- Whatcom2
- Within 100 miles of Canyon City2
- Wrangell or Petersburg2
- no data2
- About ledges in Elsie Rhodes pasture, North Attleboro1
- Addington1
- Adirondak region; Chapel Pond.1
- Admiralty Island, Deep Cove1
- Agate Falls, Porcupine Mountains1
- Albany1
- Albert County, Fundy National Park, along road to Marven Lake1
- Algoma1
- Allamakee1
- Allegheny Mountains1
- Along East Fork Kaweah River, Mineral King1
- Along Hwy. 229 about 9 miles east of Bella Vista1
- Along Hwy. 299 about 9 miles east of Bella Vista1
- Along Pinkard Creek1
- Along Rush River 1½ mis NW of El Paso, 3½ miles SE of Martell1
- Along ridge from St. Helen's Gap to New Haven Gap, about 1½ miles NNE Cinchona1