- Angelina1
- Ann Arbor1
- Aquarius Plateau, Dixie National Forest, Posy Lake, 15 miles north of Escalante. T.33 S., R.2 E., Sec. 171
- Asia1
- At E. end of 3rd Sister Lake, Saginaw Forest, Ann Arbor1
- At Mendin near the St. Joe River1
- Baileys Harbor1
- Barrier Is., off Cape Croker, Bruce Peninsula1
- Barry1
- Bath Twp.1
- Beaverdam Creek, Fort Howard1
- Becker1
- Bedford1
- Belle Isle in Detroit R.1
- Bennington1
- Bessey Creek, Douglas Lake1
- Big Cedar Lake1
- Big Flat1
- Big Rapids, Park near Paris1
- Bijou Hills1