.; Prints shelf.; James S. Schoff Civil War Collection.; Confederate States of America.; United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Economic aspects.; Porter & Coates,--publisher.; United States--Pennsylvania--Philadelphia.
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