400 Block on the West Side of Main Street

West side of Main Street showing D&C Stores Inc., LeBlond Billiards, L.C. Scott Appliances, Stackhouse Bros. Meats, Rochester Bakery, Pittsburgh Paints, Consumers Power Co., and others. RRP-69) [date is approximate] Ray Russell Postcard Collection
Oakland County Historical Resources hosts digitized materials from Rochester Hills Public Library and many other local cultural heritage organizations in Oakland County, Michigan.
Data Provider:
Oakland County Historical Resources and Rochester Hills Public Library
401 South Main Street, 405 South Main Street, 407 South Main Street, 411 South Main Street, 413 South Main Street, 415 South Main Street, 417 South Main Street, 421 South Main Street, 423 South Main Street, and Rochester
Subject Topic:
Business/commercial districts and town scenes
The Ray Russell Postcard Collection is owned by the City of Rochester and is on permanent loan to the Rochester Hills Public Library. Digitized by the Rochester Hills Public Library. No known copyright: http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/NKC/1.0/