- Above Mine Lamotte Creek1
- Along Jack Branch, French Broad River, 3.5 mi NW of Hot Springs1
- Along Space Walk Trail, Monte Sano Mtn.1
- Along highway Mont 1, east of Pony, 4.6 to 6.4 miles west of Harrison.1
- Along south side of KY 876 ca 3 miles west of Richmond.1
- Along the streams below Wolf Creek Hot Spring south of Cameron.1
- Along tributary to Silver Creek ca 0.3 miles north of Bogie Mill Road ca 5 miles west of Richmond.1
- Anderson, about 2 mi. NE of, along old canal along White River1
- Appalachian Mtns., Rocky bluffs, Hot Springs1
- Beaverhead National Forest, Madison Range, Jack Creek Campground, 12 miles east of Ennis1
- Behind Walnut Grove Church, 3 mi W. of Marquand1
- Between the town of Cazanovia and Rt. 13, Chittenanga Falls State Park1
- Big Meadows Ranger Station, Blue Ridge Mts, Shenandoah National Park1
- Bluegrass Army Depot.1
- Bluffs along tributary to Beech Creek and "Beech Herrican" ravine, ca. 2 miles south of Boston1
- Boonsborough [Boonesborough]1
- Boonsborough, Kentucky River1
- By Red Lick Creek, NE of Pilot Knob.1
- By US 431, 15 mi SE Huntsville.1
- Ca 0.5 miles west of Hagen Mill Road & ca 5 miles southwest of Richmond.1