- Along Sturgeon River near Poster City1
- Along the north ridge of the Colville River, at Umiat1
- Antrim1
- Arlington Heights1
- Atka1
- Auf Felsen, die der Sonne ausgesetzt sind, White Mountain, Jackson1
- Baffin Island, Clyde River1
- Baie Fine, east of Little Current1
- Banff national Park, Canadian zone, Conosolation Valley1
- Barclay Island1
- Barnstable1
- Bayfield1
- Beaver (Mesomikenda) Lake on Highway 560, east of Lake Superior1
- Beech Cliff, Mount Desert1
- Beltrami1
- Bemidji1
- Big Sable Point1
- Big Stone Bay1
- Black Pool, Mt. Desert Island1
- Bladen1