Weekly Artisan; 1910-03-12

Issue of a furniture trade magazine published weekly in Grand Rapids, Mich, starting in 1879. and GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., MARCH 12. 1910 SLIGH FURNITURE COMPANY Catalogue to Prospective Customers. GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. The Largest Manufacturers of CHAMBER FURNITURE EXCLUSIVELY IN THE WORLD 2 WEEKLY ARTISAN p-' _. - • - - • - ~ .1II Have you had anything from The Luce Furniture Co. lately? Bedroom and Dining Room equipment in profusion. Time---Now. Place---Grand Rapids. ~ .._.- ____ . a_a. a_a . • luce-Redmond Chair Co., ltd. I BIG RAPIDS, MICH. High Grade Office Chairs Dining Chairs Odd Rockers and Chairs Desk and Dresser Chairs Slipper Rockers Colonial Parlor Suites In Dark and Tuna Mahogany BIrds's Eye Maple BIrch ff?.!farttrtd Oak and Clrcasslan Walnut Our Exhibit you will find on the fourth floor, East Section, MANUfACTURERS' BUILDING, North Ionia Street GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN Exhibit in charge of J. C. HAMILTON, C. E. COHOES,J. EDGAR FOSTER. I I - ..~ GRAND R /\ ,~>,'" P~y 30th Year-No. 37 GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., MARCH 12, 1910 Issued Weekly GREAT BRITAIN'S LABOR EXCHANGES Plan to Help the Unemployed by Putting Them in Touch With Those Who Need Their Services. );"othIng has uccurred 111 the BniIsh 1I1dustnal wodd m recent years whIch has attracted more attentIOn than the 1I1auguratIOn of the government labor exchanges through an act of ParlIament pa~sed last year The royal commISSIOn on the poor laws recommended unammously the establIsh-ment of the exchanges whIch are not deSIgned to furnIsh temporary aId to the un employ ed, but to dIrect labor where It IS needed The central Idea IS that the informatIOn of "wants" and "wanted" shall be perIodIcally sent fJ om branche~ to central offices, and thence transmItted to other localIties \;\Then necessary advances wIll be made to pay fares of un-employed persons to pOInts whel e theIr labor is needed, such advances to be 1efunded from wages The UnIted KIndom has been dIVIded for the purpose of these exchanges into 11 mdustrIal areas In each of these there is a clearIng house for labor applIcatIOns, whIch IS In dIrect contact WIth the natIOnal clearIng house In London I1hree c1a"ses of exchanges are prOVIded for In each drvIsIOn, accod1l1g to populatIOn of the CItIes It IS belIeved that the system Inaugurated WIll re"uIt in IntellIgent CO-01dinatIOn of supply and demand in the BrItish labor market On the openIng day, February 1, nearly 80 exchanges were 111 operatIOn and thousands of applIcations for work were receIved These represented all classes of labor, and did not seem to come to any conSIderable extent from the shiftless and mcompetent Employers also made use of the exchanges Separate departments have been organized for women, designed mainly for those who possess skIll in some partIcular Ime, and It IS thought that this feature will en-courage younger women to fit themselves for mdustnes re-quiring skIll The Central (unemployed) Body of London states that during the last three year'3 the demand for expert women worker" m the more highly skIlled handIcrafts, such as dressmakmg, taIlonng, l1ullIneI y, artIfiCIal flower making, and fancy box makmg, was greatly 111 exce.,'3 of the supply Rules for Applicants. The regIstIatIOn of applIcants for employment IS to hold good for 7 days from the date of regIstratIOn The officer m charge of an eAchange, 111 notIfvmg applIcatIOns for em-ployment and vacanCIes to employeI'3 and applIcants, 1espec-tlvely, 1'3to undertake no responsIbIlIty WIth regard to wages or other condItIOns beyond supplymg any mformatIOn 1ll hIS pos~ession as to the rate of wages deSIred or offered CopIes or dlmmalles of any agreement,., mutually arranged between assoclatIOn'3 of employers and VI orkmen for the regulatIOn of wages or other condItIOns of labor 111 any trade may, WIth the consent of the vanous partIes to such agree-ments, be filed at a labor erchange, and any pUblIshed rules made by publIc authontIes WIth 1e~ard to lIke mattel ~ may also be filed Documents so filed are to be open to 1l1SpectlOn on applIcatIOn 1\0 pe1son IS to suffer any d1squalIficatIn or be otherWIse prejudIced on account of refus1I1g to accept employment found for hIm through a labor exchange where the ground of 1efu'>al IS that a trade dIspute VI h1ch affects hH trade eXIsts or that the wages offe1 ed are lOwer than those current 111 the trade In the dIstrIct where employment IS found \Vhen an applIcant for employment has been engaged through a labor exchange at whIch he 1'3 regIstered to take up employment at any pnce removed from the exchange or from hIS ordinary residence by more than 5 miles by the quickest route, or by such other dIstance as the Board of Trade may dIrect from tIme to tIme, eIther generally or as regards any speCIfied d1stnct, the officer m I charge may, at his discretIOn, make an advance to the applIcant toward meetIng the expenses of travdIng to the place of employ-ment. The advance may be made at the request either of the employer or of the applIcant The person at whose request the advanCe IS made mu;"t gIVe such undertakmg WIth re-spect to the 1epayment of the advance a" the Board of Trade, WIth the consent of the treasury, may from time to tIme prescllbe, eIther generally or as regards any speCIfied dIStrICt Or class of applIcant'> In making advances care is to be taken to aVOId unduly encouragmg rural laborers to mIgrate from the country to the town;" or between Great BntIan and Ireland The advance 1'> not to exceed the amount reqUlred to defray the applIcant's fa1 e to the place of employment, and IS to be made by the provision of a tic-ket 01 pas'>. or, 111 exceptIOnal cases, Ul cash The officer m charge of a labor exchange IS to consult the central office in London before notIfyIng to the applIcant for employment vacancies at any place outSIde the BntIsh Isle'> Strikes and Lockouts. The Board of Trade, under who~e general management the law places the exchange~, may f01m local adVIsory trade committees vvhen ever deemed deSIrable, the'>e to coni'iist of employers and workmen In equal numbels The duties of 4 .......... , WEEKLY ARTISAN (PATENT APPLIED FOR) We have adopted celluloid as a hase for our Caster Cups maklllg the hest cup on the market CellulOId IS a great Improvement over bases made of other matenal When It IS necessary to move a pIece supported by cups with celluloid hases It can be done with ease, as the bases are per fectly smooth CellulOId does not s"eat and by the use of these cups tables are never marred 1hese cups are limshed In Golden Oak and White Maple linlshed Itght If you w,ll try a Bampl, order of thu, goods you w,ll du,re to handle them tn quant,tIeB PRICES: Size 2~ Inches $5.50 per hundred. Size ZJi Inches 4.50 per hundred. I'-.jO_b -G~ran-d R-ap-,ds----_._---TR-T-A-SA-MP-LE--OR-DE-R-- ~--_._._._._---_._._._._.-_._- ------_._----- ; We Manufacture the Larllelt Line of rOlDlna (nAIRS In the Umted States, sUltable for Sun day Schools, Halls, Steam-ers and all publtc resorts. We also manufacture Brass Trimmed I ran Beds, SprIng Beds, Cots and Cribs In a large varIety. Send for Catalogue and Prices to KAUffMAN MfG. CO. ASHLAND, OHIO ....... I ..~ ment ~o filed notlfie~ a labor exchange of a vacancy or va-cancIes for workmen of the class affected, the officer in charge shall Inform hIm of the statement that has been fil.~d, and l?;l\ e h1lll an opportunity of making a written statement thereon The officer In charge, 111 notifyIng any such va can-lle~ to an\ apphcant tor employment, 'ihall also Inform him of the .,tatements that have been filed. The X ottIngham labor exchange, ..,lmultaneously with others throughout the country, was opened February 1. Ap-phcanb for work numbered 557, and 120 firms wanting help Dressers Chiffoniers Dressing Tables Suites Wardrobes Sideboards Buffets Etc. Made in Oak, Bird's-Eye Maple, Maho~any, etc., and All Popular Finishes No. 2240 Bed COMPLETE CATALOGUE STAR CASTER NORTH UNION STREET, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. these commlttee~ wIll be to advI-.e and as:ol~t the Board of Trade 'Ihe qu~e,tlOn of "tnke.., ,mel lockont'i \\ a.., gl\ en \ er: careful con"lderatJOll by the tramel'i of the general regula-tions, and the follow1I1g- rule" ha\ e been adopted gO\ Cll11ne, thIS matter Any a'iSOclatlOn of employer" or \\Olkmen may file at a labor exchange a e,tatement WIth legard to the eXhtence of a stllke or lal'kout affect111g then tlade 111 the dhtnct \n\ such statement "hall be -'lgned by a per'ion allthOI 17ed b\ the a'iSOclatJOn fm the purpose Such statement shall only be 111 fOIce for 7 days fJ 0111 the date of fil111g, but ma: be rene\\ ed wlth1l1 tJhat penod for a like penod, and so on from tIme to tme If any cmployel who appear~ to be affected by a state- UPHAM MANUFACTURING CO. MARSHFIELD, WIS. No. 2241 Dresser SEND FOR OUR WEEKLY ARTISAN were registered, some of them requlrmg large numbers, one even 60 sktlled workmen The net result was that most of the skIlled workmen were engaged, but the applying firms were only partly satisfied On the second day 580 workmen and 87 firms regbtered If these two days form an index of the permanent workmg of the exchange, expectatIOns wIll apparently be fully reahzed The proportion of skilled work-men regIstering wa~ unexpectedly large The"e con~tltute the cia"" whIch the exchange particularly wlshe" to aid. Practically every trade wa~ repre~ented At Derby 355 workmen and a few employers regIstered on the openmg day, and at Lelce~ter 500 workmen, and many apphcatlOns from employers, especIally for skIlled men for shoe factones, were receIved Employment was found for a con"lderable share of the apphcant'S Reports from Glasgow are to the effect that the develop-ment of the labor-exchange movement throughtout the Ulll-ted Kmgdom, IS assummg proportIOns that warrant the be-hef that these agencIes are bound to play an Important pat t m the efforb of all parties to solve the soctal problems of today The scheme has been orgam7Cd on a broad basis Bntam and IrelanJ have been dIvIded mto 10 dlstncts, each dIVISIOn bemg a umt, complete m Itself, but under a central office and contammg a network of les~er exchanges The Scottbh headquarters ocCUpy three floors of a hand-some new bUlldmg in a central parton of Glasgow The various department" are well appolllted and equipped, and are arranged and dIvIded mto sepal ate regIstratIOn looms for men, boys and gIrl'S In the men's dIvision there are sepa-rate departments f01 skilled and unskIlled labor In addItion to the dIVISIOnal officer, at the outset about I ') aS~lstants were employed at the ScottIsh headquarters, and there wIll be 24 exohanges thloughout Scotland In Germany exchanges are muniCIpal, but the fir'St pnnciple of exchanges III the Umted Kmgdom IS that they wIll each be a component part of a natIOnal system The reasons why nalOnal control IS expected to secure better results might be summanzed a" follows (l) Unemployment is an industrial problem and in-dustry; (2) local control would endanger ulllformlty, whIch IS essential for co-operatIOn. (3) local feehng mIght tend to check that moblhty of labor, whIch It IS the central ,11m of exchanges to foster, (4) local government areas are out of all rdatlOn to mdustnal needs and structure 5 DO YOU WANT the PRETTIEST, BEST and MOST POPU-L- AR LEATHER FOR FURNITURE. ANY COLOR. WILL NOT CRACK. If so buy our GOAT and SHEEP SKINS New Factory Nearly COIllpleted. The Century Furlllture company's new factory, at Pres-cott ,md South lama street, Grand Rapids, J\1lch, IS rapIdly neanna completion but will not be occupIed until June 1. b , It is a large five-story bUIldIng and WIll be eqUIpped WIth the best of machmery and WIll have all modern Improvements and convelllences The top floor will be used as a show room and will be one of the finest m the cIty Write for sample pads of colors. DAHM & KIEFER TANNING CO. TANNERIES CRAND RAPIDS, MICH. CHICACO, ILL. 204 lake Street, ~_._---_._--------- -C-H-IC-A-G_O.,_IL-L-.-~I __ •.•.•..•..•... The road to success IS long and rough, but the scenery r------------- . ._.a_t the end IS so f.ine_tha.t few purchase return tickets _ p. _ ••• _- •• Pittsburg Plate L.ARGE&T ,",OBBERS ANO MANUFACTURERS Glass OF GLASS IN lHE WORLD Mirrors, Bent Glass, leaded Art Glass, Ornamental Figured Glass, Polished and Rough Plate Glass, Window Glass WIR~~ GLASS Plate Glass for Shelves, Desks and Table Tbps, Carrara Glass more beautifUl than white marble. CENERAL DISTRIBUTORS OF PATTON'S SUN PROOF PAINTS AND OF PITCAIRN ACED VARNISHES. g For anything in BUilders' Glass, or anything in Pamts, Varnishes Brushes or Painters' Sundries, address any of our branch warehouses, a list of which is given below' ' NEW YOBX-Hudson and Vandam sts. CLEVELA:ND-143G-1434West Th11'dst. BOSTO:N-41-49Sudbury St., 1-9 BOWkerSt. OlllAHA-110I-1107 Howard St. CHICAG0-442-452 Wabash Ave. ST. :PAl1L-459-461Jackson St. cmCI!f:NATI-BrOadway and Court Sts. ATLA.:NTA, GA.-30-32-34 S. :Pryor St. ST. LOms-Cor. Tenth and Spruce Sts. SAVANl'rAH,GA.-745-749 Wheaton St. llIDl':NIlA.:POLIS-500-51S6. Third st. XA.:NSASCITY-:Pifth and Wyandotte sts. DETBOI'J."-53-59La1'JledSt, E. BIBllIDl'GB:.A.KA,LA.-2nd Ave. and 29th St. GBAlIDBAPIDS, llIICK-39-41 •• Division St. Bl1:E':PALO:N, .Y.-372-74-76-78:Pearl St. PI'J."TSBl1BGK-IOl.103Wood St. BBOOXLY!f-Third Ave. and Dean St. llIXLWAl1XEIl'W. 1:S.-492-494llIarket St. PJULADIlLPKIA-:Pitcaim Bldg., Arch and 11th St.. BO~STEB, •. Y.-WUder Bldg., .ain" Exchanll'ests. DAVE:NP'OBT-410-416Scott St. BALTIllIOBE-310-12-14W. Pratt st. OK:LAB:OlllACITY,OKLA.,lI10-212W. :Pint st. .. . ..- ______ a •• •• •• • ••••• •••••••• .- - .. 6 WEEKLY ARTISAN -- - - - - - _._---_.------- ---, I ~ - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - ---- - - . - - - .-------- ------------ I II I II I \ DELAWARE CHAIR CO. DELAWARE OHIO. LARGEST "QUALITY" LINE of 1 DOUBLE CANE I- LEATHER J MISSION CHAIRS, ROCKERS and SETTEES CATALOCUE TO THE TRADE ONLY. ~------------------- .-- - - -- - - '~ 4 _ ---. -------- - ~ Chicago Brevities_ C]llcago, Ilalch lO-The :\ev\ton & HUlt compcll1\ I~ the name of a nev\ concern OIgal117ed to do a gene1 cd ",pecla] order and contI al t ]ntsme"s for clubs, hoteb, publtl blll]dmg~ etc, 111 connectlOn \\ 1th the gene1a] 1etal1 1\11\11tU1l t1,telC The personnel I" T R \e\\ ton, tOlmel ~enelal ~ale~ mana-ger of the 10ld &.. John"on COmpd11\, Charle" '-, HOIl f01 many year" In charge at the d("lgl11n~ department 01 thL same company and Otto :\1 rl e1el one of the \\ ell kno\\ 11 sale"men f01 the lord &.. Johnson company Office" and ,dIes looms of the Xc\\ton & HOlt company have been ec,tabltshu] dt 1414-16 abash a\ enue The Lpham :\lanufactunng company of :\Iarshheld \\ IS, have Issued theIr 1910 catalogue It I" pnnted on hea\ \ enam eled paper on pag e", 10 x 13)/2 mches, and make~ a fine dIsplay of the Fpham plOducts, cOlblstmg of "Ideboard" buffets, and chambel Sllltes, m oak mahogd11\ l)Jld~e\ e maple and a"h 'lhe catdlogue IS the hest \ et ploc]uce(] h\ the Upham 11an ufactunng company The office of "ecletaq GeOlge \\ Jackson ot the \lanu-facturers' ExhIbItion Bmldmg company, 1319 Illch1gan a\ e-mle, has heen re\11O\ ed to the \V est end of the second BoO!, facmg on J\f1ch1gan a\ enue The change of office CJua1tel s IS a deCIded Improvement affOl dm§; much mOl e room and ltght than the old locatIon prOVIded The new office IS fin- Ished m bll ch and mahogany and IS 12 x 2.