- Middlesex2
- North Carolina2
- Ohio2
- Presque Isle2
- Round Lake2
- Schoolcraft2
- South Carolina2
- Texas2
- Wayne2
- Allegan State Game Area. 1.2 miles southeast of Fennville. 1/2 mile north of 120th Ave., 400' east of 54th St.1
- Allentown, Centre Square, in canal along towpath about 1 1/2 mi. E. of1
- Alligator River at Forst Landing1
- Alma1
- Ann Arbor, 1332 Traver Rd.1
- Ann Arbor, Huron River1
- Arizona1
- Baltimore1
- Baltimore Bay, Hog Island.1
- Bandera1
- Bass Lake, Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. Ca. 5 mi. S. of Village of Empire, 1/2 mi. W. of M-22.1