- Junction of Sinclair and Kimpton Creeks, below Sinclair Pass, Kootenay National Park1
- Lake Maligne, Rockies1
- Mt. Revelstoke National Park1
- Mt. Robson Station, Mt. Robson Provincial Park1
- Mt. Seymour Park, Mainland1
- Near Glacier, Selkirk Mountains1
- Near Indian Village, Ucluelet, V. I.1
- North of Kamloops Forest Reserve1
- Northern Rockies1
- Omineca Mts., Kechika Range, Ridgeway Lake, west of Spinel Lake1
- Omineca Mts., Swannell Range, just north of Sustut Lake1
- Omineca Mts., Swannell Range, south side of Asitka Peak1
- Ootsa Lake, Lakeside,Tweedsmuir Park1
- Ootsa Lake, Tweedsmuir Park, Mainland1
- Paul Lake, Kamloops Dist1
- Rogers Pass1
- S. end of Garibaldi Lake, near Barrier1
- Selkirk Mountains1
- Shawingan Lake, V.I.1
- Shushwap Lake1