-J. feet, \\ ll1ch has been dIVIded mto t\\O departments, one for secretary Jackson the othtl fOl the use of the bookkeeper A cash1el's desk for hankmg pUI po",e", has been mstalled, it bemg the mtentlOn of the :\lanutactm ers' B1l11dmg company to do bankmg for the hen (fit at pa tlOn s, as hel etofore \ \ el \ handsome catalogue has been Issued by the Km-del Bed compa11\ The covers are of heavy Imen and the t\\ ent\ mSlde pages are of the finest enameled finish Xum-uou ~ cub adOl n the pages togethel WIth condensed readmg matter mcludmg pnces and descnptl\ e mformatlOn regardmg the famous Kmde1 products The catalogue IS one of the finest extant and the best Pl0dllction of Its kmd ever put out by the Kmdel company Claude \ e\dou has resIgned hIs positIOn as buyer fOl the furl11ture department of Mandel Bros, ha vmg pUl chased an mterest m the John Breuner company of San Francisco HIS 1 eSlgnatlOn IS to take effect March 15, when he WIll leave fOl San FranCISco to assIst m the management of the Breuner company PreSIdent Joseph S. Meyer of the Manufacturel s' ExhI-bItIOn Bmldmg company, accompanied by Mrs Meyer, has !S0ne on a tnp to Mexico and the yVest IndIes They will also VISIt Gah eston and Kew Orleans and 1eturn about i\pnl 1 \Vllbam A Dunke formerly connected WIth the Cosmo-polttan Bank of ChIcago has accepted the position of stenog-raphel and bookkeeper for the 1\Ianufacturers' Exhibition Dul1chng company -------_.-----_._--------~ Pitcairn Varnish Company I Reliable Varnishes of Uniform Quality Our Motto: "NOT HOW CHEAP-BUT HOW GOOD" ...- .... I II C. B. Quigley, Manager Manufacturing Trades Dep't. Factories: Milwaukee, Wis.; Newark, N. J. Manufacturers of I •••• a.a ._ •••••• _. __ ••• 4 WEEKLY ARTISAN .. - - - - ---~~_._------------- -- - - -- II •• __ a.a • Labor_ One of the chIef expenses entenng mto the cost of manu-factul1ng furllltnre IS labor Probably more than 50 per cent Anyth111g that wJ11 cut down the cost of labor IS a dIstinct gam The Grand RapIds Veneer \\' arks operate one of the largest panel mdb 111the country, and thb I;' what they say to the Weekly ArtIsan about the co.,t of labOl "On the sav111g of lab01, here IS our expel iencc wIth the new kJ1n, whIch we wdl contrast wIth the work of our old kJ1n "Vlth the old kJ1n we were able to dry about 3,500 feet a day To load, unload and cut thl'3 lumbel ready for the Jointmg machmes we employed n111e sa Wj crs, three bUL? planer men, and two loader." wIth a total pay-roll of $1725 per day, thej were cuttmg 3.500 feet per day ImmedIately upon the mbtallatlOn of our ne", process, the kJ1n dned easily tWIce the lumber, and the lumber cut so easily that we first dIscharged the filer, as we found he was loafmg, and had practically nothmg to do Then \ve grad-uaIlj let out the buZL planer men, untJ1 we are not US111gthe buzz planer today and we ha\ e not only discharged the men but sold two of the three buzz planers, because the lumber is dned flat and straIght and does not need as much hand labor a" we were pre\lOusly usmg The lumber IS not checked eIther at the ends or around the knot'3. and hence It reqUlres very much less labor to cut It up, plane and work through the mIll Tak111g mto consIderatIOn the crew ImmedIately concerned 111cutt111g the lumber under the old plan of nme men, we are now doing more than tWIce the amount of work wIth SIX men, mak111g a Sav111g on our paj roll of $6 per day on thIs bunch The labor saved on all the various machmes throughout the n1111I::' hard to compute "George Stevens, of the Moon Desk company, Muskegon, --~_._----~----------- - -- --- ------ .. F. Parthier 7 1034 Grand Avenue CHICAGO Manufacturer of Willow Furniture SEND FOR CATALOGUE }llch , says that hIS expenence 111 thIs chrectlOn is that the factory force for the same amount of money produces 20 per cent more output \~' e refer you to hIm m confirmatIOn 6f this statement" If the reader wdl watch the advertlsment'3 of the Grand RapIds Veneer \Vorks each week they wIll learn of the ex-penences of many of the leadmg furlllture manufacturers throughout the country, '" ho are US111gthIS ne", process It makes an mtere"tmg readmg for those lllterested m drying lumber Evidence of Canadian Prosperity. Canada's trade f01 January, 1910, totaled $51,500,102 an mcrease of $12,322,627, or nearly 30 per cent over the corre-spond111g month of last year, and constltut111g a record for the month For the first 10 months of the present fiscal year (beg111nmg Apnl 1, 1909) the total trade has been $563,986,- 780, an lllcrease of $95,010,931, or about 20 per cent. The imports 111January totalled $30,253,852, an lllcrease of $7,- 140,225 over January, 1909 Exports of domestIc products totaled $20,258,406, an lllcrease of $4,871,084 For the 10 months Imports have totaled $302,050,207, an increase of $60,978,445. Exports of domestic products for the 10 months totaled $241,375,219, an increase of $31,404,708 Of thIS in- CIease about $16,000,000 was in expol ts of agncultnra1 pro-ducts, and $7,500,000 in exports of the forest Exports of man ufacturers show an mcrea"e of nearly $2.000.000 The customs revenue for the month was $4.606,402, an increase of $994,037 For the 10 months the customs revenue has been $48.692,459. an lllcrease of $10,361,341, or a htt1e over $1,000,000 a month .....-------------------_._---- ----_._-_._------_._-----_._---_..--------------------------- .,. "THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST" BARTON'S GARNET PAPER Sharp, Very Sharp, Sharper Than Any Other. SUPERIOR TO SAND PAPER. It costs more, BUT It Lasts Longer; Does Faster Work. Order a small lot; make tests; you will then know what you are getting. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. Furniture and Chair Factories, Sash and Door MIlls, Railroad Companies, Car Builders and others Will consult their own interests by using it. Also Barton's Emery Cloth, Emery Paper, and Flint Paper, furnished in rolls or reams. MANUFACTURED BY H. H. BARTON & SON CO., 109 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa. ... _. -.----... .. _.- ... -.- . - . - . . .. . .-.._--- .. - .. -........-...... ...._-~ MISCELLANEOUS NOTES AND NEWS Ben] amm Caldwell, furmture dealel of \nm ~tun \ la ha~ sold out to John Boo/er Orner Holme" of Clatskame, Ore, ha" "ecurecl a patlnt on a table of hl~ own m\ entlOn Frank CIOlJt has purcha"ed the fml11tulc ~t(Jle (It r II ~le",sengel at GIant Park, 111 ~athan Roth has ",lllceeded Roth & LIchtman, 1Ull11tmc dealers at Perth Amboy, N J The fur111ture fac:tones at HIgh PlOnt," C, ale reported as havmg "good steady busmess ' The Chtldren's VehIcle compan~ al e mO\ lng, theIr plant from Gardner to East Templeton, \Iass Henne & Myers have ~ueeeeded the Rockddle :\IercanuL company, fur111ture dealer" at Rockdale, Te'- The Noonan Fur111tme COmpdn\ ot Salnu" Cal hd\ e opened a branch StOl e at Kmg Cltv, ,ame "tate A petltton m bankruptcy has been hIed a~dm "t the 11 Harns Furmtm e com pan) of Beaumont Te" The Culpepper Furmture compan~, dealers, at Cnlpeppel, Va, have been "ucceeded b} I,\ H Chne & Co The firm of Kleme BIos, fm mt111e dealeI" 01 Croll/ale L Tex, has been dIssolved, \I, llltam l"leme ret1lll1g The Amencan FUl111tm e com pam are bUlldmg alal!Se three-story adltton to t heIr factor} at \ [al tm "\ tile \ -a The Standard ::\Itn or com pan} of Plthlmr~ J'a, al e estabhshing a branch factory at I,I, 111~ton-c;,tlelll " L Joseph Dav IS has succeeded C 11 (,althu a" uplwl stery buyer for the ruelst compan\ ot )el",e) Cltv " I Kussell, Casper & Sachal, fUl111tnl e dedlel" \\ ho taIled at Pla111field, N J, have started m bus111ess a~dl11 as Sachar & Sachar. Albert Mark;:" retaIl fur111ture dealel of ), e\\ BrunSWIck, :t\ J, ha.s 111corpora ted hIS business a" the Globe rurl11 tm e company HIgh Pomt,:t\ C, IS to have a branch <;J()re dnd \\ are-house of a :t\ew YOlk house that deal"., largeh m glue and "and paper H 1\I HIcks late of Thelf Rn er Falls, :\Illln ha ... pUl-cha" ed the store and retaIl fur111t111e busl11e'-~ 01 L L 1a 111e" at Verndale, Almn The Ilyland :\1attress company of I,I, orcestel, :\Iass, an oIl establtshed concel n has made an a"slgnment for the benefit of credltol s C D Buckman, fur111ture dealer and undertaker of Fm-mett, Ida, has sold the fur111ture part of hIS busme~s to Hargess & Andrews The chaIr mdustry at Keene, N H, IS 1eported as 111a ---_._-----------------_ .... j)llJ"pC10U" condItIOn, the factolle" no\,; ::ohlppmg three to fi\ e eal load" lJer day Herman Kertcher ot "ew YOl k Clt} has "ecured letters patent on d method f01 con\ el tl11g pla111-gral11ed boards mto qnarter-~ral11ed board" ' lie111~ llelman, an expellenced "ale"man ha~ takcn the mdnagemen t ot Ln~leman & Lo' s f111111ture "t01 ( on \ Vater "tt eet, 1\ angatud., Conn Bankruptc) proceecltngs .,tarted by a dls"atl"fied stock-holder a~al11..,t the I,\ eek" F111111ture company of I,Voonsocket, R I, hay e hlen dl,-contmned and the crec1ltOls WIll be paId m tnll J C Green, \v ho recently sold hIS mtel est m the furnl- WI c husme"s of the \Iy ers-Green company of LCJdngton, Ky , to R \ Dn"hnell, ha" opened a new undertakmg estabh"h ment m the "ame to\\ n 1he GeOl ~e \nder"on Bamboo and Fur111ture N ov elty \ \ 01 b of Se\\ ell." J, has hen mcorpordted WIth a $25,000 cap1tal stock (~eOlge \ndel;:,on, James G DIxon and George 13 II 111 tt are th e mcorpora tors The t111111ture firm of Hood & \Vheeler, Bllmmgham, \Ll, ha-, he,cn eh.,,,oh ed, James Hood havmg purchased R '\ \\ heeler sllltere"t 111 the Bn111mgham store and the Bes- "lme1 blanch at a (()11'olderatlOn ot $99,500 1he \Ia\o K \T,Jlkelt Fur111tl11e company, dealer" of l\lun~\\llk.." r h<1\t 111ullporated then bU"111e"" \\lth cap 1- Ld "tOll hvd at $:;,000 Charle'o and 1,redenck G L Volkel t and Robelt 'II \Ia)o, appear as the 111corpOldtors I [el hel t l\. Lane of noston, recen er for J 131est & Co, 11l1111tl1e1 dealer" of Brockton, \[ass, who faIled receni.ly, has sold the enttre stock to A E O'Helr & Co, of Lowell, \ [as" , \\ ho \\ 111close out a part of It 111Brockton and move the 1en1d111del to then "tore 111Lowell Chatles C Bent for tortv-two yealS a member of the fil m 01 S Bent K Bro,;, chalr manufactl11 ers, Gardner, Alass , has letned from hn"1De~s, leavtng the bus111es::o111 charge of C Le~1Ie Dent and 1epresentatn es of the estate of Rodenck L Bent \t the annual meet111g of the Phoel11x Fur111ture corpor-atlon ot Chnstlansburg, Va, the factory was reported to have had a most prosperou" year, WIth excellent prospects fOl thIS } ear H K Tallant and J E Shufflebarger were re-elected as pre::Oldent and "ecretary-treasurer, respectively \ \\ ell dressed man get" mto many a husy man's office \\ here a slouch}, "ltp"hod fello\\ gets t1red waltmg on the outSIde See I ~.... --_. . -- . _. ----------..., I MAnUrA(lU~[R5or ",on o~ADr DrrDIQ[RAlOD5 I Zinc-Lined, Porcelain Lined, White Enamel Lined and OPAL-GLASS Lined. I I-Write for our beautiful illustrated catalogue and prices. I The Alaska Refrigerator Company ExclUSiVe Refngerator Manufacturers Muskegon, Michigan New York OffIce, 369 Broadway, L, E Moon, Manager I !,.,.--._--------_._------_ ..__.__. _.---'-'---' ------------_._---- ~ --PERSONALITY IN RUSINESS" An Address Delivered by Edward F. Trefz at the Sixth Annual Banquet of the Ohio Retail Furniture Dealers' Association at Tolf"doon February 15, 1910. The Toastmaster, Dr. W. H. Mor~y-Every society and every assocIation has to have Jts 'educatIOn As we go along m the world, competitIOn IS so close that the affable man and the pleasant story that he can tell and the goods that he can present m hIS peculiar way, JS what wins the cu:otomers vVe have a gentleman here tOlllght who has come all the way from ChIcago at the solicItation of this associatIOn who WIll give you a talk upon the subject, "Personahty In 'Busi-ness" I have the pleasure of mtrodnclllg to yOn Edward F Trefz, of the Sheldon School of ChIcago; you all know of that I guess (Applause) Mr. TI efz-\lr Toastmaster and gentlemen of the OhIO Retail Furlllture Dealers' ase.;oclatjon I wa", more than pleased when the toastmaster asked you to be qwet, patient and orderly whIle the speaker spoke Tl1dl made me feel safe I don't know but what possibly J might have been hke the tenor of a quartette travellllg over the country, and who found after he got IIlto the minlllg camps of the \i\est that It was ",ell whJ1e he sung to have a bIg sIgn on his coat button, "Please don't shoot the performer He is doing the best he can." I am getting accustomed to talking to furniture dealers in associations and III conventions I had the pleasure to talk to the National ConventIOn at St. LoUIe.; lae.;t February, and then the Indiana Convention down at Indlanapohs last summer, and I have been lookmg mto the furniture propo-sJtion and I have come to the conclUSIOn that fnrl1lture JS :symbohc of civlh7ation Just as :ooon as Ollr forbears, If we believe the Darwinian theory, changed form walking on all foure.; to walking on two legs mstead of fOUl, then fulnl-ture began to be a matter of necessity and demand Chairs were required to sit down on, tables were required to SIt at, and beds were required to lie in And have you thonght that when a chIld was born into the world and gives its solitary cry to the world into whIch it has been ushel ed, the mother begins to plan for a beautiful cub? And she does not o-et b that crib in a drug store or a shoe store, but she goes to a furmture store And after the child begins to long for the fresh aJr, she gets a baby carriage There agalll she goes to the furniture store And when it gets a httle older and wants to sit at the table, it must have a high chair, and once more the fUlniture e.;tore is sought out to supply the desired article And so on through life Growing mto boyhood and girlhood, as the case may be, the bed rOom must be furnished up and fixed WIth dresser and rugs and all the necessary ap-purtenances for keeping Johnny or Mary off the street at mght-the IIlfluences of a pleasant loom And then, you know, when manhood comes, and when the marnage takes place and the new nee.;t is feathered, why then again the furl1lture store becomes an index of civlhza tlOn, its upward development and ItS upward growth. And so the furniture man, and not the preacher, the furniture man and not the newspaper edItor, the furniture man and not the President of the United States or the Kmg of England, the furniture man and not the great statesmen of the world, after all IS the gmde to civihzatlOn He IS the man who is leadlllg men and women from barbarism up to the hIgher knowledge of intellectual and luxurious development (Applause). "I am mighty glad to be here tonight to see you people, because every time that I address an audience of this kllld it makes me feel that the millenlt1m of peace is more rapidly approachlllg. There was a time, you know, when men did not get together III harmonious relatIOns; when they dIdn't gIVe one another the sum and substance of theIr experiences; when they didn't come, as the precedlllg speaker mentioned, . WIth the underlymg pnnciples that made for success in busi-ness one to another. All competition was carried on along the lllle of warfare, of actual battle We beheved that we could only succeed as against OUr competitors by trampling them underneath our feet We didn't reahze that the very best sort of a competition was to build up a market and for people to come to us, bmld up the tastes and desires and needs of the people, instead of trying to crush and drive one another out of business And somehow 01 other I believe that, whIle dIsputing the previous speaker who has said that there ie.;no e.;entlluent in business, that the greatest and most wandel ful senbment that pervade" thie.; country and all clvll!zatlOn today is, not religion, but business, and I will tell you why You' will notice that thIS