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- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published weekly in Grand Rapids, Mich, starting in 1879. and // GRAND RAPlr: GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., JANUARY 1, 1~ NELSON-MATTER FURNITURE GRAND RAPIDS9 MICH. co.~ < ' .e.. ..... . ... :..: ::.:: :. : ....:.::... :.... . :.: .:...... :... ..:...•..-..:. .... ... . < I , , ............:.....:....:.:.."... .:...-.-....:.. :.. :.:. ...... l ----------_._-------- --_._~----_._-_._. --- II Great Improvements in Refrigerators for 191 0 I I II II ! i IIII II I II III II II SEE THE NEW LEONARD WATER COOLERS FOR REFRIGERATORS! SEE THE ENTIRE NEW LINE OF SATIN WALNUT REFRIGERATORS! SEE THE NEW COMBINATION-REFRIGERATOR AND KITCHEN CABINET! SEE THE NEW ROUND CORNERS ON THE "LEONARD GRAND RAPIDS!" SEE THE NEW WOVEN WIRE SHELVES IN OUR ENAMELED LINEl SEE THE NEW CHEAP LINE OF "NORTH POLE" REFRIGERATORSl SEE THE NEW ALL PORCELAIN REFRIGERATORS-INSIDE AND OUTSIDE! LET OTHERS FOLLOW-IF THEY CAN. WE LEAD SEE THE NEW HOME OF THE LEONARD CLEANABLE REFRIGERATORS. The largest and finest refrIgerator factory In the world It IS only 111such a factory that the best good" can be made for the least money, and ordel s promptly filled ThIs mammoth plant IS at ) our service for the askIng Send for our 1910 catalogue vVe make nearly everythIng that "e use The Porcela1l1 Enamel for L1l11l1gs-the T1l1necl \\ 11e Shelves-the Locks-the II111ges-the \\'ater Coolers-the ne\\ deslgn~ and fi111shes are all made In thIs wonderful factory Our assortment IS enormous, rangIng tram the, en cheapest to the finest And best of all we help) au e;ell the goode;' The' Leonard Cleanable" reputatIOn IS beh1l1d them Our magaLlne ad, el tle;l11g and our store sel11l1\?,plans \\ 111 bl1l1~ ,ou mal1\ customers ..::.::.:.:..... .. ••• c. •• • . . . ..: :-..:.:.. Satin Walnut, with Water Cooler. Kitchen Cabinet and Refrigerator. GRAND ~ . WEEKLY ARTISAN Our Specialties ~for 1910 will be as follows and we shall have an immense quantity of each from which to supply you. Drawer Bottoms and Glass Backs in Gum, Poplar and Basswood. Crossbanding and Backing in Poplar, Birch and Gum. Quartered and Plain Oak Veneer Sawed, Sliced and Rotary Cut. Irish Glue Imported and Always in Stock. We wish you a Happy and Properous New rear and while thanking you for the trade you have given us we solicit your further inquiries. Walter Clark Veneer CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. 1 2 IV E E K L Y ART I SAN l WEEKLY ARTISAN 3 A RADICAL DEPARTURE FROM ALL ESTABLISHED IDEAS AND DESIGNS WILL BE SHOWN IN TUE NEW SPRING LINE -Of LAYCOCK BEDS THE T. B. LAYCOCK MFG, CO., INDIANAPOLIS, IND. -A NEW AND DISTINCT TYPE -Of METAL BEDS Every dealer should see this different line before placing Spring orders. Nothing ever shown like it before. New Designs. New Finishes. Exclusive Laycock Ideas. You will want this line. It will create a sensation in your town. MANY NEW DESIGNS IN BRASS BEDS FOR 1910. The Laycock Brass Beds have a reputation for Q!ality. We will show in January a hun-dred patterns 10 brass, from the most ornate and decorative to the more severe and classic models of Mis-sion and Colon-ial designs. LAYCOCK'S No. 545-Square Steel Tubing; 2 Inch Posts. finish. You can get these only of the T. B. Laycock Mfg. Co. You need them for Spring. you. This line not shown in any Market. THE LAYCOCK WOODFIN. ISH (Mahog-any and Golden Oak) is the only dependable wood finish. The only wood finish on Metal Beds that has stood the test. Laycock Beds in wood fin-ishes were the success of the Fall Season. Beautiful soft toned, dull Ma-hogany; also polished, flaky, quarter-sawed Golden Oak Our prices will surprise FURNITURE DEALERS invited to inspect our line at Factory. The T. B. Laycock Mfg. Catalog sent on request. Indianapolis, Indiana Co., WEEKLY ARTISAN -~---_._._-_._------------------ • _. ••• • - - ••• - • - - -1 • IIIIII II I I II III II II II .1III III III ,III I,III III I I Have you had anything from The Luce Furniture Co. lately? Bedroom and Dining Room equipment in profusion. Time---Now. Place---Grand Rapids. ~--_..._--_ ..- --------------------~-------------------------------------_.----- ••• •••• ._ ••• a __ a ••• ~--------------------------- MR. FURNITURE DEALER: New Line Madden's Excello Loose Mattress of Davenport Beds If you are interested in a GOOD LINE OF DAVENPORT BEDS I DON'T FAIL TO SEE OUR EXHIBITS I in Janual'Y at 1319 Michigan Ave., CHICAGO, 6th Floor, or 37 to 41 North Capitol Ave., INDIANAPOLIS, IND. I IIIII II IIIIII: Davenport Beds IIIIII New Line of Automatic with Make application for Catalogue No. 28. THOS. MADDEN, SON & CO., Indianapolis,Ind. I ...--------------------------------------------- ------------------------- ..- .. .----------.... -- .. .. .~ ---------------, 26 GRAND RAPJ~ PUBLIC LIBilA~Y ( 1l.f. I { 30th Year-No. 27 GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.• JANUARY 1. 1910 Issued Weekly PREVENTION OF INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS A Little Book That Should Be Kinds Studied by Employers of Factories. All The Fldehty and Casualty company of New York have sent out to theIr pohcy holders and others a pamphlet or book of nearly 200 pages that ought to be of mterest to all employers and espeCIally to the owners and managers of mllls and factones The book IS entitled "The PI eventron of In-dustna1 Accidents" and ItS purpose IS to furnIsh adv Ice and mformatron that may benefit both the pohcy-holders and the msurance company The mtroductron IS devoted to stailstlcs relatn e to industl ial aCCIdents and the loss that they Impose upon employers and employees The cau<;es of aCCIdents classIfied accordmg to German reports are gIven, from whIch It appears that 42 per cent are due to ordmary nsk and 58 per cent to lack of skill, carelessness, faulty factory equip-ments, etc, and are considered preventable The total num-ber of factory accidents in the United States IS estimated at 30,000 to 35,000 per annum, of which at lea<;t a thIrd al e con-sidered preventable The book IS chvlded into several chap-ters The first, devoted to "Care on the Part of Emp10yels and Employes," reads as follows "Not only the safety of workmen, but the maximum out-put of the plant, are promoted by makmg the phySIcal SUl-rounchngs of the workmen as comfortable as possIble Plenty of hght, good aIr, safety, and comfort pay m a financIal sense Statistics show that the greatest numbel of aCCIdents occur dUl mg the months of dnTIlmshmg hght Dn ty wmdo" <;and insuffiCIent artificial IlluminatIOn often make condItions much worse than they need be Great Improvement m 11lummation may be had by whltewashmg the walls of a dalk room at least once a year. ThIS a1<;0sa, es much on the cost of artlfical Illu 111matron Consldelatlons of economy often lead to the overclOwd-mg of machmery, that i<;, too many 111achmes are placed m a grven space The WIdth of the passageways between the machines is thus reduced to the point of danger Any undue CUItallment of space mterferes WIth the proper handlmg of the Ulach111es and adds to the risk and probablllty of aCCIdent, owmg to the operator bemg exposed to contact with gears, pulleys, belts, and other moving pal ts, for even where guards are provIded in fullest measure, it is ral ely possible to eh-minate absolutely all danger Space should not be held of more value than safety. Shppery floors constitute an element of danger, especIally in conJlll1ctIOn WIth unguarded mach111ery And even where and Employees in a Shppely floor IS not m plOAlmlty to an unguarded.machllle, It may cause a had fall, resultmg m senous llljuries ThIS IS hke1y to he the ca:oe where vvork111en are engaged in carrymg hea, y matenal JVlany aCCIdents, and, ery often those of a senous nature, are due to the u;norance of the workmen New hands are put to "olk on dangerous machme" WIthout proper prell1nin-ary tramlng or :ouffiClent m"tluctlOns, new hands should never-thele<; s wOlk WIth and under the mstructlOn of expenenced hands until there can be no questIOn of theIr competency All wOlkmen should be carefully mstructed, m language they can understand, the proper and safe way to do theIr work "EspeCial care should be cxcensed m the case of mlnol s employed as opel atn es on dangerous machmes. Some ma-cll1nes al e too dangerous e, er to allow a young person to operate them The monotonous nature of the vvork, so con-tlary to the natUla1 active plOpensliles of the young, wlll lead to a moment of thoughtles"ness m the operator, and that to a grave aCCIdent "The Importance of thIS fedture cannot be overestimated In Germany "out of 45,971 aCCIdents noted in the mdustna1 aCCIdent statistics for 1897, there were 9,363 caused by the 'ImproVIdence 01 mattentron of the workmen,' 533 cases by 'frivolous beha, lor,' 2,422 case<; by actmg m contladictlOn to mstluctlOns,' 861 ca"es on account of 'non-use of eXIsting de-vIces for protectIOn,' and 220 cases by 'unsuitable clothmg' " Probably m the case of Amencan workmen the consequences of lack of dlsclphne are an even mal e prolific source of accI-dents Under the condItions the employer is warranted in mak111g stnct ru1e<; £;0\ elnmg the employes in hIS plant In fact, It 1<;hl<; cIuty to cIa so Dv the mamtenance of dlsclphne, to whIch pU111tn e measures are added where necessary, many aCCIdents may be pIe, ented DIsobedIence of orders <;hould not be tolerated "Ragged sleeve ends, loose cravats, and coats or overalls not properly buttoned often catch on movmg parts of ma- Chmely and cause serious and fatal aCCIdents It IS a wise precautIOn In many classes of \\ ark to roll the sleeves of all garments up ahoye the elbows Female operatives with flow mg hair 01 loose blald<; are constantly in danger from moving he1ts and spmcIles and revolvmg shafts They should be re-qUIred to wear the haIr as close to the head as possible The \1orkmg dres,,; of females should be a<; cIosefitting and SImple 6 , WEEKLY ARTISAN .,..----------------_._.---- -------------------_._---_._-_ . III III II•• I II• ••• III III £-_---- The season for banquets is here. Get a stock of our Banquet Table Tops so as to be ready to supply the demand. ...... --..., Our Large New Line of DINING and OFFICE TABLES are the best on the American market when prices and quality are considered. STOW &. Df\VIS fUKNITUKf, GO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. c.ty Salesroom, 4th floor, Blodgett Bldg. as IS practicable rlO\v ll1g ;,lee\ es and l()n~ at)lon :o>tllngOl are especlall) to he a\ mdcd "Very often v\ 01 kl11en \\111 obJed. to thl nse of "dle~naJ(l~ provIded, c1almlll~ that the\ 111te1±cIl \\ ah (jnantlt\ oj ont-put and ;'0 cnt elm\ n theIr ealll1ng" 1hI', b to be th e case partlcularh "Ith plece-\\ork By the e:Aeru"e ut a lIttle lllge11tllty, howevel the guard may often be adapted to pel-form It;, function and) et not lllterfere wlth the speed ot the WOlk ::\0 guard shonld he condemnecl "lmpl y becanse the workmen at the ontset object to It" nse Rathel thlS "hould lead to furthel "tnd) of the mattel and l11ochfic,IUon ot t]H ~nald to '3111tthe londltlOns "Fatigue leads to cal eles"ne"", and lon~ honl" of lahOl wIthout I e;,t are re"ponslble fOl l11an\ acudlnt" (h lrlook1ll~ workmen should be avOIded \\ hel e\ el jlos"lble \ contJl1noth supply of pure aIr IS no doubt of gleater ImpOltancc trol11 the ..,tandpOlnt of mamtenance of health than It I" tl( 111 the "tand pomt of pI ev entJon of aCCldent, bnt the t\\ 0 dl e I elate c1 \Vhate\er lowers thc \ltalIh ot the \\Orkl11dll. deuea"e" hI', alertness and watchfnlness to a\ Old aCCldent T mjlllre all ga"es, vapor". dust, and "moke thcI efOl e all ml1case the chance" of aCClc1ent. Jl1 adchtloll to 1l11pelll11lg the health 01 workmen \\There\ el p(J-,"lble, lt I', ach I;,able to jll0hlblt ab:o>oluteh .... ----------------- _._._._._.-._._--_. __ .~.~.~._._._._._----------.-.-.-. -.-.-.~--' the dnnkll1g of 1I1toxlcant;, dunng workmg hours No man nnc1el the mf1uence of hquor, even shghtly so, should be per-l111ttcd to I ema1ll III the \\ 01 k", much less to wOlk Kor should d l11,1l1"hosc nel\e" have been rendcred unsteady by the hahltlldl use of alcohol or h) a recent c1ebauch be permitted to operate dangerou" machmery, or to carryon dangerous \\ 01 k He endanger;, not only hIS own hfe, but also the ltves of others \Vhether aCCldenb are frequent or unfrequent WIll de-pend 111no small measure npon the character of the super- \ 1"10n and management If those m pOSItIOns of authonty are lal etnl and plndent, thelr conduct \\111 be reflected 111the con-duct of the workmcn, who WIll tend to be careful and prudent also L ncon SCIOUS ImItatIOn I;' one of the strong est force" tha t mold men TmltatlOn grow" 111tOhabIt. Managers, super- 1lltcndents, foremen. and others 111 authonty then, should be person s of e'(pedence and gl\ en to exercls111g a high degree of ldl e m all that the) do The ntmost care ..,hould be taken 111"electll1~ them 'The educatIOn (·f the w01h.mgmen m proper and safe pI actICes \\ 111 be promoted h) the postmg of pnnted rules re- ~al c11ll~ the thmRs thn should a\ Old d01l1g, and the pre-lantlon,- thC\ shonld take to a\ Old aCCIdents In the case of e,,]wualh dangeJ(lll" machll1es, It IS ac1vbable to furmsh the ... j I I ----------------------------------- No. 70 RICHMOND CHAIR CO. RICHMOND INDIANA DOUBLE CANE LINE "SLIP SEATS" - the latest and best method of double seatIng. Catalogues to the Trade. -------. ------ . -_.. .. . .... ----1 IIII II I,I I I II II,I ,I IIII II I RICHMOND TABLET ARM CHAIR The Best Value and Greatest Service for the Money GENUINE LEATHER SEAr ----- .. . ... WEEKLY ARTISAN ____ 4 _ ---------------------_._--.-..~.., In GRAND RAPIDS Only, January, 1910. OLD SPACE, Furniture Exhibition Bldg., Fourth Floor. The UDELL Line Library Bookcases, Medicine Cabinets, Ladies' Desks, Commodes, Sheet Music Cabinets, Folding Tables, Piano Player Roll Cabinets. A Lme whIch IS well worth gomg to see A Lme that you should have a complete catalog of [he fact that you have not our catalog can onlybe rectIfied by wntmg for your copy to day THE UDELL WORKS INDIANAPOLIS, IND. -~~_-.-------- operatn e,; ,\ Ith 'SpeCIal rule" and instructIOns relatIve Ito theIr opel atlOn It I" al"o pal tIcularly ImpOl tant to warn workmen of dan£;el" not apparent e.. cept to expenencecl and mtellIgent men, and to "how them how such dangers may be aVOIded "Regula! and frequent Il1spect!ons by cOlppetent men should be made of all the way", works, machmery, and ap-plIances, :'0 that defects and unsafe condItions may be dl:'- covered promptly and remedIed "The furthel care and precautlOns reqw"Ite to be taken for the pre, entIOn of aCCIdent::, are set fOl th m the "ub"e-quent chapter~, along WIth the descllptlOn of the proper de-sIgn and constructIOn of \ allOUS applIance:, used m mdustnal works, of the safety de\ Ices regarded by u" as sUItable and effiCIent, and of the use of 'Such de,lces , "othmg of COlll.,e h a complete 'Substitute for aIel tnes" and watchfulness m operatmg dangerons machmery, ne\ er-theless there are numerous safetv de,Ices that are effiCIent aIds m the ple\ ent10n of aCCIdent,; The expen,;e of man} of these de,Ice" I" but tllfImg m compan"on WIth the secunt} they affOl d And e\ en \\ hel e the e"pen se IS consIderable, the} WIll as a Iule be found to pay £01 themseh e:, m the long rnn " the FldelIt} and Ca"ualt} company, 103 Cedal street, ~ew YOlk YVJ1lIam Ro\\ e IS a new furl1lture dealer at Montfort, \\ IS. "l he safety de\ Ices treated of al e grouped under the folloy\ m£; head" ~team TIOllers, Jngme." Flcctncal \ppaI-atn s, Ele\ aim s, 1 he 1,actOl} and \\ oocl- \\ orkm£; Machmel y and each I:, gl\ en tledtment at lenlSth. WIth l1lImerOlb lllus tratIOn'S CopIes of the hook may be obtamed b} addressing Made by the Mamstee Manufacturmg Co. Mamstee, MICh. ~, I •I• •,• •I I• •I IIIII ..'_._._._._------_.---- --_.~---,-~-- The Proof of the Chair is the Use of It There are higher priced Chaus on the market, but NONE BETTER. Our full lme on exhibitIOn on the hrst Boor Nor t h H a IfF urniture ExhibitIOn BUlldmg In charge of H J. RINGOLD. E B. SPENCER, P. M. ELLISS. and COL. J. N. MURRAY. KEIL and ANWAY COMPANY ---------- ......----- --------- - . - 7 I III ..... III I IlIII ,IlI II II I I I, II I,• • 8 WEEKLY ARTISAN ROYAL MANTEL CO, ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS CHICAGO --.-~ I II " • ••• •• • •• - -- • -----~ -yo .~. __ • __ • __ •• _.-_. _._. --_ •• --._-----._. I This Cut Represents I I Keil-Anway CO. No. 115 I I I I II ,I I I II I• I I I : I ! I • ! I I! I, I , I • I I I I I, I• I I II ,I I , I , I ! I I ' I I A better Cushion Chair is not to be found 10 any exhibit. II I Our full line will be seen during the January season on the first floor, north half, furniture Exhibition BUilding,in charge of H. J. 'I,' Ringold, E. B. Spencer, P. M. Ellis, and Col. J. N. Murray. I To miss seeing this line is to miss the opportunity to put money in your bank. I I '-.... - .... - ..- ~ .. .. _. ..._ .. -_ .... ~_.. Show Line \ at 6th Floor 1319 Michigan Avenue "----- NEW YORK New York Furniture Exchange I •••• ••• • •••• - ••• - ..---- .--...& THE "EFF & EFF" LINE ============ 0 F - ---=------=-----=----=---= --= -- ---=-= China Closets and Buffets, Parlor Cabinets, Music Cabinets, Hall Seats, Hall Trees, Hat Racks, Shaving Stands, Framed Mirrors, Dressing Tables and Chairs (With Patent Adjustable fixtures) =========WILL BE SHOWN AT GRAND RAPIDS Furniture Exhibition Building CHICAGO Furn. Exchange, Wabash Ave. and 14th St. Specialties in all kinds of Mirrors, unexcelled in style and finish. Any shape Mirror can be had, or chair to match any table in our line. Either high or low base chair. ROCKFORD FRAME & FIXTURE CO. ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS , WEEKLY ARTISAN 9 NEW YORK CORRESPONDENCE Holiday Trade Was Good and Business in All Lines Is Steadily Improving. New York ,Dec 29 -The hohday tl ade here has been very good, the furnIture stOt es were well patro11lLCd and the busmess done was about equal to that of any other year The demand for good furniture has shown an Improvement hut cheap and moderate priced stock has been selhng strong Business IS Improvmg m all l111es of trade, the people are more steadIly employed, wages are not 111gh, but the workmg class have been bUyIng 111neatly the usual quantltIes The hIgh pnce of hV111g, food, rent, etc , has plobably to a certa111 extent cut off theIr bUyIng powel 111 other l111es, but the conc!ltIOn IS soon readjusted so that It IS not felt to any mal ked degree Gimbel Bros new store gOIng up at Sixth avenue, thlrty-second and ThIrty-thIrd streets, IS progre"s111~ rapldlv and the total cost, mdud111g stock WIll amount to $17,000,000 Thc C01nerstone was recently laId by Jacob GImbel before 125 PhIladelphIa and New York guests and he said, "This store WIll be a tnbute to the new plOff-,sIOn, merchandIsIng, the last of the five great profeSSIOns, law, medlcme, theology, iournalism and merchandI'i111g A great modern store helps more than anyone influence to develop a country's manufac-tures It IS a great U11lVerslty for the it ai11lng of charactel s, the development of talent and 111stIIl111gof honesty and 11))- lIght deahng 111the mInds of those who come mto bus111ess relatIOns v,Ith it "ThIS congress of stores IS to become one of the 111Stltu-tlons of the uty, one of the sounes of CIVICpnde to dll New Yorkers \ \ e appreuate hIghly the v" ek011le that has been eAtended to LIS by other merchants of thIS city. and I take pllde in using that welcome to illustIate the fact that whIle other profeSSIOns hay e JealOUSIes, merchand1Smg. though it has its rn allles, is freest from 1ancors " Afetr the C01ner stone had been laId a luncheon was giv cn at the vValdod-A"toria Among the hmldings, to be elected soon that vvIll requue some fur11lture al e the following St Pll1lhps church will buIld a new edIfice at 210 \V 134th street, an dnnex to the pubhc school number 132, on Wadsworth avenue, to cost $105,000; the E\ angehcal Lutheran Church of St Matthew WIll erect a new church bmld111g on Wash111gton HeIghts, the New York Post Graduate MedIcal SchOOl and Hospital WIll spend $1,000,000 111 buildmgs at Second avenue and Twentleth street and there wIll be additions built to the Meilopolitan Museum of Arts to cost $500,000 each year, to cover a pel iod of ten yeals GI eellfield & Freednun, mdnu±actureI'i of bed springs, wele bmned out at 680 Flushmg avenue, Blooklyn N. Y Alfred G. J Muller & company, cabmetmakers, 506 East 1\ Ineteenth street are in finanCIal tlOuble Their liabihtles are $17,000 distributed among 56 CIedItors A H Koteman, wholesale fur11ltm e, 15 VV Twenty-fourth stl eet, talks of enlarg111g his warelooms by takmg another lal ge 10ft and if he does WIll have one of the larg est and best saleslooms m the CIty Simpson & Crawford have the fmmtm e conil act f01 the new hotel Clinton at East Orange, N J The Grand Rapids Fur11lture compdny have Joined hands with the FIfth a\ enue associatIOn, orga11lzed for the improve-ment of Fifth avenue Frank W Randall, furnIture dealer, has leased the new twelve story and ba'3ement bLllldmg at 136 \V FIfty-second street, for 20 yea1 S IIe WIll occupy three floors hImself and use the balance as a fur11lture exchange or exhibitIOn rooms There wIll be d pubhc hall 111 the center and all arrangements for USIng It a" d dlstnLmtmg centle f01 the trade It IS in a good locatIon as busme-,s 1<, g0111g up that vvay farther every year The bmldmg vvIll be completed ~ug 1, 1910 and WIll be modern and fireploof The Amellcan Bamboo}; ur11lture company IS a new con-celn to manufacture bamhoo and Ieed furnIture, at 2405 Ful-ton street, BlOoklyn, WIth a capItal of $5,000 J Look IS preSIdent of the company The follovv 111gfur11lture men vvere entertd111ed by GImbel Bros at theIr COInel stone laymg \1 Ilha11l Gygel of the Lmcoln };urmtm e company, Gustave A Kuemmel1e of Bod-enstme & Kuemme~le of PhIladelphIa, \\ Ilham Gay of Berkey & Gay, Charles 1\ Bldck of the Onel Cab111et company, \NIl-ham II Iddlcomb, Charles R Shgh and Ralph P Tietsort of Grand RapIds, A D SIkes of the SIkes ChaIr company, Buf-falo, " Y, Adolph Karpen of S Karpen & Bra and Clay-ton BaIley of the TIaIlpy-J ones company Butlel Bros, 49') Broadway, wholesale household goods, have added fm nlture to theIr hnes and WIll handle large amounts as they do a hIg busmess Charles G Lane, one of the oldest manufacturers of furn- Made by Shelton and Snyder Furmture Co , Grand RapIds, MlCh Itm e on lowel Fulton street, dIed recently at 105 Adelphi street, BrOOklyn Ford & Johnson are 111 then nev, wal ehouse on Twenty- SIxth street Stearns & Foster wIll be 111the furlllture expOSItIon on the hfth floor, Depew place sIde, Hubbald, Eldredge & l\Itller wIll be on the fIfth floor, Lex111gton avenue SIde IAI1I-ham Howe WIll be on the fifth floor, WIth the Cowenango and Conant lines Space 111the e'CposltIOl1 lull IS at a premIum and some films have been offered a 2S per cent, ad\dnce on what they pay 111ordel to get 111 rl he show wIll be open 111tIme and WIll be the best ever held Isadore BnnlJaum of the detL111ct BIrnbaum company has opened another store 111the same locatIOn B. B Zippert, WIth the Henmann },ur11lture company and :-Jew York Desk and Dming Room Fur1l1ture company, as credIt man and treasurer, IS 75 years old J & MOlds" 111gIS the name of a new pIcture and car-pet firm at 1056 Broadway The Hudson & Kdne company of Amenca, hdve been 111- corporated to deal in upholstely mdtenals, with a capItal of $25,000, headed by ~I :Newman and H Payben of Brooklyn. S Many a glll who looks hke a peach IS really a lemon in di sgm se " to WEEKLY ARTISAN Th6 Mf\NISTEG Mf\NUFf\5TURING 50. MANISTEE, MICH. No. 355. Top 22x42. Glass 24x30. We f\re Making f\ LOT Of NE,W THINGS In Colonial and Mission BtlOrOOm and Dinino Room furnitur6 Our new supplement is now ready to mail. Let us have your inquiries. HINTS FOR THE VARNISH WORKERS ~-------------~-------------------------------_.~----------_.