- Avalon Peninsula, off Dawe's Road, Long Pond, Conception Bay1
- Bancroft NE of Toronto, York River of Bancroft along Hwy 281
- Bonanza Creek, Head of Slocan Lake1
- Boulder rapids in Kakisa River, about 4 miles below highway bridge; Enterprise-Mackenzie River Highway1
- Ca. 14 km SW of Barry's Bay, along Madawaska River1
- Cairn Island1
- Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Jigging Cove Lake1
- Capoose Trail, South Tweedsmuir Park1
- Charlotte1
- Copper River, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands1
- Fundy National Park, along road to Marven Lake1
- Grady Island1
- Grey1
- Guysborough1
- Harrison Hot Springs1
- Hogan's Pond, near Windsor Lake, St. John's West1
- John Island1
- Kejimkujik National Park, Mill Falls on Mersey River, Anapolis County1
- Manitoba1
- Mont Tremblant Lodge1