- Clearwater1
- Cleveland Twp1
- Coconino1
- Cohoctah Twp., Oak Grove State Game Area.1
- Colville National Forest. Doninion meadow off Hauson Creekm approx 9 miles NE of Colville. T36N R41E S31 NW o NW1
- Conc. X, lot 4, Inisfil tp.1
- Conc. ix lot 27, Essa tp.1
- Cook1
- Crook1
- Cypress Hills Prov. Park (Centre Block) S. side of road to the east of and c. ½ mi. from the Fire Lookout Tower1
- Deschutes1
- Division No. 31
- Dominican Republic1
- Dorset1
- Drife locality, Forbush Corner.1
- Duck Island, edge1
- Dune Valley Rd1
- E of Delaware.1
- E of Douglas, near Kalamazoo River.1
- Echo Lake, along roadside ditch1