---., 1 I I I ! I II 1 II IIII III II I II I I II III• II I I II I I~-------------------------------------_._--------~--------------------------------------~ I We can Interest you If you wIll call at 1319 MIchIgan Ave., 6th floor, where our full lIne IS shown the year round Suggestions That. If Prope1'ly Heeded. ~lay Pl."e-vpnt Annoyance and Unpleasant Results. ~tlalll all varl11sh, lubblllg Ol TIl11"h1l1g le~alclless of the maker'" name It IS a preLauttonal \ meast1l c dncl that ~ \\ hat I" needed 111the varl11sh 100111 Spots of knovvn or unkno\'vn (l] 1~ln ma) 111"ome Cdse" be 1el110ved and 111others made less (11stmct by mal stenmg \\ Ith a 111lXtt1le of equal parts of ra\\ l1l1seed oJ! tUl pentme and pure gram alcohol ~ ppl) \\ Ith a soft cloth, and \v hen the "pot" are obltterated, or removed a" fal a~ pO-''olble Iuh ovel Itghtly WIth a clean pIece of blott111g papel Thl" I" not an 111fallthle emedy, hut 111man} cases It wIll effect a cure The varl11"h room should hay c plenty of eftectn e \ eutl latton And It should have faclltttes for eltY111gthe dlr 111cac,e an 0\ er supply of mOIsture b present "'IfOlsture conclens111g upon a "arl11sh not thoroughly hdl d cau c,e" the "arl11sh to bloom RapId change of temperatt1le. 01 the pre"ence of fcttd fumes ale also qUltc Itkely to cause the val111c,h to bloom It IS lare that wash1l1g the "UtfdCC \\ 111 cure a \\ell dc\ elopcd case of varl11sh bloom111~ FIre checks 111a reccntl} \ arlllshecl sutface are not Infre quently caused by the sudden drop of the temperatUl e l1l the varnIsh room, thus chJ!ltng thc \ arl11sh, and forCIng It to con-tract to the extent of devclop1l1g the fine, thread-ltke fissure" characten"ttc of thIS form of surface ttactures Permlttmg the varl11sh to become thorou~hl} df}, lec,ulfacmf?, and re \ al nish111g WIll effect a cure Despltc the adVIce sometllllc" cheetfulh (?,"l\cn, do not attempt to change the qualttv 01 Lharactel of \ our \ al Ulsh b) mlxll1g or thml11nc, It \\ Ith lll1'oced 011. turpentIne 01 am No 157. Top 20x33. Glass 14x24. othe1 thl11nlllc, mcd1ll11l l se the val111sh sit alght as rc- CU\ eel flom thc maker, and then hold hIm stnctly re:opon:olblc f01 Its qualtt}, \\ 01kmg ell} mg and othel propertle" l~a1111"h the "urface rubbed upon varnish the same day~ \\ Ithm a fe\\ hours, In fact~of the final rubbIng II hel e an mtel \ al of "e\ eral hours, or the 111ght hours, al e allowed to clclp"l heh\ een the rubbmg of thc \ ar111sh dnd revarlllshlnc,- a ,llfficlent c,cum ur p01sonuu" "uhc,tance IS sure to accummuldte to mJl11c or 1 endl[ \ Old the follOWIng coat of \ arl11sh A lIght ruhblng of the surface offels a cheap and eftectlVc preventtve of var111sh mbhaps due to the above partIcular condltlOn of the surface OccasI011dll} the fOl ce of clrcum"tances compel rubbmg the \ arl11sh hefore It IS thoroughly hal d, whIch, of course, ought ne\ el to bc done \Vhen thIS I ubblng take" place the pumIce stone flour I" Itkely to be lSlound l11to the sutface unttl It shows a mtlky appearance To eltmmate thIS wash the rnbbm(?," pad free of all pUl111ce stone flol11. and then wet-tmg It up well WIth clean \\ater, "water rub" thc \ arl11sh unttl all traces of the pll1111CCstone (ltsappeal A..ll first c1a"s \ all11shel s recoc,-nize the value, 01 I athcr the necc"stty of \\ ashm(?," the SUlfdce ab'iolutely clean of all "edllnent, dust and uthel mattcI ll1 pleparatlOn for thc suc-ceedm~ coat of \ arnlsh Around all moldmgs, CUIV111g and edc,-e" the wash tool should he carefully used m connectIOn WIth plcnty of wate \\ ashm(?," IS e\ en more Important than dustmg and both are Clmte lI1dl"penslhle, a" the premIer \ armshers Wll1 tell you \ pI aLtlLe uf dustmg and cleanmg the sm face observ ed h, "ome finhhcl" con'ol'its of fir"t g0l11g 0\ el the surface m a \ CI \ thOl ou~h \\ d \ \\ 1th the duster, aHel WhlCh, \\ lth a pel fectl) clcan pIece of "Ilk, It 1'0\\ Iped carefully over for the WEEKLY ARTISAN 11 ~ I_~._- _.. ~ ~__....••. _._ .~ . ,~_. ~~ __~~ __~ __ I The Herhimer Hotel I I. GRAN~R~P:~;~~NMICH. II RunnIng hot and cold I YVater, tel e p h 0 n e Old En,. • .!dl~... :.: : -. clothes closet electrIc ~ ••'2c.;,.:l,~,,'",> C) siolf. ll.n)\.. ".: : •• I light steam heat etc '~h-1J2- ..... _T" C 1 AI'''' t " • In each room 0 onley. -\",oJ' es •• • I . . .... Immaculate tIled de Sen.ler., l~ C~rtt!... • • tached tnd p r 1 \ ate ', .tt..-.. .. I baths 6 a. m. >V ]0, It v'· • • i" ArtIstIC and pel fecth Table J HO:~' D:,~;er' •• I appoInted Bilhald Hall 530 \08 pm. dally at • I Lonnglllg Den Buber • Shop Ete ')0 cents. I., Take sout~:::~S~e~t~~?s~~b~=~Oc~r~~~ ~n~~ or Grand I K,WNRIT O £ EWIRL£ OaR PEHOoN£ CFOROPARMTICpUlAA"SN' y I I Trunk stations. Five Main car lines reach the door. • : J I CHICAGO NEW YORK TORONTO i ~-- - . _.--. ------ ..- " ~~_._.-._.---.--_._------------. .. ..-- . .. - -.. pUlpose of L,'tch1ng up all e'X1'Stmg fl( LU1lcnt 'Suhstances Then 1mmed1ately apply the v,lrl11sh \vOld all fussy operdtlOns about the vallllsh room vVork 1n thh dpartment a" you would m any other one about the ))a111t "hop-that IS, m a pelfectly bus1ne'-,,,-ltke ",ay The nu\ou", fuss) J<lckln-thebo:x. "Olt of man ha'o ne\el yet ))lmed n01 lS he ltkeh to prme a successful ,a11Jhhel The \ al rl1"h 1(Jom 10, no sau cd 1101 my stenous pl,\( e Lrv e flesh and-blood men al e IH)(1 to mhab1t It Only by aLtlng and "orkmg and thmk111f; mal atlOnal way, and usmg the best p(Jss1ble '01011 and putt111g a.,lde all th1S palaver about mag1c ,lnd tlp-toe antICS, may we hope to aCh1e\ e succe'Ss 111the val 111sh room -The Hub ··Bright Spot of Fort Wayne." 1he Inchana I'111111ture Company of Fort II ayne has Just taken posse,slOn of then handsome ne\\ store at 121-3 Ea"t ,- \lam street, \\ h1ch 1" "a1d to be the large'ot butld1l1~ m the , state nov\ occup1ed 1n retdtl fur111ture dealers The nev ~;- J bUlld1l1g ha'o Sl:x.stOlle" and ba'Sement, stone and bnck front, conCI ete floors and b eqUIpped w1th all modern conve11lences It I" cons1dered fireproof, e\ en the wmdow frames being of metal It b ltghted b) 0\ er 1,400 forty watt Tungston lamps ,lnd hac, se\ e1al featurec, that arc not found 1n an) other bl1lld1l1£.; 111 the Clt) 1here are 300 elect11c ltghb on the ft ant of the bl1lld1l1g dnd on the roof the word "Ind1ana" appears In electnc letters 18 feet 111 heIght The llghts hay e caused the b1111d1l1gto be called "The J3l1ght Spot of F01t \1 ayne" THEHindel KINO THE GREATEST HOUSEHOLD INVENTION OF THE AGE Need not be moved from the wall Protects covering by turn· : InU cushions. ': Is so simple and ean a child can operate It. Has roomy wardrobe box under seat. Comprises three articles for the price of one Is htted with felted cotton mattress. Has LuxuriOus Turkish Springs. Is always ready WIth bed· ding In proper place. Is absolutely safe-cannot close accidentally. Saves rent by saving space ...---..., An Undertakers' Experience. An tAuted ,lnd md1gnant w011lan hurned 111to the office of d p10mment undertaker 111Grand Rap1d" and breathles'Sly exc1a1med ' You (ltd not bury my husband my ne1ghbors say :>GU b1111Ul d c,tunc and "h1pped my hu"hand to a medIcal college" "Yon nelghbIls '-,a:> 'So, eh? vVe v."lll not dISCUS'S that mattel Lome w1th me tu the cemetery and 'oee about 1t I ~h<111exhume the body and charge you $10 00 add1tlOnal for my sen lees You w1ll have to pay the grave d1ggers, too." the undertaker rephed La1Ill1g a hack the undertaker rode w1th the ",oman to the bundl sp(A of her husband and set the dIggers to work The casket \Va'o uncm ered afte1 a half hOl11''S shove11l1g and the undertaker descended mto the eAcavdtlOn to loosen the COyer of the Ld"ket Calltng the woman to \\J1tne~s the proceed1l1g the cm er v\a" 1emo\ ed when an unbearable stench filled the ell r 'Does tl1dt smell ltke a stone)" the undertaker dsked. "Oh, no, cover 1t up qUlck QUlck" The story of the c,eml-annual 1\ ew Y01 k e:x.poslt1on IS <l h1»tOl \ of cont111ued and growmg succe'3'3 In the 38th, to be open f om Januar) 17 to l~ehrudfy 5, two hundred and fifty manufacture1 s vv111e'Xhlb1t the he.,t and the newe'3t 111fU1n- 1ture Lots of v\omen feel that they would r,lthe1 d} e th,ln hay e gray hailS SEND FOR CATALOGUE. 12 WEEKLY ARTISAN (llnamenh and plenty of t1Jtlll upon the fUl111tme they han-dled and It \\a, d qUC.,tlO11"hethel the dedle1o, would permit the substltutJo11 of the ne\\ Olnament fm carvll1gs J\11 h.endall hdd fdlth 111the p1actlCdl \ alue of the 01 nament, :'Ill Ga\, alwdys COnc,elVatl\e, wa" e;omcv\hat doubtful of Its bell1g \Vhlle tlavelmg to\'-.a1d ~e\\ tOll,. t;-'.~l1n,:eah ago, the \\or1h), \\hlle '\Jl Bennett ancl othtrs tXplee;sed themselve" late Tulms Berkey notIced a ne\\ et11c1a t t.r~i1ie: ;lia:ln t:!4cor'" • ll~ i.a\ or of glVlllg it a tIlal C nderh111 wae; engaged and atlo~ on the ce1hniS of the coach III \\ 111ch.i~~.~\'a~ ricr;ng"'Ev~A f·# :'.~t~:hti¥ten wel e fitted up III the factory f~r hle; me qUlck to 1ecogl1lze the \ a1ue of a11\ thll~ bta~t'idI:d'rf~ :l1se:ful.. The (h1~H;'ent \\ ae; apphed by the ue;e of stenclls and blUshes ::\lr Berke\ at once deueled that the n~\; o{l1·a·h'\·e'€b~.:: It e,htGliui :{dc,e1111Jlethe pa111tecl \Vork turned out under the utll1zed Ul the manufdctUle of tUIl11LUle \\hl1e lookl1lQ tOI i1:tli1(~·bf·~·coiteH!.e fl11l111Ule." at \1 Jlhame;port, Grand Rapids, the name of the h1111dCl of the LOele11hL tOUl1el el meted pIeltL 01 111.,e\ eldl tem ne; loedted m the ~e\\ Engldnd states A flOm whIch he leal nul thdt It \\ dC, hUllt 111 the .,hups of the 1ll1e of pel fectly pld111 :,l11te" \\ as hrought out by the compdny i'Jew York Lentra1 Ral1road at C,chenectcld}, Xew YOlk and upon the panels of the becJe,tead:, and the flonts of the \Vhen the conductor passed through the coach a few mom- c1rawe1 s, upon mahogany stamed back grounds, Underhill ents later::'lff Berkey asked and lecel\ eel a stop-over check applJed the ornament The figures used wele branches of for Schenectady By makm~ mdn} mqmnes::\11 Berke} apple blossom-;, fern" and maple led\ es In the vanous t111tS, leal ned that the chIef decOl ato1 m the employ of the com- It'sult1l1~ from the touch of frost In the fall months of the pany was a man named LncleJ11l11 GOIng to the home of } ear The eftect \~as satle;fymg and beautlful The com-the man afte1 the c!oc,e of the clav., \\ork, \11 Berkey tllecI pan} adveltlsed the lme exten:::'lvely as the "apple blossom to learn the plOce.,,, <:'mplo\ ed to ploeluce the 01 nament, offel- lIne" ancl heavy sales vvel e made UnderhIll soon became 1l1g a substantlal ll1ducement fOl the same Emplo} e., ot the ellssatlsfied \vl111e labollng unclel the SUsplcion that employes rallroads a-; a lule are uncle1palcl. anel \It l ndelhl1l had long of the compal1\ \\e1e endea\oring- to acqmre hIe; art Com-been d1;,satlsfied \\ Ith the II a~es palcl 111111 b\ the lorporatlOn petmg manllfactm el c, anx10US to learn the secret of the deco- He c1oo,ecl the clI:,cuse;lon h) ft ankh :,tetilng thelt Il the Berkey 1ailve process ot! el cd h1111employment and m a short t1111e & Gay Furl1ltme C0111pany \\ould pa, hI111 a stdted "um and he enteled the emplm of the \1cCord & B1adfield Furmture pe1111lt hl111 to clo llle; \\Olk 1'1 a seuet chamhC'l he \\ould (ol11pam The \llclchLol11b I mmture company developed entel then el11plm p10Le.,see; fm ploduc1l1~ l-neleJ11111 clLCOlelted Stl1tes and the 1\11 Berke\ eont111llul 111" lCJmllU to \n\ YoI1~, but tll1ee corpOlatlO11e; supplIed the cle111elnel.,of the market fOJ a upon hI;' retm;1 to (11 cll1cl RapId c, hc called \J 1 Ga \,:\It \ Cell OJ tv\ 0 The Lnele1hlll proLesses 1equll ed cone;lde1 able Holt, 1\11 Kendall,:\J 1 BLnnett and othel head" of depal1 more tl111e than 1;' necessary to fil11s11a smte in the usual vvay, mente; tog ethel and submItted the PIOpo"It1On fOl then con and the bu~mcs" d1d not prove so remune1 eltive as had been slderatlOn In those day " the tJade dcmanc!ul hand Lell\ ed e "pected ON THE REMINISCENT ORDER Story of the Underhill Decorations and Berkey & Gay's --Apple Blossom I.ine,'· ._~-_._---------------------., I I I I II I I I r- ••••• - III IHE FORD & JOHNSON CO. CHICAGO This is one of our popular Hotel chairs. Our chairs are found in all the leading Hotels in the country. The line includes a very complete assort-ment of chairs, rock-ers and settees of all grades; Dllll11g Room ft11111tllre, Reed and Rat t a 11 furniture, Special Order furni-ture, etc. A complete line of sam-ples are dIsplayed In The Ford 8 Johnson BUilding, 1433·37 Wa&ash Ave., In-cludlnl! a speCIal display of Hotel Furmture. IIt IIIt •III• IIII• I I II I I II III I II II II IIII I• I• • ••• _..l All !urmture dealers are cordzalty mvzted to visit our building. ..----_. ------------- New Furniture Dealers . S M Po~t \\ 111open a new fUfl11ture store 111 Morristown, 5 Dak C 'IV. Spen cer 1\ ill open a new furniture store m Rut-land, Vt De:'l1arsh & Ca-;avant are nev, furl1lture dealers at Her- 1'1l11er. Y Y C E ]\1el tz lS to open d fm nl1m e St01 e at Nemaha, Iowa, on J anual y 10 A..ngle BIos a1 e ne\\ fm11ltm e dealers and undertakers 111Tampa Fla Depo<;t & Osborn ha\ e opened a new ft.1111lture store at rdg-ev~ood, III John Bntler has em;-aged 111 the retaIl furmture business elt RIverside, Cal '\ C Pm\elc, hac, opened a new f1l111lture stOle at \Vhite 1\.\\ el JundlOn. Yt The :\J c \J Ichdcl 111cldcn company dl e nc\'-. ftl1 nlture deal- (1 s 111 \helnathy, S Dak Roth & Co, fI0111 Stdnford Ill, are to open a new fUll11tme e;tole at ::\IoOle, ::\1011t The ~e\\polt FUl11ltUle company ale plOprietors of a ne\\ ..,tole 1ecentlv opened at XevvpOlt, 1\ a:::,h DavId F Healey ha" opened a new ~tore ill Taunton, \Idse; , unclel the name of the \ntJquc Fml11tme Lompany GeOlge C Smlth h plepdllng- to open a ldl~e fur11lture store m a four-story blllldll1l:; at 220 II est Fa\ eUe street, Baltl11101e, Md Dr "\Y L D1ckel son, sIlent pal tllel 111 thp firm of Fay & Dld~ehon at Long Beach, Cal, has sold his ranch and 1eSI-denLt nea1 Ontallo, Cal for $15,000 He wlll move to Long ];each ,llld the film \\ 111add a furmtul e de pal tmel1t to then bl1sme-;s WEEKLY ARTISAN Fine Furniture Woods. Gland RapIds and \Ve"tern J\Ilchlgan Ius long been fam-ous for the manufacture of fine ±url11ture Thel e are nearly fifty fl11l11tl11e factories m Gl and Rdpld s usmg fine woods whJle Hastmg", .KashvJlle, Charlotte, Holland, ~turgls, Ben-ton Harbor, Muskegon, BIg RapIds, \Ial11stee, Traver'le Clt), Lansmg, Grand Ledge, Owosso and Corunna are all m the Grand RapIds dlStllCt, and all have flom one to a half dozen furl11tl11e factolles, consequently \\ est :\Ilchlgan IS the great-est market m the wodd for fine ftl1111tl11e lumber and veneers ThIs prehmmary leads to the mattel of fUr111shmg supphes and m thIs connectIOn the \\1 eekly \1 tlsan IS plea 'led to note that lTpteglOve & Beckvvlth, of "e\\ l' O1k and Gland RapIds al e among the greatest Imp01 tel" and manufacturel" of fine fur111tl11e lumber 111thl'l couni!) TheIr Grand RapIds office, 13 manufacturers or thell buyers selecting what they want Mr. BeckWIth for tvventy or mOl e ) ears has been selling these goods 111the west, and his pohcy has been to gIve hIs custom-ers the very best goods at reasonable prices and so retam not anI) theIr respect but confIdence 111hIS Judgement and fail deahng, and 111thIs way has seen hIS busmess grow steadJly from year to year untJl the name of Uptegrove & BeckWIth has become the standard for cverythmg that is best 111fur111- ture lumber and veneers Furniture Fires. John DavIdson, fl11nitule dealer of Guelph, Ont, lost hl'l entire stock by fire I ecently. Lo'ls $14,000; fully 111sured The I-I1ggmbotham hardware furl11ture St01 e In Dubhn, Tex, was bl11ned out on December 24 Loss, $4,000, partially msured O'ReJlly & Son, furniture and crocker) dealers of Medina, N Y suffered a los3 of $2,000 by fire on December 22, Fully 111sured John McGee's furl11ture store m Fhnt a suburb of Fall RIver, Mass, was badly damaged by fire on December 24 Lo"s fully Insured. The fl11111tUle stOle of Andelson & vVander, Red Lake, 2\1:111nwas totally de'ltroyed by iiI e on December 23 Loss $7,500, insl11 anCe $5,000 The plant 111c1ud111gstock on hand, of the NatIOnal Ad- Justable Chall company at Greenfield, Ind, was burned on December 23 Loss $6,500, 111Sl11anCe$3,000 The Rhodes lurl11ture company's store on K111g street, Charle'lton, S C, was almost totally destroyed by fire re-cently The loss wa'l partIally cm ered by m'lurancc J D Oclel, fl11l11ture dealel of Lee's SummIt, near Kan-sas CIty, Mo, lost about $2,500 m a fire that destroyed the best part of the busmess sectIOn of the VIllage on December 23 Mr Ocker's loss IS fully covered by msurance The plant of LudWIg Zodlkow, manufacturer of parlor fUll11ture on the East SIde, .Kew YO! k, was destroyed m a fire on December 23, that caused a total loss of $250,000 Mr. Zodlkow's loss 13 about $110,000, pal tially msured Edward B Jordan & company's cabmet fact01y m Brook- I) n, N. Y., was damaged to the extent of $90,000 by fire on December 18, and two employe'l lost theIr hves by suffocatIOn. The blaze IS supposed to have started from a cIgarette care-lessly dropped In the shipping department Made by Stebbms-Wllhelm Furmture Co, SturgIs, MICh. at 22 Pearl street WIth vvarehouse and yards at Court and ShaVVll1Ul avenue ale In chan~'e of John 13 BeckWIth who vvlth an able corpe; of a"slstants, IS prepaled to supply the tlade WIth the vel y chOIcest African, MeXIcan and Cuban mahog any lumbe1 and veneers, the ch01cec;t of Clrcae;slan walnut and quarter-~awed oak, and m fact, everythmg that IS best m fine fl11nltUle and plano lumber and veneers So well known to the manufactUl el s hae; thIS become that one may step mto theIr storage rooms any day, and almost at any hour, and find ..... ------------------------ MOON DESK COMPANY I II II I II II I I II III~--------- Grand Rapids Exhibit, January, 1910, 3rd Floor, Manufacturers' Building. R. E Moon, F M Barton, D. L McLeod, In charge OFFICE DESKS ._--_. ------.,II Six Styles of Double Flat Top Desks. MUSKEGON MICHIGAN ._---- . .- .__._._--_._.-.__ ._. .------------------ I4 " 14 WEEKLY ARTISAN ~------_.--------._-----------------------------------------------------------------------------~ t I I I III III IIt II I I I, PERFECT CASE CONSTRUCTION Our nultiple Square Chisel llortiser .. - ,II I I A No. 181 MULTIPLE SQUARE CHISEL MORTISER. Makes the Strongest, most economical and most accurate case construction possible. It is entirely automatic. It clamps, mortises and releases, completing the post in less time than the material can be clamped on other machines. We also manufacture special patented Sanding and Mortising Machines that are proving extreme-ly profitable to chair manufacturers. Ask for CAT ALOe HE" •,,-----------------._----_._--- -------- •• •• _ ••• _ a ••• I ...... -- ---------- - - - - .----------_._---..-. _ ....... The Home-Like Herkimer. '\ l"ltllJg lepresentatl\c, ot the t11l11ltt11L tlade to the (,1111c1 Rapld, market c1W111gthe Jcll1Ual\ e'.hdllt!on ill It a 1\ "C,l") 1 of the year \\ 111find that the Herl'llllel hotel trJo cl, fil t (Ll', Made by Mamstee Manufacturmg Co , Mamstee, MlCh accommodatIOns \vlth the hIghest (lc:glee of L0111f01t 11110pop ular hostelry concluded on the European plan ,1ft01 els the 11M'.1 mum of comfOl t at the m111lmUm of co,t and IS eql11pped \1 lth attractlve, hght, alry, tastefully furnIshed rooms provIded \\ lth dedI lL 11gb!.'>,,teclm hedt, clothes dosets, hot ,1l1d cold run11lng \\ atel telephones, fire escapes, restful beds, etc Some new feat ure<., "hlch have Just been llJstalIed con,lst of d perfectly ap p0111ted bl1hal d room m chal ge of John Thomp'on a 10une;lllg c1Lll barber shop aud pubhc tOllets. '\ ne\\ Oth F1ectllc ele \ ator IS abo bemg put m The cafe has Fnghsh, \11os1On alld C olo111al r00ms and the CUbllle 1<.,of the best The Herklmer 1 ,1 ,elect hotel t01 transient and permdnent guest,. qmet h,l111e hke chcen, ,ome\\ hat dIfferent and 111 some p:trt1cll1ars ql11te \ mqne It IS the latest of modern hotels m Grand Rdplds and tv el \ detaIl looked afte1 a~ to fil1l.,h, artlst1~ tredtment of clecor- ,tt1On", model ate 1ates, cal efnl management l he cafe snpphes the ]Jab on of the Herk1mel WIth good fooel, properly Laake! ,lm! IV ell sel \ ed all at model ate pnces The regnletr serVIce Dr the Late IS 110m 6 a m to] 1 P 111 ,md a let Cdlte at all honr~ C lnb breakfasts, c1nb 1nncheon5, etc lIve COUf.,e t:lbL c1hotl dmnel, Sundays mc1nded, from '5 00 to R 0 do~k, at ')0 Architects Fail on Furniture. \.s a rnle c\lcllltech fall d" desH:;ners of fUl nlttll e 1hel "eem to be no more quallfiecl to deSIgn fn'1llture C01rectly than a mll1111el to pro(luce a (hes:o ~tllt fOl a gent1emdn Thl' <:;1 eat \elam Brothers \\ e1e arc1lltects, but they employ eel expenenced deSIgners to draw the fl1rl11ttll e that won the11 tame There 1~ a fad for "bUllt In furl11ture," promoted b} the archItect, that 1<.,spreadmg rapldly The mcompetency of the des1Rnel" IS demonstrated at a glance at the c. bt11lt 111 tnr11ltl11e" seen Jll many house, Retalle1 s of fnr1llture would --en e thelr best 1I1telec,t<.,by teadllng the puhhc the dJfierence l)e1\\ een fur1lltnre dec,lgned and built by manufacturers tra111ed ancl skilled 111 that mdustry and fUll11ture c1eslgnecl by arc1ll-tects and bullt by carpenters WEEKLY ARTISAN Special Rates to New York. The customaly merchants rate" to New York flom the trunk l111eand central pa"'"engel terntones hay e been author- Ized fO! the "'pl111g, 1910, meet111gs of the },[erchants' AssoCIa-tIOn of 1'\evv Y OJ k Tho specIal fare, effectIve undel the cer-tIficate rlcll1, \\ III be a I ate and one-half for the lOund tnp Thel e wJ11 be sIxteen sell111g date", arranged 111four ::,ene" of f0111 each, to accommodate mel chants 111the vanous trades who de"11 e to v 1'3lt the '\ ev\ York market 1he selhng dates al e as follows Trunk L111eTernto! v- JanUclf} IS-18, Inclu'01\e, rebluary 19-22, 111cluslve, Ma~ch S 8, 111c1u"'1\e, },Ial ch 1<)22. Inclu"lve-all wIth a fifteen day letull1 lunIt Cenilall'a..,,,en:sel lerl1to.y-Jal1ual} 15-18, Inc!u"l\e 1 ehlUdr} S-8, Il1clu"1\ e, I, ebrual y 1C) 22, 111c1us1\e },lal ch 5 8 IIlC!JI..,1\L-all \\Ith a thIrty day return lumt I he trunk 1111eten It01 y, roughly descnbed, 111cludes the ..,tdte.., of J\ew York, Penn,,}lva1l1a, New Jersey, Delaware. .!\ [dl} land, a lanse pa' t of \ V e"t " Irg111la, V Irg111la north of and 0'1 the 1111eof the Chesapeake & OhIO raIlway, and the dlstnct of ColumbIa In thl" "ectlOn the rates does not apply from pc 111t"Ie"" than olle hundred mJ1es from X ew York CentIal Pa""engel i\,,"oclatlOn ]un"dlctlon IS be"t de- ",cl1hed a" follo\\" POInts \\C"t of (but not ll1c1udmg) Buf-falo, NIagara rail", Su"penslOn Bl1dge and Salamanca, ~ \ , Plthburg and Alleghany, Pa , BellaIre and Manetta, 0 \\ heelll1g, ChaJleston and HuntIngton, \V Va , and pOInt" on and north of the OhIO 11\ el and edst of the MI::''3I''''lppl r1\ U, and "outh of an Imag111ary 1ll1e flom Keokuk, Ia . to ChIcago, Incluchng C111Cll1natl, LGuI'3vllle, all to\\ ns 111 Kentuckv 011 the Che::,apeake & OhIO lalh\ a} , St Lows , Keokuk , Chlcao~o Southern Penll1,ula of l\Ilchlgan and Canadwn tm\ n" on thc \111111gall Cenilal rculroad and the \Vaba"h raIlroad The 1\[erchdnt" AS'3oclai!on call" speual attentIOn to the plan to be Inaugurated WIth the Spnng, 1910, meetll1gs, whele by bu} e,,, takll1g advantage of the rate" to N nv York wJ11 On1) be lequired to nuke one tl1P (lI1,tead of t\\O as hereto fore) to the a"soclatlOn s offices for the vall datIOn of the I eturn trip certIficate The ob] ect of the new plan 1'3 stIlI further to mll1lmlZe the '3hght mCOnvemence In the lo"s of tune ditendant upon the use of merchants' rates To canv thl'3 plan mto effect, the aSSOCIatIOn's reSIdent member" v;IlI be "upphed a ne\\ and speCIal IdentIficatIOn card One of these, plOpeI1y filled out and SIgned, must be obtall1ed by edch bUyer 111 1\ ew York, plIO! to reglstenng at the aSSOCIatIOn'" office" If the IdentIficatIOn and the return tny certIficate are le:sulal 111every lespect, the laitel WIll at once be valIdated, aftel whIch the return transportatIOn called for by he \ ah- '" ~ ' I~" '-~ " II I"II ! I I I I, \11 I ft I I \ l \ II \ I \1 I \ ~ \ 11 '<:.--~ -- ( """ 160 Rockford 15 dated certIficate \vIlI be sold vvlth111 the return hmlt b) the local tIcket agent on the day 01 one day 111ad\ ance of the buyer'" depal ture from New YOI k Arrangements have also been perfected whereby all the local tIcket office" and depots wJ11 make the deSIred Pullman reservatIOns for a merchant shOWIng a vahdated return tnp certIficate Out-of-town merchants are urged to obta111 the identI-ficatIOn card from a reSIdent member ancl VISIt the aSSOCIatIOn's cffices as soon a" pOSSIble after al nval In town, thereby glv111g tIme 111whIch to secure the correctIOn of any pdtent el ror 111 the I eturn tnp certIficate, a" well a'3 affO! cl111g opportul11t) promptly to obta111 Pullman' e"enatlOn" fOl the return tnp, ahel the cel tIficate ha'3 been valIclcttecl Line of Loose Cushions. The Kell-Anway Company hay e a 1111eof loo"e cu"hlOn::, fo, seat" and backs of loc:Zer", that wIll be sure to please every bu) er who sees them, the cut herewltll '3hows a good specImen of thIS lIne The \\ hole 1111ewIll be exhIbIted 111 Grand RapIds on the fil "t floO!, north half of the FurnIture EAhlbltlon buIldll1g, formedy occupIed b} the Mueller & Slack company The Ked-Anwav company are rapldl} com111g to the flont a" one of Grand RapIds leadmg uphol<;ter- 111g concel ns, and thell 11l1e of samples wIll lZreatly add to their trade and reputatIOn The best way to manage a husband I::' to select one who doe'3n't need managing. Furniture ..---. ... ----~I,II I I ~ ,I ,II II II IIIIII I.