- Beaver Island near SW corner sec. 5, toward L. Michigan shore ca. 1 mi. SW of Barney's Lake.1
- Benzonia Township, Section 1, SE corner Big Platte Lake.1
- Bertrand.1
- Big Rapids1
- Calhoun1
- Camp Davis, Douglas Lake,1
- Campground, Tawas Point State Park, Tawas Beach Rd, SE of Tawas City.1
- Cedar Bend A.A [ = Ann Arbor]1
- Cedar Bend Ann Arbor1
- Center Sec. 8, T1S, R4E, Dexter Twp., ca. 7 mi. N.W. of Dexter.1
- City of Menominee below dam at Cemetery1
- Clark's woods (Almira Road just east of junction of Fowler Road).1
- Colonial Pt. Burt Lake,1
- Contact UM Herbarium1
- Cooke Dam Pond, Ausable River,1
- Copper Harbor1
- Copper Harbor.1
- Dixboro Site. 4.5 mi. northeast of Ann Arbor. Border of southeast Osgood Woods.1
- Driskol Lake.1
- Drummond Island. Section 19, about one mile southeast of Drummond settlement1