Missal Abreviatum, open

Bound in contemporary blind-tooled reddish brown calf over wooden boards. Leather stamped with a central panel of ogival lozenges, each enclosing a central botanical stamp, the whole framed by multiple blind rules and by a broad border of vines and flowers. Original brass bosses and clasps on corner and center of both covers. Two pairs of claps on fore edge catching on upper cover. Tooling includes central panel and rosette and vine-like patterns. Both boards damaged by worms., 1 and 2 line initials in red passim, some with flourishing extending into the margin. Cross symbols in red passim throughout text. Major divisions of text are marked by leather tabs., A Missal Abreviatum, in latin with contemporary blindpressed calf over wooden boards, open to ff. 32v - 33r. Major divisions of text are marked by leather tabs., 1 column of 20 lines ruled in lead with single boundary lines and written in gothic textualis script. Text on ff. 24r-37v, written in larger gothic textualis script in 12 lines long., and Internal evidence, in particular the commemoration of St. Rasso, a local count (d. 954) of Diessen-Andechs, suggests the manuscripts was produced in the monastery of the Augustinian canons regular at Diessen (Cottineau 1: 964) at the southern end of Ammersee. Dated “1491” in contemporary hand on f. 1v. Sold to Phillip J. Pirages by a dealer in German sometime before 1993. Purchased by Western Michigan University Special Collections from Phillip J. Pirages Fine Books in 1993.
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Western Michigan University. Libraries
Subject Topic:
Manuscripts, Latin (Medieval and modern), Manuscripts, Medieval--Germany, Decorated initials, Textura (Gothic script), Blind tooled bindings (Binding), and Decorated initials
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