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- Emerald Pool Canyon, Zion National Park1
- Granite Pk.1
- Great Salt Lake1
- In Tibbet Canyon off Warm Springs Canyon, 13 miles east of junction of US-89 & Utah-2771
- Iron1
- Logan Canyon, Wasatch Mts1
- Millard1
- Mt. Timpanogos, Uasatch Mts.1
- Mt. Timpanogos, Wasatach Mts.1
- Mt. Timpanogos, Wasatch Mts.1
- Nipple Springs in Warm Springs Canyon, 13 miles east of junction of US89 and Utah2771
- Ogden Canyon, Wasatch Mountains1
- San Juan1
- St. George1
- Stewarts Creek, Mount Timpanogos1
- Warm Springs Canyon, Nipple Springs, 13 miles east of junction of US89 & Utah2771
- Wasatch Mts., Mill Creek Canyon1
- Washington1
- Weber1
- Zion National Park, Lost Canyon Trail1