Portage Lake Frolics
- Notes:
- Four young people clown for the camera at a Portage Lake outing. They are, from the right, Martha (Mattie) Maegle (1873-1953), later married in June 1904 to Joseph Arnet; Melvin E. Bassett (1880-1942), native born Ypsilantian who grew up in Detroit but graduated from University of Michigan in 1903 and later became a professor of linguistics at Princeton University; Elizabeth (Lizzie) Maegle (1868-1929), sister of Mattie and longtime "tailoress" in Ypsilanti. Sitting is Mamie Rhinehart, no further information found.
- Data Provider:
- University of Michigan. Libraries
- Collection:
- Ypsilanti Historical Society Photo Archives
- Subject Topic:
- 1900, 1900s, Portage Lake, Maegle, Arnet, Bassett, Panek, Rhinehart,
- Language:
- Rights:
- YHS images may be used for private scholarship or research. If you wish to use images for any commercial purpose please contact the Ypsilanti Historical Society. and http://quod.lib.umich.edu/t/text/accesspolicy.html
- URL:
- http://name.umdl.umich.edu/IC-YHSIC1-X-166%5DYHS00166.TIF