- Km 142, Dempster Hy.1
- Lebarge Lake Campground Highway # 2.1
- Mackenzie Mts, Macmillan Pass area, Dewhurst Cr. km m428 Canol Rd.1
- Mackenzie Mts, Macmillan Pass area, km 480 Canol Rd.1
- Marsh Lake Campground Highway # 1.1
- McIntyre Creek1
- Mile 3 from Alaska Highway on road to Atlin below Mt. White.1
- Mountain slope on east side of Big Arm, Kluane L.1
- Mountain slopes east of the mouth of Slim's R, Kluane L.1
- Mountain slopes east of the mouth of Slim's R., Kluane L.1
- Muskeg, Alsek River valley near mi 1021.1
- N slope of mt. north of road, valley slopes & mountain summits about 7 miles east of Little Atlin Lake.1
- NE slope of Mt White, slopes & mountain summits about 7 miles east of Little Atlin Lake.1
- Narrow creek between upper & lower Snafu Lakes.1
- Near Johnson Crossing.1
- North shore of Kluane L near mouth of Big Arm.1
- Ogilvie Mountains, Blackstone River.1
- On west-facing limestone slope below Mt. White, mile 4 from Alaska Highway on Atlin Road.1
- Peel/Blow River Delta, Fish River.1
- Quiet Lake Campground, Canol Road mi 47.1