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- Newfoundland, White Bay North District, 6 miles SW of Big Brook1
- Newfoundland, White Bay North District, vicinity of lighthouse, Cape Norman1
- Newfoundland, near ocean, near Big Brook, Northern Peninsula1
- Northern Peninsula, Newfoundland, 9 mi N. of Belburns, east side of Highway 4301
- Pictured Rocks1
- Port Harrison1
- Port Radium, Great Bear Lake, between Labine & Glacier Bays1
- Presque Isle1
- Repulse Bay, north of Baker Lake, Keewatin District1
- Schrader Lake-Peters Lake area, just northwest of Mt. Chamberlin, Franklin Mountains, Brooks Range, along Whistler Creek1
- Slope of Busia Mountain, Kantishna area, Alaska Range,1
- Summerby Swamp, near Moran1
- Territoire du Nouveau-Quebec, Lac Guillaume-Delisle (Richmond Gulf), near University of Laval Base Camp1
- Tukarak Island1
- Vicinity of Kaolak River1
- Wilderness Park1
- Yukon Territory1