-- ..... --------~I National Company and Manufacturers of HIgh Grade Furniture in Selected Quarter Sawed Oak and MAHOGANY Our fullime Will be on exhibition on the 4th Floor, North Half, Library Dining Room CbiRa Cabinet 186. FURNITURE EXCHANGE GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Buffet 286 16 vVEEKLY ARTISAN "'UBl..ISHe:O EVERY SATU~DAY BY THE MICHIGAN ARTISAN COMPANY ---- -~ ~- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- SUBSCRIPTION $1 00 PER YEAR ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES OTHER COUNTRIES $200 PER YEAR. SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS. -- -- -- --- --- ~- --- -- -- --- PUBLICATION OFFICE, 108-112 NORTH DIVISION ST, GRAND RAP'DS, MICH, A S WHITE MANAGING EDITOR Entered as second class matter Jnly 5, 1909 at the post office at Grand Raplds Mlchlgan nnder the act of March 3 1879 T""o decades ago a neatly dlessed, 1I1telhgent young Inshman alfnecl1l1 Gland RapIds Calf)1I1g a roll of govelll-ment 1ssne:o that \\ auld fill a length of ::,tm eplpe and an-nounced that he v, as the prcs1dent of the Dnluth FU1mtl11 e company of \Vest Dulnih, \lmn He trankl) stated that h1S ob] ect was the employment of the best desIgner, the best superintendent and the best foremen employ ed 111 the factones of Grand Raplch 1he clas::, of men he deslfed to confer \\Ith we1 e mamly under contract, but not to be uefeatcd m 111'0 purpose he engaged \\ H Redmond la competent "upenn-tendent), \\ C Horner \\ho had j11',i entereu upon hIS career as a deSIgner and a numbel of other", \\ ho 1110\ ed to \\ (::,t Duluth and entered npon their dutle." \1 r Hornel jJlOducecl many "ol1gmal" desH; 11s and the tI ac1e kno\\ " \\ hat ha ppCI1" when sprout1l1l:; gen111s 11peno, al'd IS I cach for jJJ(.J.,1I1£; 1 he goods were not 111such dcmand 111 the \\ e:ot as to I eqUlre the operatIOn of the factOl) ovel tl1l1e and the companv deuded to dump the stuft on poor old, patlel,t, lon£;-snftellll£; \e\\ l.Olk To save expense 111 Shlpp111£;, the £;'00c1" \\ 11 e loaded on a vessel and se\ eral \veeks latel I eached the docks ot X e\\ 1. ark \\1 hen the packmg had been taken olf thel e \\ el e rev ealed fea-tures 111constructIOn, the deslgnel h',l-d not planned :\Iam of the panels had assumed conca\ e shape" Bed lalls \\ ele a" clooked as a rall fence and the aId of a CI0\\ bar or a stick oj dynamIte was necessary to opel1 the cha\\ els The onh parts of the pIece.., that had not taken on ne\\ ."hapes \\ ere the casters and the ml1 ror plates The backel ot the entellJll "e ,I wealthy S\\ echsh ~entle1l1an, \\ ho 0\\ ned the £;round on \\ hlch \Vest Dulnth \\ as located gay e the ) onnl:; I1lsh son 111-la\\ other employment and the factory \\ as closed fore\ el The po..,tal defiClt of nearly $18,000,000 1" dne mamh tL) carry 111g mal.;a71n es as second cIa ss maHer and to the enOl-mous cost of the rurdl free dehven sel \ Ice Thel e are 0\ el forty thousand f, ee rural deh\ ery route." and the cost of ma1l1ta111111trthem IS 0\ el $28,000,000 per annum \\ Ithout the nllal servIce the postal department \\ould o,hO\\ a ]JlOfit of $10,000,000 pel) ear From tll1S It appeal;:, that the rural h ee deln eq busllless has been overdone It has surely been extended be) ond the necessity line In many localIties and It IS probahle that some of the routes wlll be consolIdated III order to cut down the total e"pense The sen Ice hO\\ e\ e1 IS not hkel) to be CUItalled Rural f1 ee deln el \ plea.,es thl people and It will be extended until It reaches pI actlcalh all at them The postal department Will contlllue to do bU::,llle::,s at a loss unless the defiCit can be made good b\ ralslllg the rates on second class matter, by chang111g the clas..,lficatlOn 01 by cutting down the rates paid to the ral1roads for carrying mail Conslderahle uneaS111ess eXists III n)USlneSs circles on account of the threats of orga11lzed employ es of the railroad corporatIOns to stnke for hIgher wages Conferences of the partIes III lllterest held to adjust the matter of a new scale falled of an agreement It is reported that the government al bltratlOn board \\ III he called upon to settle the dlfferences \\ lth the e'\:pectatlon that a I esuIt lIke that which followed the '-tuke of the coal mlller" a few) ears ago will be reached A.. stllke at this ilme \\ auld affect all l111es of business disas-i1ou '01) Buyers of fur11ltl11e WIll safeguard their hest lllter-e" ts b) ordenng goods lIberally for early shipment The popular da\ enport bed \\ as manufactured 111Grand Rapids tv\ enty-fi\ e years ago It was not named 111honor of :\I1 Da\ enport, of Boston, the gentleman who 1S cred1ted \\ Ith the responslblhty for the success of the bed III recent \ ears The first of the da\ enport patterns was manufactured b) S L Km~ hut the people preferred the upright folder at that time and the r"ml.; Davcnp01 t did not sell well. It was placed on the market and thoronghly advertbed, but the up-nght was too \\ ell grounded III the favor of the public to permIt success for the da\ enport The orders, rules and I egulatlOns I elatlve to collection of the corporatIOn lllcome tax, promulgated by the internal levenue department are so comphcated that they form good l:;rot111d f01 a suspIcIon that some of the \Vashington authon-tic" are tl \ mg to make the tax more obnOXIOUS than is 1eally nece"sal \ Thel e \\ 111be no I eason for surprise 1f the law is amended hcf01 e the supreme court has a chance to pass upon It,, \ ahd1t), and the amendment may result 111postponement of the fil st collectIOn f01 a year Puce card holdel" III ."e\ eral forms have been sold suc- (essfull) dunng recent years These useful little al ticles "el \ e the purpo"e" of the retader best when placed behind the cloor~ of chllla closets, buffets, parlO1 cablllets and lIke goods Retdllel s compla111 that chl1dl en frequently m1X them when \\ Ithm thel1 reach The ca1 d holders seldom fall to attract the attention of httle people when placed on the tops of tables, (11e."Sel" 01 commodes The Grand Tnanon at \ el sa1lles, F1 ance, 1S to be re-st01 ed The Fl ench al tIsts who are leadmg the movement e"pect to place the1r 01 cler for genullle French furmture for t he palace \\ Ith manufacturel s of Grand Rapids The l111es are 111 place on the floors; the factory cafes are '-tocked for the "eason. the sale"men and a conSIderable num- 1)el ot bll\elS have annec! and the Gland Rapid.., market 1S t01ll1alh opened '1 he annual dlllner to SOjOlU11lng pail ons of the Grand RapIds Chall COmpdn\ wlll be served today The bluffer puts up a good front to compensate for hIS Llck of backing. Look out for the fellow whose record won't bear looking into. MISCELLANEOUS NOTES AND NEWS James W Campbell of Germantown, NY, has patented a knockdown desk The Pass ChaIr and} ur11lture company of \ntwel p, ).J Y, has been mCOlpOlated E. PElley, furmture dealer of :\hlskogee, Okla, has sold out to A S Lannmg John F11ndall of ChIcago has been granted a patent on a combmation couch and chaIr H n Arnold of New Brtlam, Conn, has been granted a patent on an e:l.tenslOn bed VlclOl A. Olson. fUlmture dealer of Yankton, S Dak, has sold out to P C Nehon Guthne & J ennmgs have purchased the furnIture busmess of Haynes Bro:" at \Vhlttles, Va L D Buffmgton, furmture and hardware dealel at Bok-oshe, Okla, has made an assIgnment Joseph H Hl:"cock of Mmneapo11s has secured a patent on a knock-dov' n wal drobe and cupboard The Kmg Furniture company of \Varren, Ohio, have mcreased the capItal stock from $60,000 to $85,000 J. T. MartIn &Co, ftllmture dealels of Sulphlll, Okla, have been declared bankrupt on a voluntalY petltlOn. D. C Slxbey ""ho has been X eIA- England manager for the Lyon Furmture Agency retlres from that posItion today Henry F Kesel, furnIture dealer of Rochester, N. Y, has made an assIgnment to V\! 19bel t Irank as trustee for lhs creditors The North Texas Furniture and Coffin company of WI-chita Falls, Tex, has suspended opelatlOns and given notice of dIssolution. The Mls<;lOn Fl1l11ltUle company of Dayton, OhlO, has been placed m the hands of a I ecelver on a petItion filed by local credItors The Cream City Bedcbng company, capltahzed at $150,- 000. has been incOl porated "lth offices at Houghton, J\Iich , and Milwaukee, \VlS Luckey, Platt & Co, genelal dealels of PoughkeepsIe, N Y, al e blllldmg an addltlOn vcdllch will enable them to enlarge their furmture department Fred Reinsmlth, furmture dealer and undel taker of Allen-town, Pa, IS el ectmg a ne"" three-story bnck bUlldll1g that he WIll occupy in February The A Leath Fl1111ltlll e cornpany of Rockford, Ill, has dropped the WOld "ftlr11lture" out of the name and IS now called the A Leath company The bU1ldmg permIts Issued In Boston dunng the past thI ee months have e'(ceeded an) sllmlar penoel m the past ten years m both nUUlber anel cost The Charles J Anderson company, cabmetmakers of \Vebster avel1L1e, New York, have been adjudged banktupt, Llabllttles, $9,509, as:"eh, e"tllnated, $7,250 The Bronson Desk company, Los Angeles, Cal, has moved into a ne" seven story bUllchng on Seventh street Their lease IS for ten years at a total lental of $141,000 J H Fl aser has boulSht the mterest of hIS partner E. T Houghton, deceased, m the firm of Houghton & Fraser fur111ture manufacturers and upholsterers, Springfield, Mass, and WIll contUlue the busmess under the name of J H Fraser & Co. The Amellcan 1'oldUlg Bed company of Sheboygan, \Vis , are completmg lmprovemenb that WIll Ulore than double theIr capaCIty and ,,111 add dll1mlS room furmture to their 11ne of products. W J MacInnes who for a number of years was the treas-urer of the Gunu FUlmture com pan) and m chalge of the company's advertlsmg campaIgn, ha:o recently been engaged by the General MotOl s company, for work m the advertIsmg department Samuel H. Frumpkm and Samuel Rmlin, domg a retaIl furlllture business under the name of the BerkshIre Furmtm e company, 111 PIttsfield, Mass, hay e made an aSSIgnment to theIr landlord Corneltus \V \I\Tnght, whose stock they bought two veals ago LIabIlItIes, $15,000, assets, about $7,000 F ,y [<'lench, fmmellj 11ujer for BroV\n, Thompson & Co of HaltfOld, Conn, and latel WIth L DImond & Sons of PI OV ldence, R I, WIll sell the lInes of the \lValt FurnIture company of Portsmouth, 0, the EmpJre Couch company of ::\Ied 111a, NY, and the C H Campbell Furniture company of ShelbYVIlle, Ind , 111the :.'\e,,, England terntory dUlmg the comlllg season An agreement has been recalled between the Belknap Hardware & Manufactunng company, of Loubvllle, Ky, and the Standard Furlllture company, of NashVIlle, Tenn, that the salesman of the fil st concern travellllg in teIrltory more accessIble to KashVIlle than LoUlsv llle, WIll sell fllrllltUl e duect from Nasl1Vllle, and that all tld' ehng men of the Hard-ware company WIll can y '" Ith them the Standard Furnitm e company's catalogue Twelve stockholders In the Standard Chair company, EvanSVIlle, Ind, ,,,,ho purchased $15,000 worth of stock from Robert A ReItz, pnor to the filll1g of a bankruptcy petltion 1ll federal court by that company are entItled to the return of their money accord111~ to a I uhng of Judge Anderson of In-chanarolls Y\ hich upholds the deCISIOn of Phelps Darby, referee m bankl uptcy, 1endered se, eral months ago Relt7, when he sold the stock owned all of the outstandlllg stock e'(cept two shares. May Mean Higher Price fOJ.· Coal. Rumors of a gIgantIc comb111atlOn of bitummous coal compal1les opelating 111 Mdryland, ·VVest Virg111la, Pennsyl-vallla, Kentucky and OhIO 1ll which the Consolidation Coal Co v\ ill play a leadmg part, has been reVIved dunng the past week WIth an advance of 6 pomts m the pnce of ConsohdatlOn Coal shares on the Baltullore Stock Exchange BeSIdes the ConsohdatlOn Coal company, the PIttsburgh Coal company, vvhlch also holds a large area of coal land, the Berwll1d & \Vhlte company, the JamIson Coal & Coke company, and the holcltngs of J. S & \V S Kuhns of PIttsburgh are saId to be among the properties WhICh vvlll be taken over These reports "" el e strengthened at a meeting of the du ectors of the Georges Creek Coal & Iron company, when an offel made by the] amlson Coal & Coke company of Penn-sylvallla to buy the Geolges Creek company was accepted, subj ect to ratificatIOn by the du ectors The price offered was $150 a share, payable partly 111 cash and the rema111der m bond" There has been consldel able quiet buymg of coal lands In \V cst VirgInia, Pennsyh ania and Kentucky 1ecently, and agents of the promoters of the coal comb111atlOn have been for months obtall1111g optlOns on coal lands III those state", Henry Clay Fnck IS saId to be one of the movlllg spmts 111the coal deal, and allted WIth him are saId to be U111ted States and Standard OIl interests For months, It IS saId, J\Ir Fnck and his aSSOCIates have been qUletly bUY111gthe stock of the PIttsburgh concern, though checked In theil attempt to obtalll a ma]onty by the refusal of the Scott and Taylor estates to part WIth theIr holdmgs MONEY MERGER MOST DANGEROUS 18 WEEKLY ARTISAN ".-_ . .4 II If ( IIIIII4 II --------------------------------1 Here is III• IIIII III I III , III III II II IIIII I a Rocker That's a seller. Write for the price. GEO. SPRATT 8 CO. SHEBOYGAN, WIS. ,,IIII I• III ,, I I• I,III I No. 592 I ~----------------------------------------------~ ~i----------------------------------------------~ : I : I ~~~A~B·:AsRGAIN I I I I I 4I I' 4• •I I l I I I I I I I,, II IIII• I II I,I III II ,IiI II : II ,III I I ------ -- -- ----._._---_. ------------------------~I No. 537. 28x42 top Quarter Sawed Oak, Cross Band Rim, Polished, $7.50 You can't make money faster than by buymg thIs fine lIbrary Table by the dozen, unless you make up a carload out of thIS and other good thmgs we have to show you. PALMER MANUFACTURING co. 1015 to 1043 Palmer Ave., DETROIT MICH. "a . Business Interests of the Country at the Mercy of l\-Iorgan. Rockefeller. the Guggcnheims and a Few Othel·s. The follO\'vmg quotdtJOn" ale not fr0111 \Ir Bnan, n01 110111the speeehe'i 01 \\ lItmg'i oi Jel ry SImpo,on, Sam Car), [om \\ ato,on, Gen \\ ea\ eI, Senator Peffer O! a,l) other Pop-ulbt but the, 'itate idC±:' and call attentIOn to conchtlOn" that 11111"tbe recog1117ecl a" a 'ienou" menace to the busIlles,; mter c"h or the countr), by all thou15hfulleaclel" 1hey elle from ,\ 11 celltunal that 1ecently appealcel III \\ hat I" c;entl alh con- "ddccl d Lon"enatne pelpel-the DebOlt \C\\'l laPltetl 1" the hfe blood of 1)11'i111e", It 1'0 also an ele- 111tnt \\ llIch hke hre 111<1) be a c;ooel 'iet'vant emel a ternble lll,htcr Franc1'o Bacon once "atd "]\Ien 111great place dIe thrIce sel \ anh-"eI \ e\11tsot the '00\ el clgn 01 "tate, 'iel \ el11t"of tclme dnd o,eI\ ant:, of bUo,ll1e'i"" But rt IS the Lammon a111bI-t10n of "men 111gr cat place" to play the master There IS \\ ar- Idnt then fOl general \ IgIlance lf not appI ehen"lOll at the -,pectacle no\\ on \ le\'v lD the financlal \'vorld \\ hen J Plel pont \[ (lr~an, the Rocketellel", the Guggenhelms, the \ dnelel-bllh I nck CleO!£;e r I3dkel and "c\ eral other financler" at the hi "t magnltudc seem to be poolIng thell strength of capttal, the 1e"t of the \\ mId 1t1st1t1ctn ely calls to mmd both the \ 01- tllnc and the PO\\ er of such an alhance of wealth It. means that not only the nchc'lt dnd ablest finanCler'i of the \\0 ld are lJl etllrance, hut that the 1t1iet e'its \'vhlch the) com 01, banklD15, tlansporatIon, mlt1ln£;, pettoleum dndlIfe ll1'3urance asset'i e11e hem£; hrought ll1to a 'i111gle cont'ol \n dg~regatlOn of 'iuch powel can be a 1111ghtv 111fhlence I(ll tUlthellng the £;cnelal \\elfale, OJ It can hc a" cLlI1£?,eroll" ,1" ,1 mael do£?" If 1t "hOlllel he tncllneel to 111bChlef Tn genetal It llld, be saId iha i ther e e11e two pnnclpal \\ a \ s of mdk111g monn Qne \\ a\ l'i b) useful sel \ Ice to one" fellow men the elthel 1'0 by la)111£?,onc " tcllow 111enunder fOlced tubutc [he fil "t method I" a llttlc '010\\, but Ii IS a noble ewd plal'ie\vorth) td<.,lwlll \\ Inch gn h el fall e(jIll\ alent, fOJ all sen Ice and makes c \ Lt \ man happlel 1 he .,econd method I" CjUIcker It he" 111 \\ cut to tal~e ad\ antd[?,e of the dlstre%ed, and, \\ hen 111en try to conduct themsel\ tS ,,0 dI'icleeth that they avOId the orell l1al \ mIshaps ancl plttalh of hU'3lnc'" lIft the "ccond fashlOn of malon£?, money 1'3 ll) pI cpal e tl dp" \. hlch \\ 111catch hath the \\ an ancl the UI1\\ al \ J he ca'ilt"t and "\llC"t of "llch Laps IS a money pa111C Such a cnSI" bnng" to hl'3 knee" C\ClY man "ho ha'i been clCln£?,husme"'i on cledlt, anel those \\ho he 1n \\eut can take U"t!l\ of thelr fellov\ men on dlctatonal term" This Olga111- /dtj(J11 ot lapltal reachee, mto the b1g-est bank'3 of the natlOn ,11](111 Cdn dlllelte thul poltCles It can order a 1 ecluctlO11 of loan" to the ex,ent of hundreds of m1lhons and tlm" preclp1tate "uch a sCldmblc fe)! money that men V\ III pay any pnce to ..,a\ C theII cred1t lInn the men \\lth leach cd'ih, helc1111leserve for "uLh a monH nt can 1eap 111a \\ eek, ploilt'i of e"tOl tlon that 1he\ could not s.;a1hel In )eaI'i hy Oldlnal) bU"ll1c",'i Thue 1" ell1\,n, a tClllptatIon fOl <1 powetful man 01 01 ~al1lZatlOn of men to tryout theIr powel The temptatIOn 1'0 not alwayS hene\ alent Such an organ1L:atlol1 could b) mere decree eIther mdke money plentIful 01 so ...caree a'Oto caU'ie dl"a-,ter The money "uppl\ I'i ploportlOned to the blb111C'S need::, of the natIon llIuch d" the hreeul "upph I" ]llO]1Olttoned to the mouth" of tlw pOOl ()ne Ce111call',t hungel anel hard'ihlp by merely holdln£; up el "mall ploportlon of the supply of bread A l11onC\ panIc c;(n he hlou£?,ht ahout 0\ e' l1Ight that WIll stan e d thou'3anc1 ll1elu"tlles Into a shut-down and \\ 111compel thou WEEKLY ARTISAN ,~----------------------~------ II IIf III I I I II I• I II II IIf IIII III III II II III '-------- 19 -----------~--------------------------~ III I II•I III I If I III IIIf f IIIIf IIII I II I I If •II Lentz Big Six No. 694, 48 in. top. No. 687, 60 in. top. Others 54 m. top. 8 Foot Duostyles ANY FINISH CHICAGO DELIVERIES Lentz Table Co. NASHVILLE, MICHIGAft. ----~-----------------------------------------------------------------~ <"tncl<,of mel1 \vho hay e pled~ed \ aluahle collatel al ,,<, <,ecullt) f01 loal'<', to dcln er the collateral 0\ er to the nlel1 behmd the panIC a<, the pI Ice of soh el1ey and busme<,s honor 'These men hay e more power than 1S good for man, f01 \Vlth 1t comes grave 1esponslbI11ty \Vhat the1r purpose may be It lS ImpOS'31ble to dn me, at the present moment, hut that aggregallon of wealth, and bal1kmg power must Lertaml)' command aHenllon \V hen the congl ess undertake'3 to 1ev Oltl UOI1Ize our CUll ency and hankllll:; S) stems Perhap" that !<,Ode of the pl11poses hack of the mone\ mel ~el LookIn£; ,It !t 111 the h~ht of the p,I'3t and wIth the common uncle I sLll1cllng c [ hU111"n nature, the genelal effect mlht be <'ll"i'luon and "ppl ehenslOn It I" not well f01 an} n"tIon that a few men <'h"ll be posses<,ecl of <,uLh finanC'lal pm\ er that the) can decree prchpenty or hal d llme<; WIth ab'3olute authont}, and take then toll of eIther conclltlOns " Had to Ask the Girl. "Hello, ::\Jr John'" WhaP The combmallon? \\ "It a mmute tIll I thmk I have It Turn to the nght three tImes ane! '3top at 20 Then left pass 20 t\\ Ice and "top at S3 Back to the fllSht to 10 and the left to 7 " The abo\ e mes<;age wa s phoned trom the bOA office of a 10Lal theall e hv a young lady \\ ho had been Lalled out bv an ~------------------------- ----------------..,III I III II II II II• II •II I II I II I I I III II .. , II I III IIII III IIII• I IIIIII •I,I II I fob &rand l.'apu18 ..-------- --------- STAR CASTER CUP COMPANY NORTH UNION STREET, GRANO RAPIDS, MICH. (PATENT APPLIED FOR) We have adopted cellulOId as a base for our Caster Cups makmg the best cup 011 the market CellulOId IS a great unprovement over bases of other matenal When It IS necessary to move a pIece supported bv cups WIth celluloId bases It can be done WIth ease, as the bases are per fectly smooth CellulOid does not sweat and by the use of these cups tables are never marred These cups are fimshed m Golden Oak and WhIte Maple fimshed ltght If you w,ll try a sample order of these !lood8 ?Iouwzll des,re to handle tn-m ,n quant,lte8 PRICES: Size 2}i !nehes $5.50 per hundred. Size 2){ mches 4.50 per hundred. TRY -1 SAMPLE ORDER ado! uncle! the CllCUmstallce" which "how that a fOlgetful man "honlcl 'Ilvva) s Call} the combmatIon of hIS safe J1l ]11" lIl"Ic1e pocket accordmg to a story that comes from Flmt, the Mlclll-gan ~uto CIty The man at the other end of the phone IS m blbmes" m Lapeer, l\Tlch, and the ) otmg lady 1S his bookkeeper She Made by the Udell Works, Indlanapol1s, Ind had been £;Iven a :,hoPPl1lg holIday and came to Flmt to "I<,lt 1 elatlve<, Her employel declared he could run the place Without hel for a day, and he managed to do <'0 untIl the m!d-dIe of the aftelnoon vvhen he had occasIon to go to the "afe He foulld the thmg locked good and lIght and the mOle he tned to remember the combmatIon the farther he got from It Reahzmg that he must open the safe In order to Lon- <,ummate a busmess deal he finally called up the parents of the young lady and from them learned whom she was VI'3ltmg Then he glued hImself to long distance and the faIr cnstodlan of the combmatlOn of the safe was traced through hel relatIves to the theatre and when the box office was appealed to one of the actors was asked to announce to the auchence that 1\11S" SO and So was wanted at the phone She 1emarked ahel she hung up the recen er that the next tIme '3he left Lapeer she vvould paste the combmatlOn on the safe above the door ~linnesota Retail Dealers' Furniture Association 20 WEEKLY ARTISAN orB leERS-PresIdent LoUIs J Buenger Ne\\ Llm VIce PresIdent C DanIelson, Cannon Falls, Treasurer, o " 0 \!oen Peterson Secretan W ! Grapp JanesvIlle E-XECL [Iv E CO\!\!! fTEE D F RILhardson 1\00thfield Geo RIme, Mankato W L Harns Mmneapohs, o SlltlOn.., G encoe .1\1 L KlIne St Peter BULLETIN No. 65. OUR NEW YEAR'S GREETING We Hope That Members of Our Association Have Had th.. Best Year's Business They Ever En-joyed and Our Eal.