eliminatIOn of bitter, acrid, wicked competitIOn has practically grown less and less, has been eliminated from our minds and hearts gradually with the ehmmation of the bitter feeling that sprang from the Civil \i\ar. Just as soon as we began to get away from the cnmson tide of 1861 to 1865, as soon as savage authority \i\as destroyed, as soon as the north and the south began to reahze that they were brothers really instead of enemies. \\Then the Spanish American war took place and when this country was cemented into a whole, then the associations and conventions of business men in this country began to spnng mto fuIlfledged power. If you WIll study the past hlStol y of this country you will observe this: that more assoCIatIOns and more conventIOns of busmess men have been held in the last ten years than have been held in fifty years preceding. And I regard that as an augury of good feelmg, or harmonious relatIOnship, and a wider, better and greater development. "We come together now and beheve in competition, not in the crushing of our neighbor or hindering him, but in developing him and in developmg ourselves Just a little bit more rapIdly than he is able to develop hImself It is told of old Gen Joseph Johnston, that gallant rebel leader during the Clvll war, that while walkmg along Fifth avenue, New York, shortly before bie.; death some time after the Civil war, '" Ith a friend, they observ ed an old Grand Army veteran leaning up against a bUIlding, holding a cup by a string attached to hIS body and receIVing alms. Both of his arms were cut off at hIS shoulders and hIS legs at the trunk. As they passed by Johnston's fnend dropped a ten cent piece into the unfortunate man's cup; Gen Johnston stopped and dug down m his pocket and haulmg out a ten doIlar bill he dropped it Jl1 the cup The old veteran dIdn't know the famous leader of the southern forces, and when he saw he had contnbuted he wa:o so pleased WIth the phl1anthropy and he profusely thanked the general and said he hoped that God would reward him for hIS kindly act, and old Johnston sai d : 'IN ever mmd, sir, I am not gJvmg you that ten doIlars from any feel1l1g of phIlanthropy or chauty or religion, sIr; I am glvmg yOU the ten dollars because you are the first d--d Yankee I have seen carved up to suit my taste." (Laughter and applause). "But you see that spirit is all swept away. We don't take any partiCUlar pleasure in seeing a receivership sign over ~-------------------------------- - to WEEKLY ARTISAN FLANDERS OAK As Its name denotes, a repro ductlOn of the Flanders penod, finished In a deep nut brown shade, gIVIng a soft, velvety dull effect. It IS a wmner With the women. NOTE: To facilitate prompt reply address Desk No.3. OUR FUMED OAK FLANDERS AND EARLY ENGLISH STAINS aim was true. You WILL, if you EARLY ENGLISH An a'Cld stam of proved practIcablhty Gives a correct, um-form and permanent color Without the use of a fummg chamber. Should be used whether yOU have a fummg chmber or not Ap-phed to the fumed product .t adds tone and nchness, enhancmg Its beauty as well as Its commercial value. Manufacturers now usmg It are one vOIce m Its praise Correct III color, durable, pracll-cal. Has won the approval of the leadmg fmUlture men by sheer merit A sample panel IS yours for the askm g. MARIETTA PAINT & COLOR CO., have unmistakably hit the Bull's Eye of public demand. We have proved that our We have again justified our policy of forever fingering the public pulse. Mr. Furniture Manufacturer, are YOU taking advantage of this policy? see sample panels of these beautiful finishes. FUMED OAK ACID STAIN the door of a bus1I1Pss place \\ e figm e that It hm h OU1 m\ n busmes" ultlmatel), that 1t reacb aga111st ourseh e" \ncl I have noticed, too, that v\hene\ er tl1ls fee11l1g among cl gllat many people of relatlOnsl1lp and harmo1l\ l "bt~, It tend, toward the development of the 111stltutJon VI, 1th \\ h1C11 the \ dre connected I belong to the \s,=,oc1atlOn ot Comme1 el 11l Chicago, the largest body of commerc1al dnd bU::,111es, men I th111h, 111 the L l1lted States VVe ha\ e somethmg 11ke 3,200 or 3,300 firms 111the CIty belong1l1g to that aSSociatIOn lIe are work1l1g and bmld1l1g towards a gl eate1 ChIcago ChI cago 1'-, three la1ge nt1es, ,ou mIght say, m one, the nolth sde, the west SIde, and the south s1de And our one gl edt plOblem IS the unIficatIon of ChIcago and make 1t one great and ,plendld whole That assoclatlOl1 has worked toY',ard thIS end For mstance, practlcalh e\ er\ tl a\ elmg man gOlng out of the cIty of ChIcago today 1" told th1:o 1)'. hIs hou"e I know that e, ery tra\ elmg man connected VI, 1th ,he hou,e" that belong- to the "\ssoClatlon of Commerce b so told He I" told that If he can't sell the 1etd11er ant 111the country to make "ure that that reta1lel WIll buy from a competItor 111 the Utv of ChIcago [hat I", keep ChIcago the market, keep the reta1lel com111g- to Chlcag 0, and If \ ou can't sell 01 If I can t sell, say" \Ir Sale"manage1, ,,'I hy then let" thrcm ou 111f11'ence to\Valcl "ome competItor of OUb, and that IS on the the(1) that If he keeps on com111g- to ChIcag-o some cIa\ VI, e \\ III get hIS trade "That Idea WIll <lpply to the letall bU"111e-,s If \ ou ('"n 1 keep or sell a customer, 1t 1S a great cleal bettel to hd\ e tlIat customer gn e yOUl competltor 111the next hlocJ.. or a('IU,,-, tht ,>treet the busl11e,", Instead of JllS gett111~ on the iJ olley C,1l or on the tJa111 01 111l11s aut01110blle and g0111g to "0111e to\\ n ten, tweh e or fifty 1111le-,a'A ay and bUY111g It IS a f;1eat deal better for \Ir vVlckens to have a customer go to hIS com Marietta, Ohio. Ptllt01 111 Lot am than It IS for hIm to go to Dayton, X ew ): ork, ChIcago or "G111e other place, and that feel1l1g 111 1111cago ha" gra\\ n larg-ely from the fact they have become ,Ie (jua1l1tecl one \\ lih anothel II e are g-ett111g together and \\ tale bec;1l1111ng10 le,,117e that the man who competes WIth I1'- aft! 1 ,dl ha-, the -,clme 111St111CtSand the same feel111gs \nc\ ,hdt 1'- hd\ 111glh eftect on ChlCdgO , C l11cago has cIe\ eloped along the moral 11ne \\ hy I J emembel It \\ as only a year ago last ~ovember when I was clown here talk111g to the Cloak and Garment J\Ianufacturers 111th1" ut}, a gentleman from ChICago, a cloak manufacturer, telephoned to d fl1end of hI" some twelve m11es distant nght out hele 111the booth He V\ ent 111and the gIrl called up the part}, dnd he talked for tv,o or three 1111l1utesand then came out and asked the operator at the "witch-board how much It \\ a-" dnd '>he sdld It was a dollar, and he swelled up like a bOlled 10b"te1, and he says, "A dollar I It IS an outrage." He sa) s '\\ hy at ChIcago we could telephone to hell and back fOI ten cent'" She came nght hack at him and says, 11ke a Toledo glll would, I th111k, and she ::,a}s, "Yes, but that h 111the C1ty l1111lh (Laughter and applause). "But VI, earl "01 t ot mOv111g that suburb out of Chicago a little dl"tance aVl,a) , and we hope to get It landed 111Toledo aftel a whIle \nother 1l1stance One day not very long i- ------- ~ : 1 II I I I ! .. •• __ •• _ _ ••• _ ••• • .J If your DESIGNS are right, people want the Goods. That makes PRICES right. (tlarence lR. lbtlls DOES IT 163 Madison Avenue -CItizens Phone 1983 GRAND RAPIDS MoleR WEEKLY ARTISAN 11 .....------------------_ ..._._.__._._-------------_. ----_._._._. _. _._._-- -. .. .. .. .... _. - - - - _. .., Flat Surfaces, Irregular Shapes and Mouldings sanded faster and better than by any other method. We guarantee to reduce your sanding costs. A SUPERIOR Sand Belt Machine No. 111 Patented Sand Belt Machine. WYSONG a1 MILES CO., ago I \'va.., down to the stockyard", and a lrenchman from Pans wa" there, and he couldn't get ovel talkmg about the na..,tmes.., of ChIcago '\Vhy," he says, 'In Pan.., our alley.., dIe cleaner than yOl1! boule\alcb," He says, "\Vhat is worse h to thmk that one of the mo"t mJluentlal cItizens hele h a pIg merchant" \\ ell, that probably \\ ,1" true Some of OUI best cltl/ens are "pIg melchants" But] noticed thh, that It vvasn't \er} long after that Flenchman had passed that aspersIOn befO! e ChIcago vva" senchng money over to Pan" to clean the "treet" and allev" of Pans after the flood "It IS the gleat splnt of fellow::,ll1p, you can call It what } ou want to, expedIency 0' pohcy or affectIOn, or anythmg of that "art, but somehow 01 other It IS the fee11l1~ that e\ ery mdn has a nght to be Judged by the \ ery ])e"t that I.., m h1111and ha" a nght to equal pllde V'vItlt e\ er} boch el"e Law, not Luck or Chance. "But I hay e come here to talk to you )Lbt a httle bIt about pen,onahl y m busl11ess Befort I start m, however, I wJ1l say that for a time I vvd3 connected WIth the Sheldon School, ~ut fO! CjUlte a whde I have been 111the bankmg busI-nes::" that IS, m the bondmg busme"s so 1 am commg to talk to yOU as one buslUe,;s man to anothel, not commg here a~ one vvho I'; interested m the educatIOnal sIde of It, but one who ha" observed and studIed the succes,;e,; of men 111bus 1- nes::" and has found, as he beheves, the secreb of theIr suc-cess I thmk the greatest facto! m the succe"s of e\ ery man m busmess IS that qualIty or that 111tanglble ,;omethmg that v\ e term, for the want of a better name, the personahty of the man Ours toda, , a" It always has be('n, IS a wOIld of laV'v There IS no such a thmg as lUck or chance in the unIverse The man who talk,; about luck ar about chance IS one V'vho I" ab..,olutely Ignorant of the manner m whIch nature controls ,..-- II ---------_._------------ ..... --------., Entirely Automatic. Instantaneous Adjustments. Makes the STRONGEST, most ECONOMICAL and most ACCURATE Case Construction possible. ..... _------------ The Best Square IIIII ff II~--_..-_. .... No. 181 Multiple Mortlser. WYSONG a1 MILES CO., IIII I ~ Ash for Catalog "E," Cedar St. and Sou. R. R. Greensboro, N. C. the workmgs of our hfe and the surroundmg planet,;, and of everythlllg that spr111gs from them OJ IS produced by them, because everythlllg I'; conducted, operated and con-trolled by law It I'; by law absolutely that thp great planets "heel 111then cea"ele,;s COUI~e alound theIr endless orbits It IS by law that the great astIOnomel today can tell you Just lAactly when Halley'" comet V\ III be vISIble to tho,;e who ltve on the PacIfic Coast, to those who ltve III England, or to those who 11\e III New York, and he can tell you wlthm 1- lOOOth part of a second when Halley's comet wIll agam appear m two thousand year,; from now, because nature's laws al e ';0 dehcately eqUIpOIsed that they could not pOSSIbly be dltered It IS by law that the farmer pIa",; and sows and reaps; by law that the great sea,;on.., follow one after another 111 stately processIOn, and the greater WIsdom and more knowledge a man has of the law,; that ~overn the l1n1\erse and hlm,;el£ and all others, the greater IS hIS per"onahty bound to become And so It I" not a que,;tIOI1 of luck or chance It I'; a questIOn of 111telltgence and study There are a lot of men who are "tudymg bookkeepmg, the two ';Ide" of a ledger they are studying how to stop the leak, whIch IS perhaps one of the most Important thmg'3 111 the conduct of bl1sllless They aI e studymg thIS thmg and that thmg and ie other thmg, pertammg to bad debts and vanous other m" tter:, of accountmg, but they dre iorgettmg the one great saltent and ImpO! tant feature that IS perhaps gOlllg to make for theIr "Ucces" or faIlure, and that IS the 111dlvlcIual who IS gomg to go from place to place, to find the market for the product of that establt"hment, the man who IS gomg out and trymg to sell It m the oommumty And so It IS up to every man to mcrease and develop hIS own personahty It I" a wonderful thmg when we stop to thmk of it how some men by develop- Chisel Mortiser Ash. for Catalog "J" N. C. • ..... - - •• • - - - - --- ----.--.-.--.-.-.--~ • ••• _._. _. _._._. ••• I •••• __ •• _ •• _ _ _.. ..... 12 WEEKLY ARTISAN Nashvi lIe ~ Mi ch. ~ 5/7/08. Mr. E. F. Koyl~ c/o Grand Rapids Veneer Works~ Grand Rapids~ Mich. Dear Sir:- In regard to the kiln you in-stalled for us~ we will state we are satisfied~ we are getting re-sults~ and that is all we want. Our lumber dried in this kiln seems to be in very fine condition and we dry it in so much shorter time. Trusting to see you again in the near future~ we remain~ Very respectfully, LENTZ TABLE CO. L. E. Lentz. ~_.- _- ._------ _ ..•........ _-_ .._.~ LEXINGTON HOTEL 500 Rooms. Michigan Boulevard and 22nd Street. EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE. New Cafes. New Grill Room. Offices and Rooms Redecorated. Absolutely Fire Proof. "YOU WILL LIKE THE LEXINGTON:' J. E. MONTROSE l p . t HORACE WIGGINS, CHARLES McHUGH f roprIe ors. Assistant Mlrr. Also operating Hotel Montro.e, Cedar Rapids, la.; Rock Island House, Rock Ialand,lIl. a.. _ ••.••••• . ... ....- - . ...... ing themselves, this internal force within them become con-querors of every Circumstance, while others who have had greater advantage m birth and greater advantage in training or education and opportunities placed in their way, have failed most miserably in life. Napoleon as an Example. "The other night I was reading Lord "Roseberry's Facts about N'apoleon," a httle book by a great man about a great soldier and statesman, and when I closed that book along in the early hours of the morning, my heart warmed within me to thmk about what a man might accomplish At fifteen years of age that young man, born in Corsica, in poverty, as a kmg's pensioner, entered a mihtary academy at Brienne in France At eighteen he was sittmg in the garret studymg as to how on twenty sou a week he might be able to complete his studies to enter the army. At twenty-one he was driving the EnglIsh out of the harbor of Toulon with his artIllery At twenty-nine he had made himself the first consul of France and a few ) ears later he surprised the leader of the Austrian force" b) hi" milItary genius, displaying a new art in military "al fdl e \t tll1rty-five he was Impenal Emperor of the "arId, and" henevel his foot fell all Europe trembled Then he "as ba111shed to Elba, and Europe sat back and breathed eas}. and said that the man of destiny was banished forever-more "\'Ithm a short time it was learned that the man from Elba had come back Knowing something of the power of the man they set out to conquer, what? A despised Corsican, fi, e feet and seven inches m height returning from his banishment Again at the head of the army of France, he "ent forth and vanquished and conquered the great army of Europe, and it was only when God interfered With his ram storm there at Waterloo that Napoleon bowed his head m submission, not to man but to eternal destiny, and when he died at St Helena, Europe breathed in awe and reverence and felt free once more, but said "Here "as a man who came forth from pm erty to power" J t was nothing but person-alIt} (I\pplause) Rebating Like Grafting. "And that same force makes for success, because it con-quers over circumstances But I don't hke to hear whiners The men you know who are going about and saying, "Well, I ne, er had the same chance that this fellow had. Some-ho\'. or other Tom Jones beat me to it and he got the corner over) onder and that is the best location for business." "This fellow has got the inside track and he gets rebates off the railroad" ] ust as if you and I, if we had had the chance "auld not be glad to exchange places, as far as business posItIon IS concerned wlht John D. Rockefeller or Carnegie or anybody else; just as If you or I if we had had the chance would not take a rebate from the railroad company, if we could get it Without the sheriff finding out about it When } ou come down to it It is simply because he has beat us to It. that IS all Have you ever thought about the fact that you busmess men are practicing rebate every day You see l\frs Smith come into your estabhshment and she has got a 111cebig bank roll, and your only, sale, solitary motive in life for that particular moment, forgetting everything else, your rehgious duties, your church vows and your ideas on honesty and fairness, and your sole object and purpose for the mom-ent IS to separate her from the bank roll That is your one chief and supreme aspiration. Now you are Willing to make one or two or any number of concessions that won't im-mediately interfere with your profit in the transaction to dis-pose of some furniture to the rich Mrs. Smith in your com-munity. But you let Mrs. Jones, the wash woman come in, and perhaps she is unable to pay the price of an article and ....