- Southfield Tp.1
- St. Clair1
- St. Joseph1
- T23N R8E Sec 8 along Tuttle Marsh Rd.1
- Torch Lake Hayo=Went=Ha Camp & vicinity.1
- Trenton Falls [Coordinates are for present day dam at Trenton Falls.]1
- Troy [Coordinates are for Prospect Park.]1
- Tuscola1
- Urbana1
- Vergennes1
- Vermont1
- W 1/2 Sec. 13 T51N-R42W. ca. 1 mi. SW of Silver City.1
- Wayne1
- West Bluff1
- [Garden Island]1
- along trail 500 feet east of Herron Road 1.2 miles S. of Long Rapids Road. Maple Ridge Twp. T31N, R7E, Sec. 6 NW1/41
- at the N. end of Ellsworth Lake at the Wooden Shoe Park ca. 1/4 mi. south of the village of Ellsworth. Banks Twp. T32N, R8W, Sec. 14 SE1/41
- at the bridge over the Manistee River on Sharon Rd. ca. 3/4 mi. west of Sharon. Garfield Twp. T25N, R6W, Sec. 6 SW1/41
- between Oakwood Cemetery & Island Park, City of Adrian1
- edge of Indian River.1