·nest Wish Is That the Year Starting Today May Be Still Better--And We Promise You Better Service Through the Conling Year. JUST A FEW AFTER CHRISTMAS REFLECTIONS. At least the Cll1!stmas rush ,llld hustle IS 0\ er 1\ e enJO) ed a good Chnstmas trade and hope yon dId the ~,nne But 'ipeakmg at trade rem1l1ds us of the old, old proble111 \\ hlch \\ e h l' e been try 1l1g to solve ,,0 long-the mall ordcl plob1em \\ e dl e Ielat1l1g some ct our expellences here for thc benefit of the dSSocl"tlOn The firot two al tlcles ,\ Il1ch we \\ lote to e:>..pose nnll o1(lel hathe method" blought fortll tv\O letters \\l11Cll \\e publtsh hele '\ ou have ,dl hnrd the old but tI ue Sd) mg, 'The l11t bll d Hutto" ' ,nd theoe lettcl' show that we ha,e nude somc "ooc1 she to ,t the mlll O1Ull hou,e When a blg coneeln v\lth hundrLlh ot clell,,, ll1d cmpll\ c, 1\Lc- thL trouble and tlmc to keep 111touch \\ Ith I lntlc 'SOCIltlln ItLe 0\11' It means that we dl e accompltsh1l1g 'i0111eth111g 1hh ou"ht to \\ lLe up the small dealer vvho has compardtn c1), lots ot tllne ,111d1l1tel k111d and 1111bt lted In Ib tl ue proportIOns By slow, ldbonou'i \\ 01k \\ e 11'1\ e 11l1a11jworked out ,l system by \\ hlch we Cdn supply oUt members \\ Ith the mel chdndlse \\ hlch thev need to meet the edt,tlog can petItIOn fl e ne"\.t thll1g to be W 01ked out IS a system of self protectIOn II h"t h l, tlan5pll((1 In the last sIxty dayo makes the cartoon IUUS tnte 1 helc \llj ,pphc,b1c to our conchtlOn lIe are not la,\yers, but Jl slIce ,nd cummnn sense would say that Uncle Sam never 111 tendec1 t h l\C 111~copjll,;ht "0 con,tlued as to help anythll1g whIch h h the e 1111IIk" ol II ll1d IV l do not In e In MISSOUri, but we W oulel hLc to he sho\\ n \\ h) hus111ess mcn ha, e no light to plotect t!Jemsch es q 111Stflcludulent method, IVe Will take our chances III ,In '-Ir l1~ht legltlmdte competItion If a competitor has fore-lhou, iht, bl,lns d'ld ablhty to get merchandIse for le~s than we can, tl1 It h hh "oael f01 tunc and we Cdn S IV nothl11g aga111st It NeIther \\ ould ',\ e \\ bh to fO! we are not ~o narl ow 111111dedthat we cannot cld1111resupellO! bus111ess ablhty \\ e ,ue clh\d\ S ready to 1001, dt dll 'Ides of a questIOn and do not \\ ,nt to nunp at hasty conclUSions but everyone must draw the 1111esome\\ bel e and ',\ e (11aw It on deceptIve competitIOn It would be reall} 111telcstlll~ to takc one of the 111,1101 del catalogs ,md see ho\\ many 0\ el drclwn plchn es could be found We behevc therc IS 1 le"ltnrnte pletce fO! the 111all ordel house Som.e one must ~up-ply al tlclcs \\ hlch ,ne not kept 111stoeL 111 IUt al dIStrictS, but goods must be I epresented clS they I eall) are The mdll ordel house IS hke some gIgantIc octopu~ whIch, not content "'Iih reachlllg evelY ,Illage lS gOl11g I11tO the large CItIes vVe beheve that the) mU'it ha,e started 111 bus111ess WIth tbe motto "Get busl11ess honeoth It ) ou can-but get It" Judgl11g from theu Illustl dtlOns they seem to be "gettIng Ii" The C<lftoon expl esses It e"\.,ctl) 1 he ,n1'111dealel gets hiS gooels from the Jobbcl and the Jobber ~cb hiS flam the n1'1nl1hcturer By the tune the Jobber dnd manu LlcturCl ha, e made then profit and the I etall dedler has ,ldeled hIS bl1sl11ess and legItimate expenseo, he IS not able to compete \\Ith a hlln ,\ hlch cuts out all these expense" It IS thIS condItIOn whIch ROOT, "LITTLE HOC," OR DIE. est hun tn such \11 c"\.tent thdt he wIll bc T ohnn, on the Spot" for anythl11g whIch \\ III help hl1n to protect ()) unprm e hIS blbllleos Perhap~ ~ome of ) ou ·wIll SlY th"t yOU do not ',\ ,lilt to !?,et mIxed Up ln any troublc Nuthcr do "e II e all ha\c enou!?,h iloublc ',\ lthout hunting f01 It, but ',\ hen It IS pla1l11y ,hO\\ n tInt the mal! order house IS I11J111111ygoul blhl11ess, wh,t then) 'Jo man ever be-came pr0111111entwlthont makJn~ cnemles "'-11people of "tlon~ chal tctCI lnvc enemIes and thIS apphes to hlms " \\ ell as 111<:n VIc bdlc, e In e, ery one tcndlll,s to IllS 0\\ n busllless but \\ hcn , com-petito! uses doubtful methods to get tradc which llghttull} belong" to yoU, don't j au thl11k It thcn becomes your busll1c"o to e:>..po"ethc methods employed? Don t ) au thl11k yon 0',\ e thl" much to ) OUI self and your fellow dealers? "~o man hveth to hlm"elf alone," md If all of us were to attel,d stnctl} to our 0\\ n bUol11eso wlth no thought of anyone else, thIS would bc a very cllsa!?,"e1eab1e \\ arid ThIS IS a frec country but no man 01 fil111 Ins I ll~ht to do that whIch 111Jurcs anothcl The succes,ful busllless man IS not sLll centued lfe 111U,t be brold 111111dedenough to seek methods \\ Inch \\l!1 benefit nnt hb bUSl11CSSalonc, but hIS busl11ess In "cnCl t1 OUI aSooclatlOn h In a pOSItIOn to help our membels meet and bcat "ny catalog pllce t rat IS brought to them, provldl11g thc Item 111 competItIOn h the s lme WEEKLY ARTISAN make;, the ('\I"tcuce of nl.lll 01 del hUlI<,es pos'lhlc IlllS I, thc SIt uatlOn \\ 111ch\\ c mu~t 1 UJl((h J llh I" thc kq to tllC m,lll ordel ploblem If \\e Cll! fwd some \\d) oi CUttIU,!,oui the"e,2;o bct\\ee11s the rest IS edSY f01 \\ C Cdn turnhh hI"h class goods No film C111 do a "uccc"ful bUSI11CS""Inch doc" \ )t Slthf} It-cu" tomel" L\Idently thIs h d fact w,11ch thc m"II O1du house nevel heald or else has long '>1nce f01gottcn 1 he Chdl1CL".11 e t1nt they would not beheve It If they dId hCul It tOI they "eem to t1 rne, but sueh succes~ cannot be pu m lllcnt Of course It IS not S) es-sential fOl them to remembel thIS Item '1'0 It IS for the home de 11el for theIr clbtomers al e sCdttered .111 0, er SE'\er 11 states and kIck, com111g from ;,0 far al e not, el} effectn e 10 be 51\1e, "ort'e of the11 customers dl e "atl"hed becalhe they In, ene, el compared th\1 goods WIth those of the hon'c de leI If, ou \\ Ish to plotect ,OUI ll1terests, It 1" } 01\1 bu"lne" to 111 lkc them ,ee tlll' dlffel' n,c By lbl11g the Illlbtr,ltlOns ,\Illch \\e fUlll1SI], }OU Cll! do tllls \\JtllOut sayl11g too much We Inust d\Old mdkl11g ,t ltUl1lnh \1111ch \\ L C ln110t p1<p.c lHlHth,,,ntl'II1'llJ ctr('I &- (!lu. ~~{~,e~N;~~CA~,"G%O;;:a::K,ANS .....S CITY ~~:rlt;T:;~~~1l:S~;ESS December 2nd, '09. Mr. W. L. Grapp, Secretary, Minnes~ta Retall Furniture Dealers Association, Janesville, Minnesota. Dear Slr'- We have before us advertisements of yours taken from the Weekly Artisan of Grand Raplds, Michigan, whereln you quote re-productions of our catalogue quotations, offering the Ckts of said quotatiors, together with our descriptive matter, at certain prices. Our catalogue is copyrighted. Your aets are clearly vlola-tlcns of our rlghts under the copyright laws; and our pkrpose i~ writi~g is to demand that you immediately withdraw the obJectIon-able quotations, ~oti~ying us to that effect, Or we shall commence proceedings to protect ourselves by injunction and also seek tre othar remedies that exist. Your immediate acknowledgement of thls communIcatIon , together wit~ siuniflcatlon of your intent to comply herewith is requested. We register thls letter that we may Obtain your receipt for the same. Yours very truly, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. ~r. -, Kccp yOUl C)es open and yOUl mouth shut until you see something 'lnd then get 1I1dlsputable proof o£ It In clOS111gtblS drtlclL \\ C S,ly aga111 th'lt the I nnedy t01 thIS condItIOn of aff'lIrs IS to cut out tbe middle men, do busmess dHecth WIth the fact01Y and buy 111large Cjuantltlcs We ha\e statcd some plalll fdLts hele and 1e,n e you to rcad between the hnes and dra\V \ our 0\\ n I11fereneeo IVe lrust that" (' ha, e suggested some ['ood thoughb to ) OU \\ hich you \\ 111'lct upon and then gT\ e the dSSOCI-atlOn the benefit of your cxpenence If yOU have different or better suggestIOns of your own, let us h 1\ e them The time Ins come "hen It IS a C'lse of 'root ho~ 01 dlC \\Ith ns \5 su~gested by the caltoon r ct us ,dl SllIt 1910 I1ght by 1e,ul\ lIlg to '\\ Ille thl11gs \\ 01 th leadlllg 01 do t1l1ngs wOlth \\Iltln>.; about tIll', cOlmng }llr \1 IltC ,ome al tides, send In some su~"est1ons tell \1S "hat yOU h we done IE } ou knew how much the StCIet,lry dppl lUdle, a httle help dnd how It encoUl ages hnn \\ e ,ll e SUI e you ,\ uuld '111 m 111,w;eto con tI1bute somethmg Vve "'ould hke 10 heal flom nCI) 111cmbel of the assouatlOn sooncI or later-soono we hope SIGNIFICANT CORRESPONDENCE. Hcrc" Ith are reproduced letters I eceIVcd h 0111 '\fonU;omel' \'\Tard & Co, that should be of 111tele"t to membels of om as,OCIl tIOll They show, at least, that OUI "ork has bcen and 1S cffectn e They should also be Instl uctlve for they shO\\ t hit the mlll 01de I housc, deem It necessary to kcep III close toueh WIth dc, c10pments that may affect theIr busl'1ess and dl e ready It all times to protect the11 I11terests If such a polIcy 15 good for '1 concern of ,;uch mag; mtude as Montgomery Ward & Co, It 11111stbe good fOi smdller concern~ and indIVIdual dealers The letter show that OUI hten ture has been effective, e1,e the mall order houses would h"ve I?- nored It-they would 1l0t have consldercd worth while an efIol t to head It off or counteract Its effect We do not entertain the Idea that \"e hd' e thrown a bomb Into the mall order houses nor laId a m1l1e under them, but WIll say that our ammUl1ltlOn has not been exhau,ted and \\ e expect to gIve thcm .1 fe" mOle effcetlve shots In the medn time If ,mv member has any suggestions to make as to the 10admlS or ainllng of our guns, 21 \\C \\ould plc'lsed to heal flom him ,ublect Gn C ns ) OUI l(1cd<, 011 the ASSOCIATION HELPS. HOUle ~ferchants Are Your Best Friends. 1he gl cat mall OHler lWlbC IS not thc fllcnd of the fal mel, nOI anyone else, a" t pI dends to be It cannot sell goods, on thc el, er do-e at I ates lover than the 1etaller can offel the S'lme (juaht) "h;n'the Item of freIght IS conSIdered ThIS ha" been demonstrated mal c than once, and can be demonstl dted at any time If the custo mer \\111 take 11l~ catalog pnee dnd the cost of tlanspol tmg 'lnd com pal e the total WIth thc home mel chdnt's pnce fhe caLJ10g house IS und",r hedvY eApense for advCl tlsmg Thb eAj)ense mnst comc out of the plofits Can It ,1ffonl to meet these glCdt lchCltlsmg IJ111, 'lnd ,dso dcltv(l the gooeh ,old b) the retdllel) Dc SIde<, tl11s, It h undel 1111111ense expense f01 ontldy" III <,tock, tc\"(S, scll il](" cllHl othel Item" \\ hlch the leLnle! doe" 110t ha' c to melt Ob,IOU,1y Its c" pen;,es al e enormous I ompal cd \\ Ith thc I etadu s b111 In adchtlOll ::tiHullfgoJnI'll! 1IlJar'i'l & <!Tu. CH CAGO & I'CANSAS CITY ~~:~H~~C~~~EK~':":q::;1IMGR ORIG;1!-::;'ORS (j~r.{~.'.:..~~EEs:s~~":.,,§ C~TALOGU.E BUSINESS 1I01lT,J f<QRk • ...,,~ Sf¢<" <!!lttrugrr. December 2, 1909. Mlchlgan ArtIsan Co., Publ l-shers, 20 Lyon Street, Grand RapidS, Mich. Gentlemen:- We have before us two recent Issues of your paper contalnlng the advertIsements or the Mlnnesota Retall FurnIture Dealers ASSOclatlon. Ou!" AttoY7'ev advlse.e us trat these .. mG'1ts are clearly nolatJ.ons of oU.r "'Ights under the copy ..:rig11t laws. Our cat1llogue is copyrIghted and no inf'!"actions such as these WIll be permitted by us V'lthout recourse to oUx' remedIes. Our purpose in wrltlng .t0U 15 to dena'1d that you witndraN from your col..lmns such of.f'e'1d1ng matter referred to; and It is also proper that .IOU correct your rYl'lstake by In-serting 1n the next lssue of"-your paps'>" a statenent, to occupy a place of' equal promlnence as the OrigInal matter, to t~e efrect tl1at It is not your purpose to offend agaInst tre rlghts of otners and that Montgomery Ward & Co.'s catalogue beIng copyrig'1ted, further quotatlons of the 8dvertlsements of the MiTl.nesota Retall FUl"nitul"e Dealers ASSOClat:l.On that copy the cuts ana descrlptlve matter of' our catalogue wlll be withd""'awn. It 1S OUl"purpose to follO\t this matter closelj by conflscatlon of future ed1tions of your pap-er, If necessary, and other remedIes wlll be SQught to protect out" rights against such vlolat~ons. Your i'l'lmediate :reply is requested. We reg~ster thlS letter that we may secure you!" l' for the same. You:r-a very trl.41y, ~"~ Vlce ..Pres't. &: Cen'l. }!.gr. It takes the pdtron's moncy dnd does hlm no favors The retatlel WIll, If 1equested, lend one of hI, rehdble customers a sum of money tor a few day~ Vv III the catalog house do thIS? The retaIler ,hows hI" goods before one buys The catalog hOl1;,e does not 1 he retdllel s reputatIOn IS bchmd e\ ( I) Selle be makes The cata log- hou"e IS beyond the llldl\ Iclu,t! u itlChm L he ret,111er pdyS thc Ll1111eJalmost as much tOI hI, ploduLe ,IS the ftnner lMy, the IC t'l11el £01 l11s purchascs The Cat llob l'ouse cannot do tll1", 'lnd \\ ould not If 1t could Tn short, Jt I' .1 cut thlOdt Insiltutlon con ducted by shl ewd 111enwho ,ll c out £01 the monq ,md nothmg c1se fhe sooncr these facts cHe dpprecldtcd the bettel the people who now deal WIth them WIll be betie! off The mall ordel houses do not sell any cheaper than }am home mel clnnt but they do destroy } OUI home town lvely good (ltlZen vvho IS oppoocJ to the ev1]" of Cdj)ltdl, com merc1al and mdu~tllal concentl atlOn m the III ge CIties, and the bUIld me; up of Illegal busll1esscs that work a>salllst the 111terec,ts ot the ma"ses, should calmly consldel the fach tInt every system of buSI-ness that depletes a sectIOn of country of the wca1th It produces 'itrengthens the so called capltalbtlc powers One of the most bane-ful systems that at pr",sent IS work111g ,lgamst the llltere,;ts of the smaller CitIes or dra1l1111g\\ ea1th from 'lgncultura1 cOmmU11ltles, IS the box car plan of domg bUSIness From rural tovvns 111the west from 40 to SO per cent of the trade goes to the"e concerns H thIS trade were confined to the home to\\ nIts bu,lness wouJd be Im-mec1ldtely doubled-employment gIven to more people, the protts accrumg from mercdntlle bus111ess \\ ould seek mvestment, and WIth In a few years the populatIOn of the 10wn V\ auld be more than doubled and ItS o-rowth be commensurate WIth mdu'itnes that would gn e the people ~mploymc)1t (Copvnghted hy D IV Reid) Thh 1S the time of the yea I to pay} our dues 22 WEEKLY ARTISAN RETAIL FURNITURE ADVERTISING Conducted by H. H. STALKER. Dealers Are Urged to Send in Samples of Their Advertisements and to Offer Any Suggestions and Helps Which They Believe ~~ill Be of Benefit to Others. This Department Aims to Be of Practical Service. Help Us to Make It So. \\ hen 11101e tl111e and tllOlH:;ht 1~ "pent on cup, <l1HlIt" allangement, thue v"dl he a mOle cheeliul pa, mlnt ot thl monthly bIll<, fur space 'II, hen mOl e tl11111ture dealel s Lome to 1eahze that the money the} 1m est 111ach el tb111g can he made to produce an actual steady profit Ju",t the "ame a<; money 111vested 111 stock etc, they ",111 gIVe It the same 11IE Bl;Ft'Al0 rOtlI'lrn %"1>.D\1. DrIT'"\[PLr I) 1'1,", A Crowning Effort in Grand Value Giving! No 1 thought and ;:,tudy that they do the othel Too man} conslClu money laId out mad, ertls111g a~ "50 much money thlO\,n away," and they look sour and grouchy at the, er} mentIOn of the \Vord Then attitude 15 plamly 1eflected m the" t} Ie of copy they run I wlll not say that the man Vv ho pI epa! ed the "ad" marked No lIS of thIS c1a<;s, but I am compelled to ;:,tate that he certamly \Vas not gettmg hIS mone\'" \\ 01 th That "ad" 15 a bIg one and co"t a !Soocl lotmd sum no doubt } et, !t 15 entIrely U111n\Itmg I am confinmg m) ClltI-lh11l ot thl t\\() ~peumen" c;ho\,n thIS \\ eek entnely to ap- )llal,ll1ll ,111(1 nut to lUP\ f01 \,ll1le good copy IS a vItal nCClS,,!t,. d "Uong st1\km~ lll\ lt111g layout l~ cel tamly of tundamental ImpOl tance 1he Items and cuts m "ad" No 1 "ho,,, that \ er} httle care 01 chscretlOll wac; u~ed 111makmg up The anangcment 1~ Jumbled, you can only follow the sugges- 3, THE DETROIT FReE PRESS SUNDAY DECEMBER 19 1909 No 2. tIUlh \\ lth chfficlllty Thoe 15 no attcmpt at da~51fic<ltlon 01 1 eaclableness \0\\ tUln to \0 2 Thele appears at the top a "vcll \\ 01 decl openIng paragraph and then follow" 111 ('rde , each Item b, It,,elf, the article the ac1vertJ~er \\ l~hcc; } au to notIce One "ad' "as "thrown together" the othel carefully. "klilfully pLiIlned r do not kno\\ the re"ults from eIther of these "peCl-men, hut I c1 f;amble that;\Jo :2 finIshed way 111the lead It IS a regrettable fact that there are more furmtUl e 'ads" lIke WEEKLY ARTISAN '\0 1 th.l11hke 1\0 2 The bettelmcnt of yom "ad:o' lS bound to be a matter of study You spend hours l!1 plannIng your PU1(J1d~C~, } au go hundredc, of 111l1e<;to market 111Oldel to pUL,onalh <;elect the be:ot ftul11tme for yOUI customer'3, you pnde } our:oelf on } am fine Judgment and on your c'\:cellent ~tock, you 2.range your floor dhplays v,Ith lale taste and '3kIlI and then you go dehberately to work and knock lt III the head ,\ lth ahomlllable CUb, poor copy and eye-confusml:; dls-pLn e, lOU 111U,;tdo one of t\'lO thmgs Hue a man ,,,ho can \\ lIte the k1l1d of "ad,," that get the bU'3lllee,<;01 do lt yom- ,;elt If yon do do It \ oUhelf, l.;lve yom "elf Ume to pl.1n cal e Julh Do lt 11Ie,hts If nece,;"aly It WIll pay Ad, ertJ"111g 1C,1l t mellC} thlo\'ln aV\a}-It lsn't an expense It'" .1n mvest-ment and "hould so be tteated on the books You can make It pay three, fom, flYe, or twenty-fi, e per cent accordl!1lS to vvhat you put In It Co-operation is Necessary. Jt ha,; been saId that "competIt1c n I'; the hfe of t ade," r "ho llrlhke to change It to "co operatIon Ie, the hfe of trade" lbe m.1ttcr of healty co opuatlOn betvveen manufacLtller and Ittallel I'; .1 \iltal one ~ot all manufaltmer:o ale n,lt!onal ,1ChCItt"eI s StIll e,0111Ca1 e and .111al e deeply llltel e~tcd In L,tell1g the e,0()( ,au ptllcha,;e of them, move \'ltb Idj)ldl-t} rboe,C' V\ho ad\ ertle,e natton.1lly al e affOl dll1g } ou a ~plell cllClopportulllty fOJ tr.1d1l1e, on the pl e,;tIge they create and l!1 m} Judgment the dealer who 0\ ellooh or IS mdiffel ent to theIr efforts m hI'3 hehalf 1'3 hlmdll1g hImself to 0pp01 tU1l1t} \\ hen a plece of fur1l1ture 1:0 trade-marked and adverilsed, It 111U"tstand or fall by that lClentJficatlOn and few lf any manu-facturer<; would have the tementy to attempt to foist an un- \\ 01 th, artIcle upon the dlscnmmatmg publIc Every reput- <lble magaLlne protects 1t'3 1eaders flOm aelvertIsll1g frauels TI1l1'; ,ear b} } ear the confidence of the pubhc IS beIng lSamed, ,ear b) } ear the demand for ad, ertI:oed goods 1<;bemg m \. 1 ea,;ed, \ ear by \ eal It becomes eaSIer for dealers to ,;ell them \\ hen vou Identify} our store WIth vvell known, adver-tlc, ed hnes of furnIture, you are but addIng to your reputatIon for relIabllIty-and thai',; a mI~hty 1mportdnt considel atton \nd so I S.1Y, make good U'3e of all thI'; publicity Use the dealer',; help,; prepared at great cost of tIme and money Do mOl C Don't merely accept them Ask for them Suggest how they may be made more profitable for both you and the manufacturel The manufacturer lS trying hard to help you-glve h1111credlt fOI that, but he could help you mOl e mtellI-f5ently If you would warm up to hIm W nte hlm once 111d '" ll1le, sugge<;t, cntlclse, anyth111g to increase effICiency Don't ';tand off, don't doubt, don t let him have to coax Take hlm at hIS word Jom hands \\ Ith hIm 111the common aIm of 23 to - • _. • I I\IIII ; HOFFMAN BROTHERS CO. FT. WAYNE, IND. HARDWOOD LUMBER SAWED AND SLICED . ~ ,;elhng more fur111ture \Alhen he hands you a "lemon" It 13 tIme enough to stIffen But untll he does-and he won't-pItch m and co-opel ate not to help hIm make money, but to help yourself Pull together 111the traces (o-operate-It<; great! Make Your "Ads" Distinctive. You meet a man on the "treet He Ie, ordInary Ordll1aly In dre,;s, carnage, depOJ t111e11t Hence you never noilce h1111 You meet .1nothel You notice He h.1S a dI'-,tll1ctton, a new ~t) Ie, a manner all of hI'3 own You do not know hlm, but you 1 ecog11lze hIm easIly agall1 on the clOwded ,;tI eets He IS not flashIly dressed He lS dlglllfied 111actIOn Yet, he stands out, he is conspicuous i\ow hken your "ads" to the..,e tw otypes of men \Vhlch 1'0 yours hke ~ And whIch, thll1k } au, should they be hke? Thel e 1" but one answel to that ljUestIOn, of course Yes, make) our "ads" dIst!nctn e \lake them cal ry VOlll per,;on-ahty, the Splllt, the atmo,;phere of your ,.,t01e There are man} wa}:o of dOl11g thls-di,;tmct!ve types, b01 ders, l111u,;ual dI<;- pIa} s, etc, and a partIcular style of copv But the one I want to dwell on here IS named cuts A ten-dollar blll wlll hu} the draw111g, angInal ZInc etchll1ge, and electrotype~ for pel 1, 2, 3 and 4 column advert!sments \n} good eng1aver will be glad to submIt d1"tlllctlVe desllrns of your name and address, for yOlll approval ; design of th1:o nahn e used consIstently e1ther at the top or bottom preferably at the bottom, of your "ads," wIll soon cause them to be IdentIfied qUlckl}-slllgled out from the mass of ordll1ar} "ads" ThIS lS a very valuable feature m advertIsll1g and IS lf common use among the larger advert! sel s 111 all lInes e,;e a name plate cut It lL,one of tho,;e lIttle thll1g~, but It pays "THE BEST IS ...----------------------------_._--_._. --_.-----------_._-~--~---------~ I THE CHEAPEST" BARTON'S GARNET PAPER Sharp, Very Sharp, Sharper Than Any Other. SUPERIOR TO SAND PAPER. It costs more, BUT It Lasts Longer; Does Faster Work. Order a small lot; make tests; you will then know what you are gettmg. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. Furniture and Chair Factories, Sash and Door Mills, Railroad Companies, Car Builders and others will consult their own mterests by using it. Also Barton's Emery Cloth, Emery Paper, and Flint Paper, furnished in rolls or reams. MANUFACTURED BY H. H. BARTON & SON CO., 109 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa. ..- .. . _. -_._------ -~------- ------ ..l 24 WEEKLY ARTISAN ~--~_. ---~_._-~---~-------_._-----~ I Metallic Folding Bed Co. Jefferson and 21 st Streets, I CHICAGO I II, III III I II• LINE SHOWN AT 14ll MICHIGAN AVE., 5TH FLOOR DURING JANUARY SEASON 1910, SEASONABI.E INCIDENTS Record of a Few Minutes Spent in the Lobby of the Morton House. "Car load" \Jolle} entered and was wal ml} f;reeteel by II Parker Robm<;,on "Cal load" expl e')sed doubts" ahout the expected activity of the JanUdr) fl1Jl11tme SCelson \!fan\' buyers had ,Islted the l11ell1ufactmll1g- Ceutels c1Ul1l1gthe past ')Ixty clays and JVII .Molle) v, as undel the lUlpl eS,)lOn tl1dt they had stocked up qUlte fully "But thel e were no 'Jobs' on the mall<et' d thll d membel of the part) remarked "Perhaps not, hut there I" ne, er a time when a bin el can not hu) regulal "tack" was the rej0111del MorIey had not .,een the nevv t:;1l11100m and \\ a" led to its entldnce dnc1 tmned loo-,e "Sam' Cld} , the attolney of KC\\d)~O, ')bolled m dl1d asked questlOn') about Holsapple, Icade1 of the "d1Y" Side of the local option campaIgn If there IS a flaw 111 the 1ecorel of the man "Sam" wanted It How \\ as Hobapple paid:J Had he heen bounced from a church) \ \ hat does he look hke and what is his st}le? Thele 1" more cltunkenne"s 111Newaygo county than bef01 e the people \ oted to aboltsh the saloons Empty bottles we1e found e\ erywhele, they mlght be found under the cushlOns of the church pews for all he knew The ltquor IS shipped 111from ChIcago, Grand RapIds and other points There are no prosecution", and there WIll not be under the present occupancy of the plOsecutor's office It was suggested that prosecut1l1g attorne\" occasIOnally prosecute to acqUIt as \'\ ell as to C011\ ICt (Sam' admitted that it was true "I tell you the place to teach tempelance IS at the fireside begmn111g \\ 1th the chllch en The appetites >.- - of gl 0\\ n people Cdll not bc 1eg uldted by leglslatlOn," "Sam" 1emarked dnd thel1 II en t out to I emspect the new gllll room \\ S Emer) lame 111 "I am look111g for Rush Hewitt" hL I emdlked, . and 1 "uppo,e he I" m the gnll room " \Tanagel Rathbone Wd" remmded thdt a young woman had called up the \Jol ton House a few hours earher and \I anted to talk \I Ith "Rush}omt ' },Ir Rathbone could not uanslate the lemalk It mlght have been a lequest from the 'Ot111£; lach to \[1 Rathbone to 'Rush 1t," or put her into Lom el "atwnal umnectlOn \!11th Rush E H e\'\ Itt, or It mlght ha, e heen a 1equL~t for per111I"-,lOn to 111')pect the gnllloom II L1\ Itt 1\ a~ ~ull1moned to the \\ 11t dnd d few moments later <- \1lLl ~ ed flom thL hooth ,veal111g hi" he"t Sunclay-go-w-meet- 11l~-aIld-"ltt111g up \llth-the-glll "mtle He found Emery In the gnllioom \Jana!:;er Rathbonc, who ne\ er finds fault with anythmg 01 anvhoch gleatlv ap]JIO\ ed a -,ug-g-est1on that colleges be estahltshLCI to teal h ladltS ho,y to use the telephone Observ- Cl s of the g 1111 ]Jdttrl1117111i:; gender al e ft equently amused by \\ Itnessmg the eft orb of \!I omen to make themselves under- "tood b} talkmg 0\ el, ul,del or acro"" the transmittel Emel \ I eturned \!11th a sm11e that wa" msplred in the gnll room and pi oceeded to I elate how he had prospe1 ed in I eg-alml1g Ilj"t boclth stl ength by taking plenty of exerClse 111the open all DLl1111t;the afternoon he had removed several tons of lce from the loof of hi" house With an ax and shovel, and \I hl1e ChOpp111gdose to the telephone hne had aCCidentally -"e, el ed It \ man from the eAchalH:;e called and repall ed the In e,lk and then I epOl ted to the company's office that "a d--n fool had cut It 11lt\\ 0 \\ lth an aA' and then Emery st~rtecl back tn find He\lltt \l1l(J had UlteJed the g-nlll0om fhc ,oung 111el11 \1110 u"c-, Clt;dlettC<;' and "edts hlll1Self ]11 thL WH\ e!co111LlJl e"enLe of the young "oman who attend') the tdephone hooths entel eel and blowed smoke mto her face TIb ldcl\. of ~oocl hreecltng \\ a" plamly eVident and the stories he poUted 111tOhe1 1111\\ Illing ears were to her pa111fully dls- ,gU-.,t111g The yOU11t; \loman I" the proud possessor of a ( steady". IIIIII ,,• IIItI! I\III I I III• I I,,III I •I I IIII II• I,I I• , ~ ~ew ]1actories. GeOlgL <\ A"hley and Arthm J Johnson ale estabhshing a cabmet fad01 I 111'\ ashua, N IT C 0 Ira s"elhal th manufactm er of heels and bedd111g, of \lbany, '\ \ \\111 estahhsh a blanch factory at \Vayneshoro, Fa under the name of the IIasse1barth 13edchng company J II Parham, Claude Smith, J H Kuhlman, C ]\if Pre.,- ton and J B Cantrell have incorporated the Chattanooga Chair compan} and \I III estabh"h a factory in 01 near Chatta-nooga, Tenn Capital "tock, $25,000 The Independent Refn~elator co l1lp elllY, cd]Jltaltzed at ~150,OOO ha-, been Olganued to e"tablish a factory and manu- Llcture refllgelat01,) In Plttsbuus, Pa, T A. \Veb"ter, S A 'II cClm g, J I , J elO111e A Mtllet. c:; 1\1 Dunbar and T E Renton, Jr, are the incorporatols The Gross-Bro\l n l\Janufactunng company, I ecently or-g- anized with capital stock fi"ed at $50,000, wlll establish a factOly at Galesburg, Ill, and 111anufacture a combined refn-t; erator and ice-ci eam freeTer invented and patented by C TI 13rO\\ n of \Vate1100, Iowa The Stlel1111 Plano company I ecently orga111Led, has taken out a permit f01 the el ection of a factory building on Ylc- Klssock avenue, St Louis, Mo The building is to be of brick five stone') hl~h and Will cost $27,000 ThiS It 13 sald, will be the first blllld111g ever erected for the manufacture of pianos \\ est of the :2IIls"i"c;lppi livel The company proposes to start w1th a force of 120 skilled workmen and to have their plOduct in the hands of dealels hy the first of May WEEKLY ARTISAN Whatever IS BEST In Design---W e have it. Whatever IS BEST In Lumber and Fine Cabinet Woods---We have it. Whatever IS BEST In Construction--- W e have it. Whatever IS BEST In Fine Finishes--- We have it. Whatever IS RIGHT In Price---We have it. TH E WH AI TI S II 01 E V I) EI R LINE THE LINE THAT EVERYBODY BUYS Shelton & Snyder Furniture Co. Grand Rapids, Michigan Qur fulilme on exhibition on the FIrSt Floor of Manufacturers BUlldmg [west front], Grand Rapids, in charge of John Shank, East, Chas. G. White, Central; ]. R. Shelton, West. NEW PATTERNS NOW READY YOU ARE INVITED TO SEE THE STEBBINS-WILHELM LINE STURGIS, MICHIGAN LIBRARY TABLES AND DESKS TO MATCH Also Tables for Office, Parlor, Bedroom, Den. Sewing Cabinets, Tabourettes. "all furniture All in Latest, Popular Sty les New Catalogue February 1st Salesroom: GRAND RAPIDS only 1st Floor Manufacturers' Building. John Shank } John Shelton In charge No 496. Quartered Oak, Mahogany. 26 WEEKLY ARTISAN SANTA CLAUS SEES FRENCH STYLES Finds Old Gold. Rose and Green the Preyailing Colors in Fashionable De('orations. It \\a" a 11 enchIf1ed '-,anta Lldu'O that came to the ~nJ\\ n up people of \ew york thl" Lhn..,tma.., ..,ea"on "'a)" d \\Iltel 111 the Sun TIe wa" plObabl) ga bed In a I OUh ,,\ f uhtuml and he cert,nnl) cal ncel umfectlon.., \11,1<ll111 1',11h ,11HIlld(\ lent of I o~e" Xat to be I'rench "0 fal as the po""e""lOn ot 'Om h tiling'" goe" It not trul) to Il\e 111 \lanhattdn thl" \\111tel ])1,t\\It1£; room" andll\l11g room" newl) con\ertedlnto lople" 01 rnglhh apal tmenh dcmand ornamenh of ", mpathetlc chal adu ,\\ld Frame "upplle" the..,e By dddptdtlOn ,1I1d htne"" to ..,u lotmd 111g'Othey ale I:.nglI..,h too, appropllate allkl to an \dam ell;].