__ .. WEEKLY ARTISAN 13 ..- ... IIIIIIII I Waddell .....-----_._-_._._._---------_._._._. _._.-._._. _._._-_._.----------------------._-_._---. Manufacturing I Grand Rapids, Michigan Co. These are two of our Latest Designs in Drawer Pulls. Watch This Space for Others The largest manufacturers of Furniture Trimmings in Wood in the world. Write us for Samples and Prices. Made in Oak, Walnut, Mahogany, Birch and all Furniture Woods. ~_...__ ..._- .. ------------------------------------._._._._._._ ..~.--_._.-----_ ..••.•..._ ...-...~ you may think about what means she may have, and somehow or other you can't go and gIve Mrs. Jones all the concession~ and the same treatment that you afford the rich Mr.;;. Smith. You are rebating; you 'are grafting in a sense. Bill Jones and Tom Walker. "The preacher stands in his pUlp1t, and B1ll Jones, a leading cItizen of the town, whose stomach stIcks out more "pabstic" than anything else, comes down the aisle and the preacher keeps on readmg the lesson for the mornmg and never raises his eyes or anything else. Bill Jones planks hum,elf down m a pew for which he has paId anywhere from $25 to $100 a year The preacher goes through the service, and after it is over he makes a bee 1111efor his friend Bill J ones Just to shake hands with him. Tom \i\ alker, the poor man, came in and the preacher was readmg the lesson while he walked down the aisle, that preacher would raise his eyes and he would look at him, and of course everybody would look at him walking down the aisle, and after the services the chances are the preacher would stumble over \Valker to get at Bill Jones to shake hands But you know we have a deplorable way of thinkmg that It is the other fellow that has luck, that has had the opportunIty, he IS the fellow that is getting along, and if he had to get up against the same things we had, why he wouldn't be 1111t wIth us at all "Kow, gentlemen, I have ob:oerved th1S, that behind every great success in business, as I have saId to you before, is the personality of a single man It may be sheer foohshness, it may be idlOcy, or water on the bram, I do not know, but I never go by Marshall Field's reta11 estabhshment m Ch1cago, but that I always ra1se my hat I look at that instltutlOn and I think of Marshall Field stand111g there and talking to Mr Leiter, on what is now the corner of State and Adams street, after the great fire, when Mr. LeIter counseled mov-ing either to the far west or may be back to Cleveland, Ohio, to engage in business, 111asmuch as Ch1cago was w1ped off the face of the earth, and Marshall F1eld said, "\Vell LeIter, I think I will fight it out nght here" That institutlOn is just as much a monument to him as this whole country is a monument to our forebears through whose energy and patllotlsm and enthUSIasm it sprung. It I~ founded upon the personality of one man "When you go down there and you look at the packing industry of Chicago, millions of dollars, all that one great obJ ect upon whIch every impecul110us and pusI1animous poli-tIcIan hope to make hIS reputatlon, assaihng it for a trust, when your attorney general and when your Judge of a court, and I am not in contempt, actually clash as to who shall have the honor of gett1l1g the scalp of the Beef Trust-when you look at that instltution down there and you think of the thousands of men employed there, the great wealth that it is producing every day, thmk of the lowing herds out upon the great WIde lands of the west, the farmer who has come into affluence and power by reason of these establishments, and then you stop and think that It Issued full-fledged from the brain of one man, that it was nurtured and brought into life through the force and power, the fact that it is Ch1cago's greatest source of wealth, one of the greatest industries of all the world, behmd thai stands the mIghty personality of P. D Armour. "Why, gentlemen, that is the hIstory of every business, the per:oonahty of the man behInd the bu:omess, and if the busine:os IS not a success 1t IS usually because It lacks some such force There IS no partIcular reason why Chicago should be today what it I~ Th111k of It I It took London 1800 years to get four mI1llOn of inhab1tants, It took Pans 2,200 years Dodds' Tilting Saw Table No.8 I We take plea!ure In mtroductD.gto you our new Saw Table The base IS slmtlar to wha We have been using on our No 4 Saw Table, only we have made II larger on Ihe floor The ratsmg and lowenna: deVice IS the same as We have on the No 4 Machmet With lever and pttman The lever IS made of steel The .rbor IS made of I 7'f-mch steel, runnmg in long nng OIlingbox.. , and IS for I-mch hole 10 saw. We furmsh one 14~i.ch saw on each machtne It wIll carry a 16-mch saw If destred Table IS made wllh a center .ltde 12 mcltes WIde wIth a movemenl of 21 Inches It has a lockmg deYlce to hold It when you do not WIsh to use It, and has a delachable mllre guage 10 be used when usmg the shdmg~table. Can cross~cut WIth table extended to 24 Inches, also np up to 24 Inches Wide Table has a removable throat that can be taken out when uslOg dado It also has two mitre guages for regular work and a two uded np guage that can be used on f:'Ither stde of the saw, more espeCiallywhen the table ISttlted, alsoa hltlOgnp gauge to be used to cut bevel work when you do nol WIShto lilt the lable The top IS40x44 mches .. J Countershall has T & L pulleys lOx 14 mches, and the dnve pulley 16x5 mebes counter. shaft should run 800 Makmg In all about as complete a machme as can be found' and at a reasonable pnce Wnte us and we Willbe pleased to quote you pnce! Address, ALEXANDER DODDS, CO., 181.183 Canal St., Grand RapIds, MwL ................. _..... _- --------_. I ..- .... 14 WEEKLY ARTISAN to get less than three l111lllon mhabltants It tooK '\ e\\ York 300 years to Ret about three mIllIon mhabltants, and ChIcago m seventy years has l?,otten tv>a 1111lhon fi\ e hundred thou" and of inhabItants 'J0 more I ea~on \"hy ChlLa~o ~hould be the metropohs of the \\ e~t than why Toledo 01 Cle\ eland CI1 Columbus, or some other cIty should be heLau~e the ~reat cIties of the world are all mland to\\ n s and don't \ au e\ u forget that i\nd It seems to me that'the £;Ieat iorce~ 111 these great m~tltuilons and ~reat Cltll~ b the pll ~on,t1lt\ of the mdlVldual It I~ lIke "ale"men Good "alc"men ,He born and not made, It h ~ald 1\ h} "me ~ale~111en art 1lO111 and not made HO\\ can a "ale"mall come 111tOthe \\ ollel I don't know of an} man \\ ho chel not L0111t mto thL \\ OJ lrl r don't know of an} man on earth \v ho clJd nrlt Cu111eL"c CDt 1)\ natural entrance thlough bIrth \nd "ale~ll1U1 hke\\ I~e all born And per"onahty I" a thmg that can be Inl1 ea~ecl and be developed by knowled~e It IS a mattel ot ~tuch The Boy Who Knew "How man} men } ou kno\\ do the nl?,ht th111g at thc nght time m the nght place and 111 the lIght \\ a\ HO\\ many men are there 111bU"111e~" ~who \\ ould he male ~Ulce~~ ful If they dId th111£;" 111the way that a }oun£; man clJd \\hu saw hIS employer who \\as leanml?, 0\ er and had on a shOl t coat, and the young man "hpped up to hll11 and handed hl111 a note, the stenographers we, e all slttmg alound and he opened It and read "Honored SIl, \ OUI pants h lIpped '\ 0\\ that boy IS gomg to own that busmess S0111eda\ He 11cl~the faculty of domg the nght thmg at the Ill?,ht time 11\ the II£;ht way, and m the lIght place If he had called hh bCh~ ~ ,ltten tlon to It m a loud tone at \ OIce, e\ el \ l?,III \\ oud ha \ e ~cen what was the matter It the ho~':l had been ~ttt1l1£; dcm n It would not hay e been the lIght tl111e So he chd It at thc lIght tIme and m the n~ht place '\nd that I" the \\a} It ou~ht to be And there I" one thmg you and I Lan tl am our~e h e...,to do, to know jU"t eAactly, as that ho} chd, when and \\ hue and m what way to do certam thmg" that make fOl OUI ~uc-cess \Vhat IS busmess) Sale a Mental Victory, "Busmess IS a transactIOn It b a barga111IDg \ ou ,l' C to sell 111 order to prosper Toledo ha" to "ell the £;ooel~ ~hl manufactures m order to mu eao,c the Lonhne~ ot the CI1\ and the populatIOn You hay e got to "ell anel so 1 take It that Lhe fundamentdl pnnclple upon whIch all bus111ess IS founded IS the power to sell and sell well \0\\ a sale, gentlemen IS a mental thmg You go to work and "ell a man a chdll yOU don't sell hlln a chaIr That IS an 111clclent of the trano,actlon, of the real thmg that takes place Perhaps that has not oc-curred to you, but you wl1l find that that IS absoluteh true and that IS thIS that \\ hen an mdlvldual comes mto \ OUI estabhshment and buy s an article of furl11tUI e there IS a con-quest of the intellect Your mmd has predom111ated and a sale IS the result \Vhen yOU sell a customer somethmg, } ou are domg just exactly what Gl ant dId at \ppotomax 1: ou are dOl11g the uncondItIOnal 'iUl rendel act, and 1I1stead of tak1l1g a SWOld, you al e takl11l?, a bank note 01 check \ ou arc conquer1l1~ the m1l1d of the other 111dl\Idual \ "ale IS d mental th1l1g, and the more onc ~ m111d 1'0 held 111 SUbjeLtlon the more yOU can eAerCIse thIS faculty 0\ el } our customers that come 111,Just to that eAtent 10,} our bus1l1es~ ~Olng to "ucceed So don t } ou bee It IS up to } ou and me to de\ clop the quahtles of the mllld and heart and bod} that make that large pel sonahty 111 ordel thdt we can dom1l1ate the situatIOn Personahty IS merelv the development of the quahtles of each indIVIdual "You Will aglee vvlth me that the more you can develop the manufacturer the better the manufactUl er and the bettel the bU'omes" mdn 1£} au can lemember the names and face'i and the \ allOU" Illcldent'i 111 connectIOn WIth people WIth whom \ au C0111C111 contdct It 1" of great a""htal1ce 1 ,'1I1e...,G Blame had a mal \ elOLh memory, and that IS what made hIm -"0 POPUldl \\ Ith people every"" here II Ilham Alden SmIth, ~cnator flOm \llchlgan, \\on hIS populanty practlcally upon that \\ ondel tul attnbute of the man that made It po"slble fOl 111111tu recedl the name'i and face'i of ptople whom he had met no mattel ho\\ Ion£; 'ieparated \lemolY I.., a '3plenchd th111£; FaIth is the Engine J uhn [) "'harp, the pre"lclent of the ;\ldr"hall FIeld cum pam ~alcl that he \\ ould ~I\ e an} mdn $100,000 a veal ""ho lould ~lt h\ hI" ~1Cieand gl\ e hIm rehahle judgment 111 e\ el \ pI <lblem thdt Cdmc before hlll1 Yet Judgement IS developed, a taculh II t "ay faIth b a Sunday ...,chool wodd \\ h) thele I~ 110th1l1g hke faIth 111 bU"1I1es" \\ hy, bles'3 your heart, 110tll1ng 111 the \\ ollc! has heen dccomp1lshed unles" faIth hao, hcen hehmd It That has been the turhmc engme that has c1l1\ en anc1 1" drl\ 1I1g u" on I am gOIng to my home on a tlalll t0111l?,ht to Chlcdgo, and I go, plac111g ah'iolute faIth 111 thc eng-llJee' l?,ot to do It II hen Columbus cro~sed the ocean he placed tdlth III hIS blea"t, III hiS knowledRe of naVIgation \ ou al e placmg faIth 111 your commu111ty by putt1l1g money in to \ (\11 bU~111es-" 1\ hen a man gives yOU hI" check, you c'ere pldlln~ tdnh m It 1alth IS cne of the great underlymg plllJclple" oj bU~1l1e,,~ If It were not for our faIth, we could not ~et along \ el \ tal '\nc\ then, I take It that there IS one tIllng that ha~ been 0\ edooked and that 1'3the de\ elopment of 10\ alt\ \\ bILb h jU"t a, e'isentlal a qua1lficatlOn or faculty 111 hie d" amthmg el"e You "top and thmk of It Kow I have the control ot ahout one hundred salesmen, and vOU WIll paldon thl" pel'3onal refelence \\ e usually let out a man e\ en SIX month" unle,,~ he can 'ihow us that he can make at least $5,000 a year, whIch gIve" u" a tall profit '\ow WIth all the"e men, I \\ ould rather ha\ e loyalty stand out than any thm~ el ~c r don t cal e ho\\ ~ood a "ale'3man IS I don't lal e ho\\ much busme"" he can produce If we :find that a man IS not ab'iolutel) loydl to hI" 111stltutlOn, he gets separ dted from hh payroll beeathe that IS one of the great th111gs tha t I~ hOUl1d to cIe\ elop and met ea~e your pel sonahty <....,omctll11e~,\ ou knov\, when we do, as douhtle~s men out ~Ide of thl.., 1Dam do, nonc of u" 1I1"lde, but once 111a whl1e a mdn become" ch~loy al to hl'3 domestic yows He forgets thIS fact, that no man can be dIsloyal to anyth111g concerning d mdn 111an\ \\ a}, shape or manner, but that It reacts m- \ allabl} and practlcall} trreslstlbly Arnold and His Grouch. "I hay e often thou~ht ahout thIS th111g-, chc,loyalty, to -.,jamp It UpOll the nllnd" and memory of y0111 employ es I ~a", m the Rotunda at II ashmgton one day, the fil 'it tlme I \\ a'3 there I \\ d" a young fellow and I asked the Sergeant- '3.t- \11110, d'i I looked over the 11st of generals of the Revolu-tlOnal} II aI, what the blank 'ipace there wa" fOl Of cour"e Clt the heae! \\ as 1\ a'3hlllgton, and then Lec, and the I est of them, dnd I a..,ked the Sergeant-at-.'\Ims \\ hat the hlank 'ipace wa" fOl lIe saId, "That l'i the pldce that Benecltct -'\rnold''3 name ou~ht to have l?,one 111" Then I got mtere'ited 111 the character dnd I saId "\\T as Arnold, was he do\\ nngh t lust a mean contemptIble cn'3s," and I mdde a careful stndy of the Re\ olutlOn, and I fonnd out thIS, that the most bnl bant figure at the Rev olutlOnary Vv ar wa'i, not Ii\[a'ih111gton, but BenedIct .'\1nold That IS the 0pl111on of Van :\Ioltke, of Germall}, of LOl d Roherts of England and General Mtles of thIS countn, that the most bnlhant figure of the RevolutlOn-dl} II ar, not bal1l1~ even the German or the Flench 01 the WEEKLY ARIISAN 15 .. - -- jI II II I I I I I I These Specialties are used all Over the World - _ ..----~ I I Veneer Presses, different kinds and sizes (Patented) Veneer Presses Glue Spreaders Glue Heaters Trucks, Etc" Etc. ~ . ~-=-=~--~ -----~, '\0..,_ Hand Feed Glueing Mach;;'e (Patent pendmg.) Many styles and sizes. Wood·Working Machinery and Supplies Power Feed Glue Spreadmg Maehme, SIRgle, Double and Combinntton. (Patented) (Sizes 12 m. to 84 m wide.) IIII ~-----------_. LET US KNOW YOUR WANTS CHAS. E. FRANCIS COMPANY, Main Office and Works, Rushville, Ind. No.6 Glue Heater. -------_._. -- - - . .- ------------- --------~ Lng1lsh officer'3, was BenedIct '\rnold He was the man who planned the one great mOvement that made England '31t up and take notlce that "he had a revolution 111~tead of a 1ebel- 1Ion on hand That wa" BenedIct .