- Ravenswood1
- Rosebush falls and along Rosebush creek, 3 miles west of Grand Marais1
- Rugged terrain along the Poplar River three miles northwet of Lutsen. T60N R2W S1/2 of NE1`/4 of NE1/4 Sec. 20, N1/2 of SE1/4 of NE1/4 Sec. 201
- South of Rove Lake1
- St 45 N95th St.1
- Steep rock outcrop along County 4; 4½ miles NNE of Lutsen.1
- Superior Nat'l Forest, island in Mora Lake, T64N, R5W, Sec 141
- Superior National Forest, BWCAW, Vesper Lake, cliff on lake, near the SE portion of the lake1
- Superior National Forest, Gunflint Trail area. Cross River gravel/sand pit ~ 0.2 mile north of the Gunflint Trail (Cty. 12) & FR 1347 junction. Western edge of west pit.1
- Superior National Forest, east of Little John Lake atop NE facing cliff overlooking Royal River.1
- Susie Island in Lake Superior.1
- Susie Islands near Grand Portage, on southwest island point of Susie Island1
- Susie Islands, northwest side of Big Susie Island1
- Swallow Cliff.1
- US Rt. 6, 0.5 mi. E., St. Rt. 7 & W. of 180th Ave., Sects. 17 & 20, Orland Twp., Mokena Quad.1
- Vicinity of Grand Marais, north shore of Lake Superior1
- West base of Mt. Josephine, 2 miles east of Grand Portage1
- along the Gunflint Trail near Grand Warais1
- at edge of Grand Portage1
- in the vicinity of Grand Marais1