\\ 111g 1( om d Cll1ppendale 11\ Ing loom ,111dd Louh X\ T bou-dOIr Dl"tlngUl"ll1ng COI01" 111 the"e lontectlOn,; trom Pall'O dIe a dellcdte deddlo,e, d dull te,1 £;leen and old gold 01 tall1l"hed gold, a" It I" calleel The"e soH old COI01'0 blend exqUlslteh and cony e\ an ImpI e,,"lOn of antIljUlt) 1t IS a" though one opened a dam upon ..,ome cham bel of the pa "t and dl "c!o"ed d11lt'; po"..,e';';lon", a lIttle fadecl 1)\ tlml hnt tl e"h m 10\ elIne"" and no\ el to d geneldtlon nl1<1ccu"to1l1ed to It'; fCl11l1"matell,d" and use" Only UI object-, made for Colol1lal 100m" ale clear and "ome\\ hat bll£;ht co 101'0 found Tn e\ el \ othel m"tance all the hue" are ,;oft and old and to the "ea-,on ne\\ The\ hdr-mOl1lze perfectly wIth room" fitted aild furl1l"hed 111 old mahogany and £;ra\ C'llca""lan \\alnnt-the ta..,hlOnahle \\ood" at pI e"ent-and \\ It h the I e\ 1\ ,d of old 1l1atellals and color" In hangllJg" of "Ilk. \ eh et ,md 1)locack SanLI Clan" ha" dhCCl\ CIed tl1<1tC\ e' \ thmg m ,1 boudon mu"t match. flom thc blOcade CO\elcd ",pllJclle le~~ed che..,t of dra\\ CI", \\Ith Ib ,,\\ ellIn<; fI ont. httlL £;Ia"s knob" and £;old glmp tnmmllJg", to the maUlCIll e "et and \ eIl glO\ e. handkel clllet or COlldl hox \\hlch le"t nl,on It \\ hat \\ould \falle ~nt0111ette hay e thought of a sUlall \\ atel coolLr ';\\ athecl III old blocade and topped 1)\ ,I l I cnlh pnnt I e"tlll<; upon ,1 what not) One h 111chncd to fann the \\ atel cooler more "Illted III SILe to othel contents r t h preth enough ancl T'rench) enotH;h to hold any thlll~ Bandon altlcle" alc \\Ieathed amI pCl\\cll,ed O\el \\Ith loses ()ne expecb to findllJ the deadlo"e" at 1rench EmpIre the elu"l\e tJagldme that heleng" to faded ro,;e lea\cs '-,1l1,dl and compact and made of "ott tattet,1 "Jlk ()J dull fi11l"hul "atJn dIe the"c lo"e" rl he\ alc ah\a\" oi the onl ()"~ Unt and ';lllgle shdde of green and are m1l1gled \\ lth fohage and looseh tv'lsted "tUll" of the £;1een "Ilk, \\ hlch h clho \hC'd 111 ~,-----------------_.~--------------------------~, , I I UNION FURNITURE CO. : : ROCKFORD, ILL. : I • I China Closets !• Buffets :I Bookcases :I I I I,I -- ... --~ We lead m Style, Con~ruchon and Fmlsh. See our Catalogue. Our lme on permanent exhlbl-lton 7th Floor, New Manufact-urers' BUlldmg. Grand RapIds. ~-------------------------.------- bdll<l". putiI11~", loop'" ho\\ " dnd td'>"elled U1 knotted cnd" 111 \ dllOU" 1I1ethods of decoratIon \mencans \\Ill sel7e upon rIbbon as a matenal of \\hlch the"l \\ I eath" and "Pld) ", clu"tel'O and tSarland" of lose:,> 1I1a) be la"hlOned The Sclme effect Cdnllot be produced 111 an)- thm~ L'Ccept the "oft bId" "Jlken loops and loo"e fold" em- 1'10\ ed1)\ the 1 I ench The"e al e cleverly run through meshes ot ~()Id lac e and canght down upon foa1l1y bands of old lace 111gl cl\ hh 1\ 01 \ 'l11d ueam) t\l1lS l pon ,I un I ecth appo\l1ted dressmg table wIll be 1\ I eathed trav" bo'Ce", C,I:'>e~,"tands for hatp1l1" and halrpm:'>. le\\ tl ho"e" dnd hang1l1tS ohJecb for contam1l1g artIcles of the imlet ,dl coy el ed WIth the same brocade \l1 ro<;e, green, 11e"h COlOl, old 1\ 0\) 01 "ome Sl1ndar unnsual and faded hue, pel hap" ellllched \\ Ith t1l1) spnng s of flowel'O or "mall WIeath s ot these emhlOldeled upon the heavy sIlk Hand mlrrOI, hrn "he" and ImHeh 1\ III he u)v el eel \\ Ith thc "a1l1e matenal 01 \\ III be 111 old £;llt ('1 1 eal ~old \\ Ith Howel s and French "crolh\ ork upon them Photoglaph flame" too WIll appear \l1 thIS medIum, shaped to conta1l1 one 01 1110re pIctures and tend1l1g to oval forms and gracefnl pI OpOltIuns It I" npon largel obJech, "uch as the catchall, waste bdsket 01 tahle and tdll 'Otand for Idrge flowers that flounce'O ot lace appeal I he dog ba"ket, for 1I1"tance, has such a flounce depend111g trom a wreath of rose" Rose colored SIlk flu"he" through the lace and tIacene" of tmsel mesh and gleams ot gold glmp m1l1gle WIth green lopes and soft pIllk bow" to make ihe dog s "leep1l1g couch a bIt of art rl hat doti basket and \\aste ba"ket mav not boa"t of dll the decoration" e'Cpended upon the basket" r The clothes ham pel I" lO\ eled \\ Ith 11ench blOcaded "Ilk decorated \\Ith gold lace and e:>,Jl1blb a realI, I ench pr1l1t 111 the lovehest "epla t1l1t" 0\ el the top On "tand and mantel are va"e" CO\ cred too \\Ith flol\eled blocclde and cdged wlth narrow glmp Some ,Irc fm thel ac!olned WIth slde loop" of gold 01 traJl1l1g spngs of lo"es In tll1s \\a\ e of }'Iench decOlatlOn.., tor \mellcan h01l1e" the talll1shed gIlt pIcture frame IS made to sen e many a pur-pose be"lde" ihat of fram1l1g a PICtlll e In '>mall size" It "upphe" a bOl del fOl hand mIn 01", tI a)" and box iOps. \l1 lal g e tOl m" the PlLtlll e frame become.., the SUppOl t of a table ,111d taholll eite top cl cah111et and d han~mg gla"s, to '>d\ nothmg of It" thCS a" "mgle or fold1l1g "CIeen hames and an edge to the bIg dressmg tahle and desk trays now m \ ogne The French cahmet ha.., the appearance of a hl0cade cov el ed hat bo" of c!Jmen..,lon" sllltdh1e fOl umt,l1111ng a modl"hl) bl~ bll111med l11gh CO\el ed hat Ih round top con Sl"is ot a 1 I ench tmt mounted upon 1)'ocade dnd surrounded bv a "ub"tdntlcll ~Ilt pIcture framc 0 It" "Ides dl e dotted \V Ith gIlt loops 01 Uny knob", a" one pled"e" \\ hlLh \\ hen pulled drav'v out sectIOns of the SIdes and dhc!o"e small dra \\ er" of dIfferent shapes and "17e" and doors tha t opcn l1]JOll shal1o\\ sheh e,; 'I hl "e cahmeh are fittecl \\ Ith111 to sel \ c n1cllllfold n"e" ,1l1d al e monnted upon ~racefnl "p111dle legs enccl..,ed In "Ilk or \ elv et \\ Ith the 1I1C\Itahle tonch of <;old glm]J To mIrrors enclosed 111j)ICtlll e frames IS often added a deep, thIck putt of ..,at111of the prey al1111gcolOl 111 the boudOlr' ~ decOl dtlOn" Dles"mg table ancl clesk tIa\s whIch are covelecl by glass I ecommend themseh e" to some per"on" who are able to wIpe the gld"" e\ el \ dd\ \\;Ithout 111Jlllmg the appearance of the heantIful I Iem h em bl Oldel\ 01 flO\\ ered hrocade whICh form" the bottom of the tl a) Cu ..,hlOn CO\ers 111 a loom "npphed WIth French fabnc artIcles must I epeat the fabnc Indeed to be 111 the lead of thIS WEEKLY ARTISAN fashIOn one mu"t hd\ e d bedloom to hallllonlze wIth the boudoIr and a bed spread over wIth a gorgeous coverlet of old lOse "atm lattIced wIth bands of gold lace set \ ery far apart and laId on 111wavy hnes Sm h a cm erIet IS bOl dered WIth cream cololed lace applIed upon a hroad band of gold and bIrds of whIte shaded 111 dehcate co10r:-, are worked upon the \ alance, whde ~pra) s of "mall flower" enn,h the large top of the "pread One glance at a French pnnt of ",ome beauty 111the C01l1 t of LotH" XVI framed In sIlk Io"e" and hanglllg be"Ide the dressIll£; table atta,hed to a COJnucopIa COvered WIth brocade and", I eathed around the top WIth "Il11dar ro..,e" "\\ h) the cornucopla~" one a"ks Sh-h I \\ Ithm Its depth" hIde a pall of ctH1IllR lron~ and the"e WIll be vvlped upon the "heeL-, of "oft papel concealed at the back of the 1'rench heaut) '" hame It 1" Ju,;t pO""Ible that a vvOll1dn may deSIre a loom 1ll "traw color or hght blue In"tead of the ptevaIlmg old rose "Ith Its gI een and ~I1t accompd111ment In such a case the artIcle" to be CO\ered arc done up m brocade WIth gIlt and lace t11m-mmg", or what 1" mal e fashIOnable the sIlk IS embrOIdered O\eI \\Ith tll1Y \\reath" and clusters of flowers wOIked 111 Iahed 1'lench andllbbon embrOlc!elv 1, IOlll haIr blush to veIl and ",pon£;e Cd"e e\ erythlllg mu"t ha\ e the same embloldered coy eI, and these are as cost1) a" the) are love I) Model n luxury has evolved an endless number of ~mall acce"sones to room,; and these no", take on a beaut) of form and embelh"hment ne\ el seen In New York before SUIted to othel rooms than the boudOIr are the Lams XVI and EmpIre tables of decorated ::;dt WIth large tops formed of a wreath of meda1holl portI alt,; of the 10) al famIly and beautIes of the Flench comt In the tIme" of the Loms and of K dpoleon. These tables al e InuIt to conform WIth the dIffer-ent styles of the old and new empIres and are nch 111 coloring and graceful 111 form Hal m011l7111gWIth these are fernenes as large as a small dmner table set wlth111 a broad gIlt band decorated WIth fig-tl1 es be10ng111g to the };rench penod III vogue The band IS somet1lne.., of wlOught l)1as~ and alway s mounted upon gIlt or bras" leg" 111table effect One seem" to gaze upon an ornate table heaped WIth fern.., or flower.., Instead of upon a hollow 1eceptacle fOl sUpply111Q, earth to one and water to the other In real gold and gilt, 111qua111t deSIgns and colors reVIved 111 table", al e, draw111g 100m bnc-a-brac and faIence generally thI" sea"on ha" 1I1troduLed a flood of re\ Ivals of the past that are planned m a happy medIUm of COIOI and "ty Ie which enable" the po"sessor to employ them m either a French roOm or an EnglIsh one of the pre"ent mode, IV 11lch has a subtle French es"ence m the dehcac) and gracefulness of all its ll1tenOJ treatment and furmshmgs Kaiser a Furniture Connoisseur. F erdmand LlI1ke, ,l famou" al t and deCal atn e furl11tUl C manufactUl el of the Place \ endome and the Faubourg St ';'ntolne, Pans, recently returned from Berlm whIther he had been summoned by the KaIser, V\ ho had remarked m BerlIn the exhIbItIOn of Mr Lmke'.., \v ork and had expressed a WIsh to meet the Pans deSIgner In partIcular the KaIser was taken WIth speCImen" of LotHS Xl V, LOUIS XV and LoUls XVI styles, of whIch he has some notable pieces hImself ~Ir Linke 1eports that the Kalsel showed aver) 1l1tlmate know-ledge of the cabmetmaker\ art and <l mce dI"cnmmatlOn of artIstIc values 27 SINGLE CONE ALL STEEL SPRINGS Are very popular with the Furniture Trade. $2~ E.ach Net $2~ E.ach Net No. 46, Single Cone, $2 Each, Net. We manufacture a full line of Single and Double Cane All Wire Springs. SEND US YOUR ORDERS. SMITH &, DAVIS MFG. CO., St. Louis r--- WEEKLY ARTISAN Oc __ Made by PosselJus Bras FurnIture MEln ufacturIng Company, DetrOlt, MICh WEEKLY ARTISAN 29 Rockford Chair and Furniture Co. ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS Dining Room Furniture BUFFETS, CHINA CLOSETS and TABLES Library Furniture-Library Desks, Library Tables, Library Bookcases, Combination Book-cases, Etc. Our entire hne will be on exhibition in January on the third floor of the Blodgett Building, Grand Rapids, Mich. EXPERIENCE IS NECESSARY Without It There Is Little Chance for Success in ~lanufacturing Furnihue. Inexpellenced 111dJ\Iduah al e sometImes boldly Imposed upon when engagmg 111 the manufacture of fur11lture. Havwg nothmg but ca::,h and a double ue"ll e-to help the town they lnc 111 and to acqUIre lalge (hvldends upon their mve"tments -they ,t1 e ca"tly phIcked by un "crupulous tI aclesmen Vi! hen thc \lu~kegon "alley FU111lture C01l1pdny orgalll7ed f()! the pUI pose of engag 1I1f; 111the manufd( ture of fur11ltUl e, an ad-vertIsement wa::, pubhshed In the tI dele papers offellng em-ployment to a supenntendent \s u"ual a number of rephes were recen ed from men whose expenence 111 the bus111ess dId not extend beyond the knowledge acqUlred whIle working upon the bench of a cabll1etmakel, a filllsher or the operation of a s11l1p1evvooel cuttm::; machme Possessed of monumental assurance and a ready, \ olummoth flo,,- of langauge many of thls cIa ss of lI1d1\ Iduab ha \ e ;:,ecUled l:;ooel pOSItIons, to be lost In a short tIme on account of thell mcompeteney \Vhen the bU"lne"" of mannfdcttll111g fUr11ltule \vas started 111the "outhern "tate::, a few} eals ago, 11ldlly lI1compeient:o from the north secured good posltlOn" at lI1gh POlnt, ThomaSVIlle, :\H Alry and other town::, of North Caroll11a, Vlrgmla and GeOlgJa HandIcapped by the lack of expenence m manu-factnre and With mcompetent help It 10,surpllsl11g m spIte of the large number of fallures, thdt so many manufacturers SUl\ 1\ ed the tllal of then mental dnd finanCial resotll ce'S <'\11 111expellencec! and lncompetent ::,upenntendent \\a" eng-aged by the manager of the 11('\\I} orgdn17ed :\1u"kegon Valle} FunJlture Co, a gentleman b) the wa), whose know-ledge of the busl11e"" of mal1ufactunng fur11lture Wd" ac qUIred vvhlle keepml.S a set of books for a blewery Un- "crupulous agent" of "upply houses vl::'lted the '-,upellnten-dent and proceeded to unload thClr "cats and dog,," upon the company at fancy pnces Se\ eral }'ears before the company engaged In busmess the mIrror plates almost excIusJ\ ely u::,ed 111 dre~::,ers meas-ured about 30 x 60 111ches, whlle the "lZe'3 ~eneral1y used when the :Vruskegon Valley Furmture company engaged ltS super- I11tendent were IV hat \Vas known as landscapes, the plates were not so high but V\ Ider than the 30 x 60''S used in the toi-lets of French dres'Ser~ "\ lan;e number of these odd sind plates and many other arilcIes fully as valuable 1\ ere un-loaded upon the company and when B N Bal11es succeeded the I11competent supenntendent a year later he faced d most cltfficult problem-how to com ert the lt1l1k 111tOcash 1 :i\1r Barnes 1" an ll1gcmou" man-a salesman as well as a manu-fact111el, and finall} dIsposed of the plates b} buddIng speClal al tlcles of furmt111 e fOl barbel "hop", saloon::, and hke places of busll1e;:,s Yeal s of tune VI' ere 1 eqmred to clean out the encumbrances New York Markets. New York, Dec 31-The u"ual hohclay "Cd::'OIl dullne;:,s ha::, pre\dlled thl" week 111all the malket" Hut are of "peLlal mtelest to f111111t111emUl Even the lumber tIade 1<., reported as dull, but ad\ lees from lntenol POl11ts ImlJcate I11creas111g firmness wlth an expectatIon of a n::,e 111 price;:, early 111the new} ear, though the snow over the northern states l11::,ures a larger supply of logs than has been cut 111 any w111ter S111ce 1904 Tmpentine is steady on hght bus111ess wlthout change 111quotatIOns here notwlthstandl11g a rise of a cent at Savan-nah The figures are 57 @ 57Y;; here, 54 @ 54~ at Savannah The trade 111 shellac 1" stIlI confined to samll ]obbll1g order" T N 111 bags IS quoted dt 155':; 0), 16 cents, case::, 16 @ lOA, bleached, 16 @ 17 cent'S, ktln dl1ed, 21 (ij; 22, DC, 24 @ 25 Varnish gum~ are 111 fair demand wlthout change" in quotations The demand fOl 11l1'3eedOIl b light, but pnces are firm, a concl!tlOn that tends to confirm the Idea that the recent ad- \ ance wa" due more to speculatIOn tlun to a shortage l!l the ~upply of fldx"eed Consumel" arc not I11chned to buy at curtent pllCes which lange fr0111 69 @ 70 fOJ "estern law up to 72 @ 73 for cIty double hOlled There I" d fau" demand for goat skJn;, and pnces are firm, espeCIally for Lat111 Amencans, 1\1- eXlcan fronilers are sttll quoted at 34 cents, Buenos Ayre", 42 @ 45, Paytas, 42 (iiJ 43, HaytIens, 50 @ 51 Curacaos, 51 @ 52Y;; Cordage of all kll1ds IS strong In sympathy, slight ad-vances m rdW matellals, but pnces have not been changed materially IndIa twine Nos ..J-Y;;to 6 1'3 quoted at 8Y;; @ 9 cents, light 9 @ 9Y;;; fine No 18, 11 @ 12;1;;. B C TW111e, No 18, 16 @ 16Y;; cents QuotatIons on sheet 71l1C rema1l1 unchanged at $8 pel 100 pound::, fob Peru, Ill, "ith 8 per cent dIscount and extras unchanged NIckel, In large lots is quoted at 48 @ 50 cents, less than ton lots, 55 @ 60 r MAKING GOOD FURNITURE OUT OF THE BAD Changes by Which the Capable Artistic Decorator Makes Great Improvements in the Appearance of the Rooms. ( By Ekin Wallick in The Ladies' Home Journal. ) I'the I1llhtl Ilion on the lelt the 111111lture ,t1 though ,uh"t,wtlal I" POOl III deSIgn 1he "Ideb )<!td dnd eha11, e,11] be lmprm cd by the remm al 01 the urna ment, as shown on the light The uppet portIOn 01 the 'ldeboard IS ehsearded and the oblong m1110r l' 1e framed and hung on the \\all '\ cabllletma~el \\ III be able to substItute the tdpellng; Sheraton lcg;s tor tho,c 10\ 11l erly used The chan s ,l\ e \ e ,tamed. a \\ aluul brown the '3ame a" the SIdeboard and a tapestn cm eong \- u-ed 1\1 -tedd 01 the nmtatlOn leathel ~ paneled effect IS ploduced by fir,t cOvenng the \Vall \\\th unbledched musltn \\ ood stnps are placed about two feet apart, fOIm1l1g pan-e!, whIch are pa1l1ted whIte O~lhe left the hVlng room 1'3 crowded wIth mappropnate fur11lture The gnlle over the door and the .,howy chma lamp on the un<;ubstantlal center table "hem lack ot ta,te The oppo,lle IlhhtratlOn ~ho\\ s the plb,lblhtIL' 01 the Sdme loom If ta"tc and e!Iscnmma tJOn are u,ed The mantel I' deprn ed of ItS machme-caned ornament ,Ind 1<;pamt eel an n or} tone end the tiles \l e e t1umlllec1 1 he gnlle 1" lemoHd 110m ILe c1oof\\ d} ,Ine! lhe pOItlere-dre hung II um ,I bras, pole '" small eLI\enport b on onc ~1c1eof the rrJ()m ,t nght ,lll gle, to the jJ1 epLlee 1hel I h nu Ittempt dt eltaped hdng 11lg, dt the \\ 111(10\\" [he pld1l1e, IIC hung \\Ith lell! enee t,) the 'ILe o! thl \\ tll spaces FOR d bedlO0111 wlllch suffel s 110111<I nU111bel of odd ,llld ends of hnl11ture, a" lhe one on thl left shm\ s, the follm\lllg change<; \\eIL ,ugge~ted The 11111101dnd superstruc ture 01 the bureau wel e re moved, new legs added and the body of the bUIedU was used as a chest of dra" ers The mlrrOl \\ a <;then framed 111 dark oak The <IIehItec turdl ped11uenb of the bed were remm ed and the 11Igh headboard \\as cut do\\n to the level of the footboard '\ SImple valance treatment 111 cretonne v. as used at the w1l1do\\ s In place ot the cheap combmatlon de~k and bookshelve~ a "nt1l1g table \\ as substituted The wood work was pa111ted whIte, and a Fl ench stnped paper was used below the pIcture raIl WEEKLY ARTISAN Buildings That Will Need Furniture. Residences-Bert Badgley, 1339-41 Glendale avenue, ChI-cago, $7,;00, J DRoop, 1444 BIrchwood avenue, ChIcago, $5,000, VI ank Vander Ploeg, 262 West 104th place, ChICago, $8,000, \largal et Jacob~, 4034 ~ \Iozart a\ enue, ChIcago, :[:6,000, Emma 1\ :\Ieyer'3, Irv111g street and ThIrty -second a \ enue, Dem er, Col , $4,400, (TIant McA \ Oy, :\[arshfield, \ \ IS , $3,750, L :U :\lcCloud, )JoIfolk, Va, $3,600 C :\! Hunt, :ZOOO South EIghteenth street, L111coln, '\ ehr, 5;3,000 FI eel 1loldel 381; \\ ee,t 11m teenth "tl eet, LIttle Rock, \1 k , $12,- 000, Dr D (Jlaham, Central d\enUe and Dnstole,tleet, Duluth :\1111n, $8,000, John"\ Lagd, 436 Chene e,treet, DetrOIt, :\TICh $4,000, \\ Ilhd11l If art, 1174 BlOOkl) n e,treet, DetrOIt, $16000 The \II%eS Cha11lbe, Canfield and C011111Ssh eets, Deh OIt, $4,700, John Owen, GratIOt a\ enue dnd ChIppewa st1 eet, De-trOIt $6,000, \\ P Scott, 130ulevard and Shady Lane, DetrOIt, $6,500, J A l'erguson, 700 \Yae,hmgton street, Denver, Colo, $7,500; S \\ SullIvan, 33 AIYItIe street, Atlanta, Ga, $3,500; \\ Ilha11l Lennox, East St '.'Iam street dnd Nevada a\ enue, Colorado Spnngs, Colo, $10,000, E J i\ ewcomb, 402 NIchol" a\ enue, K \\ \\ aslungton, DC, $4,000, II A KIte, 1222 Kenyon street, X \Y \Yash1l1gton, $30,000, :\1ary ~ KeefeI, 2727 Thirteenth street, X E V\ ash1l1gton, $3,500; Wilford Harns, 3612 Cl1l1ton aevnue, Mmneapohs, Mllln, $14,000, Helen J Holmboe, 2210 Tvventy-first street, M111neapohs, $8,- 800, ::\lrs Ella T PI endergast, 3543 Humboldt avenue south, \Imneapoh3, $4,000, F G Cole, 2918 Columbua a\ e, :YI111l1- apohs, $3,000 , Rudolph HantL'3ch, SIxteenth and TIOga streets, PhIladelphIa, Pa, $8,000, :\Iorn'3 Levelson, CreIghton street and Parkslde a\ enue, PhIlacIelphla, $21,200, Elmer H J ohn- "on, 309 Orangewood avenue, PIttsburg Pa, $4,000, KIrk D BIgham, 312 LaBelle street, PIttsburg, $3,600, Mr" L B Langford, 536 CapItol avenue, ;'\!tantd, Ga, $3,300, Judge Cotteral, 51h Cleveland dvenue, Guthne, Ukla, $3,500, Charles Sny der,624 \Ye"t ?\ ohle "treet, Guthne, $3,000, Rn erslde, Cal , $4,000, 1\11'3 \\ ROdne, T and Twenty-Second streets, Sacra-mento, Cal, $10,000, J D \\ arfield, 1831 Kenwood aveuue, $; 000 A. () Treganza, 614 East SIxth sheet, South, Salt Lake LIt}, Ctdh, $14,000, c\ S Ellck<;on, 1258 East FIrst street, south, Salt Lake Clt}, $7,500, 11 ank Sh and, 408 ThIrd street, Duluth, 1\lmn , $4,000, C C Todd, San Antonio, Tex, $3,800, A A Franke FI edellck and 1\ewbern "treets, :\IIlwaukee, \\ IS , $5,000, ':\Irs JennIe S GaUl e}, 728 Che"tnut street, St LoUIS, :vIo , $6,000, :\fI s ::\1argael t Hanselman, Eureka street and Haberman a\ enue, PIttsburg, Pa, $4,200, Isabella S \nderson, 200 Osgood stI eet, PIttsburg, Pa , $4,000; Sarah H Kennedy, BerkshIre and QueensbOlo streets, PIttsburg, $4,500, \lISS Lena Feeock, 16;5 Garfield boulevard, ChIcago, $7,800 \VIll A Peans, 3021 K111gman street, Des :\IOlnes, Iowa, $3,800, H J Howc, 2911 K111gmdn street, Des M0111es, $4,000, Leorgae M PIlmer, 9;9 '1 wenty-fire,t "trect, De'3 M0111C."$16,- 000, C T Rathke, Cannon }lIll Park, Spokane, \Yash , $4,500, ::\1 J FltLpatnck, 10014 Ostend dvenue, Cleveland, OhIO, $4,- 000, Carl Sward, HawthOl ne and \Nalsh streets, St Paul, M111n, $4,000, J\' P Holmberg, Ashland avenue and Dewey street, St Paul, $5,500, X elIte B Rob111son, Snellmg street dnd Portland avenue, St Paul, $3,000, Georgc McDonald, )J ewell street dnd Park Front, J\IIlwaukee, \\ 1<,, $5,000, T L SmIth, Hadley and ThIrty-second streets, ::\lilwaukee, $10,000 WIlham DIehl, Maple and ThIrtIeth streets, Erie, Pa, $3,600, AJfred Brelsford, 121 East Blake ayenue, Columbus, OhIO, $3,000, W L RecI, 77 \Varren stret, Columbus, $6,500, John Henry Craven::" ColonIal avenue, Dallas, Tex, $3,400, Charles \Voods, 151 Beckley avenue, Dallas, $3,000, Mrs Patton, Hollywood, Cal, $12,500; A \\T Redman, ·West Adams Heights, Los Angeles, Cal, $20,000; G L Summers, Holly- II ood, Cal, $5,500, H I Stuart, San Rafael HeIghts, Pasa- 31 ...----------------- --- ---------_._-----., I ----_ ... :fK1:A~ou INTERESTING PRICES g~X~,?vMt~~ SEND SAMPLES. DRAWINGS OR CUTS FOR PRICES. 4-. _ II I -4 CWartiatleogfuoer. \I E• P• ROWE CARVING WORKS, AL~fStN. - --- ------------ -- -- -- -- ---._- ._--~ elena Cal, $8,000 l hal lee, \ Chatham, R1\ erslde a\ enue, Jacksomille, Ila, $3500, John Koehler, }ern and ::YIobIle streets, New Orlean." Ld, $31,000, H J Carey, Morgan boulevard and Orlean" street, \ew Orleane" $-+,000, ~-\ J Roe, 216 \Vest Kennedy street, :='yracu"e \ Y, $7,500, E E Eu? Lard, 112 Onondaga st! eet Syracuse, $5,000, "IV r Bacon, 11111101"and \ ermont e,treet<;, 1nchanapohe, 1nd, 5;6,000 G II Baird,\\ n, Cal, bungalo\v, $5,000 Miscellaneous Bmldmgs-1 he '\Iernt Pldce .:\! ethodl"t'3 of Indlanapolh, Ind, arc bUIld111g d church to co"t $30,000 The '3chool board of :\1l11neapoh" Ie, constructmg an adchtIOn to the Bl elmer "chool at d coe,t of $74,000 \ fiftv thousand dollar court house 1e, bel11~ blllit at Deml11g, ~ :\Iex The 13aptI"t., of 1'o111ond, Cal, haye adopted plane, for d church to lOst $50,000 Chne,tlan SuentIsts V\ III buIld a church 111Clg-den, L"tah to co"t $35,000 Samuel K ewhouse IS to bUIld a theatre 111Ogdcn, Utah at a cost of $230,000 Trustees for the Carne~Ie hbrar} to be erected at EI Cent, 0, Cal, are dCh ert1s1110 for b1ds OJ] the constrnctIOn of the blllld111g '1 he Pasadena b(Cal) Realty company V\ 111mvcst $60,000 to $75,- 000 111a theatre bUIldmg The Los Angele" (Cal) AthletiC Club ha\ e adopted pldm for then dub home buildl11g whIch IS to cost $650,000 The lrl110n League Club of Los Angeles, Cal haye started the comtructIOn of theIr ne wbmldl11g whI~h 1<;to cost half a mIlhon dolalrs The CIty hall at San Pedro, Cal , is to be remodeled at a cost of $26,000 It's when he 10, up agamst it that a man 11eally feels cIowncast ~, I!II IIIIIIIIII IIII I I I A High Grade Cafe. t Restaurant and Buffet 10 connectmD I GEORGE FULWELL, I II ME""" '0' Proprietor. I .• -.__AG<.;;Y -H't.--------------- __ - .. -~ DETROIT, MICH. HOTEL NORMANDIE CONGRESS STREET Near Woodward Avenue Amencan Plan. $2.50 per Day and upwards. European Plan, $1 00 per Day and upwards Hot and Cold Runmng Water In all Rooms. Rooms WIth Bath extra. · ....- .....-...- ..._._---_._-_._----~ 32 WEEKLY ARTISAN Miscellaneous Advertiselllents. WANTED Commission men for the states Michigan, Iowa, Missoun, Nebraska and Kansas. also for the western states or Pa-cific coast, to carry our li
- Date Created:
- 1910-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 30:27
- Notes:
- Issue of a magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. Created by the Peninsular Club. Published monthly. Began publication in 1934. Publication ended approximately 1960.
- Date Created:
- 1934-12-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- Volume 1, Number 2
- Notes:
- Issue of a magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. Created by the Peninsular Club. Published monthly. Began publication in 1934. Publication ended approximately 1960.
- Date Created:
- 1938-12-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- Volume 6, Number 8
- Notes:
- Issue of a magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. Created by the Peninsular Club. Published monthly. Began publication in 1934. Publication ended approximately 1960.
- Date Created:
- 1936-08-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- Volume 2, Number 9
- Notes:
- Issue of a magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. Created by the Peninsular Club. Published monthly. Began publication in 1934. Publication ended approximately 1960.
