- Border of Little Carp Lake, Porcupine Mountains1
- Ca. 2.5 mi. SW of Ontonagon1
- Ca. 7 mi. NE Bergland1
- Carp Lake1
- Carp River, above; Porcupine Mts.1
- Center of N1/2 Sect. 15. W. of Matchwood.1
- County Line Lake, north shore [Gogebic Co. on label. County should be ONTONAGON fide G. Kudray in e-mail xi/26/02]1
- Cumming Twp. T23N, R3E, Sec. 6, NE1/4 south of Rose City on E. side of M-33, 100 ft. east of the Dairy Queen.1
- E 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec 27 T50N-R39W ca. 2 1/2 mi. SSE Rockland1
- E 1/2 Sec. 27 T50N-R39W ca. 11 1/2 mi. north of Bruce Crossing.1
- E 1/2 Sec.27 T50N-R39W ca. 11 1/2 mi. north of Bruce Crossing.1
- Frequent on east end of main bluff north of Lake of the Clouds. Porcupine Mtns.1
- Gogebic Lake1
- Greenland Township, 103 Keranen Road, Mass farm. SE 1/4 of SE 1/4, Sec. 10, T50N, R38W.1
- Greenland Township, top of Caledonia Bluff, SW of Mass City.1
- Greenland Twp. Corner Rousseau & Savela Rds. Sec. 4, T50N, R38W.1
- Greenland Twp. Corner Simas-Wasas Rd & M-38. Sec. 33, T51N, R37W.1
- Greenland Twp. Mass City.Woods between 1423 Ridge Ave and the Mass Bluff.1
- Greenland Twp. Mass farm 2-1/2 mi SE of Mass City. SW 1/4 Sec. 10, T50N, R38W.1
- Greenland Twp. Trail between Mass Bluff and Adventure Mt.1