- Bay1
- Bennington1
- Block 1, Lot 1, Saginaw Forest, Ann Arbor1
- Bronson.1
- By Sugar Creek, ca. 11 mi. SE of Prudenville.1
- Ca. 19 miles northwest of Tepic, highway to Mazatlan1
- Ca. 4 mi. SE of Little Girl's Point.1
- Calcareous W. bank of Escanaba River, S. of bridge, ca. 1 mi. NE of Cornell (ca. 10 mi. NW of Gladstone).1
- Canada1
- Cedar Bend, Ann Arbor.1
- Champaign1
- Cheboygan1
- City of Port Huron.1
- Cockburn Island1
- County Park on the Bay Shore Drive.1
- Decatur1
- Delta1
- Detroit Zoo.1
- E. of Raisin Center Hwy., S. of golf course, Raisin twp.1
- E. side of Tuttle Marsh Rd.1