Father Donald J. Headley video interview and biography

Fr. Donald Headley was first ordained as a Catholic priest in 1958 and is resident priest at the St. Mary’s of the Woods Faith Community in Chicago. He recalls meeting with Saul Alinsky and working with Rev. Jack Eagan, the founder of urban Catholic activism. He also recalls a great deal about the Puerto Rican community in La Clark that grew up through the 1950s. Fr. Headley’s work in Chicago also prompted him to spend 13 years working with the poor in the San Miguelito Mission in Panama during the late 1960s and 1970s.
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Grand Valley State University. University Libraries
Subject Topic:
Young Lords (Organization), Puerto Ricans--United States, Civil Rights--United States--History, Lincoln Park (Chicago, Ill.), Personal narratives, Social justice, Community activists--Illinois--Chicago, and Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Chicago (Ill.)
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