- Koealoe2
- Lake Habbema2
- Lebong Tandai, Benkoelen2
- Near Aek Sordang, Loendoet Concession2
- Parahyangan/Priangan/Preanger2
- Pargambiran2
- Sumatra2
- Sumatra. Bandarboroe2
- Sunda Islands2
- Tapanuli [Tapianoeli]2
- Adian Rindang, Asahan, vicinity of Hoeta Tomoean Dolok; north center of topographic sheet 291
- Aer Kandis, formerly Radjamas, near Rantau Parapat, Bila, East Coast1
- Along a trail between Piliana and Hatumete, southern slope of Murkele Ridge, Kecamatan (District) Tehoru1
- Along the Toba Trail north of the Asahan River between Toetoepan an Si Makkoek1
- Amboyna (Ambon)1
- Bali1
- Bandung1
- Batavia. Ad decliv. septentr. montis Salak in faucibus torrentis Tjiapus1
- Batavia; ad arborum truncos in horto botanico Buitenzorgensi1
- Bele River, 18 km NE of Lake Habbema [Dutch New Guinea]1