- Below High Point Cliffs, Western slope of Bull Run Mountains2
- Bullneck Run2
- Dismal Swamp2
- Hawksbill Mountain2
- Little Devils Stairs, Shenandoah National Park2
- New Kent2
- Potomac River, Great Falls2
- Russell2
- Salt Pond Mountain2
- Saltpeter Branch, Salt Pond Mountain2
- Shenandoah National Park, Appalachian Trail--Pocosin Shelter to South River2
- Shenandoah National Park, Big Flat Mountain, Loft Mountain, and north of Ivy Creek2
- Shenandoah National Park, Little Devils Stairs2
- Virginia shore opposite Plummers Island, Potomac River2
- Warren2
- White Top Mountain2
- White Top summit2
- along Osmanthus Trail, Seashore Natural Area, Virginia Beach, Princess Ann County2
- just north of Holland2
- no data2