- Hubbard1
- Isanti1
- Island No. 6 of-the Susie Islands in Lake Superior1
- Itasca Park, SW side of Lake Itasca1
- Lake Itasca State Park across from U.M.B.S.1
- Lake Itasca State Park, Black Spruce area across from UMBS Entrance1
- Lake Itasca State Park, NW of Mary Lake, on Clearwater Co. line1
- Lanerboro1
- Murray1
- NE of Waskish in Red Lake Peatland1
- National Forest Campground at Pfeifser Lake, circa 17 miles north of Virginia1
- Near Minnesota Hwy. 1 where it crosses the south branch of the Kawishiwi River1
- Near Ortonville1
- Near Warroad1
- New Brighton1
- North shore of Lake Superior, in the vicinity of Grand Marais1
- Pine1
- Porcupine Island of the Susie Islands in Lake Superior1
- Queen's Bluff1
- Rainy Lake1