\rnold, and that man dId more than vVash111gton for hl'3 country, he '3hed his blood C p there on the heIghts of Quebec, his blood sta111ed the whIte "nows of Canada He loved the Colomes a" much as anybody ebe dId, but '3omehow or other he got a grouch, '3ame k111d of grouch that you get against the commumty once in a \VhJ1e that yOU get aga111st the assoc1at1On perhap'3 once 111a whJ1e, only he dIdn't '3tlfle It, and by and by It blOught hl'o 1U111 and a'> I read the '3tory as tladlt10n has It of hI-, last day '3, teal:O actually came to'my e} e'O, so mucl~ power, so much strength-there 111that rude ganet 111London, IY111gupon hIS couch, emacIated, the pnest cOm111g to shroud 111m 111hIS last hours, and help111g hIm to "tagger aclOSS the flOOl, and g0111g to an old chest, he opened It and pulled out of It the colonel's umform of the revolut1Onary army of the colomes, and he put the coat upon that fOlm, and then he ~)UIIed out a flag, tattered and torn and COvel ed WIth b1O\Vn spot,>, and then he saId to the pnest, 'You \\ ant to kIll me I Look you, pnest, vou see those bro\ivn spot", on that flag? That flag was wrapped around my leg 111front of Quebec, and that IS my blood l\Iy men laved me and \'Vash111gton laved me, and they saId that some day I would take a seat 01 power 111the colomes, but, pnest, the babes 111the cradles 0'1 e1 there now are tdught to rabe the11 v Olces and hISS and cur'>e the ment10n of my name" \nd dIsloyalty acts that wav Alway '3 \\Then I say loyalt) to Jour COmml1J1ltl, I mean thIS gn 111g} our custome1 the same k1J1d of a chance that you would v.ant to have The statement \Va" made tOl11ght that the man who succeeds has got to gn e hh custome1, the person who buys from hun, more goocl~ 01 better gooe!'> ]n other \'Yards, If vou are 0'01110'to succeed 111 • ,." b 'au bU'3111es'3,}au have got to remember that the t'A a funda mental pnnClple" of '>ucce'3S are the..,e (jua1lt.: of good'3 and e'Ccellence of "en Ice JU'3t as a man 01 \\ oman bel;111s to rea1lze that they Cdn have 1mp1lclt faIth and t1 U'3t In 'au, then the, are gOIng to gne yOU then hU'3111e'3'3 ju"t a" long a,> the good':> you have are the be'3t that can pos,lbly be pro-duced, and Just a'3 long d'O yoUl se1 vice 1'3the \ ery best that 'IOU can gn e or 1:0 given 111your com 111U111t),then ) ou are bound to '3ucceed, and you can't work that out unless } au 111crease your own powers w1th111 you Study not alone the material things around you and about you, the cond1tlOn of trade and the market, what furnIture IS made and such tl11ng'3, thIS and that and the other, but study y OU1'3elf and develop all the force':> wth111 you, '30 that when you go into the market to buy, the man who sells to you knows he IS deal- 111gWIth a dom111ant torce and he cannot qUlte conquer, you learn to do those th111£;s, and somehow or other that leaves you Just a httle bIt above the rest, and the customers are w111111gto pay the pllce > The World as a University. ~0\V, gentlemen, I want to say thIS 111conc1U'3lOn. that to me one of the greatest ~and ChOlCe'3t thing.., 111lIfe IS to be able to succeed 111the th111g I am undertak1l1g, and somehow or othe1 I hd\ e found It Just as you have found It, dnd thC1C d1e some of you here, who are a httle older than I am, who wJ11 bear out the '3tatement, that thIS old world of ours IS a unn e1'31t}, that the teachers a1 e hard knoc1.. '0, and that '3ome-hmv 01 other the £;raduat1l1g P0111t IS reached \Vhen \\ e have accom phshed a th111g that 1'> 1eall) v'V01th domg And dfter all It 1'3the hare1 knock'3 that.: ou get 111vanous ways that a1e de'l dOp111g your per'3ona1lt} more than anyth111g el':>e, and the man who goe,., up aga111'3t It hdlC1est and shut'3 down hIS teeth the :otrongest, and keep:o on h1tt111g the l111e ':>teadfastly and cont111uously 1:0the 1l1chv1dudl who IS 111ereas111g hIS person-a1lty and mak1l1g hImself a gl eater pO'Aer every day So I ",ant to tell vOU that the gleat earthquake at San FranClsco WIll do more for San FranCISCO 111 the next twenty years than If '>he hdd mJ1hons of people and mJ1hons of dollars The fire of 1871 made Chicago, and ,.,0 It IS that the th111gs we have got to conquer and ove1 come a1 e the th111gs that are develo))111g- u:o and mak111g OUl pel '3onahty, and there 15 noth111g 111the wOlld that cIevelops a man ..,0 much as d sale. the conquenng- of anothe1 m111d, and to get anothel 111tellect lookIng at a matter 111the :oame \Vay \\ e present It DESIGNS AND DETAILS OF FURNITURE Citizens Telephone 170~. 16 WEEKLY ARTISAN ~UBL.ISHEO EVERY SATURDAY BY THI! MICHIGAN ARTISAN COMPANY SUBSCRI"TION $1 00 "ER YEAR ANYWHEREIN THE UNITED STATES OTHERCOUNTRIES $Z 00 PERYE"'R. SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS. PUBI.ICATION OFFICE, 108-112 NORTH DIVISION ST, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, A S WHITE, MANAGING EDITOR Entered as second class matter, July 5, 1909, at the post office at Grand Rapids, Michigan under the act of March 3, 1879 CHICAGO REPRESENTATIVEE LEVY An eastern corporatIOn Ovvnmg and opelat1l1g "e, elal woolen mills have taken out msul ance policies fOI S50000 each, on lives of some of their most succe"sful manag el" with a view of protect1l1g the stockholder." emplm e., and all others connected With the busmess from losse" that l111ght follow the death of the head of a successful concel n From a busmess standpomt the Idea seems to be all nght It might be used to advantage by man) manufactt11 m£; and mel cantlIe insiltutions There al e "ome furllltt11 e manufaciur ing compallles and some !Sleat letat! houses that hay c becn bt11lt up by the efforts and abllib of a mdn \\ ho~e death would cause large loss to the stockholder" 1n such case, $50,000 or $100,000 Vvould not co, er the 10--'0 but Ii \, ould help some and mIght prevent a complete collapse of thc business The movement b) rallt oad com pal11t" dnd others to I e-claim abandoned farms m );"ew YOlk state and \e\\ Lngland may not have any perceptIble effect on pI Ices of farm pro duets, but it WIll surely call attentIOn to the pOSSible utIli-zatIOn of the waste lands and result m the adoptIOn of bettel methods for mamtaillln~ the productn ene--s of the farms not only in New YOlk, l\ew England and \ llglllla but mother sections of the country I\s a I ule the I\mellcan farmer" al e too greedy They take out of theIr lands all that It IS pos-sible to get without thought of the future and m:1ln of the farms are run down-worn out-m a few ,e:1I" The \\ 01k of the ratlroad compallles WIll show that I\mellcan tal 111", can be made as perpetually productrve and profitable as al e those in Europe Rarely does a merchant gam an) thl11g b) puttmg out leaders-selling some goods at cost, or less, and ac1d1l1g e" Olbitant profit" to others to make up the ,n erage Thc practIce IS not fall to bU) CIS and It b 11cqucnth bdd f01 sellers. For eAample, e,uppo:oe a pelson In1\ ~ onl) hIgh priced goods, and does not happen to need any of the 10\\ -priced ones; he gets the worst of It, m spIte of the slichng "cdle whIch is supposed to adjust the difficulty Then suppose the customer buys only the low-priced goods and none of the high ones, the merchant gets decidedly the worst of It and m most ca:oes hIS losses are gl ea ter than hIS gams, e, en when the advertlsmg ,alue of the scheme IS considered The corporatIOns that have neglected to file reports re-qUIred by the mcome tax lawaI e settmg a bad example The law may be knocked out by the courts and thus they can not be penalized, but If the COUlts "U'itam the law they WIll not be III an cm lable posltlO11 Neglect or I efusal to file 1eport" h had bccall"e It mdlcate'i lack of I espect f01 law Even a hdel la\\ "hould lx 1 espected and obeyed untt! It IS repealed or 111\ altc1ated b) the courts Dlsle"pect and defiance of law IS lalgel) lespoll"lhle for the public Ill-fee1mg agamst corpor- ,ttlOn" and for the laws that hamper bllsmess combmatlon'i BuHalo, \ 1, hdc, deCIded to estabhsh a smkmg fund tel be u~ed to leplace or lepall city bUlld111gs that may be lamaged b) fire, and cancel insurance poltcles on such but!d-mg' 1he InSUlance authOrities denounce the scheme, de-clal111~ that It WIll lead to muniCIpal insurance of pnvate plOpert) 'Yell, why not ktll 1t by cutting out some of the e"tra\ agant expenses and thus enabling the insurance com-pal11e" to offer lower rates? \ mathematIcal "harp of PIttsburg reports that, accord- 111g to fig ures, \\ hlch \V e all know, never he, the 1etail meat dealel \\ ho sell" out h1S entire stock twice a week and makes .20 pel cent on his sales ,makes 40 per cent a week, and in a ,Ldl 2,080 per cent It IS certa111ly easy to make money. The man \\ ho hao;, let us say, started in with $25,000 capital and thoLH:;ht he had made about $5,000 in a year is mistaken He has made $S20,000, but he can't "how the money or 1ts equn altnt It I" ea.,) to make money wlth figures ldllcatull" mad, ertlsmg are of doubtful ,alue They 111.1, a ttl ad attentIon and bnng a laugh, but they should not be ot the k111d thdt lea, e", a St111g behind For instance, ne\ el hd\ e a llcllcu!ouc, pIcture of a farmer and hiS WIfe, if ) ou drc appealtn~, e, en 111the remotest degree to the farm- Ing element ] he ±armers and theIr W1ves may say noth111g, hut the, do llut hke 1t lust the same By the \ht) hay e) ou noticed that the ralltoad." that were to be \\ recked l,y the two cent fare laws are gettmg along ,erv 111ceh 'lost of them are domg better now than they \\ el e t\\ 0 ,ear" ago The) report mcreased passenger traffic and are pa) mg bettel dlv1dends notwIthstanding the two-cent la\\ __ \\ onder 1£ a con'iiderable reductIOn in freight I ate:o would have a slmllal effect? Ea'itel tIde doe~ not mean much to the furniture dealer, but thele 1S no lea"on why he should not take advantage of the general awakenl11g to maugurate hIS spring season by arrangmg an i openl11g," making spec1al window dIsplays and 111\It111g mspectlOn of h1S stock Most people are in good humol and qUlte susceptible at Easter tl1ne Soml of the ±tade papers 111si"t that the trouble i" not Ihe 111gh cost of In mg,' but the "eost of hIgh living" They llld\ be llght 111 regald to "ome people, but thete are very fe\\ connected \\Ith the fur111ture bus111ess in any way, who at e affected b, the cost of high ltv111g It is the cost of a, erage 01 ord1l1ar) IlV111g that bothers most of them \ \ a tch for \\ a ste and cut it out It is the bane of every bu Sl11es., It 1S more noticeable 111America than any other countr) ForeIgn merchants look WIth amazement at the \\ asteful methods of American merchants as they do at the wastefulness of Amencan housekeepers, cooks and farmers There IS some excu"e for some of 1t, but not for all WEEKLY ARTISAN 6 CARS A WEEK is our capacity during this year on POPLAR CROSSBANDING Cut to dimensions if desired. 'Write us. - Walter Clark Veneer Co.. Grand Rapids, Mich. 17 18 WEE K L Y A I~TIS A N ~Iinnesota Dealers' Retail Furniture Association OFFICI:RS-Presld<nl T R Tador I ake Benton ~11l1n VIce President D R Thompson Rockford, Mll1n Treasurer B A Scho('nLber~er Perham "lInn Secretary W L Grapp JanesvIlle Mllln EXECl TI\ f< LO\I\l! fTEE-ChallJnan Gco Klell1 Mankato Mll1n ° SImons, Glencoe Mll1n, W L Harr <; \llnneapo IS 'lInn C DalllelsOTJ Cannon ralls BULLETIN No. 102. PROCEEDINGS OF OlJR FIFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION SECOND DAY- AFTERNOON SESSIO~. Committee Reports Continued. CommIttee on Credentials \\ e, a~ yOU1 Ulm1111ttce talee pled~111e 111 1ep lUll!.., dlJd 1tLOmmend111g fO! ) OUl adm1.,c,10lJ d~ ll1emhll ~ thl tullu\\ 111!.., dealers Crescent Lumbe1 l om pan" L 111tdh, \l111n Peter Chnst1anc,on, Oldhim, ~ ]) Chnstlanc,on DIO" \ldan ;\1111n fIllmore lurl11tlll e (Umpdn), (hallutte'>, lllc \ ,l Pete1 Goenng, Cold.,pnn£;c" \[111lJ Emd lohn.,gaard, Hottmeau '\ 1) E K (rl\ te, Ruthton, I,[mn 1 E K1PI), Edgele\ '\ D L B I df-,on Hallc,tead, \1111n F 2\loh s II eh'>tel '-, l) E E '\el~on, Han.,ka \1111n 070net ChemIcal company \lmnedpuh-, \Il11lJ Spdeth IIa d"are 1 Ull11tlllC and 1mlllemltlt l( mp,l11\ 1\d vmond, I,[ mlJ . \ldrku,>on HalCh\are company (r1CY 1 cH;lc, \1111n II F t,nge1 ::\lelro'>e \111111 E Kelson, :'lJarcu'>, lo\\a MIchIgan \Iercantde compan), \11ch1gan, \ D Langum & \01\ old, lumhlOta \1111n (I 1\ Lumle\ & Co , Re11\ dIe I,[ I11n \\ r Fngle, Enderhn, '\ D J :E Pete1 ,>on, Donnell) \1111n Lotu-; Co\, (Treat } dl1'>, \10nt II e want) ou to stueh the hst 0\ e1 ldt etulh cl11d nc te the \ a110US -;tates that the.,e memhe1 C,hlP~ 1cpt e~e11t \\ hlLh goes to show that as we hnnlS usetulne-;'> to the dedlel ~ the hve \\11 e-; lSet 111touch vv1th ad\ anced mm el11e11b l hel e-fon "e want to conlSratulate our cCo-,OC1aUona~ \\ ell a~ out neV\ members, for assoc1at111g themsehes \\lth "hat \\e he-hey e IS one of the 11\ehec,t a-;souatlOn-; that £;0 to make up the KatlOnal a,,~oc1atlOn \\ e want all of Oul ne\\ member" to feel at home and a"sure ) ou that yOU are mOl ethan \\ c1- come lYe muc,t reah7e 111d1\tdua11v that \\ 1thout 01£;;m1- /at'on we would be \ er) much ha~lehcapped 111 tl \ mg to work out and 0\ ercome the e\ 11 that, th1CJtHsh co-operaUon "e dre able to correLt You 1c, 1espectfulh subnl1tted ~ l '-,chle1l h Ll J I,[ E\ ath, \\ llham (Olnelt Report of Commtttee on Advert1smg The nldttel ot P' epdt111g ach e1t1~l'l£; helJl~ t('1 (Ul ml111 LJer" has been undet c,et1OU'>conc,lderatlOn for mOle tlldn thlCL \ ears and we have tned uut neatly all tIle pldll" G,uggc,teel to uc, h"\ our membe1., and finely hay e reached the P0111t \\ here \\ e hay e adopted d ul11fotm ") .,tem of UUlh \\ hll h \\ l th111k has soh eel our plOhlem and thus \\ e ,,111 be ahle to tur11lsh our membe1 s \\ Ith a l11dtenal whtLh It they tncn to do 111dlv1dualh \\ ould coc,t them "0 much ac, to make 11 P10- olh1tlVe for th~ a\ e1age dealel Your commIttee reahzes that the mdttet of ach crtl c,e ment IS the most Important detaIl conceln111g ) our bus111e"S and we have put more thought and cale 111to thlS work thel11 appears UDon It::. face \1 e need not tHe you \\lth the eADetl ence that \\ e hay e to £;0 thru 11101del to get these aeh ertl -;111£; hcl)l~ dcm n to \\ OtLlllie 'J "tem dppbdhle for all OU1 members, ~ufhc c to -,a\ thdt weal e able to fur11lsh you sC1entlfic hUllt u111h elt a co"t ot onh olle-thtrd of what It would cost an 111e!1\ 1cluetl membel to get the cut alone and not only that, 1)11111 1~ ~o ptepa1 cd that vou (dn alway, keep these U111i'> ,tin ( dne! up to date ane! b\ then u"e Cdn hudc1 suentlfic ads (t etlmo~t any ~1/e 111ten 01 fitteen m111ute'>, whIch 1f ongt nalh atLen1Dtec1 \\ ould take hoUl '0 and c,ometnnes days to u mplctc and cl~ tune h money, we feel that the time we wdl a\f' ot11 member~ \\ho ddopt thh c,)c,tem \\111 pay 111 ~tx 1 lUllths Ume mo' ethan d""octatlOn expen"ec, hay e ever LO,t thLl11 It th1, \\Olk cont111t1e~ to lece1\e the support It has thu-; 1d1 \\ C \\ J1l cont111tte to b1111lSout "uch good head111gs and -U2,~e--tton~ at sale-- tl1dt \,',111 make thIS Vvork stlll more \ aluelble and \\ h1ch \\ J1l put Oul members 111a posItion so that they Lan keep theIr ad\cttl-;ements far ahead of the '1 (],11at\ aeh et U~el ann thus" dl be able, If he backs It WIth L.