- Date Created:
- 1940-10-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- Volume 8, Number 10
- Notes:
- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published weekly in Grand Rapids, Mich, starting in 1879. and GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.• DECEMBER 3. 1910 SENSATIONAL NEW OFFERINGS BIG PROFIT IN ATTRACTIVE QUALITY MEDIUM PRICES If you want to make money in the furniture business, buy quality, brain labor-durable fin-ish, artistic designs, prompt (expert) shipments. Cheap imitations at a few cents lower price never pay BECAUSE THEY DON'T SELL. TheNorth-ern motto- "WE SELL -------- 9J~T_L)_:_QIIIQ~~ELLEJ~S~ means expert workmanship, no more cost to you, and two or three dollars more from your cus-tomer, with a quick sale. OUR NEW DESIGNER during the past year, has almost entirely made over our line, and we shall show at the winter exhibitions at Grand Rapids, New York and Chicago, SOME STRIKING NOVELTIES that every furniture buyer will want to see. Half our new catalogue to be issued in January, will show new designs. These new offerings will only emphasize and dEvelop to a sensational point the fresh and popular styles shown last summer-such as our white enamel bed with cane head and foot boards, our beautiful colonial bed in imitation mahogany on gum, to which the retail trade has taken very readily. Our forthcoming designs are SIMPLE, CLASSIC, ATTRACTIVELY NEW; we shall show finishes never before offered in medium grades of furniture-in short, we shall give you BRAINS FOR YOUR MONEY, and make the NORTHERN the LEADING BEDROOM FURNITURE HOUSE as for years it has been head and shoulders above all competitors on dining room suites. NORTHERN FURNITURE CO. SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN 5 COMPLETE LINES Of REfRIGERATORS SEND FuR NEW CATALOGUE AN D LET US NAME YOU PRICE. GRAND HAVEN, MICH., U. S. A. CHALLENGE REFRIGERATOR CO. Order this Bed in Vernis Mar-tin Satin Brass Finish (Color 19). No extra charge. You will be convinced of its selling qualities. SQUARE POST STEEL BEDS are very popular and should be ready sellers durinlr the Holiday Trade. Wemanufac-ture a very complete line of Metal Beds and Cribs, all steel springs, woven wire mattresses, Metal Couches and Daven-ports, Cots and Hospital Furniture. Buy beds equipped with the Standard Rev. Rail. They are strong and prevent the bed from wabbling. SEND US YOUR ORDERS. No. 984. BRASS CAPS. Stock Color-White. VernJs Martin to order. PILLARS and FILLING SQUARE TUBING PIllars 2 m. Top and Bollom Tubes J Y2 m Filling I m. Head 60 m Foot 40 10. SIzes, 3 ft 6 m. and 4 ft. 6 10. Sh'ppmg weIght 154 lb.. Iron beds will be shIpped In whIte unless otherwIse ordered. Price $15 If our No. 35 Catalogue has not been received notify us. SMITH & DAVIS MFG. CO., St. Louis, Mo. WEEKLY ARTISAN ... ~ .- . - .-- ..-- ---'-- .-- _._- •._- _._.---..-..-..-..-.-..-. ..--.. .-.... "THE PORTER" Jr. 5 INCH JOINTER IS THE GREATEST LITTLE BIG MACHINE ON THE MARKET. It is built with the same care, accuracy, and feat-ures that are embodied in "The Porter" Hand Join ters which are known the world over. The steel lipped ground tables which can be withdrawn from the cylinder; traversing inclines for guaging the cut; the tilting guage for beveling, mitering, etc.; and the Round Safety Cylinder are all identical features of the larger machines. When furnished upon the iron bed (shown in cut), any style of motor can be attached. The style of current, cycle or phaze is immaterial. The machine is furnished with or with-out the countershaft, or stand, just as is desired. IT IS THE IDEAL MACHINE for the cabinet room, pattern shop, manual training school or any place where small or narrow jointing or buzz planing is done. It requires but little power, small space and runs at high speed; and say-don't you know that 50% OF YOUR WORK is within the range of this machine. You ought to be inter-ested in this machine and our catalog T. will tell you all about them. C. O. PORTER MACHINERY CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. . .. - .--- . ..--- . . ~ 1 2 WEEKLY ARTISAN , LUCE FURNITURE COMPANY I IIIII ,II,, II , GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Manufacturers of COMPLETE lines of MEDIUM PRICED DINING and CHAMBER FURNITURE. Catalogues to Dealers Only. ,-_-.-.-.--..-.-.._._-----------_._--_._-_._. __. --- ._-_._-----~ High Grade Office Chairs Dining Chairs Odd Rockers and Chairs Desk and Dresser Chairs Slipper Rockers Colonial Parlor Suites Luce-Redmond Chair Co.,Ltd. I BIG RAPIDS, MICH. tll Dark and Tuna Mahogany Btrd's Eye Maple Btrch iZuartered Oak and CtrcasJtan Wamut Our Exhibit you will find on the Fourth Floor, East Section, MANUfACTURERS'BUILDING,North Ionia Street GRAND RAPIDS, MICmGAN Exhibit in charge of J. C. HAMILTON, C. E. COHOES, J. EDGAR FOSTER. :J 1st Year-No. 23 GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.• DECEMBER 3. 1910 Issued Weekly STATUS OF THE INCOME TAX AMENDMENT Lacks Much of Having Been Adopted by the Required Number of State Legislatures--- Comments on Its Merits. Promoters of the proposal to so amend the Constitution of the Umted States that income and other "direct" taxes may hereafter be Imposed by the Federal government wIthout ap-portIOnment acc01 dmg to populatIOn-as the power is now 1e-stncted- are much gIven to "countmg noses" on the progress of the movement; that is. to countillg up the State legislatures that have already rdtlfied by the reqUlslte vote the amendment submitted to them by the SIxty -first Congress at its first session It reql11re~ favorable actIOn by thIrty-five States-three-fourths of the whole number-to make this amendment part and parcel of the fundamental law; and to hear some of its advocates talk one would get the impression that the goal was already in sight, that twenty odd States had already ratIfied As a matter of fact, the department of state at Washmgton has received up to date only four notIfications of action on the amendment by State legI",]atures, Illm01~, South Carolma and Maryland have filed notIces of her reJectIOn, and Rhode Island has notified the depart-ment of her rejection of the proposal. There ale probably several mstances of ratIfication not as yet followed by notifi-cation to the state department-as in the case of Alabama, wh-ose legislature was the first one of the forty-six to take up the matter and promptly ratified the amendment by a unani-mous vote in both branches Failure to notify the department ImmellIately does not invalIdate the legislative action, but the latter counts for nothing untIl the record has been perfected. The probabilIty IS that c-onsiderably less than a dozen states have up to date accorded formal ratification to the amendment Only three legislatures were 111 session in 1\)~9 following t~e actIOn by Congress-tho:,e of Alabama. GeorgIa and ConnectI-cut; the Georgia body refused to consider a favorable re~ort from the commIttee on the resolutIOn. and that of ConnectIcut ddJourned WIthout taking action on the subject Eleven legis-latures have been in session dming 1910, but several of them eIther took no actIOn or defeated the amendment-New Y-ork among the latter-and m Kentucky the legislature so mixed up Its action that nobody can at present tell WIth certainty exactly what it was But thirty-seven State legIslatures hold seSSIons dunng 1911, and thus the Iesue bids faIr to speedIly become a hve one in all sectIOns -of the country Commenting on the struggles that are expected to take place in the legislatures, the New York Sun gives many rea-sons why the amendment should be rejected, closing with the following paragraph: "The suggestIOn that by thIS amendment a power WIll be conferred upon our ndtIOnal government "now employed by every other SO\el ign natIon in the world" IS not a :,ufficient reason for ratify ing the amendment. That the national government's power of taxation is already broad enough to meet any emer-gency is well illustrated by the powerful argument -of Alexander Hamilton, who, wedded to the doctrine that the government's power of taxation should be commensurate with it exigencies, yet accepted and defended the present ConstitutIOn as ample in this regard, although the government's power of taxation is now fettered by the apportionment rule as to direct taxes, the uni-formity rule as to duties. imposts and excises and the implied prohibitions against the imposition of Federal taxes upon State instrumentalitIes, and although it d-oes not extend at all to taxes or duties on articles exported from any state Those who ap-prove this amendment must thus be prepared to grant the government an absolute power of taxation unrestricted by any rule. F-or there is no logical or economic reason for freeing the govel nment from the apportionment rule as applied to income taxes and leaving it subject to that rule as applied to land and capitation taxes If unlimited dhcretion is dangerous in one case, it is equally dangerous in all " The New York Commercial, also is a strong opponent of the amendment, says: "This old Constitution of ours has stood the test of more than one hundred and twenty-years it has been amended only fifteen times dunng all this long period, the first ten of the amendments having been adopted and declared to be in force as long ago as 1791 or only a very short time after the ratifi-cation of the original instrument by the thirteen 01iginal States; s-o in one hundred and nineteen years it has been possible to add to or alter the provisions of our fundamental law only in five partIculars It is an extremely dangerous proceeding to essay to improve thIS instrument, no matter who may call it 'obsolete.' Let 'every other sovengn nation In the world' tax incomes in its own way The Umted States can well afford to stick to its ori-gmal plan-and its pe-ople ought to 'speak well of the bridge that has carried them safely over.' " WEEKLY ARTISAN Mission. All quartered. Upholstered in genuine leather. No. 731. ~ilfl&lffolJulaetuJiIJR Co., Grand Rapids. Nich. .by carryingthe ONE~PI[CEPORCELilIN{INED ~ONRRD CLERNRBLE WR ITE FOR CATALOGUE CRAND RAPIDS REFRIGERATOR Cg GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. 1/you %ncy Baney garllitilre4-J f!/Ou will ezyoJ/j5'(;iling the Line 0/ GRAND RRPIDS FAN CY FURNITURE C~ GETTHECJ'lTRLOGUE GRRND RtWIDS. MICH. po ••• GRAND RAPIDS UOTElS J. BOYD PANTLIND, Proprietor. MORTON HOUSE (AMERICAN PLAN) HOTEL PANTLIND (EUROPEAN PLAN) Rates: $2.50 a day and up. Rates: I, $1.00 a day and up. The Noon Dinner served at the Pantlind for 50 cents is the finest in the world. .. I. •••• • • • The Grand RapIds ChaIr company recently put into use an unusually large furl1lture van de~lgned by superintendent, John Mowatt The wagon bed measures 8:Vz x 18 feet, and is so constructed that ram falling upon the bed quickly runs through the bottom, constructed of slats, to the ground. The corners of the pIeces composing the bed are rounded, permit-ing the water to run off quickly. This is the third delivery vvagon bUIlt for the company I11 twenty-eight years. Car load orders are loaded on the tracks in the company's yard, and the wagon IS used In the freight house service. It carries when loaded a suffiCIent quantlty of goods to fill an ordmary freight car 1\11 Mowatt has mvestlgated the economIcal value of power trucks and says such conveyances are money savers m a bUS111C~Sthat roqUlres more than one team to handle the freight. !III :\Iowatt mentIOned a grocer vvho had thed three single-horse cleltvery wagon~ and ~ought to economize hIS expense by the me of a gas propelled truck. The expenment proved un-plofitable on account of the many stops that were necessary to be made 111 the servIce. POvver trucks are not economIcal when not used f01 long hauls. * * * * Chas L. Grace, who formerly sold such well known lines as the West MIchIgan of Holland and the Logansport line of cl111111g tables, and, who, for the past few years has represented the Langslow-Fowler company, between Denver and the Coast, has accepted a posltlon wIth the Marvel Manufacuring Co., in southern tern tory During the many years that Mr. Grace has sold furniture he has traveled in all sections of the country and through hIS attendance at the Grand RapIds expositIOns during many seasons he has acquired an extensive acquaintance which cannot fall to prove of value to hImself and the Marvel com-pany in the southern field The Marvel line WIll be much stronger III January than ever before and WIll consist of about 125 deSIgns 111 dming chaIrs, rolled veneer saddle seat and cobbler rockers, as well as a few MISSIOn three-piece suites conslstmg of table, chaIr and tete. The lme WIll be shown on the first floor of the Furniture Exchange as before. * * * * Among the new exhibitors in the Grand Rapids market next month will be the Beecher Falls (Vt.) Furniture company, bed room furniture; the Glengary (Mich) Upholstering com-pany; the Clemetson Desk company of Chicago and the Voc;s l\Iantel company of LouiSVIlle, Ky, who recently purchased the equipment of the C. D. WIdman company and removed it to Louisville It is understood the Voss company wiII continue a part of the C D. Widman hne, the Widman plant having been converted into an auto-body factory. Among the lines formerly exhibIted here, but not shown for several years, that will be shown this season are the Hac;tlllgs (Mich.) Cab111et company; the Warsaw (Ky.) Furniture Manufacturing company and the Bogardus-McDaniel company of Warsaw, Ky ; the L. C. & w. L Cron company, Piqua, 0, and the Huntington (Ky ) ChaIr company. . " * * * * Reporters for daily papers are carelesc; of facts when writ-ing of furniture affairs and frequently make blunders For in- 'Stance one of the Grand Rapids' papers stated, the other day, that the Sligh company had just filled the largest single order ever secured-an order for $50,000 worth of bed room furni-.. ture for the Sherman hotel in Chicago-and that the order WEEKLY ARTISAN 5 .-------.-----.~-.-----.-.-.-.-.--. __•., George W. Calder will represent the John D Raab Chair company of Grand Rapids next year on the Pacific Coast, instead of the Grand Ledge Chair company. * * * * Theodore J Haven is now in charge of the Furniture Ex-change, lookmg after the electncal and other work, directing the reception of exhibits, etc. * * * * kept the plant busy for SIX months on full time, thus indicatmg that the capacity of the Sligh factory IS about $100,000 per year. As a matter of fact the capacity of the plant is about $700,000 and only a part of It was occupied about three months m fillmg the Sherman hotel order. The Sltgh company made only the dressers and chiffoniers. The wardrobes were made by the Muskegon Valley Furmture company, while the beds and chairs were made 111other factories. * * * * Second vice-president Sims, purchasing agent Spnng, hotel manager Kelley of the Delaware & Hudson Ra1lroad company, were in the Clty last Monday accompamed by D Edwards of Edwards & Son, and h1s buyer. D. Satterlee of Syracuse, lookmg for furniture for two new hotels, one on Lake George and the other on Lake Champlain, now under constructIOn. They traveled m a private car and after mspectmg several factory show rooms here, went to Chicago * * * * The Keil-Anway company, manufacturers of upholstered furniture, report that the1r busmess for November, was 111 per cent greater than for the same month of 1909 That is a remarkable increase, and 1t is keeping up so well as to seriously interfere with their gettmg out new patterns for the January season. * * * * E. H Foote, treasurer of the Grand Rapids Chair com-pany attended the meetmg of the M1chigan Association of Manufacturers, held in Detroit, during the pa~t week He was accompanied by his wJfe, and v1sited a number of fnends re- ~ldmg in that city during the1r sojourn. * * * * The Co-Operative Furmture company of Rockford, 111., who have not exh1bited in this C1ty of late years, Will show their line with the Streit exh1b1t of Cincinnati, in the Leonard bU1lding, next month, Henry Ringold will have charge of the Rockford Co-Operative exhibit. ¥ * x * Secretary John A. Covode of the Berkey & Gay Furniture company informs the Artisan that the company will display a large line of new patterns on January 2, 1911. It is hinted in local furniture circles that th1s company will have some sur-prises in their exhibit. * * * * The Grand Rap1ds Blow Pipe and Dust Arrester company have just closed a contract for the installation of an entire new outfit of piping and furnace feeding of a large planing mill for the C. W. Kother ccompany of Detroit, Mich. * * * * It is reported that Oscar Hall, for several years with the -, -- ITET (HICAGtiltIRRORt. 217 N. Clinton Streett; ~hicago. ~IIIs.y ?~~E-~~_U.~S.A --~-----~-----~...-.-.... ----- ..._ .. . ... National Furmture company of Rockford, Ill, w1ll appear with the eochibit of the Superior Furniture company of Rockford, m the Furniture Exchange, next month. * * * * A. R. Wagenknight, representmg Marshall Field & Co., and W. T. Garrett, representing Sears, Roebuck & Co., were among the furniture buyers in the city this week. * * * * R F F111egan an Engllsh glue manufacture, VI as 111the C1ty th1S week visiting his agent, 'Walter Clark, of the \,y alter Clark Veneer company. I.. Mayor ;vrcCarthy of San Francisco has finally succeeded in effecting a settlement of the d1fferencec between the Furniture Dealer's assoc1at1CJn and the Upholste1e1s U1110n of that city, on telrms declared to be satisfactory to both sides . 6 WEEKLY ARTISAN CORPORATION STATISTICS Some Interesting Facts Divulged by Operations of the Income Tax Law. The aggregate capItal ~tock of all corporatIOns in the Untted States IS more than $,52,000,000,000, wIth a bonded and other 111debtedness of more than $31,000,000,000 The~e ll1tere~t111lS figures are conta111ed m the comml~SlOner of 111ternal I evenue'~ annual report. The stattsttcs appear 111 that part of the report devoted to the returns under the ncw corporatIOn tax law. The operatton of thIS has madc It possIble for the fedel al government for the first tIme, to obta111 accurate 111formatlOn a~ to the number of corporatIOns In thIS country and theIr financial standing. The figures presented by the commIssioner covel only the corporatIOns ,\ hlch have madc retm ns under the corpor-atIOn tax act But they can be taken tOughly as covering the entIre corporate field 111thl~ country, for there have becn only a velY few corpOlatlOn~ whIch faIled to make Icturn~ and the number exempted by law IS compalatlvely 111slgmficant The commlsslOnel's rCJlO!t sho\\ ~ that '2V2,-+OO CO!pOl atlOn~ scnt 111 returns and pelld taxes unde! the new la,v Thc exact amount of capItal stock repre~ented by these corporatIOns was $52,371,626,752, the bonded and other 111debtedness $31,383,- 952,696 and the net 111come $3,1'23 +8] ,101. TIllS shows that the 232,'190 corporatlOns-practtcally all 111the "Cmted States-in the agglegate made Just a tnfle less than 6 pel cent on the total capItal stock 111the fi~cal year ended June 30, last, whlC'h IS the period on which the commissIOner's report is based It has been known cver S111cethe corporatIOn ta'C law went on the statute books that New York state would pay a large part of this tax. The commissIOner's report shows that the EmpIre state contributed almost tWIce as much as any othel state to the total of $26,872,270 conta111ed under the cOJ1poratlOn tax law up to October 1, of the present year The tax assessed aga111st New Yonk state corporatIOns amounted to $3/172,650, 01 a httle less than one-fifth of thc total tax for the entll e country. Pennsylvama came next In the amount of total asse~sment, her figures be111g $3,356,003. The internal revenue commissIOner's report shows that New York state has almost tWIce as many corporatIOns as any other state. Returns were receIved ft om 31,132 corpOl atlOns 111that state. These corporatIOns have an aggregate capItal stock of $10,734,835,411 and a bondcd and other 111debtedness of $7,834,- 437,J73. The net 111come for the fiscal year 1910, of the 31,- 132 New York state corporations amounted to $6J6,222,192 Pennsylvama comes next to New York 111the total number of corporatIOns WIthIn her confines, 18,362 hav111g made returns to the 111ternal revenue commIssIoner. The Pen1sylvama cor- Jloratlons hdve an aggrtgdte capItal stock of $5,496,433,778; a bonded dnd other 111debtedne~~ of $2,669,1,5-1,489 The agg-re-g- ate net 111come of the Pennsylvama corporattons f.or the last fiscal yeal was $374,98J,-t28. IlhnOls I~ thIrd 111the total number of corporatIOns It has 11,908, \\Ith a total cdpltal ~tock of $3,99],058,968 and a bonded and other 111dehtedness of $3,G32,803,126 The net 111comeof the I111110lScorpordtlOns for the fiscal year 1910 was $27'1,321,933 The internal revenue commISSIOner's statement shows that 111the Umted States there are 29,812 finanCIal and commenal COIporatlOns, mc1ud111g banks, trust, surety and 111surance com-pamcs, subject to the corporation tax The I eport sho\\ s further that there arc 24,232 public ser-vIce corporations, ~uch as ratlroads, steamboat~, ferries, stage l111es,pIpe l111es,ga~ and elcctnc hght compames, transportation dnd ~torag-e compal11es and telegraph and telephone companies 111thc Ulllted Stdtes ~ubjcct to the tax The 111ttrnal I evcnue commISSIOn reports that there were 11101 t thel1l !()(),()()O COIporatlOns on the hsts whIch the internal rcv cnue lmreau had receIved from the dIfferent states. These, hO\\ ever, were found to be Imperfcct and the final reVISIOn with the corpOl atlOns that are exempt under the law brought the hst down to 262,-+90 The comml~SlOner says: 'Thele "a~ some delay on the part of the corporatIOns in n1dk111gthe I etmlh, due to the behef on the pal t of some that longl es~ V\ould take actIOn lookIng to a postponement in the colltction of the tax and thc further behef on the part of the othel s that the faIlure of the Supreme Court to pass on the Celses 111stttuted to dete1l11lne the constitutlOnahty of the tax l111ght 111some way po~tpone collectIOn The penalties collected for the fiscal year on thIS account, approxlmat111g $123,000, are thel efOl e beheved to be abnormal epon the whole the tax ha~ been collected WIth dS httle dIfficulty or fnctlOn as has been oc-ca~ lOned by the collectIOn of any 111ternal revenue tax." The commISSIOner glve~ the total receIpts of the internal revenue bureau for the la~t fiscal years as $28J,937,220 Of this total the! e was collected fro111 ord1l1ary sources $268,9917,436. dn 111crease of $22,784,717 over the prevIOUS fiscal year, and from the corporatIon tax $26,959,783 The total 111crease over the collectIOns of the pI evlOtlS fiscal year IS therefore $43,744,500 The collectIOns exceed the e~tlmates of November, 1909, by $21,- 93, ,220 1herefore It \\ III be seen thdt WIthout the corporation 1l1come tax the 111ternal 1 evenuc I ecelpts would have faIled to meet the e~ttmates. Your Continued Success Depends on the QUALITYof Your Goods- It's after a bed or chair or table leaves your store that it counts for or against your future trade. Every Stow & Davis table you sell is a constant advertisement of your reliabihty. Our tables resist wear-quality is built in, along with the style and hand rubbed finish that make our designs so attractive. Our new catalog, showing some of the handsomest Colonial and Flanders diners ever built, is in press. You Will just naturally want these top-notchers in your own store, for your best trade. Send in your name for an early copy. STOW & DAVIS FURNITURE COMPANY, PERFECTION TABLE TOPS. DINERS. Grand Rapids, Mich. OFFICE AND BANK TABLES. WEEKLY ARTISAN 7 YOU CAN MAIL YOUR CATALOG JANUARY 1st If you place the order with us by December lOth WHITE PRINTING COMPANY GRAND RAPIDS, MIC". I PRINTERS FOR THE FURNITURE TRADE. I a WEEKLY ARTISAN By E. Levy. Representative. THE WORLD'S BEST SAW BENCH ChIcago, Dec 2-The N elmann Table company ellC nO\\ ll]- gaged on theIr new catalogue whIch they wIll have completed and ready to mail by the first of January It wIll show tbelr full line of tables, including dll11nR extensions, parlor, hbral} , cafe, restaurant, and saloon tables, and their recently added 11l1e...... of dinmg chaIrs, made to match their extensIOn tables ---- BUIlt wIth double arbors, shdIng table and eqUIpped complete wIth taper pin guages carefully graduated. Th:s machIne represents the height In saw bench con-strucllon. It ISdesIgned and bUIlt to reduce the cost of saWIng stock. WrIte us for descrIptIve informatlOo. THE TANNEWITZ WORKS, ~ft:.gJM:PIDS. whIch \\Ill be ~hown 111 the Furl11ture Exchange bU1ldmg, Wa-hash dvenue and ronrteenth streets, ChIcago, in charge of the Peck & I1Jll-, rnr11ltnre company. Their new catalogue will be sent to any deeder on request. John Klmmeth & Co. hdve begun to clear away the debris from theIr preml "es on VVood street, where they suffered a se-vere fire loss, SDme few weeks ago, and have in the hands of theIr architect, plans for the reconstruction of their new fac-tory, v,hlch \\ III CDon be commenced and go forward with all possIble speed They are at present occupying temporary quart-er., at 1436 and 1438 West Kmzie street The illustration here given IS one of the medIUm grade chaIrs. The Nelmanns have evel) facIlrty for producmg their goods at the very closest co t anc1 \\ Ith thelf many years ex-penence and other advantages thev are 111 positIOn to offer very good values This will be apparent to all whD see the lIne, Rockford Chair 8 Furniture Co. Rockford. Illinois DINING FURNITURE BUFFETS. CHINA CLOSETS and TABLES. LIBRARY FURNITURE DESKS, TABLES, COMBINATION and LIBRARY BOOKCASES. Our entire Ime will be on exhibition in January on the third floor of the Blodgett Building, Grand Rapids, Mich. WEEKLY ARTISAN • RICHMOND TABLET CHAIRS "SLIP SEATS" MOST SANITARY RICHMOND CHAIR CO. Veneer Thinness and Thickness. During these several years the tendency among veneer manufacturers has been to cut face veneer th111ner and thinner. It is getting to the point where considerable protest IS bemg made by veneer users, and where one may well ask the questlOn, how th111should face veneer be? At first glance one is not impressed with thiS fact from studymg the annual reports of the veneer industry as compiled by the United States FDrest Service, because the greatest quant- Ity of veneer cut 1~ 3-16 thICk, with }8 -occUpy111gnext place 111 point of quantity, and the % com111g 111tOthIrd place In other words, on <the face of the government figures the ma ;-ority of the veneer is cut thick ThiS IS rather l111sleacling on Its face, however, because It does not tell us anything about the thIckness of face veneer proper The great bulk of th10 (:omparatlVely thick stock is used as thin lumber m box shooks, package mak-ing, and various other purposes not regarded as face veneer. When we get down into face veneenng proper It IS eVident that the thickness is concentrated around 1-16, 1-20, and 1-28. This applies both in rotary-cut and sawed or sliced In the earlier days most of the sawed and sliced stock ~as from 1-16 to 1-20, but much -of the rotary-cut stock ran up 111thickness from 1-16 to}8. That is, of the stock for face veneering proper. There is still a large quantity of face veneer cut }8 to use in millwork and other places where the trade calls fDr plenty -of body in the veneer for facing off. But among the prinCipal face veneer woods there is a strong tendency to concentrate between 1-16 and 1-20 and It looks like another year or two Will see the bulk of all face woods cut 1-20 except mahogany and such imported woods which are commonly cut n-ow 1-30 Here dgam we see a tend-ency downward for mahogany was formally cut 1-20 and 1-28 with 1-28 as the mam standard Now, there IS 4, times as much mahogany cut 1-30 as IS cut 1-28 and very httle of It IS cut as thick as 1-20 In fact, mahogany has centered around the 1-30 thIckness and both 111r-otary and shced stock thiS may be ac-cepted as the general standard n-ow, which is at least two points down in thickness from what was the practice a few years back. So we have, as stated above, the question of how thin or how thick 'Should face veneer be? There IS evidently a tendency to thmning down thdt may go to an extreme and accordlllg to some veneer usel s has already gone too far, because it makes veneer using difficult and does not leave enough to glue up and No. 100 DOUBLE CANE SEAT No. 100 GENUINE LEATHER SEAT finish properly. On the other hand, it is argued that in the finest kllld of work all that IS wanted is a very thin face of ven-eer not thicker than a piece of paper after finish111g and the body work should be constructed independent of the face, properly cross-banded, and balanced up, so that the veneering is nothing more than a face decoration. It has no part to play in the con-structlOn work whatever, and because of this fact should be handled as a facing material only and to get the most beauty of face out of a gIven amount of wood it Will be cut just as thin as the nature of the work will permit. There is evidently room for some difference of opinion. There is already some difference in practice. The door and mill-work people generally use veneer }8 of an inch thick, also some of thiS thickness IS used in fur111ture panels, but in the finest furni-ture work as well as other high grade cabinet work, there is not much thick stock used. It is fine and thm and when finished off IS not much heavier in body than a good coat of paint or a sheet of paper. It IS likely that there Will be a good deal or argument back and fOlth before we do finally determine which is the best and most practical thickness for veneer. The one thing we do know right nOW is that the trade, espeCially the manufacturers, have been followmg the tendency toward thinner stock and some-where along the line there will have to be a halt called and a reckomng as to what is the best thickness to cut.- J. Taylor, in Wood Craft. AND THE RICHMOND, IND. 10 takmg up larger quarters at Grant avenue and Stockton street, Three yeal s later he removed to Tombstone, Ariz, and opened a branch at Phoenix. In lR8~ he \\ ent to San DIego and there started the Standard FurnIture company, of which he has since been the head. De-claring to frlenc}i that there were better prospects for a large busmess ventUl e m the north, he went to Seattle late 1111887, contl11ul11g the busl11ess and name he had adopted 111 Cahforma. c\t that tIme the streets were mudholes, and Herbert, Ralph and Berman, llls sons, bought the dirt from the cable lme then under consb uctlOn and shoveled It 111 front of the store for a Sidewalk The fire of 1889 destroyed the store and stock, but recover- 1l1~qUIckly from hiS loss, l\lr Schoenfeld took out a permit, and, electing a tent at Second avenue and University street, resumed blh1l1eSS HIs permit was the first to be Issued in the burned-over area, and the first to be revoked when the owner of the lots wa S I eady to bul1d One of l\lr Schoenfeld's happiest recollections was of Mark T\\am, when the great author was pilot on a MiSSissippi river steamboat and :Ur Schoenfeld was an under officer. When bed up ashore the two young men enjoyed many pleasant moments together. Both were poor, and Twam comparatively unknown. Later they met 111 SIlver CIty, Nev, where for a time Twain erhted the Silvel City Enterprise. and passed the first milestone of hiS fame 'Vhen freed of business cares Mr. Schoenfeld took the keenest pleasure 111readmg Twain's works, c\lthough he gave With a laVish hand to the deserving poor, ,Ir Schoenfeld never referred to his giftS, and even his sons "ere Ignorant of the names of the benefiCiaries, but it is known that ~everal famlhes were on hiS pnvate check book, and that 111the Christmas season his pocketbook opened wide. :'Ir. Schoenfeld was a thil ty-second degree Scottish Rite :Uason, an Elk, a member of the Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club and B'nal Bnth, a JeWish benevolent society. AN INTERESTING CAREER CLOSED WEEKLY ARTISAN Louis K. Schoenfeld, Prominent Merchant of Seattle, Wash., a Victim of Pneumonia. LoUIS Kenneth Schoenfeld, for many J ears head of the Standard Furmture company, dealers of Seattle, vVa~h, died on November 18, a victim of pneumoma, aged G9 years Mr. Schoenfeld was conscIous to the last and hiS \\ Ife and his sons, Herbert A, Ralph and Berman Schoenfeld, and his daughter, Mrs. Joseph Gardner, were With him at the end He called each member of the famIly to him and said goodby rol-lowing the final handclasps, he called the names of his 111bmate fnends one by one, and urged 111~ wIfe and sons to say fare\\ ell to them. Loms K. Schoenfeld was born 111 the prOV111ce of Hesse, Germany, November 30, 1840, and came to America alone, when 8 years of age, to ma,ke hl~ home WIth an uncle 111 Balti-more. Dunng the ante-bellum days hIS uncle and aunt were strong seceSSlOmsts but young Schoenfeld took up the Umon cause and tried to enhst at the fir~t call for volunteers Because of Ius foreign bIrth and the known prO-Slavery sentiment of hIS relatIves, he was refu~ed, and subsequently ran away from home gomg to St LoUl~ and from there to Davenport, Ia. Tales of nch gold dlscovenes brought by returning prospectors lured hl111to the West, and he went, overland to Sacramento. v,here he worked as a nver boy 11118Gl Hb brother, Barney Schoen-feld, who ched three years ago, ]omed hIm 111the west, and to-gether they worked on the trail over the Sierra Nevada range when the rush to the new mmmg fields began. Mr. Schoenfeld went to SIlver City, Nev., With the out-break of the Silver rush There he made hiS first busllless ven-ture III hiS own behalf, and laid the foundatlOn for hiS fortune. In partnership With hiS brother he opened a small retaIl furmture store under the name of Schoenfeld Brothers, III 1864, all their stock commg around Cape Horn from the east In those days the Mackays, Floods, FaIrs and other bonanza ml1honalre 111111- 111g men were strugglmg WIth the fronbersmen m the httle colony for a hvehhood, and Mr. Schoenfeld knew them as neigh-bors and co-laborers It was not unbl Vlrgmla CIty became the largest SlIver camp 111 the world that the fortunes of hiS miner associates grow to large proportions B. Hey111an present manager of the Tacoma branch of the Standard Furmture com-pany, later became a partner of Mr. Schoenfeld, and the firm was known unbl 1886 as Schoenfeld & Heyman. In 1879 Mr Schoenfeld removed to San Francisco and opened a retail furmture store at 7J9 Malket street, subsequently .. - FREEDMAN CONVERTIBLE DIVAN BED A Revolution in Parlor Bed Construction. An Immediate Suc:c:eaa. Full Size Bed in Divan Space. " _. Orders for Dry Kilns. The GI and Rapids Veneer Works kIln department has Just received an order for two more kIlns from the John Bain Wagon company of Woodstock, Ontano ThiS is the third order from t1115house In their "ad" on another page of the Weekly Arti- "an Will be found a letter from the McAfee ManufactUring com-pany of Garnet, Kan , m "hlch they say they hke theIr kIln very much and another from the GreenVille Chair company of Green- Ville, Tenn ThiS was an order by telegraph reque"tmg a kiln shipped 1l11mecbately. The \Veekly Arbsan expects 111 the near future to make an announcement that WIll be of great slg11lficance to the users of dry kIlns . SIMPLEST IN ACTION. LEAST SPACE. STRONGEST BUILT. Supercedes all other Interchangeable Parlor Beds. