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1923 Ypsilanti Centennial Celebration
- Notes:
- Participants in the 1923 Ypsilanti Centennial Celebration in period dress. Photo may include Mertie Holmes, Mable Brooks, Clafeu, Lilly Aeiwauu, Inez Graves, Gertrude Parsoies, Mary Hoover, mary Forbes Neisley, Ada Holmes, Marie Keraredy, Mrs Fred Gallup, Freda Warsap Hess
- Date Issued:
- 1923-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- University of Michigan. Libraries
- Collection:
- Ypsilanti Historical Society Photo Archives
- Subject Topic:
- 1923, 1920s, Ypsilanti Centennial Celebration, Holmes, Clafeu, Graves, Parsoies, Hoover, Neisley Keraredy, Hess, Gallup, Brooks, Aeiwauu, Forbes, Warsap
- Language:
- Rights:
- YHS images may be used for private scholarship or research. If you wish to use images for any commercial purpose please contact the Ypsilanti Historical Society. and http://quod.lib.umich.edu/t/text/accesspolicy.html
- URL:
- http://name.umdl.umich.edu/IC-YHSIC1-X-507%5DYHS00507.TIF