- Gros Morne National Park, Falls on Baker's Brook1
- Gros Morne National Park, Middle Brook at Gelnbournie1
- Gros Morne National Park, near headwaters of stream which enters Rocky Cove, East Arm, 2 miles southeast of Killdevil Hill on flank of Long Range1
- Ha-Ha Bay, White Bay1
- Ha-Ha Bay, White Bay, Newfoundland1
- Ha-Ha Bay, White Bay.1
- Hampden, White Bay, Newfoundland1
- Hilltop near St. Lunaire, north of St. Anthony, Newfoundland1
- Hogan's Pond, near Windsor Lake, St. John's West, Newfoundland1
- Iron Arm, NW. end, Attikamagen Lake, Labrador1
- Kitty's Brook, Humber, Newfoundland1
- Kitty's Brook, Humber.1
- Labrador, Churchill Falls, Bridge Camp area1
- Labrador, North-West River1
- Long Harbour, near ERCO Plant, Avalon Peninsula, Placentia Bay, Newfoundland1
- Mouth of Bartlett's River, Pistolet Bay, White Bay, Newfoundland1
- NE. edge of White Hills Plateau, Newfoundland1
- NW side of Martinique Bay, Conche Harbour.1
- NW. side of Martinique Bay, Conche Harbour, White Bay North District, Newfoundland1
- Near turnoff to Saint Anthony Bight, upstream from Rte. 73.1