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- Ravenel Woods, on Route 64, 2½ miles NE Highlands1
- Route 64, 2.5 miles NE of Highlands1
- Scaly Mt., southwest of Highlands1
- Standing Indian Campground, White Oak Bottom, Nantahala River, 16 miles southwest of Franklin1
- Summit of Rabun Bald1
- Trail above Crow Creek, 10 miles NW of Highlands1
- Wayah Bald, w. of Franklin1
- Wayah Bald, west of Franklin1
- White Oak Bottom, southeast of Rainbow Springs.1
- White Oak Bottoms, Nantahala River, Standing Indian Campgrounds, about 2 miles south of Wallace Gap, 13 miles west of Franklin1
- White Oak Bottoms, Nantahala River, Standing Indian Campgrounds, about 2 miles south of Wallace Gap, 13 miles west of Franklin.1
- White Oak Bottoms, SE of Rainbow Springs1
- White Oaks Bottom, southeast of Rainbow Springs1
- Whiteside Mountain, Highlands1
- Whiteside Mt., East of Highlands1
- Whitesides Mt. about 5 miles east of Highlands1
- along road through Horse Cove south of Highlands1