- San Bruno Road1
- San Luis Obispo1
- San Mateo1
- Santa Barbara1
- Section 24, Summerfield Twp. Summerfield Rd west of Route #23, New Life Tabernacle.1
- Seldom noticed except near Lake Huron Shore1
- Siskiyou1
- Sprague1
- St. Joseph1
- T54N, r33W, SW1/4, Sec. 17. West side of Hwy. US-41, 0.3 mi. north of intersection with Broemer Rd.1
- Tamaulipas1
- Teton1
- Thunder Bay1
- Twogwotee Pass. 12 mi. below summit, west side.1
- Yakima1
- Yankee Springs1
- at N.W. corner of M-13 and Beaver Rd. ca. 1 mi. N. of village of Kawkawlin. Kawkawlin Twp. T15N, R4E, Sec. 26 SE1/41
- jct of CA-1 and rd to Tecpán, 2.5 mi. from1
- near Chelsea, shores of Cavanaugh Lake1
- no data1