(I'el ~tore ma11a£;ement dnd the \alue" Vve want hIm to, that t11(\ \\111ll1Ul£; d It\\drd that \OU htde dreelmed of, that 1-; tr thL~e \\ ho hd\ e not Larne-;tly tllecl out the \alue of en-tlm- 1ac,t1l d11d Ul11tUlUOUS aeh e1tl-;111lS \ot onh tlldt, hut yOU can keep <theacl of the volume of deh trtlS111g that "\\111be done In the mall order houses and \\ e a1 e -;ure that \ ou are far '>lghted enough to see what a great value good reputatllln of truly meet111g any and all l atalo£;ue compet1tlOll \\ auld be to you 111 your respect1\ e lommu111tle~ ()Ile \\ ll1lh can be ha1dlv estnnated 111dollar,., and cenh dncl the1 etot c \\ e al\\ avs do urge every member 111 our a"SOlieltlOn to 111dkethe mo-;t of the present good crops bv ~OInlS aHel buc,l11e-;., a'o they ne\ e1 ebd before If yOU \\ 111 lolle\\ OUI lean \\ e \\ dl .,how \ au that when vou come to Ul dnnuctl meet111£; 111 Janual\ that vOU wdl be able to 1elJ01t the mo~t "ucLe".,tul fall v\ Ith the la1gest profit that \ ou e\ e1 c,-pet1encecl but remember that unless the matellal t1ldt \\ e fur111c,h \ ou 1" uc,ed It 1" ac, worthless as a 10comot1vc \\ 1tllOUt .,team II e hO\v e\ er teel that) ou all Cdn c,ee the hus111e"s acl- \ <lnta~e of th1., 1110\ement and that by the time our annual mcet111g cony ene-; that th1' feature of ,lssoc1atlOn work wdl be 1,lae1e a pelmanent \\ Olk 111our d-;-,oc1,ltlon YOul c,re~pecttulh -;uhnllttecl, D R 1hompc,on, o \ 0 Moen, IY L Gtapp From the Manufacturers' Viewpoint. Tohn Booth, of Peru, 1ncl -"1 ha\e tta\eled a lSoocl Il1dn~ ml1e~ to be \\lth yOU at th1C, con\enllOn and 1 ha\e h-tenecl to the d1c,CU.,c,lOnWIth a lSreat cleal of 111terest I \\ant to ~a\ that from the pOInt of a 111anufaLtUle1, the mdnu-taLturer 1., up agaUl"t th1" Ulatl ordet proposItion 111 about 111L.,ame wd, \ ou arc You Ulay not "ee It Just that way hut 1 hd\ e .,wched th1., problem cOll"lc!erably and the 111vest1- gdt1lJn~ that L l1d\ e mdde hay e fIrml) Con\111ced me that 1 do not hke the 111d1lOlder hou~e becau-;e It vvants to gllnd the hie out of the manuiactUler and doec, when It gets a chancc II h\ -,0 man \ manufactUl erc, cate1 to them, 1 cannot under- .,land \\ hen \\e .,talt a factory, we have to put ollr mach111ery 111\\ hlch co" t" d lot of money Then \\ e hay e a k111dly feel- 1110fot the men who v'vork fOl u'> and we \\ant to keep them dnd .<..,Y1\ e them \\ 01k but \\ e must hay e some good out of thell WEEKLY ARTISAN tImE. It wdl take about $100,000 "Worth of bu::,mess to enablE. liS to j)a} our eXj)ense~ Therefore, If VI e can do $200,000 "orth we are makml.; a profit \\' e arc sunply paymg our eApen~es vl1th the first $100,000 I can readJ1y see the gl eat ten1ptat1On for the manllfactm e' to take on a bunch of busl ne,,:o at certam tune'3 from the mad ordel house but I VI auld lather go home wIthout anythmg than wIth a losmg propo-slt10n It WIll cost SO per ceut for matenal, the labo1 ,v1ll cost about 20 pel c('nt, the 0\ erhead expenses about 15 per cent ,lno the se1ll11g expen oes about 10 per cent ThIS lea\ es only ~ jJU cent fOJ jJlOfit NCJVIthen, when} ou are domg a $200,- 000 ousme"", It 1" a pretty hard matter to al""a}" !?;et the IJroper amollnt of orders at the plope1 tIme to keep thmg" 1110\ 1I1g smoothly So at tune~ "1"1 hen a 10bber 01 a mad order man comes and begms to talk, sa} mg that he WIll l.;lve yOll from $2=;,000 to $35,000 "II orth of bU::,1I1ess \"11th sellm~ ex-pense" taken out, It looks l?;ood to you You figm e that If "IOUcan make 5 per cent on thl" "lolume that yOll are makmg Ju"t that mllch "Ieh et but are} au ~ "\01"1 h"ten to what happens JUot a" SOOl1as the manufac turcr makes a speclall)nee to the mall orde1 house Ju::,t thl" 1t plt" the mdll orde1 house m a pO"llIon to thlow out a b,nga111 whIch h under the market and whIch IS usually 30 or 40 pel cent helow \"Ihat the avelage small dealer can buy It for Ju"t about the tl111et111';hterature gets well dlstnbuted, the manllfactllrel find" he IS hegm11lng to he pressed for pnce" that wdl enahle 111'>customers to meet the verv condItIOn that he has C1eated '\ O"liVthen, those that kn~w tell me the mal! order house" (nly u"e about 20 per cent of the goods of the lac tor) ",Ith ,,111Ch they do husme'3" It has alVla}s been a source of \"Ionder to me wh'v thl::, \ olume of 20 per cent dOJ11mates and has the plefe1ence oler the 80 per cent output of the"e fact011es In Its final analYSIS, you find that the manufacttuel then takes on thIS extra busmess and th111ks It IS dear lntt finds m the long 1un that he has C1eated a phase of c, mpetltlOn whkh u"uall"l pound" dOVln the pnce on hIS output of 80 per cent \\ hy on edrth thc manufacturer" do thl~, I cannot understand "1( ow let u" analy ze condItions If the mal! ordel house clJd not create competlt1On and the compet1tn e pnces they do UpO'l "ertam standard artIcles, there would be no demand for a class of good" manufactured at a pnce that would meet it Take away the curse of mall order (OmpetltlOn and there ,,,ould be no nece""lty for gllndmg down the manufacturer to the last notch m order to meet a ce1 tam pnce because e\ erybody \"Iould be dam')" busmes" accord1l1g to the con-dItion", wl11ch surround hIm The consumer would be getting a l,etter article, the dealel would be gettmg the profit he desel yes and he, m Ltll n, IV ould be wlllmg to gIve the manu faetu1 er the profit he IS entitled to "\\ hy on earth so many manufacturers help create the very condlt1On::, that grmd down the pnce, I never ha" e been able to understand I hope thp day WIll come, and It wdl come soon If the peale keep on orgalllzmg as you have at thIS meetmg, when the mad order house WIll be made to manufacture theIr own product1Ons JUSt as soon as that happens we wlll not hay e to face the competIth e pnces that II e now do At present both the manufacturer and the small ([ca'ers ha\ e thIS pha::,e of comp'tltlOn to meet Whether we 11k( It Ol not "I ha"l e looked 1I1tO thIS matte! some and I want to tell } ou what our pohcy h \Ve are not gomg to sell to the mal! orde1 houscs \\ e are g01l1g to stay away from that km 1 of busmess \\ e are gomg to stand by the country deal-ers \\ e want to makc the goods that you dealer" want and \"llth whIch you can compete a!?;amst thIS mad Older !:;ame I behe\e, from Vlhat I ha,e !?;athered from the wOlk of thIS com ent1On, that you are on the nght track and that '\ ou ha"l e so1"lcd the problem of bnng1l1iY merchand1::,e to you at a pllce tha t v,l11 enable } ou to do this You nlllst get some factory hnecl v', \"11th} ou to make the good~ that you want and can "ell Bv cutt1llg out the "1"1 aste 111 the old tIme methods of ~ettmg your supply and adopt1l1g new busmess method", } au can put vour:oelf uuon a basJ:o WIth the mall order houses and still lea, e a faIr profit to the manufacturer who supphes your VI ants "I hold that the small dealer represents 80 pel cent of the "Iolume of any factor} Then the} should make the pI Ice 19 and not the mall order house and that price should be ahke to dll If such a concht1On can be brought about how mllch better It would be for all Bu,>me:o::, IS begln11lnl.; to be con-ducted along "clentlfic lmes more and more , If you look back a httle, you wdl find that u"ually ce1- tam e, lIs get so bad that they create a 1emed v for them- ::,eIve::, I beheve tIllS IS the case WIth the mall order pro-jJo::, ltIon because ha1dl} a day or a week !?;oes by but what we hedr that th1:o, that or the other factor} has refused to 1ene\"l thell contract::, and why? Bccau'>e busmess alway'> a"k", 'Docs It pa}?' \\ hen th1'> Cjue"tlOn cannot be answe1ul 111 the affl1matlvt, then "om t thmg happens TherefOl e, I do not \"Ionder that fa"tOly afte1 factOl y 1::' "IVdk111g up thlU the sheer force of nece"slty and askmg themselve", 'Doc" thIS mal! order bu,>meo,> pay?' 1£ It don't aud L do not beheve that you can find a factor} whIch sa} s It doe", then why con-tmue such a pohq ) "Therefo1c, I want to "d} thdt I dm v\1th yOll 111thIS fight agam::,t the mall orde1 hou"es I w1"h from the bottom of my heal t that all the manufactUl er'o feel 1Ike I do \Ve a1e gOIng to try 1t out alan!?; theSe 1111e"becau"e I reahze that It I" light and that the ",ucce",> of any fdcLUly depend" upon the "ULC'ess of the maJonty of the "mall dedlero 1 am gomg to ::,tav b} you untl! yeu hay e ,"orked out a sueces::, along these l111e" because I thmk } ou are nght ' C \\ Hanl'3 of Rockwell, Ia- I am tram Io"a It IS a great state It ha:o a furlllture as"oc1atlOn but It 1" dead and there IS no undertakel who e\ er had the CaUlage to try to bur} It I begged of the manufacturer" to 2,lve me some artIcle to meet catalog house pnce'o 1 tned to !?;et "Olnethmg irom O'Bnan of ChIcago RIght here you ha\e the gleatest benefit of YOU1 co-operat1On I got 111::,ome cheap kJtchen cablllet::, I ad\ e1tlsed them $4 deh'v ered from the st01 e, lre1e,ht paId I never '>old ,,0 many lot"hen cablllets 'as I dId dunng the tllne that I earned that "ad" III the local paper TillS IS slmplv an 11hhtratlOn of the "Ialue of gettlllg leader" "There IS a bed v\h1ch :\1' Thompson told me about He sells 1t, at least he used to I ,",ould say, 'Here, thIS IS a catJlog house sUIte I can sell }OU a better Ol1e-one that WIll gIve better sat1"fact1On I would take a good one and show hIm the dIfference I ::,old $95 wurth m competlt1On WIth "\lontgomery \\T ard & Co, b} domg thIS A gentleman from Caters\ llle had aI, cady made out hIs bl11 H1S daughter l)e1",uaded hIm to come to me to see 1f I could meet :\lo11t-gowery \Vard price" I told hIm what he could have a smte for I dId not ::,ell hIm that smte That IS "he1e salesmanshIp comes 111 I sold hIm a $28 one Then I had to meet hun on carpets He wanted one of tho"e la1l.;e gla"" hall tables I had one marked $6 There was no competlt1On for :Mont-gomer} \Vard's ])lICe VIas $575 fhat IS the advantage of hav111g low pnce goods You can do th1::, If you try "\Ve want to pay our $5 a "ear to the treasurer and keep ,IllS thIng g0111g The bUy111g commIttee knows where to buy goods The fauners go 111tOthe legblature WIth strength behmd them and they demand certa111 leg1"latlon There was d time when they could not get eli'-'vatol ground Aftenlards they VI ere asked to bmlrl an elevato' and It 1" a !?;ood th111g It draws tI ade, bnngs 111money and makes th111g" mure p10,,- rerous I eAhort yOU to hanl?; to~ethe1 and be loyal to thIS as~oc1atlOn It IS the commencement of the death blow to the catalog hou"e "They offer a premIUm to bu} cheap soap at a hIgh pnce That you 11111'3stettle 111the future I thank yOU gentle-men for the attention you ha" e gIven me and I assUl e you that m} heal t IS vnth you though I 11\e 111Iowa-Grand old Iowa" f P, Swart/- I came hel e becau"e I am espeuall} mter ested 111the a"",OCJat1On and becau"c of a pecuhar sltuat10n that came up on account of the act10n of many of your me11'bers You ha, e } our co operatn e blly111g commIttee hIt \ ou al e not co-opel atlng WIth them 111 your bUY111g :\Ianv of yOU a1 e bu} lllg the same th111g \Yhy not let yom as~oClat1On buy It for} ou) :\Iy firm "aId that I should not state the pnces g1\ en to the :;\I111nesota Retad FurmtUle Dealers' aSSOClat1011 It took three day s to get them to let me quote} au Jobbers pnces WIth the freight added If the ~Iinnesota dealers WIll co-opel ate and buy together, we 'v 111 contmue to quote these pnces Tf they ,,111 not, '"' e cannot ,If the dealers "1"1 l!l co-operate, thell busmess \"1111groY, 20 WEEKLY ARTISAN and they will be able to dIctate terms to the manufactUl er If each one of you here would place dn ordel for one dozen more beds than you had mtended to bu), look ho\\ mam beds that would make Don't you ~uppo"e ) our comn11ttcc could get a better pnce? How much are you, !Ddn Idualh , g0111g to co-operate with the buymg COn1111lttee") "I have talked wIth the buymg committee at ChIcago at dtfferent times and I find that they are bu) mg' lu~t .1" much of this cheaper stuff as they thmk yOU need to counter <lCt tIllS mail order bu"mess I\t the same tune, the' eUC tn ll1~ to get a representatIve hne from our large concell1s \\ 111ch you can select from If you do not co operate. 'au Me e,01l1g to force your buymg commIttee to go around to fom DIck and Harry and then you get the bad end of the 11l1e It does not mean anythmg to the manu1dcturel ~ lJUt It c!(\e~ mean everythmg to the buymg committee "\ou ~houlc! ~hr)\\ your appreciatIon of theIr efforts and buy \\ hat, au can II um the goods whIch they select "This is a small Item but It means ever) thmg to the success of your buymg commIttee. If yOU WIll do thl'3, these gentlemen can go down to ChIcago 01 any othel malket m d year or two and make theIr own terms and that l~ 1\ hat, ou are after. You want to get bIg enough to dIctate and ,au can do it if you wil1." o W. Grapp-"I vvould hke to "a) a \\old I am not on the buying commIttee but I ha' e gone dm\dl even ,ear and paId my own expenses and I do not th1l1k that am onc at the bt,) mg commIttee has paId out more tal c,-pen"e In I e~al d to buymg goods from the home manutdctUler \\ III ~d, I know the buymg comnllttee ha\ e done all they could to ~et them !D hne ,,life Just :Olmply must go out and get the gooch It they cannot meet the pllces \s dn mdn Idual "mall dedlel. I cannot afford to let thIS co-operatn e bUy!Dg go There are no Ifs and ands about It "\Vlth one excepilOn, our lme:o ale thc he~t that \\ e could find. The Rockford hne IS one of the be~t 111 tht cuunt1 \ I do not see why you call It tra:oh dnd cheap ~tuft \\ t ha' c no cheap stuff It Ib all nght to patI on1L:e the home manu-facturer. vVe made them offer;;, about 1Ivo ) eals .1gO but they could not b('e It that way It IS 1eally am duty to help home indus tires but the catalog hou;;,es h.1' e Cl ept mto am bUSllless so that we cannot 'otand It an) lon~el and" e mu~t do somethmg If \\ e are gOll1g' to compete ,\ Ith them It \\ L can buy goods Just a" cheap a" the) can, \\ hat can the, do" The way thmgs now stand somethmg' mUbt be done Jt ,nay take a few rearb to perfect am sy"tem but v, e IV III eel tamly do It m time and I belt eve that you WIll all agl ee that we are already recelvmg some very good results from It I l,el1eve that we are on the right track 1'\11 IVC need nOl\ h a Mtle time Re3ults show that all we ha' e to do no" IS to follow up our advantages. "I would rather pay a big pnce for goods If I could sell them for a good pnce. We have made many a tllP to thIS city to discuss ways and means "ith the manufacturers but we met with no Encouragement If our home manufacturers wIll not supply us, we must go v\here \\ e can e,et "hat" e need I cannot understand why co-operatIve bUyll1g should meet WIth any oppo"ltlOn The bUYll1g commIttee have saved the dealers of thIS state $8,000 thIS year They have saved you $2,500 in cash If the assocIatIon WIll glVe the buymg committee the backll1g 1t needs, we can patromze the home manufacturer "The solution of thl" problem IS thIS The 1l1fluentlal men who control the surplus, control OUI sItuatIOn and Just as ;;,oon as our account gets as bIg as then", \\ e can contlo1 our source of supply-but you \\Illne'el cia It v>lth .1 $600, $5,000 or $8,000 "ccount The"e aLcount', clon't look good to a manufacture! IV hen \\ e can ~et a $20,000 or $30,000 account, "e can begm to do thmgs ., THE BANQUET. Follow111g the usual custom. the assoClatlOn was the guest of "Pnscl1l3." of the X ell England Promptly at 6 o'clock, 185 members sat do" n to the banquet table" hich was served 111 the Pnscllla tea loom \\ hleh was tastefully decorated with be autIful flowers 111 honor of the occasion The guests were nlacle to feel deCldedly at home ,Ir Harns could not be present because he was unav OIdabh detamed but Mr Kellogg, hIS genial right hand man, dId not overlook the most minute detaIl A delicious four-course dll1ner was sen ed \\ hlch "as hIghly appreciated by all. Good cigars \\ el e then passed around The PnsCllla idea was carried out to the smalle"t detaIl The waItresses were all attIred m Pn;;,cllla costume and e, ery thmg 111 the room was sug-ge'-! Ive of the ta~te and refinement characten'3tlc of Priscilla These annual dll1ners are among the greatest attractlOns ot our annual meet111gs as they furmsh food for both body ancl 111md \ftel the tables were cleared E SPIke, Associ-att Editor at the TW111CIty CommercIal Bulletm, read a highly 1I1tere"t1l1g papel on, "The Shortcom111gs of the Average Country StOt e," as seen by a publIsher ThIS was followed lw other speeches all of V\ hlch can tamed good practlcal sug- ~e~tl()ns ancl "ho\\ed that OUI assoclatlOn certa1111y does not ldck hu~mes~ ab1lIty \Iany thoughts and 111spiratlOns were hrought out" hlch we are sure wIll prove of lasting benefit to th()~e ')1 e"ent r H Peterson was the last speaker and though h1~ talk \\a" not lengthy, every word meant :oomethlng "The Short-Comings of the Average Country Store as Seen by the Publisher." By E SPIke. The pUhlIsher has been and b often accused of being a theolht, a dreamer, a man "lth a ,('[\ '1I1d Imag111atlon In ~ome m ~tance" thl" IS true, 1n other.." pal tJall) true, and in ~ome te" 1I1'3tances not tl ue at .111 "OIv, let'" ~ee what the short-col11ll1gs are 111the aver-ae, e country store m the eyes ot a publIsher who w1ll attempt to keep 111 111111dthe practlca-hltlt, ot h1'o theones I he ell erage l 01111 tl Y store IS conduded b) men who use then head" too lIttle and their leg" too much, men who meet dllll ch~po"e at the petty hap- E S PIKE,MINNEAPOLIS, penlng'~ each da, a" they hap- ASSocIaEtedItorofCommercIaBlullettnand pen. \\ Ith no thoug-ht of the ManageroftheBullettnSerVlcDeepartment. 