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- Open Land, ca. 14 km inland (S) from Hudson Bay coast, ca. 30 km SW of Cape Henrietta Maria, Polar Bear Prov.1
- Patricia Portion. 1.5 mi west of central part of Aquatuk Lake (593A).1
- Polar Bear Prov. Park1
- Polar Bear Prov. Park, Wabuk Point on Hudson Bay to mouth of Winisk River1
- Railway near Minaki airport, 2.5 km WSW of Minaki Post Office.1
- SOUTHWORTH Twp., Hwy. 17, just east of Waibigoon1
- SW coast of Hudson Bay approximately 7 km NW of Winisk, 2 km from coast, site 78-47 (6).1
- Sioux Lookout, north & northwest of town.1
- Sturgeon Lake, south shore of (near Portage Island); 9.5 miles NE from Hwy 599; Loc. #11
- Sutton Ridges, 1 mi. west of central part of Aquatuk Lake.1
- Upper English River Forest, Ignace, 8 miles southeast at Gulliver R.1
- West Penn Island, Hudson Bay coast, ca. 7 km East of Manitoba border1
- Winisk River Twp., Peawanuck; trail from near dump east to Mishimattawa River, Polar Bear Prov. Park1