- Aleutian Islands, Attu Island, vicinity of Holtz Bay, west side of Moore Ridge1
- Aleutian Islands, Attu Island, vicinity of Holtz Bay; East Arm1
- Aleutian Islands, Attu Island, vicinity of Holtz Bay; Moore Ridge, west side, rocky cliff1
- Aleutian Islands, Attu Island, vicinity of Massacre Bay, Terrible Mountain (Buckner Mountain)1
- At Gibralter along road to summit in Mt. Diablo State Park1
- At end of Redwood Road, Larkspur1
- At the base of Latourell Falls along the Columbia River Gorge, on cliff1
- Cape Flattery, Olympic Peninsula1
- Cascade Mountains, Upper Valley of the Nesqually1
- Cove Camp Sales, Nezperce National Forest1
- Curry1
- Darrington1
- Darrington, on Gold Hill1
- East Olympics, near Lake Leland1
- Five miles south of Belfair, road to Allyn1
- Flathead1
- Glacier National Park, at base of Mount Brown, along highway 1 mile north of head of Lake McDonald1
- Hamilton Ranch, 1 mile from Old Adobe near Petaluma1
- Holcomb1
- Independence1