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- Escuintla1
- Jitotol1
- Mt. Ovando, Chis.1
- Mt. Tacana1
- Near Laguna Ocotal Grande, ca. 25-30 km. South-east of Monte (Cerro) Líbano (which is ca. 45 km. E. of Ocosingo).1
- Near Laguna Ocotal Grande, ca. 25-30 km. Southeast of Monte (Cerro) Líbano (which is ca. 45km. E. of Ocosingo).1
- North of San Cristobal las Casas at top of Cerro Zontehuitz.1
- Ocozocoautla de Espinosa1
- On the north and west slope of Cerro Mozotal below the microwave tower along the road from Huixtla to EL Porvenir and Siltepec.1
- Tenejapa1
- Unión Juárez1
- Villa Corzo1
- Vol, Tacana, West1
- Zontehuitz1