- Vermont2
- A. A. [Ann Arbor]1
- A.A. [Ann Arbor]1
- Ackerman Lake1
- Albany1
- Albany [Coordinates are for Liberty Park.]1
- Albany, Botany Pond [Coordinates are for the south shore of Hampton Lake.]1
- Alcona1
- Allegan State Game Area. 3 miles east of Fennville. 2000' east of 52nd St., 800' south of 126th Ave.1
- Along C&N.W. Ry. From State Line to Watersmeet1
- Alpena1
- Ann Arbor; South Pond Park.1
- At Sand Point1
- At Trout Point on Grand Island, near Munising.1
- Austin Twp.; T14N, R9W, Sec. 131
- Bay1
- Bay City1
- Beaver Island1
- Beaver Island, Paeine Twsp. Sec. 151
- Belt Lake Bog.1