1110110\\ men who al e the slave of cIrcumstances instead of makll1g urcumstances theIr slaveb, men who are right 111the mIdst of nch fields, but when they go with theIr scythes hung 111the branches of trees, whIle men who are using their heads \\ ho re'3lde m ChIcago and Kalamazoo, are gathering 111 the "hea, e~, men blll1d to the big posslbllItles that lie all arcund them, who are eagerly graspmg at the mcke1s that \\ auld come In the door anyhow, while they neglect the dollars that are takIng wing m other directions, men who are un\\ IllIng to spend a mcke1 to make a quarter. A short tIme ago I went out on a tnp into the interest at ml department My expenence m one town left WIth me a most ,lIld ImpreSSIOn ThIS town contained about one thousand mhabltants, and was surrounded by a nch farming con·munlty. Upon 111quiry I found that the firm of-I will call them SmIth & Brown were doing the bulk of the busines;;,; and thel e "as a store down on the next corner doing a fair bus1ness The department of the CommercIal Bulletin with which 1 am connected has a proposition from only one merchant in a tu" n In thl" 111stance It 1equited but a short time to do bUbll1e,,:o WIth Brown, of SmIth & Brown, Mr Smith beincr out of town After the deal was finished, lYe dIscussed sev~ eral of the mercantIle problems that continually confront the country merchant, and I was much impressed with the com-prehenchng grasp that Drown had of the mercantIle business, eVIdently the result of much thought and study. IVhen I went into the store Brown was not down cellar candlll1g eggs nor out m the back room repainng cases; he was up near the front of the StOI e extend1l1g greeting to a cu~tomer \\ ho had entered Just ahead of me, and whom he turned 01 er to a young lady 111the dry goods department s11Ort1l attel I entered He spoke pleasantly to me as I came 111-pleasantly, I said-and after dispos1l1g of this customer he walked over to WEEKLY ARTISAN whue I was standmg and said, in the same pleasing manner, "What can I do for you?" I saw that I had a busmess man to deal with, not an egg candler. HIS whole manner breathed a physical vitahty, in the kind of a body a bram can do Its best work, and his whole appearance' showed that he was able to grasp any proposItIOn I had to present Just as fast as I was able to "hand out" to him. I was so Impressed with hIS courtesy, and with the brisk, bramy, alert atmosphere he radIated, that I prefaced my proposItIon by thankmg him for his courtesy to me-to which he Ieplied: "vVe have never lost one cent by bemg pleasant. On the contrary It has made money. vVe are ready to buy any-thmg that we can sell to our customers WIth a profit, and are always open for new, good proposItIons. In less than ten mmutes we concluded our business, he had signed IllS name on the dotted hne, and I smcerely hope has never regretted it. After concludmg Our business we dIscussed vanous pro-blems of the general merchandIse business of SmIth & Brown They were dOIng around $50,000 a year WIth a $12,000 stock. There were five m the store, the two partners and three clerk" At all tImes the clerks were loaded up with customers before the propnetors began clerkIng. The three clerks were clerks, not slow machmes. One or the other of the propnetors made It a point to greet every person pleasantly who came In the door, no matter how busy they were, as quick as they were in. No customer wa" loaded up WIth any more goods than he or she .desired to buy. All bIlls were discounted. The proprietors drew a salary Just the same as the clerks. The business wa<; paYIng a net plOfit of 8 per cent on sales, outside of all expenses includmo- the propnetor's sal-anes. For their size town, circulaI advertIsing was considered the best Cu"tomers WIth a good rating were allowed to settle ac-counts once a year. But at any tIme when money was needed they were called on for part payment of theIr accounts and nearly always responded in such emergency times. Poor pay customers were requIred to settle regularly-some once every two or three months, some once a month, some were reqUIred to pay cash at tIme of purchase CredIt was not extended mdiscnminately. All regrets were usually Indulged in when a no pay customer asked for credIt, not after a bill had been run up The stock was kept filled. It seldom happened that the excuse of "sorry we are just out" had to be gIven a customer when a staple was called for. The stock was well kept The store was clean, although not to the extreme that would cause the rougher class of farm trade to feel uncomfortable And customers were treated In such a manner that they felt the proprietors really had some further interest in them than the one desire of getting theIr money. As I wrote this and as I read It I feel that vou merchants wIll think I am pamtmg a picture rather than gIVIng you actual facts Why do I think that? Just because so many pleasing condItions, all found in one store are so scarce it calls for special observatIOn; just becduse one firm in a small town know what they are there for and are making It pay to the amount of $1500 a week each in salanes, and $4,000 a year addItional, on an Investment of $12,000. I went on down the street to the other store. This store is one of a chaIn, handled by a manager. As I went in I saw that the 'itock was about the same amount as carried by Smith & Brown There were two clerks In sight, a young woman arrang-ing goods In the dry goods department, and a young man waItIng on a customer. The young woman had the $350 Took; but the young man had a good appearance, was doing a good job of serv-ing a customer, and politely directed me down cellar when I asked for the manager. I went down cellar-slowly and cautiously. The stairs 21 were two thIrds of the way to the rear of the store. Arriv-ing at the bottom I ducked my head and went carefully to the front, where In the dIstance I saw a man sortIng apples. As I neared hIm he looked up at me and scowled. I saId "SortIng Apples ?" He rephed. "I haven't got tIme to talk to you today. I'm busy." I turned,-kept my head ducked, returned carefully to the staIrway, went upstaIrs, passed out of the store, down to t.he hotel, sat down, thought It over, remarked to myself what an Interesting story thIS day's expenence In thIS town would make for other merchants hke SmIth & Brown 111 other tm, ns to read-and gentlemen, you are now heanng it I wIll call the manager of the second store "Jones." Now what was the matter WIth Jones? What were, and probably are yet, hIS short-comIngs? Before pIoceed111g I WIsh to state that my experience in thIS town ""hlch expenence I have had other times, before and since, as pIctured f01 you, IS not overdrawn. This day's expenence happened Just as I am relatIng It to you WIthout one iota of exagge1atlOn. N ow, what wa" the matter WIth Jones ? Just thIS: He thought that work-hard phYSICal labor was what the finan- CIers behInd that bus111ess expected of hIm. He dId not realIze that the1 e i" but one standard by which we are all Judged 111the bus111ess world today, that of "results" He beheved he was fulfill111g hi'i duty by work111g his hands, hIS legs, hIS back, hIS whole phYSIcal body hard-and letting the noodle part take care of itself. It would have been much more profitable in actual money for the owners of that store if this manager had been para-lyzed from hIS collar button down, had been compelled to use a wheel chaIr-and then had to rely entirely on that part of his anatomy from the collar button up-provId1l1g, of course. that he had a set of brams on which to rely. Please do not misunderstand me Here are pIctured two extremes, and in my op111lOn,I have stated the extreme that would result better financIally for the busine:'>s. The well balanced man IS, of course, the Ideal man, and Brown of SmIth & Brown IS surely a well balanced man Upon closer mqUlry before I left that town I found that Smith & Brown were doing about twice the business that J ones was doing It is not hard to understand why that is SO-IS it? I have saId that another short-com1l1g of the country merchant IS that he dIsposes of the petty happenings each day as they happen, with no. thought of the morrow; that he is a slave to CIrcumstances, 1l1stead of mak111g cltcumstances his slave Let us draw another picture. ThIS will be a composite There are so many thousands of merchants who WIll exactly fit in this frame that It IS not necesc;ary to take any partIc-ular 111stance or man Let's call thIS typical man "W 11son"- Henry J. vVllson-"Hank" for "hart It is now 5 '30 a. m. Hank IS stIrring uneasily in his bed He wakes up. He gets up Mrs. Hank also wakes up and gets up. He prods the base burner, starts the kitchen fire, puts on the tea kettle, washes his hands and face, fi11lshes dress-ing, eats his breakfast and by 6 '30 is at the store. He opens up, pokes the fire in the big store stove; shakes the grate; throws in the bucket of coal blOught up the 111ght before; shovels the ashes into the empty bucket; emptIes them on the ash pile, and comes back into the store; waits on the livery man's httle girl, who hves down at the end of the street, who buys a quarter's worth of sugar and a yeast cake; opens up the safe, takes out the day book and bag of change, shuts the safe; lays the day book on the grocery counter and distributes the change in the drawer; opens the day book to the next blank page, writes the date at the top of the page and charges the sugar and yeast cake;. takes t~e othe.r broom and helps JImmie sweep, .who has Just arr.Ived-It bemg about 7.15' stops in the mIddle of the sweep1l1g to walt on Jake Allen 'who wants a ten cent cut of "Horseshoe," which he charges as he dId the sugar and yeast bought by the livery man's daughter; nails up the three cases of eggs ready for the drayman who will call at 9 '00 to take theJ? down for the 10:10 freight; waits on a couple of school chIldren who buy I I I I 22 \V E E K L Y "\ R TIS A N fir e cents \\ ortb of call ell , alld cl penn\ " "orth of cbe\\ Il1g ~um and a fHe cent tdblet open" up the ::,ate agcl1l1, ~eh out the ledger, take" It back to the "land111g de"k, £;eb the da} book and beg111~ PO:ot111g-accounh four cia) " old po"ts awhIle and "alt" on mOle cu"t0111el", thcn pO"h some m()1C It IS ned' 11 30 He g-oe::, h(,me to dmnu letUln" ,It 1230, dnd JImmIe cmd '->u"le go tll cl1l1nu llc ,d\\In" lu\e~ [11111nle and SU"le 111 the "tme t )~cth(] Ilhcll III ~()(~1 I mea1s-.,0 that JImmIe \\ III 1\dtch ::'ll"IC clild '--U"IC \\ 111\\ <lIeh Jll111111e,read" tbe dalh pdper th.lt came 111 on tht 11((Ill tl dIll f1('111 12 30 unbl 1 30, J l1111111ednd ::,u..,le 1etUlIl £;ch hu ~\ POQIl1g agam untll ..2 30, at 2 10 the Jalmu" \\ II e" he\..,l1l tl drrn e, bus) vvalt111g on II adc '111tll ,10 Chdt~ \\ llh d CI,uplc oi fal mer" i01 halt .m IIIJUI llllll~ IlIOUlld Ul1tl1 ; 30 g( c" home to :ouppel bdCk at () 1; J lllllllle and '-,U~IC go to "up pel, back at 7 00 chah \\ Ith ft lend" \\ ,lIt-, on 11101C lU..,tO!l1U" loc,k" 0\ el the "tock "]ll)II' ~(llllC !l101c goud.., t(, "'()ll1t town "boppu" untIl 10 30 lllunh thc mOllel 111 thc c1J,111el flna" tbat thele I'" $22;0 111(J!cthdll the c lId.., III thp ll1CJl11mg -dr)ll't know hcnl !l1ucb ol tht-, \' ,t-, cd"h bLblllt~.., n01 lHJ11 much bU"111e"" \\,1-, clont that eLl\ , Ul ,111\ ()thll day Put.., tbe money he eAped, to dCpO"'ll 111 thl "mdll dLlIIll t the left m the "dfe ancl $10 00 clungl 111 thl bdg t I III "t m, 'I n 1I1g, puts day book and leclfiu m "ate, I( ck.., ..,d]C h"L'" hI e lock" bclek and celldr doCll, tUllh out the hghh gue.., out tront door, lock" It, goe.., home dnd to bed-and does It all over again next day, \\ Ith thL I allet\ (It 01cll Img gUIld" ,llld pa,mg blll" ,\hen (IUl llet [.., TUlt\ \C,l1-, uld thh \C,lI iOlty-one ne"t ,eal hlt\ \L<lh old t1l1 Ilal, IIOIIl 1,)\1 hft,· five 111 hfte~n \edl~ ,lJ1d "I" \ t\\Cl1tl ,Cdl'" nom n )1\ 1f he lives. Sell" out the ])L1"111C,,"b\ th.lt tlmc Jlll hap" tu JImmIe, and retIre" ft om 0 It the bu Slnl"" melp Do yOU th1l1k thl" pIcture I.., u\ e elId\\ n' It.., d" truc ,l" we hve, 111 thousand" of stores toda\ The"e store keepcr", not 11luc1unt.., dlC "LI\e.., ut III cun1stance" 1I1stead oj malol1!; Cllcum..,tdnCl'" thL11 ,Lllc", they d1:opo::,e of the peth 11dpplnllls'" ul thL lLII 1\Ith 11 thought of the nwrro\\ \\ hat a lIfe I )u"t a lot ot "Iut mZlch111e clbtl !l)l]tUI.., t)J whole"alel" and JoblJel" \1 e they lOl1tentCII '\1 e the11 wnes contented' Let u.., hopc "0 Clhc good LOld \CI\ merCIfully take" care of all of Ib, anc! aJtel cdl I'" .."ud-.d] an} of us get on thl" earth b loud and dothl.., .lJ1d d hUll'L to hve In, a fe" pleasure", plent\ ot tlOubk, and thcn the next generatlOn come" on and goc" thlU the "ame jJloce..,,, whIle we, one bv one, dlop tlll u the <"IC\e \I hel1 \\ e al e "ho' ed 0\ el the mesh that hh But whIch "ould \ ou IdthcI 1Je-Olll [c,r!orn Illcnc! ,Hdnk," or Olle of thIS b~1I1ch 01 11\C, \\ Idl d\\ ake alu t hu "I nes'S men who ale hele toda,-\\ho do mOlC ,1ctual h1111!; 1Jl one day than Hank doe" 111 d yeal-who "hape UICU111"tdllCL'" to d great extent to SUIt them"elves, and who do ha\ e thou~ht of the morro", ,,111ch h proyen by } our be111g-here todd \ J hd\ e salcl tl1dt anothu shOl t-com1l1g- of the countl, melchant I" that hlo scythe I" hUllg on the hmb of a t!ce 111 the mIdst of the hlg ±11l1tfu1 fidel that SUIrounds 111111, \,hl!c men "ho dIe hvmg 111ChIcago and KalamaLoo ,He l\01kmg thell bra111s 0\ ertlll1e gathelmg 111 the shed' es I here de"lre to go on I ecol el \\ Ith the tollowmg- state ment The ani} leason that the nUll 111 Chlca~o 01 Kalama700 gather.., m the shen es I" that he h,h the COUlltl\ merchant heaten to a IrdZ/le "lth brams and energy The count I , mel chdnt SIb under the "hade of the tl ec 111 v,hlCh hlo "C) thc I', hun~-on all slc!e.., a~ lal ,IS the e, c can "ee, arc thc IljJpcnccl "hca\ l", I lad}, I IpC dnc1 1\Illmg to bc gathered lIe docs gdthel the: laJ(~e..,t nal t of them, 01 Llthel the, fiather themselv e" fOI hl111, but \\ hat doe" hc do about thc ..,hea\ e.., that are shppm2; away hGJ11 111m-that thc (Jthel man g-oe, boldlY out ancl eral nel S ' Doe" he \lhet hIS "c,the \\Ith the "dll1e "ort oj ,I \\het "tone, dnel then ,,\\ m~ Ih~t "CI the 111the ",lme m.ll111el d.., hc ..,et" the othel man clOlng 1\lth "uch cleadh e"ceut1LJI1' 1\0, he c!ue"n't \\ hI c!oL"n t he' I'll gIve It up. \\hdt cloe" he cloe 1111" h \\hdt he c!oe,,-lIL dl.:?,'"UjJ good hard co 111 , and hand::, It over tu e\ ery "mouth tongued mdl\ldual \\ho comes along- and Sd)::', "Ilelc I" a plan to put a 111ck 111 the K.tla1l1azoo man's e;c\ the So dnt! "0 'clllfi LIp, dnd dl so :oo.and "u '\ ow, vou abo dIg' and we'll fix 'em \\ c 11 ha, c ,1 ~Icuth prO\'\1 around m theIr back yard and II ell "ee whel C they get the"e scythe" and whet stones, and thln \Ve \\ on't ])u' dnV SCythes and whetstones where they 1) n them" \\ hell a tcuh"hnes" I \\ hll dl( thl~e "C\thes and ,l1ut ale these whet-stone,,' \nc1 hUI\ can the Lonntl, merchant get ,," £;ood ::,cythes and , ,;ood \\ het ..,tl,nL'" ] he "'C)thc" dIe !;ovd, dnd tLl whet "tones al e lorrect 8 clvertl-"111g 1oda\ m many a "tore goods ot equdl OJ bettel quahty Il hew£: "uld 11)1the Sdme or les" monel Ihcn \\hdt, the tlC)nble' I he !luuhle h pill I 0, no arllutls111g The tJoub1e IS the l 'unt! \ JI1ellhant cloe, not know-does not nnder::,tand tbe Jlcople V\ ho deal \v Itb hlln \\ e luok dt a human bem!" fOlty }ealS of age, WIth 1\hbker.., on hl'-, face 'SIX feet tall, and Wt- hedl hIm "peak 111 1 bea II 100ce \ \ e "a \. Hel e h a 111an He k11lHh \'V hat he I'" dlJln~ ,ml \\h,lt he \Ian!', and 111U"tbe tJedted hke a man" \\ hdt doc'" thc dgC of that man, h1" c,17e, hl'-, e;trength, III thlekne..,.., dncl length at hI" "hlskers 01 the tone of hIS \ (JlCChd\ e to c!o 1\lth the growth of his mind 11 \\ C \1(nit! all 1edh7L dnd alv\ d}.., keep 111m111d that 111111 ,l11(1\1 1m' Il d C bnt chllrlten ()t .1 lalgel growth, man) ,I thc ll1l(ln.., lit (UI tell m men VlOItld be better underste'Oc! \\ l1ue d) thc 111,l1n\ l11cn 111lhlcago and Kalama/oo ""111g Lhlll "'1 \ thl'" \JI1I)J1!; the hIgh office bUlld111~c,ot "\ew York l 11 e,lJ,l) '-,1 LoU!.., .1l1d l""an"a,, lIb' i\ ot thdt \\ e have ob "el \ ed J he c111]dlen thue hd\e glOVlIl a httle too large for them \\ hele do they '.