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATIONS-AND PRICES. FREEDMAN BROTHERS & CO. Manufacturer. of Uphol.tered Furniture. Factory, 717.731 Mather St., CHICAGO. .. WEEKLY ARTISAN 11 Oriental Ru~s Still Popular_ --------_.------ --------_ - _. .. Those who, a few years ago, looked upon Oriental rugs as a craze or a fad and predIcted that it would soon dIe out have been dl~appomted Eastern papers declare that they are more popular than ever thIs season, that they are being used in many bed rooms and are bemg bought by many women who should not mdulge m such luxunes. Perhaps luxunes is not the word to apply m connectIOn wIth these weaves, for although the first cost seems exorblta lt, PersIan rugs WIll wear for 30 years and upward. So consldermg the number of dollars that would be paid during a lIfetIme fm other carpetmg that would qUIckly wear out at the ongmal pnces onental rugs may be bargains Some women may th111k the deSIgns of oriental rugs do not vary wIth the seasons, that IS, that the colOrIngs are practically the same every year But the fact is the motIfs change decidedly, for sometImes the medallion effects are favored, and during an-other season the border WIll be narrow or wide This winter the all-over pattern IS the popular one By all over, is meant, that the center and the border are alIke In other words, there is no center so far as the deSIgn is concerned. The borders are of medIUm WIdth wIth a four-inch edge in a solId color-the predommatmg tone in the rug-a narrower band of the same ~hade bemg used to connect border and center. The colonngs thIS year are exquisitely blended, as only the orientals can be The surface of the rug gIves a sheen equal to sIlk m ItS glossmess and velvet m its depth of tone If one fancies the oriental colOrIngs, but can not afford the genuine article, she may indulge su~h taste by selectmg copies of the eastern rugs. These come at popular pnces no more expensIve, in fact, than the ordmary deSIgns and colonng-s For instance, there are Bag-dad Brussels and Bagdad WIlton, almost exact copies of the real carpets, even to the all-over centers, and there are several designs to choose from Smaller rugs proportIOnately priced. In domestIc carpets the plam filling IS in favor, which will not be cheerIng news to those who have to keep floor coveri,lgs clean, for a woman wIll always find somethmg that needs remov-ing from these plam surfaces. For stairs and halls the Axmimter in pIam fillIng is used, while for rooms the two toned rugs make~ a pleasmg carpet. The plam, solid color is bordered WIth a deSIgn in a lIght tone, and a figure in the center or at the four corners carries out the same effect SometImes only the border is m two tone~. The rest of the rug IS plain. Axminster is also copied in the oriental colonng~ They will give excellent service in libranes, living rooms and bedrooms Crex rugs are used all the year round in dming room~ They are mexpenslve, always fresh lookmg and are so lIght that they can be frequently taken up and the floor beneath cleaned All these attnbute~ make such a floor covering deSIrable for a din-mg room Should they fade, a wiping with a damp cloth wrung through hot water charged WIth ammonia wIll usually restore the color For bedloom5 China and Japanese mattings are still in de-mand The fig-uled are prefel red, unless some small rugs are to be used In the latter case solId cream should be chosen ......... HERE IS A CHAIR THAT'S A SELLER WRITE FOR THE PRICE No 83. GEO. SPRATT & CO. SHEBOYGAN, WIS. A, _ - •••• a ••••••••••• _-.- ~-------- --------- .._ - ....•.... ~ II I I, II I I I, Nothing Betterlin Their Line_ Hood & Wnght, the veneer people of BIg RapIds, Mich, inform the ·Weekly Artban by letter that they are full of busi-ness and are manufactUrIng veneers and panels from all the popular foreign and domestIc woods, making blrd'seys maple a specialty They have one of the largest and most complete veneer mlIl~ in the state and there is nothing better than their product. ARE BREAD AND THE "ELI" FOLDING BEDS PROfiT WINNERS No Stock complete Without the Eh Beds m Mantel and Upncht. ELI D. MILLER &, CO. EVANSVILLE. INDIANA Write for cuts and pnces. ON SALE IN FURNITURE EXCHANCE, EVAN.VILLE. '6-..-.--. ----------_._---------------"' • 12 DINING SUITES WEEKLY ARTISAN "EFF" and "'EFF"in GRAND RAPIDS DURING JANUARY WE WILL SHOW IN THE SAME SPACE AS BEFORE, 2d FLOOR, KLINGMAN BUILDING, A STRONG LINE OF DO NOT FAIL TO SEE OUR NEW DESIGNS. as well as OUR SPECIA LTIES for the CHAMBER, LIBRARY, PARLOR and HALL Rockford Frame and Fixture Co. ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS The Fireman ond His Worli.. It is begmmng to be recogmzed that the posItIOn of fire-man In the power plant IS one of utmost Importance It does not matter whether the plant IS of good or bad d~slgn. It does not matter whether the plpmg IS well covered and free fwm leaks or bare and leakmg at every 10l11t It does not mat-ter whether the engInes are of the best desIgn and call y eco-nomical loads or are "steam eaters," with loads whIch I ange from frIction to the limIts of possIble power. But thel e is one factor in the CQst of the steam and the power derived from it that is mal e important than all of the others. This is the fireman. If a change is made from simple to compound eng-mes a saving of ~wenty per cent may be effected, but by careless fir- Ing and neglect of proper handlIng ot the feed \\ dter t\\ enty-five to f{)fty per cent of the heat value of the fuel may be wasted. If an efficIent econom17er is bought, It IS for the purpose of extractmg a few of the escapmg heat umts from the gases as they go up the chimney. But If an IneffiCIent fireman puts so much aIr through the fire that the temperature of the gases IS so reduced that the economIzer has noth1l1g to do, then thIS state is worse than before the economizer was installed. Throughout the entire list of power-plant apparatus not an auxiliary nor an appliance can be named the benefiCIal effects of whICh cannot be nullified by an Ignorant or indifferent fireman. Wherever possIble, machinery is being installed with the inten-ti~ n of rendering human skill unnecessary and the myriad forms in which the automatic stoker appears is only one of the ways in which this trend is shown But the stoker with the others falls far short of its possibilIties in the hands of the man who will not, or cannot, be a fireman in all that the name implies. To be thl:> he must know how to burn coal in such a way as to get from It the last avaIlable heat umt. He must know how to so handle the bOIlers that the greatest possIble percent-age of the heat fIom the fuel wIll be transmItted to the water. He must know how to treat feed-waters WIth theIr varying scale makIng content He must understand the pnnciples of furnace constructIOn and opel atlOn. He must not only know all these thl11gs but must be able to use this knowledge. Such a man is a fireman and can go I11tOany bOIler room and exercise a greater 1l1fluence on the effiCIency of the plant than any man, however w( 11 eqmpped in any other department. That such men are avaIlable and are factors of importance IS be1l1g realIzed by power-plant managers everywhere, and the nMn who kuows and can produce results in the boIler room is UJ!1'llJg I11to his own. 1\'othwlthstandl11g the agltatlOlJ I elatlve to the conservation of the natIOnal resources and all the adVIce handed out gl atls to usel s of the world's natural products, there are those who stIll perslst 111 puttl11g meln to work 111 the bOIler room who are offel eel h ttle encourag ement to gIve much consIderation to con-oervation 'What fireman workIng for a elollar anel a half per day is gOlng to he awake mghts devlsmg ways and means of I educing the operatIng e"penses of the bOIler room? And, furthermore, how many employers are moved to substantIally recognize the fireman in a financial way when he does cut down the coal bilI? Plant owners naturally maintain that the firemen is paid to look after their interests, but if this is 'so, it would appear that a low valuation is placed upon the interests. As a matter of fact a fireman is looked upon by many plant owners as a man with plenty of muscle, capable of shoveling ten or more tons of coal per day and of handling the heaviest slice WEEKLY ARTISAN ~---------------_._---_._------_. _..__._-------- FULL LINE. A. PETERSEN & co. MANUFACTURERS OF THE BEST MADE AND LEADING LINE OF OFFICE DESKS IN THE COUNTRY Our attentIon to every detail from carefully selected and matched lumber to the finished product has given the PETERSEN DESK its leadership. l.. RIGHT PRICES. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. 430 Armour St., CHICAGO, ILL. 13 .t. bar The question as to whether the man can handle boiler furnaces WIth the 111telligence necessary to produce the best results WIth the coal available is seldom considered. For 111stance, the chief engineJer of a certain power plant observed that one of his firemen was more capable and showed more interest 111his work than any of the others He, there-fore, recommended that the company increase his wages, which was done. After a time the other firemen learned of the in-crease and went in a body to the chief engineer to know why one of theIr number was recelvmg more pay The I eply was that the fireman was worth more than any of the others. These men then appealed to the manager for an increase in wage equal to their more capable companion, and the manager, be111g a Just but misguided man, granted the 1l1crease, saying that one fireman d0111gthe same k1l1d of work was worth as much to the company as another. It is safe to say that the poorer firemen were not overpaid even after their wages were raised; but if their less effective services were worth the hIgher prIce the more l11telhgent and effective service of the better man were worth still more If such service is to obtain nO recognition where i~ the encourage-ment to render it except in the fact that one owes it to himself and to hIS career to do the best he can in any position, and is the better man and probably the more successful man, in the long run, for so doing. Of two men dOl11gthe same kind of wOlk one is not always worth as much to the firm as the other. It is not the amount of work a man does that counts; it IS the way he accomplishes what he sets out to do Firing ten or twelve tons of coal may be a big day's work, but the man who fires that amount of coal into a furnace and keeps the steam pressure right on the dot is not worth as much to the company as the man who takes things easier and keeps the steam pressure on the dot by burning but eIght tons of coal a day He does not work as hard as the other man, but he does get better results, and this is wh,lt should count with the man who pays the bills .. Engineers are handIcapped in much the same way. There seems to be an undervaluation of the real worth of good en-gineers. The salaries of those who are capable of holding posi-tions are based largely on what it is necessary to pay low-grade men. Sixteen dollars per week appears to be a common wage for putting in from ten to twelve hours each day, doing repair work on Sundays and holidayS, besides working overtime when it is necessary. The employer of the unskIlled engineer will take the ground that he pays his man sixteen dollars per week, and that he is expected to keep the plant running If he has to work over-time, Sundays and holidays, that is his fault. Apparently the plant owner does not take the trouble to ascertain how much these hours of extra repair labor are costing him. An efficient engineer WIll have but little overtime work be-cause he will see that repairs are made as soon as the defects are discovered, so that he always has the machinery in the plant in first class condition The owner does not stop to make a com-parison of the two classes of workmen. He does not stop to think that his engineer is worth more to him than the other would be. The capable engineer may not work as hard as the other, but he is worth more to any plant 0\" ner because he is capable and saves expenselS in operation and repairs. An engineer or fireman should receive the amount of wage he is worth, based on his capabilities, and not On what a low-grade man in the same field would get -Editorial in Power. I.._.. . _... ..- ~ "THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST" BARTON'S GARNET PAPER Sharp, Very Sharp, Sharper Than Any Other. SUPERIOR TO SAND PAPER. It costs more, BUT It Lasts Longer; Does Faster Work. Order a small lot; make tests; you will then know what you are getting. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. Furniture and Chair Factories, Sash and Door Mills, Railroad Companies, Car Builders and others will consult their own interests by using it. Also Barton'. Emery Cloth, Emery Paper, and Flint Paper, furnished in rolls or reams. MANUFACTURED BY H. H. BARTON & SON CO., 109 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa. .. 14 ...- .. WEEKLY ARTISAN ------_. _._------------------ -- _. _. -.~~_._-_._._._-----_._-_._.-- -- _. --------- Palmer Manufacturing Co. 1015 to 1043 Palmer Avenue, Detroit, Mich. 557 LIBRARY TABLE. I Nothing better in the market for the price. Send for it. lOur full line of Parlor and Library Tables, Pedestals and Reed Furniture on the 4th floor of the FURNITURE EXCHANGE, GRAND RAPIDS, IN JANUARY. - '. II '....----..--.-----_._----------._---- -- . . .. ------------ I -------_._----' Bertha Palmer's Cooking. FurnIture salesmen residing m Ch1cago speak In terms of praIse of the food cooked at the Palmer house, and It remained for Dan Allen, poet, wit and "cut-up" to suggest that the multI-mJ1lionalre'" leader of Chicago's aristocracy, MI s Bertha Palmer (rehct of Potter Palmer) had encompassed her ample form'" Ith an apron, rolled up the sleeves of her dress to the arm plb and Reduced ReproductlOn of a Good Stove 'Ad" taken possessIOn of the kitchen and 1tS vassals The dainty chicken pIe could have been formulated by no other hands than Bertha's; the bread WIthout questIOn was such as Bertha only could make, whIle the pies and puddmgs lacked only the Bertha trade mark. The report that Bertha, the "cUlsineel," par excel-lence had installed herself as queen of the kitchen spread rapidly and Berthanian dinners are sought by the peddlers of furniture, who dearly love good food "When seated in the capacIOus dmmg or club room of the Palmer house, the guest enqUIres of "George" the black waiter, if Bertha is well and 111 her accmtomed place IS the kItchen. George dutifully re-phes "Yas, SIr, Bertha 1S feehng very well, sir." "Did Bertha make the bl~cults thIs mornmg George ?" the guest continues "Yas, SIr, Bertha made the biscuits." "And did Bertha kill, clean and stew the chIcken, whose presence I find recorded on tl1f' Berthal11an menu?" "Yas, sir, Bertha killed and cleaned the chIckens," George rephes "And dId Bertha make the pumpkm pIe? ' "Y dS, SIr, Bertha made the pumpkin pie and the dpple pw, too" "Very well, George, I ",ill dme here to-day , "You may bring in---" ] he peddlers and the walters are having much enjoyment at the eApense of the d1stingUlshed lady and fears have been exmessecI that m an annoyed moment she m1ght order the Palmer house closed for all time. The story suggests that there a1e opportunites open for chstmgl11shecl lacbes m social hfe to make themselves uselful and to wm the achmratlOn, the gratItude and th~ undying affec-tIon of all mankmd ;\Irs Palmer 1S a charming w1dow A man's heal t IS easJ1y penetrated through hIs stomach The lad) IS not WIthout skIll as a penetrator. The Return Rates Problem. MercantIle mterests through the MIddle West are planning a conference WIth western raJ1road managers to ascertain what IS to be the statu:, of rates on returned goods in the hght of the recently announced ruhng of the mterstate commIssion. It IS now expected the conference w1ll be held 111 Chicago, early m the coming month China Closets Buffets Bookcases We lead in Style, Conitrudton and Fmish, See our Catalogue, Our hne on permanent exhibi_ tion 3rd Floor, New Manufact-urers' BUlldJlIi. Grand Rapids. .I. WEEKLY ARTISAN 15 How Can They Do It? The advertl~ement of the Spiegel's stores shown herewith IS inchned to make the small furniture dealer Sit up and take notlce How many of them can compete with the several offers contamed 111this advertl~ement and sell the goods on $1 down and $1 monthly 111 addition to makl11g the purchaser a present of a carving set? SIX box seat dl11ers hke those illustrated and This Carving Set··~ Oiven FREE Saturday,atSpiegeJ's ~ With Evary Purchase of Any Ona of the Splendid Pre· T1Janksgiving &ay Svecials Described 8810w h Your $11 95 $1 CASH Choice • $1 MONTHLY ,; Ch... 4. Sold on IUu.etrated .. 1J<y, Fffe Trml S~/d ... Sef. <>f60,,/y Silt Dinlnl Cllliin-SIX Handsome D n ng Cha rS 1ke lug Four BiC Stores: -182-184·186 WabaSh Avenue -2023-2031 -9133-9135 Milwaukee Avenue Commercial Avenue "lear Ai1nitace South Ch,cago COME TO THE SPIEGEL STORE Ni:.AICEST YoUR HOME descnbed ord111anly wholesale at about $18 a dozen. When the charge for freight, cartage, handl111g and unpacking are added to this cost to say nothl11g about overhead expense for running a store there can be very httle profit left in the handling of these goods at $23.40 a dozen, especially when donating two carvl11g sets to the d07en. CompetltlOn of this k111dwhile perfectly legi-tlmate In every way would seem to be the mo~t difficult for a small dealer to compete with The~e goods ought to sell in com-panson wIth anythl11g offered by the mall order house. An un-usual feature about thiS advertlsement IS found 111 the offering Garnet, Kansas, 11/1/10. Grand Rapids Veneer Works, Grand Rapids, Mich. Gentlemen: We have your 29th, and beg to that the kiln so satisfactory and trouble with it. very much. Yours J. letter of the say in reply far is very we have had no We like It very truly, Q. McAfee Mfg. Co. of a china cabinet, a d111l11gtable or six din111g chairs for $11 95. In other words a person can very nearly furmsh a din111g room with the exception of the buffet for less than $36 00. Of course, thIS naturally raises the questIOn as to the quahty of the goods. The IllustratIOns 111dlcate goods that are well designed. Cut· Rate Taxicab Service. A new taxicab service for the retail district of St. Louis, Mo, has been established by the Grand-Leader (Stix, Baer & Fuller Dry Goods Co) for the exclusive use of its customers. Under the plan which has been adopted by the store taxicabs '-"Ill operate to and from the store for the benefit of patrons and only dunng bUS111esshours The service is hke that which has been 111augurated by large establishments 111other cities and the rates which are to be charged are matenally lower than those charged by the regular taxicab companies. r WA'-DD~LL'''MA'NUF ACTURING ~~'-l I Grand Rapids, Michigan ,I••• ,I•• I I,• •II I....----_._-_._.-.__._.--_ ....-----_._._---------_.-._.-. ------ _. --------_._--------_ .... All Knobs and Pulls have the N0-11urn-Loose Fasteners The largest manufacturers of Furniture Trimmings in Wood in the world. Write us for Samples and Prices. Made in Oak, Walnut, Mahogany, Birch and all Furniture Woods. -- _. _ ..... • oj 16 have been taken wIth a view of forestallmg the labor organiza-tIons who have been asking for such legIslation, but it was WI'ie even" hen vIewed m that hght A law fairly and clearly defi111ng the nght'i, resp0l1Clblhtle'i and habllity of employers is des1r dble dnd "ould be of great benefit to all concerned It \\ould not only do away \\Ith much delay and vexatIOus htIga-tlOn In the ~ettlement of cldlm'i based on accIdents, but would un-doubtedl} Chml111'ihthe number of such claml'i It would also tend to decrease the number of accidents, because WIth their responslblhty fixed by law employ ers would be inclined to use the best of safety apphances and workmen would be more in-duced to aVOId danger Such a law would undoubtedly be good for both employers and employes and would be obnoxious only to needy lawyers. WEEKLY ARTISAN PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY .v THE MICHIGAN ARTISAN COMPANY SUBSCRIPTION 51 00 PER YEAR ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES OTHERCOUNTRIES 52 00 PER YEAR. SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS. PU.LICATION OFFICE, 108-112 NOPITH DIVISION ST. GPIANO RA~IDS. MICH. A. S WHITE. MANAGINQ EDITOR Entered .. second class matter, July 5, 1909, at the post office at Grand RapIds. Mlch'l'an under the act of March 3. 1879 CHICAGO REPRESENTATIVE E. LEVY. A great deal of money has been expended m recent years in teachmg the pubhc as to the beauty, utlhty and commercIal value of furniture representmg certain pen ods of the past. That the training of the public as to the merits of the work of the famous cabinetmakers of the old world has been of great value none will deny, but the question now arises, has not the end of this line of education been reached? Thousands of AmerIcans laughed at the beautiful examples of Enghsh and trench art, 'shown in the furniture sections of the world's faIr 111 1893, and at the same time pointed WIth pride to the crude compositions of American designers, with whjch they were famihar. In the efforts to produce "something dIfferent" many shocking com-posites were turned out which the public were urged seriously to buy, but the final acceptance of the period lines testified to the value of the educational campaign which preceded and fol-lowed their introduction The magazines and journals devoted to house furnishing and technical matters, the trade press and even the newspapers have aSSIgned thousands of pages to the illustration and discussion of the period styles, and it now seems that the minds of the public are in a receptive mood for some-thing else. This thought has not occurred to many writers of furruiture advertising literature, whose paragraphs are couched in language that would be suitable for reading by the children of the furniture kindergarten Can any good reason be ad-vanced why the public should not be taught how to discrimi-nate between good and poorly made furniture? Would the manufacturer of high grade goods stand any higher in the esti-mation of the general public if he should use the pages of the magazines to inform them how to test the genuineness of the wood, the requirements of good comtruction and finish? Should not the number of coat'i of varnish med be explained and the reaSOn for their me be 'itated? Should information be given why a wood knob is preferable to one of gla'i'i and a 'ihaped mirror used imtead of a 'iquare one? \re thel e not many fact, in regard to the comtruction and sale of furniture that would be of value to the public? The Artisan suggests that the one stringed furniture fiddle upon which the trade has played so long be laid aside and the orchestra of many instruments be brought into use to entertain and instruct the people on the topic suggested above. Members of the -:\1'ichigan Manufacturers' association made a wise move last \iVednesday when, at a conference held in De-troit they placed their organization On record in favor of ask-ing the legislature for the enactment of "an employes" compen-sation law" or "an employers' liability law." The action may RetaJ1ers often complain of the colors apphed to mahogany stained case work The drawers are usually stained in one end of the finishing department and the frame work in another. The ralls dlvid1l1g the drawers are by many cut out of bIrch which stains much brighter than mahogany. The result of thIS system IS not a color scheme as variegated as a barber's pole, but the vanations in the coatings of the several parts of the case are repellant to the artistic sense. The best way for a travel1l1g salesman to make his em-plo} er happy I~ to ,a} nothmg about an increase in salary or a lans er pel cen tage of commi ssion l\Ianl1facturers are inclined to rejOIce over the sIze of the profit" earned by fnendly competitors provided the amount does not exceed their own. Moncy talks, but the retail salesman in the expectancy of a raise 111 salary next year, says it is, as yet, inaudible. The day wJ1l come when the factory superintendent wiII know as little as the man who employs him. New Method for Dryinll Lumber. A new method for seasoning timber is said to have proved successful 111 France. It is known as the Nodon-Brottonneau method. As explained the timber is nearly immersed in a tank of water containing 10 per cent of borax, 5 per cent of resin, I and a little carbonate of soda, and rests on a lead plate connect-ed with the posItive pole of a dynamo. Another similar plate lying on the exposed surface of the timber is connected with the negative pole Thus a current of electricity can be played around the wood, from which it is said all the sap appears to be removed, whJ1e the borax and resin take its place in the pores. In a few hours the timber is taken out and placed in the dry kiln fm dnother few hour~ when it IS found to be thoroughly sea- 'oned The All-Round Mechanic. In this age of 'ipecialists we frequently hear it remarked that the old all-round man is a thing of the pa'St, and that Handy Andy is no longer appreciated. Yet upon inquiry it is quite common to find some good all-round mechanic who is thought more of and turned to mora frequently than any man in the place and is considered almost indispensable. So, if the ali-lound man passes away entirely it will be because the old ones have died out and the young ones have not qualified, rather than because there is no call for such a man.-The Hub. WEEKLY ARTISAN 17 Granting Credit by Furniture Factories. (By Alexander T. Deinzer.) It is estimated that ninety per cent of the billions of dollars worth of busmess done in this cQuntry annually, is dQue "upou confidence," or a substantial belief in the written or implied promise of a dealer to perform at some future date an act that wIll fulfill thi::.promise. The credIt department is Qne of the most important of any connected with the manufacturing, wholesale or retail business. Many a shrewd merchant or skillful manufacturer has gone to the wall because his debtors could not or would not "make gQod." This department is now recognized of so great import-ance that it has been intrusted to the care of the individual known as the "credit" man This man must be scientific; he is judged by result~, and only science will lead to a determination of the re~idue after the facts are simmered and boiled down. He mu::.t know that a doubtful risk i~ not desirable nor should a desirable fISk be doubtful. The matter of granting credit is a <;erious question, and should have much careful consideration "A credit well made is an account half collected." In determining credit, the moral responsibility of the prospective customer as well as his ability to pay, how he has been paying our fellow merchants must be considered. The writer will here outline the method used by the Dein-zer Furniture company We have found this system very effec-tive for the prompt handling of work. When we receive an order from a new customer, unknown to us, our salesman gets all the information pos<;ibleconcerning him, as to where he buys his goods, estimates the amount of stock on hand, condition of same, who composes the firm, etc. We then get reports from the vanous commercial agencIes, banks, firms, or individuals that he wishes us to ask for infQrn1ation or experience. A blank statement is also maIled to the customer, with our request to carefully fill this, sign and mail same to us. This report is carefully checked, and compared wjth the statements we receIve from the commercial agencies. And this matter is put inside of a heavy manila folder. One folder is de-voted to elach customer, the latest report being on the top. These folders are filed in a vertical letter file, the indexes being arranged in alphabetical order, and the folder of any desirable customer may be found instantly. For convenience, we use, in addition to the above, a specially prepared card, giving net amount of assets, liabilities, manner of paying, and OUr experi-ence with the customer. These cards are filed in an ordinary card tray. No matter how good the rating of a customer, this same customer has hi<;misfortunes, and to draw the line at the proper time is the hardest proposition with which we have to deal. It I,',however, necessary to use good judgment and common sense in <;uchmatters. Human nature is sympathetic and our former customer expects us to share his mi~fortunes to the full. Yet We! must enforce terms and conditions. If we do not draw promptly, the result is a balance that is not only h~rd to carry, but which is quite frequently unpaid. Competition in the furniture manufacturing business has reduced the margin to such a point that if the business succeeds, it must conduct its every department with prudence, and in a manner in keeping with the later day necessities. The man-ager must be wide-awake, discerning, quick to accept the trend of business developments, and be with, and not behind the good in modern advancement. 18 WEEKLY ARTISAN FANS H_rJ~pL1J ~ Fan and "ABC" Vertical Enclosed Self-Oiling Steam Engine, for Induced or Forced Draft Plant. Can be placed in confined spaces which would oft-times preclude the use of any other outfit. FOR MECHANICAL DRAFT require small space and have immense capacities. Some idea of the great capacity of the "Sirocco" Fan may be had from the fact that given two wheels of the same diameter, producing the same pressure, the "Sirocco" wheel would have 64% greater capacity than the old style of fan wheel at a speed 40% less. "Sirocco" Fans have a high mechani-cal efficiencywhether running at low, medium or high speeds. Latest Bulletin No. 284 M A, sent postpaid upon request. AMERICAN BLO' "fERCoMPANY DETROIT ~ ICH U :J A Which Are YOU? The defimtlOn of a "bIg store" IS generally confined to the realm of huge stocks, lanse floor space, and an e},Jenslve store front, but there IS another element of "bIgness" whIch should receIve first conSIderatIOn. .Bor lack of another name, we WIll call It "big service." K0 store, considered large, ever grew, to such proportIons except by glVmg serVIce 111 good measure Even when Its greatness was achIeved, the pOSItIOn was malllta111ed by a con-tinuance of the pobCles that had been the foundatIon of success. No doubt you have seen the head of a "bIg store" worned by a small competItor ",ho lately opened a shop on a nearby corner True, tlm, competitor's place was small, hIS wealth of goods \\ as not alanmng, but he was gettmg the people Into hIS store, and they were buymg his goods. And why? Because hb stock" dS purchased WIsely Because he studIed people's needo, and deSIres. Because he made bUylllg easy. These small merchants "'lth broad, bberal ideas are bound to l~rJ~1!LY ~ Fan WheeL Rigid in construction and lightest, smallest and most efficient for any duty. Ablest Engineering Organization in the Blower Business, Operating Three Large Plants Devoted Exclusively to the Manufacture of Fan Apparatus and the AllIed Lines. .... - make theIrs the com1l1g "bIg store" The very bigness of a merchanb store WIll ~ometImes cause hn11 to rest on hIS oars, and stIll expect to go upstream, or at least not to drift down aga111. Take the les,on home. Look over your store Are you at-tentIve to the httle th111gs? Are you bIg 1ll floor space or big in sen Ice ")-Northern Furniture. Curbstone Dealers. Retallen of ChIcago compla1l1 that the card system of selling furmture I, grow1l1g 111volume and some vanegated conversa-tIOn IS floatmg upon the atmo~phere in consequence. Curbstone dealers turn the tlICk ancl the methods employed are creditable to theIr ll1genl11ty One lalge shIpment of hotel goods was de-hv lrc:cl 111 ChIcago and bIlled to a merchant lD one of the interior tm\ m of the state The curbstone broker and the country dealer e'Cchangecl checks, the latter receiv1l1g $10 for his accommoclat- 111!:i dI~posltion. Woocl!oar Clamp Fixture •• Per Set SOc. .. .. ... . . ., 30 000 Sheldon Steel Rack f Vise. Sold on approval and an uncon dltlOnaI money back guarantee SHELDON'S STEEL !oAR CLAMPS. Guaranteed Inde.tructible. We sohc.t pnvIlege of sendmg samples and our complete catalogue E. H. SHELDON l!J CO. 328 N. May St •• Chicago. -" WEEKLY ARTISAN TURPS-NO. The Only Perfect substitute for Turpentine. Contains No Gasoline, No Benzine, No Headlight Oil. For use in reducing Varnish. For Use in CUTTING DOWN EXPENSES. TRY IT. The results speak for themselves. Barrel sent on approval. THE LAWRENCE·McFADDEN CO. PHILADELPHIA, PAs Another Move for Higher Freight Rates. Traffic managers, attorneys and other official managers of transcontmental railroads held a conference in Chicago, which adjournEd last 2VIonday, to conSider a propositIOn to advance freight rates between Atlanttc and PaCIfic coast points. The plan agreed upon by the conference, If mdorsed by the Interstate Commerce CommiSSIOn, Will prOVide for an increase of about 25 per cent Under ItS proVISIOns Chicago shippers will be bene-fitted in their competitIOn with eastern concerns for the Pacific markets, as the ratm from Chicago and N ew York to the coast have hitherto been the same, but under the proposed new sched-ule the rate from Chicago to the PaCific has been raised 50 cents a hundred pounds, while New York shippers will be compelled to add $1 to their freight tartffs The mottve of thiS actIOn IS said to be a desire to comply With the long and short haul clause of the interstate commerce law. At present the railroads are charging more than a legal proportion of the through rate on local shipmEnts and they pre-fer to raise the through rate rather than lower the local rates. FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS ATTENTION! Send for samples of our Celebrated Nickel Steel Sword Tempered BAND SAW BLADES Warranted in every par!lcular. Best proPosItion on the market. FRANK W. SWETT & SON Mfn. of band saw blades and tools 1717·1719 W. Adams St ,Chlcage The plan IS said to have the unalllmous approval of Chicago shlpper~, but Will be opposed by eastern shlppmg assoclattons and bv some of those at points between Chicago and New York. As Will be seen the Chicago shippers have a good reason for ap-provmg the proposition. A Retail Salesman's Advice. A retailer of furmture called hiS chief salesman into the office one mormng and remarked "George, I owe the manu-facturer~ $5,000 I have $4,000 In the safe; the stock is run dov.n and now IS the time for me to fail." "Yes sir," George dutifully responded. "But I want a reasonable excuse to give my creditors when they call for an explanation See if you can think of something that would do to-night and let me have it in the morning. On arnvmg at hiS office during the morning of the next day the retailer found that the safe had been opened, the cash gone and in the desk a note from the salesman, which read: "T have taken the $4,000 and sktpped My di~appedrance will be the be~t excme you could offer for your failure, so complete that creclttors cannot realtze one per cent on their claims." Hitchcock Favors Parcels Post. In his forthcoming report Postmaster General Hitchcock Will renew the recommendatIOn he made a year ago for the lll-troductlOn of a lilmted parcels post service on rural mall routes The postmaster general belt eves that as soon as the postal savings system is thoroughly orgamzed the postoffice department should be prepared to establish throughout the country a general parcels post. 19 20 WEEKLY ARTISAN Minnesota Retail Dealers' Furniture Association OFFICERS-Prelldent, J R. Taylor, Lake Benton, Mlnn, Vice-PreSIdent, D R Thompson, Rockford, Mlnn , Treasurer, B A Schoeneberger, Perham, Mmn , Secretary, W L Grapp, Janesville, Mlnn EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE-ChaIrman, Geo Klein, Mankato, Minn., 0 SImons, Glencoe, Minn. W. L Harris, Mlnneapohs, Mlnn , C. Danielson, Cannon Falls MINNESOTA RETAIL FURNITURE DEALERS' ADVERTISING HELPS. Bulletin No. 176. Cf all the merchandl"e the ASSOcIatIOn IS furnlshmg, mattresses and especIally the cheapel end of them, seems to be the hard problem to solve. There IS no other <;heap merchandIse connected WIth the furnrture busmess that can be jockled hke a cheap lme of mattresses and no one knows how cheap they are untIl they try them out. The buymg commIttee reahze thIS, as they have tried out thIS factory, WhICh IS a Mmnesota factory, for the last SIXmonths and whIle the pnces quoted m thIS bulletm may seem large, they are really below the market We have a membershIp now that IS large enough to keep a mattress factory gOln.g the year around, provldmg our members turn all theIr busmess to thIS factory And by gettmg the co-operatIOn of all our members, don't you thmk we ought to be able to get the best possible pnce to be had? And If we do get the co-operatIOn in thIS hne of goods as we have In all the others we WIll be able to bring to you gl eater savmgs than now. So don't you think it IS to your best mterests to throw a'3 much of your mattress busmess thru the A.ssoclatlOn account as possIble? When ordermg mattres"es always add 66c for burlap per bale of four Terms accordmg to As;,oclatlOn rules ~ote the advertlsmg helps on bulletm No 179, because '''lth them yOU can make your beddmg department pay you more than it IS now doing. Yours for hearty co-operation, THE BUYING COMMITTEE. This mattress is well filled and is the best cheap mattress it is possIble to get, has a SIX Inch box and IS unbound. Mattress No. 2 Tick No. B All SizeS \ Price $MOP This IS a well filled mattress, fully bound; six inch box, standard make Mattress No Tick No All SIzeS Pnce 3 2 " $M IP 4 3 ATP 5 4 " AMP 6 5 AKT Be "ure and give eXdlt SILe when ordenng Slight Decrease in Building Operations. The check to bUlldmg WItnessed 111the earher month~ of thIS year IS apparently stIlI in eVIdence, judgmg from the re-turns for October at lead111g CIties furnished to Bradstreet's The total expendIture" at 105 citIes for October aggregated $57,056,857, as aga111st $56,657,895 in September and $62,444,- 022 111October last year. There is here shown a gain of a frac-tIon of 1 per cent over September, but a decrease of 8 6 per cent from October last year Thirty-eight of the 105 cities, just about one-thIrd, showing gains over a year ago, whrle 67 show decreases For 10 months of the pre'3ent calendar J ear the total expendIture of bUIlding m the United States IS $695, 711,143, a decrease of 5 per cent from 1909. Six Acres in One Store. The propnetoI:-' of Bullock's department '3tore, Los Angele:-., Cal , have leased a sIx-story bUlldl11g which WIll add about 70,- 000 square feet of floor space The fact that the stOIe needs ~uch alaI ge amount of addItIOnal space withIn four and a half years of ItS estabhshment i:-. strong evidence of its growth. :i\luch of the credIt IS gIVen to J. G Bullock, the directing head of the concern The new buildmg, which has a frontage of 71 feet on Broadway, WIll be connected WIth the older section and new fixtures WIll be at once installed. When the addItIOn IS occupIed Bullock's WIll have a total area of SIX acres. "After inventory pnces" are not always low prices. Minnesota Retail Furniture Dealers9 Association Advertising Helps. Bulletin No. 177. This IS an extra heavy felt mattress, 48 pounds. If wanted in two parts, 25c extra Mattress No Tick No 4-6 3-6 3-0 35 ACA, felt $0 TT $R PT $R TT 36 8, felt 0 AP R OP RAP 37 Royal art 0 AP R OP RAP If wanted 111three inch box, 75c less Well filled mattress with SIX 111ch box, bound Well filled mattress, six 111chbox, bound and side Mattress No. Tick No All Sizes Price leather tufting. 