- Horse Cove near Highlands1
- Horse Cove, near Highlands1
- In town of Elmer, NW side of RR tracks.1
- In town of Elmer, along 100 more yes on NW side of RR tracks.1
- Lee's Inn, Highlands1
- Long Branch State Park, B. Trace Section, ca 1.5 mi east of the inter of Rt 0 & the Axtell Rd, Bevier North 7.5' Quad.1
- Meadow adjacent to the airport off U.S. 64 s.e. of Franklin; 1.0 mi. s. of jct. with U.S. 4411
- N side NC 106, 5.8 mi SW of Highlands, along trail leading up to summit of ridge from the Osage Mtn vista pull off.1
- Nantahala River Gorge along the Wayah Road.1
- Near Highlands1
- Near summit of Raburn Bald1
- Nelson Park.1
- North right-of-way of abandoned Illinois Terminal RR paralleling N&W RR, about 1/2 mile east of east shore of Lake Decatur.1
- North side of Jarrett Knob, along road from Wayah Gap to Rainbow Spring, 0.7 miles beyond Jarrett Creek1
- On Route 64, 2½ miles NE Highlands1
- On wet vertical shaded highway embankment, Bull Pen Road 1.5 miles E.1
- Otter Lake.1
- Rabun Bald1
- Ravenel Lake, Highlands Biological Station, Highland1
- Ravenel Woods, on Route 64, 2½ miles NE Highlands1