- Bryson Branch Falls, 0.8 mi. southeast of Cullowhee Gap, Cowee Mts.1
- Bryson Branch Falls, 0.8 mile southeast of Cullowhee Gap, Cowee Mountains1
- Bryson Branch Falls, 0.8 miles southeast of Cullowhee Gap, Cowee Mountains1
- Bryson Branch Palls, .8 mile southeast of Cullowhee Gap, Oowee Mts.1
- Chestnut Ridge, 4 miles east of Highlands1
- Chestnut Ridge, east of Highlands.1
- Cliffside Lake, west of Highlands1
- Crow Creek, Little Fishhawk Mountain, Highlands1
- Cullasaja Gorge, 6 miles west of Highlands1
- Cullasaja River Gorge, about 7 miles NW of Highlands, roadside of Route 64.1
- Dry Falls between Franklin and Highlands, behind Falls1
- Dry Falls, Highlands1
- Gold Mine Road, west of Highlands.1
- Horse Cove near Highlands1
- Horse Cove, near Highlands1
- Lee's Inn, Highlands1
- Near summit of Raburn Bald1
- On Route 64, 2½ miles NE Highlands1
- Rabun Bald1
- Ravenel Lake, Highlands Biological Station, Highland1