- Border of Platte River, between Indian Hill Road & Deadstream.1
- Dane1
- Dexter1
- Federman [ca. 5 mi. east of Petersburg]1
- Federman [ca. 5 mi. east of Petersburg]1
- Gd Rap [Grand Rapids]1
- Geddes1
- Grand Rapids.1
- Hubbardston1
- Ionia1
- Jackson.1
- Low Hills between San Juan de Los Plátanos & Amatlán (Sta. Ana), in pasture 1 mi. W. of San Juan1
- Madison1
- Mariposa1
- Mason1
- Michoacán1
- Midland1
- New York1
- Oakland1
- Pointe Mouillee State Game Area, ca. 2 1/2 mi. SE of Rockwood, NW1/4 sec. 26, T5S R10E.1