- Prentiss Bay2
- Presque Isle2
- Schoolcraft2
- ca. 1.5 miles south of Good Hart (Sec.1, R7W, T36N)2
- near Port Huron,2
- near fork of Boardman River (Sect. 3 & 4, T 26 N, R 9 W)2
- Alger1
- Allegan State Game Area; 4 miles SSE of Hamilton. 600' west of 41st St., 250' north of 127th Ave.1
- Antrim1
- Around Dead Lake near Whitmore.1
- At west end of Lake Michigamme.1
- Banks of Black River South of Tower,1
- Berrien1
- Between Bass & Strawberry Lake, Lakeland.1
- Big Stone Bay,1
- Calhoun1
- Charlotte1
- Chittenden1
- Clifton1
- Colorado1