- Sagadahoc2
- Sangerville, Piscataquis River Valley2
- York2
- Acadia National Park, Mount Desert Island, Sieur de Mont at base of Dorr Mountain1
- Acadia National Park, Upper Hadlock Pond1
- Along Man-o-War Brook near outlet to ocean, Acadia National Park.1
- Along Mount Megunticook - Maiden Cliff, Ridge Cliff, & Megunticook trails, beginning ca. 3 mi. NW. of and ending ca. 1.5 mi. N. of Camden1
- Aroostook Falls, Grand Falls1
- At south of Katahdn stream1
- Basin - Katahdin1
- Basin, Katahdin1
- Buckfield1
- Camden1
- Camden Township, Lake Megunticook ca. 3 mi NW of Camden1
- Canton1
- Canton Point1
- Caratunk Twp., along Pleasant Pond Stream from outlet at Pleasant Pond to ca 1 mi E1
- Carrying Place Township, Otter Pond Stream, tributary of Pierce Pond Stream, just West of Kennebec River at Caratunk1
- Chimney Pond Trail, east slope of Mount Katahdin1
- Clinton1