- Greenland Twp., 1/2 mi. SE of Mass, road to farm1
- Greenland Twp., Adventure Mine property, RR grade off Adventure Rd. SE1/4 Sec. 35, T51N, R38W.1
- Greenland Twp., Adventure Mine property. Near apple orchard. SW1/4 of NE1/4, Sec. 35, T51N, R38W.1
- Greenland Twp., Adventure Mine property. SE 1/4 Sec. 35, T51N, R38W.1
- Greenland Twp., Adventure Mine property. SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 Sect 35, T51N, R38W1
- Greenland Twp., Adventure Mine property. SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Sect 35, T51N, R38W.1
- Greenland Twp., Adventure Mine property. W1/2 Sec. 36, T51N, R38W.1
- Greenland Twp., Adventure Mine, alongside old railroad grade1
- Greenland Twp., Adventure Mine, near old RR grade. SE 1/4 Sec. 35, T51N, R38W.1
- Greenland Twp., Mass City. between 1423 Ridge Ave. and the Mass Bluff.1
- Greenland Twp., Mass City. between 1423 Ridge Ave. and the Mass Bluff. About 25' inside woods1
- Greenland Twp., Mass farm 2-½ mi SE of Mass City, E. border by RR snow fence.1
- Greenland Twp., farm 2-1/2 mi. SE of Mass City. Point of E. fencerow.1
- Greenland Twp., farm 2-2.5 mi SE of Mass City.1
- Greenland Twp., farm 2-½ mi SE of Mass City.1
- Interior Grouse Management Area and Hunter Walking Trails. 170 meters west of a bend in an unnamed feeder stream to Deadman Creek. 375 meters east of the nearest hunter walking trail.1
- Junction of Sec. 26, 27, 34, 35 T50N-R39W ca. 3 mi. SSE of Rockland.1
- Junction of Sec. 26,27,34,35 T50N-R39W ca. 3 mi. SSE of Rockland.1
- Lake Mine.1
- Lake Superior shore where Lk. Shore Drive nearly touches it, about 8 mi NE of Ontonagon. Sec. 1, T52N, R39W.1