- Glastonbury1
- Goodison1
- Gouverneur1
- Grand Marais, ca 2 mi SW of1
- Hampton (near Towson), Baltimore Co.1
- Harvard1
- Height of land on east shore of North Bay, Paudash L., edge of marsh in shade1
- Innisfil Twp., Conc. X, Lot 41
- Jackson1
- Jas Budrow's, Sugarloaf1
- Just E. of Murphy Corners, W. of Steenburg L. (Loc. 11)1
- Kalamazoo1
- Kalkaska1
- Lenawee1
- Liberty Twp.; 0.25 mi. N. of junct. of Hanover and Liberty Rds; on Thomas Rd.1
- M-94, just E1
- Macomb1
- Maine1
- Marquette1
- Medfield, Norfolk Co1