Ceremony of "Turning the Sod" of the New Masonic Temple

Black and white panoramic photograph, "Ceremony of 'Turning the Sod' of the New Masonic Temple" on Thanksgiving Day, 1920. The photograph was taken from the intersection of 2nd Ave. and Bagg (now Temple) Street with a view to the northwest. It shows a large crowd of masons, photographers, and other spectators watching as the first sod is turned for the Detroit Masonic Temple. Masonic lodges present include the Detroit Lodge, the Ashlar Lodge, the Schiller Lodge, the Zion Lodge, and the Union Lodge. Most Worshipful Grand Master Ira A. Beck is shown turning the first sod at center left. Standing around Beck are, from left to right: Bro. Frederick A. Cook, master of ceremonies, Bro. John H. Hanna, grand marshall, Bro. John B. Corliss, 33° orator of the day, Bro. Lewis R. Gorton, 33° chairman of the invitation committee, Bro. Wm. H. Reynolds, president of the Masonic Temple Association, and Bro. George W. Graves, custodian of the silver spade. Behind them is an American flag-draped dais with other distinguished masons and guest. Of note is an early Magnavox loudspeaker in the center of the dais. The photograph is in a frame with plaque reading "Presented to Detroit Historical Society by Carl Rosenfield 1920-1953"
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Data Provider:
Detroit Historical Society
Subject Topic:
Masonic Temple, Thanksgiving, Masons, Freemasons, and Groundbreaking
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