\\1110 theIr scythes' You know and so do I, '-,l1lh he111g the ld"e \\h) does not the country merchant "':11c hI'" leg.., ,Ind bdcl a le..,t, get bus} \'\lth hh bra111s, SW111g thc "',llnt- "01 t at d ..,l\ the that he pla1111y see" I" domg good l "L11111011dnrl ~dtheJ 111all the ..,hea\ e" I he 1ll0"t gl.1l111g and costlv e;hort com111g 111the average U '11111, ..,tOle t-, the l()J1tracted length, brecllith and depth of 1) 1111101 the ]JI0]111etOl l du nut medn b, th1:o a",ert10n that he I" mean or 1\Ilked L mean that hc does not reahze there are so many thmgs he does not know and whIch he must know before he c,ln pO":Olbh aClomp1Jsh resnlh Retel ence 1" hel e nude to the proplletOl of the country -tOl e, v\ho Cdre" nC'th111g 101 the \ lew" of the other men 111the ..,dme blh111e..,s-\\ ho take, no stock m trddc papers, and who \\ odd lon~](lel hI" Cdl ta' e and hotel bIll de; rnoney dbe;olutely 111,\\n a\\.l\, ,,11CJnldhe dttend ,1 COn\entlOn Itke thIS LedIn lwm dm hoeh elsc how to run his busmess 111his tUI'. n' \\ here he ha" It{ ed to! ty odd} ear'S, and knovv'> every-body' \\ he] e tho"e \\ ho are g0111g to trade WIth hIm, WIll trc1l1e WIth hIm and whele tho"e who don't Just won't and never will. "'pend utteen 01 twenty dollar" to go to a conventIOn, and II"tU1 to a lot 01 theones' Xot on your hfe I \\ hat "ould be the development of a clllid born deaf and dumb and blmd If that chtld ne\ er recen ed an ultenol Impre::,slOn' Ab"olutel} none beyond annnal 111stmcts Huw doe" the bearer of the whIte man's burden, the 11dwn} James J J effnes, propose to erase the map of Afnca oit the face of the earth' By commumng \Vlth hImself out unGer the ::,hade uf an orange tree on hIs Cahforma rdnch- "Ilellth and alone J Doe" he sa, -' T kll0\\ m\ gamc' \\ ho I" there that Cd 11 tedch me' '\ at dccorc1111P'to the 111te1est111g p111ksheet I peruse every SUlJeld} mOl n111g On the contrary he proposes to ::,pend no time whatevel under the ..,h,lde of that Olange tree Instead, he WIll attach to hI::' 1et11111ethe "hlft} , C]l1lck-hmbed Pompadour JIm, who II III be 111"tll1cted to 111t hl111 qmck and hIt hIm often-if he can 1\1"0 111that I et1J1ue WIll be \It Gotch who hdll" from the "tate of buHu, pIg" dml pObtlC", to the south of 1b-who h \'vIcier than he I" long-and who WIll be 111e;tJ ucted to get 'lh "toe hold' on 111111-1fhe can, and to tIe hIm 11))111a knot -If he can. I\lso 111 that ret11111e \Vtll be bo"ers of renown whom WEEKLY ARTISAN James J wIll u"e f01 punch1l1g hage;-dll for a good -,lzed con-'Ide1at1On. of COUl'3e ~nd t11lle;11111]ame.., pI eparc fO! the battle he mll,',t fight Lan any man 111 that whole tra1l1111g camp whIp the 1 edollbtahle J ame'3 J ) If they th111k ~o they ment10n It 111a \vh1Spe1 out alone bchmd the barn, then w h v "ueh a fuse;) Beeaue;e III one pal tKula1 P0111t one trd111er excel~, 111 dnuthel pal tlCltlal pOInt another tralllel excels, 111 anothel. dnother, and ..,0 on. and am 'Burden heal er" knows that he mue;t not bp nanoV\ mll1ded-must not be contented vIlth Illm"el£ a,', he I"-nnbt not "ay-"I know my httle gdme and nobod, can teach me anyth111g He know.o that certa111 and sure defeat would 01 envhelm 111m..,hould he re~t contentedh un del the 01ange tree ~h()uld not the man II ho frght:, J1I', hdttles IV 1th Ill~ head keep that head 111 tlam111g-) ~ hould he nUt develop that bralll by wre~tlmg II 1th other hralll" 1\ ho a1e ,upenOJ to hIS 111 different pomts. \\ 111It not de\ elop Ill" fi£;htmg- quaht1c.., and ll1"Ul e hm1 gre<lte1 e;ucce"" 111hu"mes" hfe If he v,rtstle~ out the many tJU'1TIe~" prGblem" of the met cdntllr hfe vvlth othel hr:'lll1y bllSme'3e; men) There I" only one lJO~"'Ible <In,,v\el to tIll" a..,suLJoll v\ e, who are hel e, know that It pay s bIg to get togetheI, and ,',tud} all the j)mnh uf our g-dme. learn111g, one trom an other, "tud ' 111g. alNJrbll1g. th111klll£; cll1d thu" dn clopmg an d w1den111~ our 1e"ult p10du"lIlg powe1 s ::'uch d gather111g d" th1" has paId e\ ery one of th ten tolc1 If It has mdde u~ do hut one th111g-th111k Discussion. :\Ir \\ 11eelock, ::"ecretary to (,,01 "\ C Eberhart -"I "eem to be the goat on thI" OCCdS1On In the first place, I had no notice that I V\ as expected to say anythlllg I had no time to prepare d \vell wl1tten d1,cour"e such a" :\Ir PIke has entertamed u" "Ith In the second 111 my offiCIal reld- 11on"h1p \\lth the gme1nur of the state, V\e hdve but one "peeeh hetvveen us \\ hen 1 am out WIth hIm, I have no chance and lu"t now he has the ~peech WIth 111m c1ehverlllg- It at ilvo place" at the "ame tIme "c\" an old new "paper man, I hare1ly agree \v 1th :\lr PIke about advertlslllg I thlllk It the foumlatlon '3tone of all lJU'imess '3ucce::,,, "~JIthe same I thmk 1lank \\ 11son had a 'inap~wlth d11 the drawbacks pIctured, It seems to me he has the best of us He knew when he had enough and knew how to dIVIde hIS time If you gentlemen are gomg to fo11o\\ the adv lee of :\Ir P1],e to '\lJ fa) lOJ, 1 do not see v\hen) ou dre gom~ to get any chance to re"t 1\t the nsk of bemg m a hopele,,'3 mmonty, 1 am gomg to stay WIth Hank for clwhde Those "ent1J11ents dId not m"p1re a responsIve throb m my hea1t , v10m v\ hat 1 have learned of th1" ,ls::,oc1atlOn, you are all prepared to follow 1\J1 PIke's advIce to the 11J111tbut I have not heard of any mal] Older house gomg to the wall 111spIte of yOlll VIords of last year I am gomg to steal thIS "uggest1On from my good fnend, the o"her :\Jr Taylor of Lake Benton before he gets d chance 10 "pring It :\ifeet cat;cdoo- comj)etlt1On WIth Its oVln ammurutlOn-w1th a cata-log covenng the ,',ame lIne of stuff Thb wIll be cl moe;t effectn e argument to place betore the country buye1 I spent twelve ) ean m Dakcta 1 unl11ng a da1lv paper 111 a country to\'\ n \Ye formecl d httle combmdt1On at our 01\ n dgreel11g- to buy nothing away from home that we could get at home I ha\ e hdd many cl good old fal me1 fl1end ae;k me Ivhat I thought about tIll", tl1dt and the other article offered t01 sale I "d1d, 'well, 1L 1'3 d good pIcture and It 1edds IVell but I e;uggest that you go daVIn town to OLr fnend Logan and look 01 e hI" "tOle Compare the qualIty of hh goods vv1th the advel thed qUdhty of these artIcle", add the freIght "nd the 111cldental expenses of exchangl1lg "tuft that V\a" not what au ordered and "ee If ) au Cdnnot do ]U'3t as well by t1aelmg at home" It ~eems to me that If yuu '3tart at thh "tage of the game and do the mI""IOn<ll v \\ ork at home that vot1 WIll ~ucceed 111 entennlS a \vedge 'LIve and let 11\e" 1t 1'3 the most comfo1 table polIcy to II'v e by See If yOU cannot convmce the farmers that 1 he savm~ of a [ell dolla1" Ie; Ivorth nothmg compa1ecl WIth the be"t 111te1e"t:, of Y0ul tello\'\ men 23 "I kno\\ thd1 It 1" pI e"umptuou" for me to adVIse tramed bU"llless men "uch <I" VOU all' hut speak111g' flam my oVln e"penence, It ~eeJ11Sto me thIS 1,',one of the factors that mu"t enter mto competItion wIth the outSIde octupus 1 am sure that 'our work I~ bllngmg you the greatest benefit from } eal to yecl1 a" ) our attendance here tOl11g-ht mcIJcates I thank ) ou " ] R Ta} lor- I under"tand that I was elected p1e'31- dent of thIS a,,~oc1atlOn vvhde 1 \'>as out thIS afte1 noon I do not know \I hethe1 to tl1dnk you or not \\T e have one good "trGng thmg to do Your bu) 111" commIttee ha'3 found out where to buy goods E\ ery famIly m the country has all kmds of advertIsements f10m \lontgo111ery \\ aid and SealS, Roebuck \\I]1dt are vie g0111g- to cia? \\ e can fill up UUl stOJ e WIth $298 beel'3 and $2 mattl e""es the e;ame a" Seal ", Roc buck and \Iontgomerv \\ arc! &. La, but how are we gOll1g to let the farmers know v\ e have the"e gooc!s? T]11s has bee11 bothellng me fot some tnne Ho\\ are we g0111g to let the people kno\\ that we can meet catalog competltlOn \ V e must settle that thb year and J beIJeve our ad, ertls111g com-mIttee can do It fOJ th "It ~eem" to me thelt our 1m) 111g commIttee anc! you 1 f01mer preSIdent ha\ e done nobly ] heIr work has shown the membe1 ~ what \ve can do and how VIe can buy of OUi Ov\n dealers \ \ e could not do It two or tIll ee year~ ago "\Ye heard a few thl11g" thI" .tfte1 noon 111oppoe;lt1on to co upe1at1\e bUymg That h what ha" mdde e\e1ythmg E, Cl} th111g 1~ <..-o-ope1atn e People even agreed not to eat meat for 60 da),', [hope that every member of thIS aSSOC1- at10n wIll feel perfectly free to buy good" at OU1 aSsoc1atlOn If you Cdnnot get what you want thru the aSsoc1at1On. help out the buy mg commIttee and ,Ve V\ 111aecompllsh more than we have m the pa'3t year 1he dealers and manufacturer" of lh1' cIty hay e alway~ u"ed me well I am no talker but If I V't-re out on the ~t1eet corner, I could probably talk for an haUl Our fnend Taylo1, (1\ er there makes hIS lIVIng by talklllg-talk s dll the time fhere IS another gentlem<ln he1 e from South Dakota lust aClO,,~ the lIne from me lIne pretty near there Ot CGu~se It WIll take hIm some tIme to get up WIth the rest d us tellows You can see b\ 11l~loob he IS lazy. "In regard to thI" cdtalo~ bu"me"s, I beheve there is one thmg we ought to get out a ul11versal catalog There arc 77 pages of furl11ture 111Montgomery \Vard & Co's cata log- rl hey have cheap and medltlm furl11ture If we had a cataloo- of that kmd whIch every dealer could send out to the farmers, It would only take 250,000 to send one to every farmer One fellm'> "aId he would take 50,000 I wlOte your ~eCletary about It, ask111g what It would cost but he could not find out 111that short tU11e I thmk It would be well to look 111tOIt thIS com111g year Gentlemen, I am g0111g to do the best I can for you but) au must all help lb E\ ery man has got to take hold and help ~----------------------------------------------~ ~IKCl~ou INTERESTING PRICES g~'i~~.vk~~g SEND SAMPLES, DRAWINGS OR CUTS FOR PRICES I ~~~i:,~E::..P:. ROWE CARVING WORKS, I~---- ..-----_. . - -.-- ,II -~--_._-~ __ ..a ALLEGAN, MICH. 24 .... _ .. WEEKLY ARTISAN • •• ••••••• •• r _ .... ~ran~DapMs Dlow Pipe an~Dust Arrester (ompanJ THE LATEST device for handling shavings and dust from all wood~ working machines. Our nineteen years experience in this class of work has brought it nearer perfection than any other system on the market today. It is no experiment, but a demonstrated scientific fact, as we have several hun~ dred of these systems in use, and not a poor one among them. Our Automatic Furnace Feed System, as shown in this cut, is the most perfect working device of anything in this line. Write for our prices for equipments. WE MAKE PLANS AND DO ALL DETAIL WORK WITHOUT EX~ PENSE TO OUR CUSTOMERS. EXHAUST FANS AND PRES-SURE BLOWERS ALWAYS IN STOCK. Office and Fe.ctory: 208-210 Canal Street GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. em.ene Phone 1212 ... u. M..ln 1804 OUR AUTOMATIC FURNAOE FEED SYSTEM • • • •• • ••••••• - ... • • • •• I • • • • •• •• "'_. _s .. .. _ , . WEEKLY ARTISAN New Furniture Dealers. Hes:,er & Boyles are new dealers at Marllll, Tex C B J\'elson IS a ne"" dealer at Portsmouth, Va. E \1 Deel,} has opened a new furllltUl e 'itore at ~ eese", S C The Home FurnIture company are new dealers at Alex-andria, La E E Hunt has opened a new fl1rnitUl e stOl e at El Campo, Tex Mason & Son have opened a new furlllture store at Junction CIty, Ore H Vlllcent & Father have established a new furniture ,tore at Estell, S C '1he Ross Hardware company of Fort Gaines, Ga, has added a furllltLue department Bro" n & Regan-Rush Brown and BenJamlll Regan-hay e openeJ a new furnitnure :,tore 111\tI1tchelI, S. Dak ::\lcCrary & Tubb'i wJll open a new furllltule store, with an undertakmg department in the buildlllg formerly occupied by J \;\T )'1cCrary, LeAmgton, Ky HarbIson & McGee are new furlllture dealer'i at Russell-vJlle, Ark Both members of the fil m were formerly with Patrick-Leonard Hardware company of that town. \i\!JlIiam H Stewart, Allen B Endicott and !\bel Spencer haH incorporated the Stewart & Endicott company to deal m furniture m Atlantic CIty, N J CapItal stock, $6,000 Shaenfield Bros & Co, of San Antonio, Tex, dealers in lllstallmel1t ",peclaltles announce that they WIll "hortly open a fUllllture store Manufacturers al e requested to ..,end cata-logues H ] Bloomburg, C Lopinsky, Rosa L Bloombury, ] ul 1U.., and P SI1verman have incorporated the Ideal Furniture company, capItalized at $10,000, to do a wholesale and retaJl furlllture bus mess m Charleston, W. Va New Factories. J E. Shone is promoting a company to e'itablish a new furlllture factory in South Bend, Ind. Joseph BaJley and others have orgalllLed the Surry ChaIr company to establish a new factory at Elkm, N C CapItal stock, $25,OQO The :New York and North Carolina Land company are considering a proposition to estabhsh a furmture factory at Brevard, N C The Eureka Manufacturin~ company in which H C Land, T M McKee and J A Royer are the principal stock-holders, will estabhsh a new table factory at New Castle, Ind The \Vyhe ManufactUring company has been lll~orporated to manufacture the \N'ylie metal foldlllg bed 1ll DetrOIt W 11- liam ] Lawrence IS preSIdent, George \V Sharpe, vIce presI-dent and W Jlham A \i\Tyhe, ..,ecretary and treasurel The bed that the company WIll manufacture was m\ ented by Mr \\Tyhe about two year:, ago The new factOly WIll be located on Duffield street Furniture Fires. The furlllture store of J G Mertz & Sons, Hastlllg'i, Minn, was :,hghtly damaged by fire that de..,troyed the ad- ]oin111g btllld111g, recently The Grady Furlllture company of 1\ew Haven, Conn, lost about $300 by a bla7C 1ll the ba",ement of theIr store on March 4 FUlly 111sured FIre start111g m the dry kiln, damaged the plant of the Fond du lac (WIS) Church Furlllture company to the ex-tent of about $21,000 la:,t Sunday evenmg sured. Arthur A \\ heman, upholsterer and furniture dealer of Grand RapIds, J\Ilch, lost about $400 by fire in hIS uphol-stering department on March 4 Fully 111sured G B Allyn & Co's furlllture store, LYl1donvJlle, Vt, was de..,Uoyed by fire 011 March 1 J\lrs Allyn escaped from the blllldmg by Jump111g from a second story wmdow and landmg In a snow bank Los.." $7,000, ilburan
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Subject Topic:
Periodicals and Furniture Industry
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