- Gatineau Hills near Kingsmere2
- Hull2
- Ile Manitounouk, Lac Mistassini2
- Kamouraska2
- Lac Chicobi Guyenne, Carte no 32/D2
- Long Island Sound, east coast of Hudson Bay2
- Mt. Albert2
- Pontiac2
- Port Harrison2
- Saint-Joachim-de-la-Tourelle2
- Scoter Lake2
- Slope of Mt. Mattaouisse, Fernald Pass, Mount Logan Region2
- South of Canada Hotel, Bic2
- South shore of Hudson Strait, Wolstenholme2
- Ste. Anne des Monts River2
- Three miles southwest of St. André, along Highway 2 East2
- Wolstenholme, south shore of Hudson Strait2
- York2
- Abitibi1
- About 1mile NW of Percé1