7 2 " $A.PP Mattress No. Tick No. All Sizes Price 8 3 " A.RP 13 3 " $KTT 9 4 " A.OP 14 4 " KMT 10 5 " A.FP 15 5 " KAT 11 Art Pattern " KMP 16 Art Pattern " KKT If Side tufting IS wanted, add 10 cents to above 17 7 " " KEP pllces. Great sel1er, made only in art tick, all sizes, six 111chbox with rolled edge. A combinatIOn mattress made espeCially for lllce trade and one that Will give good satisfactIOn Mattress No 18 A hummer for the money, splendid 45 pound mat-tress, If wanted 111two parts, 25c extra. Mattress No Tick No 4-6 3-6 3-0 22 5, carded felt $E AP $E TT $KOP 23 Art tick carded felt E ET E.MP KIT 24 7, carded felt E PT E.AP E.TT 25 Art special felt E.OP E PT E.AP 26 5, special felt E.OP E PT E AP 27 7, special felt P.TT E OP E.PT TICk No Art Tick All Sizes Price $KOP This mattress IS covered with AC or fancy tick-ing, bUilt up of layer of genu111e cotton felt A splendid 45 pound mattress If wanted 111 two parts, 25c extra Mattress No Tick No 4-6 3-6 3-0 28 ACA, felt $P OP $P PT $P.AP 29 7, felt R.TT P PT PAP 30 8, felt RAP POP P PT 31 Royal art, felt RAP POP P PT 75c less jf wanted 1113 1l1ch box. 22 WEEKLY ARTISAN . .. ".--_ .......•• I QUALITY MACHINES-ISN'T IT TOO BAD-People wonder where their profits are going when the trouble usually lies in poor equip-ment. A little foresight in the beginning would have saved them dollars--a httle more money in-vested at the start in "OLIVER" "QUALITY" eqUipment. Some manufacturers of wood working tools shght their output by putting in poor materials-employing poor workmen-simply to be able to make a httle more profit. "Ohver" tools are bUilt along machine tool hnes-careful-accurate-durable-safe. Some purchasers fall to Investigate thoroughly before plaCing their order. Some unscrupulous salesman tells them to purchase something-they go ahead-find out too late they are wrong-lose money, whereas a letter addressed to us would have procured our catalogs-set them thinking-saved them money. ISN'T THAT TOO BAD. "OLIVER" No 61 Surfacer. OURLINE-SURFACE PLANERS HAND JOINTERS SANDERS WOOD TRIMMERS CHAIN MORTISERS LATHES "OLIVER" No. 60 Saw Bench. SAW BENCHES SWING CUT. OFF SAWS BAND SAWING MACHINES BORING MACHINES SAFETY CYUNDERS VISES, CLAMPS, ETC., ETC. ADDRESS DEPARTMENT "D" OLIVER MACHINERY CO., GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., U. S. A. BRANCH OFFICES-lot Nabonal Bank Bldg. Chicago, III. No. 50 Church St .• New York City. 1125 Welt Temple St .• LOl Angelel, eal. Pacific Bid •.• Seattle. Wash. ___ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ •__ • _._._._._ •. ..1 ~ ....__ .. Buildings That Will Need Furniture. RESIDEKCES-Atlanta, Ga -R S -:\Iorns, 39 ROyston street, $6,000, Mrs. Katie Cox, 117 Peachtree street, $5,000; J T Crass, 8 North PIedmont street $J,OOO; C. T Norns, 45 Gar-den street, $2,500, Z P Gunn, 97 Hurt street $3,000; J. W. WhIte. 288 WhItehall street, $8,500. Altoona, Pa -Solomon CassIdy, 2706 Seventh av cnue, $3,- 500; Frank Hastmgs, 2(J20 Broad avenue, $4,000, J K Olsen-berg, 30H Broad aveI1ue, $2,600. Bmghamton, )J Y -FaIth L -:\IIllard, 409 Davis street, $2,- 800. N. B MIllard, 40 Chestnut street, $3,000. Buffalo, N. Y - Charles F Pease, 83 Blame :,treet, $3,300; Albert \,yeber, 84 Horton street, $.3,000, GeOlge \V. Onmm, 34 Kannattan street, $2,800, Jdcob TruxIc, Jr , 14 1\meteenth street, $3,000, George D Lemun, 1 Humboldt street, $7,000, Thomas po- The Good Old Reliable Work Bench THAT NEVER GETS OUT OF STYLE. For Many Y cars Made ExclUSively by C. CHRISTIANSEN, 2219 Grand Ave., CHICAGO Also manufacturer of the ChIcago Truck for woodworklllg factOrIes Send for Catalogue. A. FIsher, 11-1 Hutmgton street, $3,000; William Schramm, 214 Rano street, $3,000, James A Malhdy, 86 Eighteenth street, $3,000; Henry Walter, 35 TImon street, $2,500; Sol Rubenstein, 312 HIckory street, $3,000; Bernard H. Norcross, 1258 Bailey ..,treet, $3,000; H P Knauss, 855 Tonawanda street, $3,500. Cmcmnatl, 0 -WIlham Littleford, 2517 Salem avenue, $4,- jOO, :'v1IssEmma FICks, Sunset and Midland avenues, $5,000; John Blelman, Harnson and McHenry avenues, $4,000; S. D. Cooper, Ada and Ravme streets, $2,500; H. P. (Ellis, 826 Frances avenue, $4,000, John C. Ruckstuhl, 2331 Wheeler avenue, $4,- 200, RIch Beebel, Walnut place and Elberon avenue, $3,000. ChIcago, III -E V. Jones, 3654 Marshfield avenue, $3,000; Carl K Dames, 3330 West Belden avenue, $4,000; William Zuetell, 2330 North Forty-second avenue, $2,500; Gustaf Wal-lenclorf, 7229 Elhs avenue, $2,500; Charles Wheeler, 4635 North Forty-sIxth avenue, $3,500; Albert Keller, 5004 Lincoln avenue, $12,000; MISS Leah K. Moore, 844 East Fortieth street, $25,000 ; T B Swanson, 1057 Lawndale avenue, $45,000; P. O. Sand-berg, 5500 Haddon avenue, $3,000; Mary Trausch, 6732 North Robey street, $.3,500; Julie Zunn, 4057 Kemmerling avenue, $4,- 800, Charles Antoni, 4947 Woodlawn avenue, $20,000; A. Dalit-bury, 6734 North Marshfield avenue, $4,500. Denver, Col-W. F. PIgg, King and Twenty-fourth streets, $3,000, E A Houts, Archer avenue and Broadway, $3,000; A. B Phelps, 906 I\'"ewton street, $3,000; M. D. Tyler, 1400 Vallejo street, $J,500; Frank Johnson, South Ogden and Ohio Sts. $3 000, C. W Underhill, Cherry and Twenty-eighth streets, $3,- 730, Frank Anderson, 1728South Franklin street, $3,000. Kansas City, Mo -Mrs. M. Keck, Thirty-first and Wash-mgton streets, $10,000; J. A. Sieman, 3238 Walnut street, $3,000; Lewis SmIth, 2637 College avenue, $2,500. MmneapolIs, Minn -F. G. Cole, 3935 Columbus avenue, II , ... ~ . WEEKLY ARTISAN 23 -----~~------_.-__.._._._._._~.~~----_.------~---~~_._--------------------, FOUR NEW -EI:I TRADE MARK REGISTERED PRODUCTIONS BARONIAL OAK STAIN FLANDERS OAK STAIN S M0 K ED 0 A K S T A I N EARLY ENGLISH OAK STAIN in acid and oil. in nid and oit in acid and oil. in acid and oil. Send for finished samples, free. Ad-el-ite Fillers and Stains have long held first place in the estimation of Furniture Manufacturers and Master Painters. In addition to the reg-ular colors the above shades offer unusually bealiltiful and novel effects. The Ad-el-ite People CHICAGO-NEW YORK .. Everything In Pamt Specialties and Wood Finishing materials. FIllers that fill. - ... $3,500; John Larson, 3505 Thirtieth avenue, $3,000; T. W. Thompson, 2905 ThIrty-seventh avenue, $2,500; F. E Graves, 2520 NIcollet avenue, $6,000; J. H. Genest, 3900 Thirty-sixth avenue, $2,500. LOUlsvllle, Ky -Mrs Korst, 2009 Frankfort avenue, $2,- 800, C H Rwne, 650 South EIghteenth street, $2,500. Omaha, N Clb-Mrs. C. A Pralther, 914 South Thirty-seventh .;;treet, $3,000, Mrs K C. Morehouse, 3862 Harney street, $6,000, A Koppenhover, 1710 North Thirty-fourth street, $3,000 Plttsbl11 g, Pa -Morris S Martin, 606 Glen Mawr avenue, $4,000; Harry Kramer, 418 Atwood street, $4,450. Scranton, Pa -A. F. Duffy, 729 North Main street, $7,- 000; Thomas G Jones, 1309 Schlager street. $4,000; Dr Wil-ham Zachman, 9b2 Clay avenue, $10,000. Schenectady, N. Y-Edwin A. Fuller, 1370 Union street. $12,000, C W Haverly Dean and UnIOn streets, $3,500; C. P. Johnson, 11 Columbia street, $4,000; Vi. W. Stine, 517 Crane street, ~7,500; WIlham Bisgrove, Union and Livingston streets, $2,5(,0, Jacob Blsgrove. 418 Apple street, $2,500. Utica, N. Y -Phlhp Dc Staphanio, 198 Jay street, $4,800; Earle P W1111l1g,5 WhIte place, $3,250. Columbus, 0 -Peter Leonhardt, 27 Central avenue, $3,800; M J Durns, 2440 SummIt street, $2,500; J. A. Chambers, 2444 S1ll11l11ltstreet, $2,800; E L McYey, 1637 Parsons street, $3,- 000, J H 2\1cVey, 226 Innis avenue, $3,000; L. E. FItch, 763 vVa!ton avenue, $2,800; Charles EScott, 95 Odgen avenue, $4,000 DetrOIt, Mich -Frank R. Poss, 46 Edison street, $15,000; Jules T. Annul, 127 Garland street, $3,000; Albert Barbrake, Lafayette and Hubbard street.;;, $8,500; L. W. Burch, Fort and Cavahy .;;treet.;;, $5,000; Samuel E. Diltz, Commonwealth and Stains that satisfy. Calumet streets, $3,000; Charles L Miller, 229 Theodore street, $4,000; W. A Halman, 186 Burlingame street, $3,500; H. W. Baker, Cameron and Lynn streets, $5,400; D. F. Colwell, Hol-brook and Oakland streets, $5,500; Michael Caplis, Michigan avenue and MI1Jtary streets, $15,000. Philadelphia, Pa -John Rorer, Scott's lane and Cresson street, $4,500; Richard T. Ogdel11, Seventy-second street and Saybrook avenue, $8,500; E K. Price, 129 Bethlehem pike, $3,- 500. Indianapolis, Ind -M. E. McCord, 3028 New Jersey street, $4,000, Charles Langdon, 1026 Ewing street, $2,500; James R. MIlhkan, 1407 North Pennsylvania street, $4,000. Spokane, Wash -Karl J. Berggren, 1317 Maxwell avenue, $6,000; A M Wdson, 04411 Stevens street, $2,500; A. M. Fredericks, E3008 Indiana avenue, $2,500; S. ]. Davidson, E49 Walton street, $2,500. MISCELLANEOUS BUILDINGS-Members of the Order of Owls 111 Memphi.;;, Tenn., have taken a ten-year lease of a brick buildmg whIch they wiII convert into a "nest" that wiII re-quire about $8,000 worth of furmture. B Bornstein is building a $25,000 theatre at 425 South street, Philadelphia, Pa. The Spann Bl11ld1l1gCompany are building a $75,000 hotel on East and ~1assachusetts streets, Indianapolis, Ind. The CathQlic Bis-hop of Chicago has a permit to erect a three-story brick chapel at 3743 Schubert avenue at a cost of $32,000. The Capitol avenUe Baptist church of Atlanta, Ga., wiII be remodeled at a cost of $25,000 The PIlgrims CongregatIOnal society of Buffalo, N. Y. are building a church to cost $50,000. Thomas Maloney is build-mg a $10,000 theatre on Burnet and Hickory streets, Cincinnati, O. A permit has been issued for the erection of the Michael Reese hospItal at Twenty-ninth street and Groveland avenue, Chicago, at a cost of $65,000. The firm of Needham & Racer, furmture dealers of Dun-kirk, Ind, has been dIssolved. The business will be continued b) ~1r Racer 11r. Needham expects to go on the road as a furmture salesman. G F. Martin, E. L Forhan and H P. Jones of Tarrytown, \( Y, have lllcorporated the Eucalyptus TImber company, capi-tahzed at $50,000, for the purpose of growing and deallllg in eucalyptus timber and lumber. Stelllman & Meyer furniture manufacturers of Cin-::innati, OhlO, are asklllg for estimates on the erectlOn of a five-story addItion to their plant On York street The building is to be of fireproof comtruction, 60 x 67 feet. Harns Bartelstone & Sons, of New York, manufactnrer., of showcases, mirror plates, etc, have made an assignment to. Seymour 1Iark after failing to secure an extension of a year. LIabIlltIes, $16,500, assets scheduled at $15,,200. John Platt of the Legett & Platt Spring Bed Manufac-turing company of Carthage, Mo , has been in Canada recently looking for a desirable 10catlOn for a branch factory, which his company proposes to establlsh on the other side of the tariff wall. Jennie E Kimball, conducting a retail busI11ess at South Hadley Falls, Mass., under the name of the Hampden Furniture company, has made an assignment for the benefit of her credi-tors. T. D. O'Brien is her attorney and Robert Levin is the assignee. The Lougee-Robinson company of Latonia, N. H, made a large shIpment of furniture to the Bermuda Islands last week. They have a contract for furnishing furniture and bedding for the Prlllcess Hotel, one of the most degant WInter resort hotels in the world. Jonathan A Ravv son, J r, exporter and manufacturers' agent of 253 Broadway, N. Y, has filed a petitlOn in bankruptcy. Liabilities, $5,183; assets, $60, consisting of $43 in accounts and 390 photogravures valued at $17. He had $28 in cash which he claimed as exempt under the law. The contract for supplying furniture for the new tuber-culosis hospital at Lima, 0., has been awarded to McCreery & Co, of PItbburg, Pa, whose bids aggregate $2,100. The hospital was erected by commissioners representing a district composed of Allen, Augldize, Shelby, Mercer and Van Wert counties and is located on a farm near McBeth's lake. C. C. Bellows, for many years identified with leading furni-ture companies of Columbus, 0, now largely interested in the McAllIster-Mohler company, having reached the age of 76 years has decided to 1 etire from business and spend his declining days at hi., suburban home, Arlington His retirement \"ill necessitate reorganization of the McAllister-Mohler company A new method by which eleven department stores in New Y ark are said to have been swindled was exposed recently when a man who gave his name as Louis Jacobs pleaded guilty to a charge of theft His plan, it is saId, was to secure a posi-tion as salesman, and when he was paid for goods by a customer to say he was gOlllg to the cashier for change; then he would put on his hat and vanish. The stock of Arthur IE. Benson, furniture dealer of Water-bury, Conn., has been seized on attachment issued in behalf of credItors whose claims aggregate $2,500. The stock has been removed by the constable and it is not eJxpected that the store will be re-opened. Mr. Benson, who for several years was manager of John Moriarty's furniture store in Waterbury, at-tributes his faIlure to the "cold feet" of his backers, two He-brew capitalists. MISCELLANEOUS NOTES AND NEWS J. H Hersman is a new undertaker at Woodb111e, Iowa. G. H. Tuttle from Atlanta, Ill, has purchased the SullIvan furniture store at Benson, Neb Allen & Haylor have succeeded Granger & "\lle'l, fll! n,tnre r1ertlers and undertakers of Oberlin, Ohio. CredItors have filed a petItlOn in bankruptcy agalllst C VV Nuttle, furniture dealer of Parker, S. Dak. J W. Gunning of the firm of Gunnlllg & Purous, furnIture dealers of FnendshIp, Wis, dIed on November 25 Callh'velI & M<1llury have purchased the f";,117111" and ca'- 'lLl bUSI11nss of F. I PrentIce of G'1netbvIlle, (), , I A J Kapfer and Frank Zeaschka have purchased the retaIl furmture bus1I1ess of H P. Bohn at West Bend, WIS The Loy Furmture company have succeeded T E Jon( s 111the furniture and undertak1l1g bUS1I1ess at Upland, In ~ Charles A Bauch, a pioneer manfacturer of WIllow furm-ture of Boston, Mass, died on November 25, aged 82 years. The J F. Gage company, dealers 111 office furniture of M111neapolIs, Mllln, are reported as financially embarrassed. The W A Lehye Piano company of Dallas WIll open a branch house at Ga111esvIlle, Tex, WIth Owen H Heyer as manager. Theodore Kemmtz, a well-known contractor and promI-nent furmture manufacturer of Green Bay, WIS, (hed on Thanks-giving day. Alton G Eyles of Cedar Rapids, Ia, has Invented a table attachment for chaIrs, whIch he expects to exhIbIt 111 the markeb next month. A petitIon in bankruptcy has been filed by credItors against Segar Whitmg, trad1l1g as the Hampton FurnIture company, at Hampton, Va. The Nelson-Keenan company, furniture dealers and up-holsterers of PIttsburg, Pa, are closing out theIr stock and will quit business. Royce Brother<;, furmture dealers and undertakers of Wat-kins, N. Y., who failed recently are offenng to settle at 25 cents on the dollar. H. J. Volholm, leading furniture dealer of l\IontpelIcr, Vt, has purchased the Scnbner block on Main street and "Ill re-model it for his own use. The plant and all assets of the Brenham Furniture com-pany are to be sold at auction by the sheriff of vVashington county, Texas, next Tuesday. Charles Bronstein, doing busines" as the Acme Frame and Mirror company at 146 Friend street, Boston, Mass. has made an assignment to Julius Nelson. The name of the Northern Furmture factory, Il1corpOIated, of RIchmond, Va, has been changed to the \ Irgmla Coffin and Casket company, incorporated The Kennedy Furmture company, dealers and undertakers, of Birmingham, Ala, WIll close out theIr stock of furnIture and devote theIr entire attention to the undertaking busme<;s The Eagle Furmture company, manufacturers, of Athol, Mass., whose bmmess has been dec1ming for several years, have decided to close out the stock on hand and go out of busines<;. CredItors whose claIms aggregate about $600 have filed a petitlOn in bankruptcy aga111st the Newaygo (Mich.) Chair company. The total liabilities and assets have not been re-ported. The firm of Keena & Drake, dealers in office furniture and fixtures in Detroit, Mieh, has been incorporated under the name of George A. Drake & Co, with capital stock fixed at $50,000. WEEKLY ARTISAN Moderate Cancellation •• At this season of the year manufacturers expect and re-ceive a conslderable number of cancellations of unfilled orders. Naturally dealers in furl11ture do not deSire to take into stock goods that mlght not be sold before the openmg of the new year, when the spnng styles Will be 1eady for examinatlOn by the market buyel~. This season 1') exceptlOnal, however, in that the number of cancellatiom are remarkably small in num-ber, whlle shipments are heavy m volume A comiderable number of dealers have anived at the conclusion that goods of a certain standard in design and construction are as staple as granulated sugar in the ~tock of a grocer Charley Chase, of Chase & West, Des Momes, Iowa, recogl11zed thlS fact when he remarked' "A well made pure Sheraton sldeboard lS as good tlm year as It wlll be next, or the) ear after, or five years later. It will alway~ please the eye and satisfy the reqUlrement') of the user. If a man can sell the art of Sheraton to his trade, he need never cancel an order wlth the expectatlon of findmg some-thing that carnes the Sheraton motive better than the plece he has purchased." Right here a suggestion IS offered If properly made furni-ture of the penod styles may be regarded as staples, why should dealers ever find it necessary to offer to sell the same for cut prices? In discussing the subject of cancelldtions a prominent manu-facturer of Grand Rapids remarked: "Most of the cancellations are made by dealers who po,sess but moderate capital and not much business abl1lty. Real merchants seldom cancel an order for well bought goods" New Furniture Dealers. Reardon & Garvey have opened a new furnlture ,tore at Pleasantville, N. Y. Charles L. Hursey i') about to open a new furmture store at Shinnston, W. Va. The Troutman-Wrotton Furniture company are new deal-ers in Birmingham, Ala. Samuel J. and Herman Cohen and Jacob G Ripin, have in-corporated the Mohawk Furniture company, to engage in the retall business in Schenectady, K Y Capltal stock, $10,000. W. J. ::Vlarch, W R Ivey, W. J. Pritchard, F, M Iveyand L. M Rankin, have incorporated the Banner Furniture company, capitalized at $6,000, to deal in furniture in Nashville. Tenn Akad Hakall, a Syrian circus perfoP111er, has deserted the 25 /Uafalofjues sent" fa Uprospecfive(fusfomel's. Imperial furnifure @.• GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. sawdust rings to engage in the Persian rug business at Streator, Ill. He alms to establlsh a distnbuting agency for several im-porters. New Factories. The Brown Furniture company, capitalized at $25,000, will manufacture Mlssion furniture at East Stroudsburg, Pa J. W. Bibble is presldent and W. E. Brown secretary and treasurer of the company Phihp Phipps, J R Stanton, D A Spayde, R S Hubbs dnd J H Downing, have incorporated the Butler Cabinet com-pany, capitalized at $50,000 to manufacture cabinets and interior finish at Butler, Ohio The A. L Sykes Manufacturing company of Cincinnati, 0 , has been incorporated by A. L Sykes, P. Lincoln Mitchell, VV. H. Han ison and Carl Jacobs, to manufacture fireless and elec-tric cookers. Capital stock, $50,000 Simmons· New York Headquarters. The Simmom Manucartufing company, brass and steel beds, wire mattresses, spring beds, and metal folding couches, of Ken-osha, Wis, have sent out a neat eight-page illustrated folder announcing the removal of their New York headquarters from J 55 West Thirty-fourth street to 334 Fourth avenue, corner of Twenty-fifth street. where they have established what is in-tended to be a permanent exhibition of their products, occupy-ing the entire fifteenth floor of an eighteen-story building. ..--.--_._.----------._----- _. -- . .....- -. . ...- --_._.__.__._._._---_. - ....-.... ..------ .. loJentz's Big Six No. 694. 48 in. top. No. 687. 60 in. top. Others 54 in. top. 8 Foot Duostyles ANY FINISH CHICAGO DELIVERIES Lentz Table Co. I NASHVILLE, MICHlGAh •--------------- ---.-_.-------------- ---.-.- ....-.-.~-------.------------------ .. _- _.44. 26 WEEKLY ARTISAN Most Attractive Inducements for Car Load Buyers Are Offered by the THE KARGES FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of Chamber Suites. Wardrobes. Chiffoniers. Odd Dressers, Chifforobes. THE BOSSE FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of Kitchen Cabinets, K. D. Wardrobes, Cupboards and Safes, in imitation golden oak, plain oak and quartered oak. THE WORLD FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of Mantel and Upright Folding Beds, Buffets. Hall Trees, China Closets, Combination Book and Library Cases. THE GLOBE FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of Sideboards in plain oak, imitation quartered oak, and solid quartered oak. Chamber Suites, Odd Dressers, Beds and Chiffoniers in imitation quartered oak, illlitation mahogany. and imitation golden oak. THE BOCKSTEGE FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of the "Superior" Line of Parlor. Library, Dining and Dressing Tables. THE METAL FURNITURE CO. Made by The Karges Furmture Co. Manufacturers of "Hygiene" Guaranteed Brass and Iron Beds, Cribs, Wire Springs and Cots Evansville is the great mixed car loading center ofthe United States, made so by the Big Six Association, •• • •• • •• ... WEEKLY ARTISAN 27 Made by Bosse Furniture Company. Made by World Furniture Company. Made by Bockstege Furniture Co. ~. -._ •••• sa ••••• • •••• aT •••••••••••• . .. . . .........•............. THEY OPPOSE ADVANCE IN FREIGHT RATES Testimony Given by Grand Rapids Manufacturers Before the Interstate Commerce Commission~ Outrageously ~lisrepresented by Newspapers. The attltl1cle of the fl1rmtm e manufacturer~ of Grand Rap- 1(l<;and the testimony offered b) the C0l111111tteerepl esentmg the Grand Rapids Furmtul e a~soCiatlOn appeallng bcfOl e the Intet state Commerce CommissIOn at Wash1l1gton, ;{ oveJ11ber '21 and 22 111 relatIOn to the proposed advances 111 freight rates 111 official classification territory, has been grossly mlsrepre,ented by the newspaper,;, m all sectIOns of the countn The furmture manufacturers of Grand Rapids, hav1l1g a stnct regard for the general welfare of all classes of people, whether manufacturers shippers, earners or consumers conSider absolute Justlce to all essential 111 connectIOn With matters of such far reach1l1g Im-portance as the proposed advance 111 freight rates TIlt' atti-tude of the members of thiS aSSoCIatIOn IS that theY are not fa,- orable to any advance 111 freight rates unless the 1m e,tlgatlOn made by the commiSSIOn may show that after all pos-,Ible and practicable econ0l111es in operation and conservation 111 resom ces has been effected a reasonable retmn upon the capital actually mvested may not be realized by the carriers Without an mcrease in their revenues dependent upon 111creased frcI~ht rate, The newspapers of the C0l11ltly, however have tncd to make it appear that the Grand Rapids manufacturers arc I e<llly in favor of the propo"ed advances in freight lates and have intimated that they are work1l1~ \VIth the t ,tilt oael offil1al~ 1IJ 111- duce the coml11l,,,ion to approve the plOpo--cd 111( Ila--l' [11 their efforh to place the Grand Rapid" men m lolhlQoll \\ Itb the Associated Plees lepre"entative", the ne\"'llaj)l!'> not on1\ (1Js-torted and garbled testimony given before the COlTI1111s,ionhut misrepresented conditIOns under which the testlmon) \V as given Thev neglected to state that the real purpose of the appeal ance of Traffic Manager Ewing and the Grand Rapids l\Ianufaeturers in appeanng before the commission was to plotest against ont-rageom dIscriminations that are made against their cit_ r than to give their views on the proposed general advance in freight rates Instead they assumed that the only isc increase in rates and by taking a sentence hel f' and there in the testimony, without showing Its relation to the ~ubiect umlel consideration placed the Grand Rapids witnesse' In a false posi-tion and misconstrued the meaning of their testimonv The hearings before the Interstate Commerce Commission are conducted very much lIke the proceedings in federal com ts The witnesses are sworn, make their statements and at e fjues-tioned Then they are cross-examined and bv simph ~i\ 11112a, few of their answers picked for the purpose it is ea,_ to gIVe their words a meaning directly contrarv to that mtenderl In this ca'3e. answers from cross-examinations "ere quoted and sent out by the '\ssociated Press and specill correspondents, without any explanation, even the question to which they" ere given being omitted, and when thus stand1l1g" alone had a mcan- IDEAL STAMPING AND TOOL CO. SOCKETS, DOWELS, TOP fASTENERS and G\JIDES for Extension Tables. Also special stampings In steel and brass. Write for NO·KUM.OUT TABLE SOCKET. Patent a\l\llled for. samples and prices. 465 N. Ottawa St., ORAND RAPIDS, MICH. 1I1g c1nectly opposite to the meaning and 111tention of the wit-nc~, es A. s ,tatec1 above the furmture manufacturers of Grand Rap- Ids are opposed to the proposed increases 111freight rates unless a thorough 111vestigatlOn shall prove that they are absolutely necessarv for the benefit of not only the railroads but for gen-eral bUSiness 111tercsts They aho oppose the discrimination that IS pi actlced aga111st (rrand Rapids. Their position was clearlv defined by Traffic :VIanager EW1l1g 111 the statement made when he introduced the Grand Rapids witness to the com-miSSIOn of whIch the following is a copy: MR EWI~G'S ST ATiEMENT. "Repl esentll1g the Grand Rapids manufacturers, I offer the tollo\Vl11g statements: "To all western territones, excepting PaCific coast points, our I ate" base on Chlcag{) or the Mississippi river. The pro-posed 1I1crease in the carload rate to Chicago IS four and one-half cents per hunrh ed pounds Present rate 21 Y;, proposed rate 2G Pel centage of 1I1crease 21 (See G R & I Ry Co, Tariff CFD 190i-ICC 1065, Issned Jnly 18, 1910, cancelling G R & I R) Co TarIff GFD 1543, ICC 9G3 effectIve Sept 15, 1909 ) 'Le"s than calloac1 shipments of new furniture are rated hi ,t del'" one anrl one-half times first cIas", donble and three tll11l-- £11 "t class The j)loposed increa"e means an additional LOSt of applCl"-ll11dtc1y ten cents per 100 pounds on less than cal]oad shipment" of furniture from Gl and Rapids to all western pOInts "Shipments to southern points are rated on the Ohio River Cro"'Il1~S 01 the Vlrg1l1a CIties, combinations when lower The pi oposed 1I1CIea ses 111 class rates in that direction are in pro-pOItIon to the 111creases to western poinb and equally disadvan-tageous "The pi incipal competitors of the Grand Rapids furniture manufactm ers are located at or near the boundary lines dividing the cla'1"lficatton territories, Chicago and Rockford, Illinois, L\ans\ Ille, Inrhana, C111cinnati, Ohio and other points, in Wis-conS111, Indiana and Ohio "Grand Rapids manufacturers have a natural disadvantage in shipping west and sonth because of their geographical lo-cation and have partly adjusted their business accordingly, but if the carriers are permitted to now increase by 20 per cent the Grand Rapids class differentials over and above the rates from competll1g' points of feu mture manufacture and sale to western and southern terl1tories, It is extremely doubtful if Grand Rap-ill<; can compete WIth Chicago, Cincinnati and iEvansvllle in the west and south, where, the greatest increase in sales might othcrwise be antICipated as the den:oity of populatIOn increases. "There are practically no special commodity rates apply-ing On furl11ture in any direction from Gmnd Rapids The lines lhrectly serving Grand Rapids have granted no preferential rates 111recognition of the extraordmary movement of fm niture fr0111 that pomt except the carload rate publtshed to Chicago, basecl on thlrcl class With an mcreasecl 111111I111U111 weight pro- 'ISiOn that almost off-sets the rate reduction. (See exhibit.) "Compet1l1g points of furniture manufacture enjoy special rate, not only to western and sonthern territories but to north-western pomts where Grand Rapids should possess a natural advantage "CommodIty rates apply from Chicago to all points south, west and northwest. Cmcmnati, Ohio, can ship not only south at a very natural adavntage, but because of commodity rates in WEEKLY ARTISAN effect can ship to St. Paul, Minneapolis and beyond, almost as cheaply as can Grand Rapids St. Paul, Mmnesota, can ship 20,000 pounds of new furmture to Peoria, I1l111OlS,for $5000, and 1t costs Grand Rap1ds $69 00 011 present rates Points on west bank of Lake MlCh1gan can ship 20,000 pounds of furm-ture to St Paul for $±O 00 and it cost Grand Rap1ds $123 00 The proposed mcrease w1ll not affect Wisconsin points on west-ern business but w1ll mcrease the Grand Rapids-St. Paul rate 20 per cent and that rate is the basis for rates to pomts ')e~lolld St Paul and mtermedlate V\ lth the PacJfjc Coast "The bulk of the furmture shipped to eastern puipt, from Cr l1Jd Rap1ds moves in less than carload quant1t1es and the pro-fGsed mcreases amount to from 10,Yzc to ;Z9,: IJ{'l 1f)0 pound" ell' if, c that' ca" JOdds and from 10 to 14 ::ents per 100 pound" OJl carloads. ,.Because of the eX1stmg ad]tbtments of eastern rates on the Ch1cago-New York bas1s and of the defined class1ficatlOn terntories, Grand Rap1ds now pays on western sh1pments tak-mg first class, 31,Yz cent" more than Ch1cago, and on first class sh1pments to the coast, takmg N ew York C1ty for l1lustratlOn, three cents per 100 pounds less thdn ChICago 100 mIles (hs-tance means apparenty three cents per ] 00 pounds east bound and ,3,Yz cents per 100 pounels west bound. "Ch1CdgO and pomts on west bank of Lake M1dl1gan can sh1p furmture east at rates only 2.0 and ,~ cent" more per 100 pounds than from Grand Rap1ds Cmc111natl and Evanwille rates 111all d1rectlOns are less than from Grand Rap1ds Grand Rap-ids furmture manufacturers have no terntory in whlLh they possess any freight rate advantage. "The roads directly servlCl11g furmture produc111g centers in Inchana and Oh1O have jomed the1r connectlO11S m estabhshing many special commochty rates from such pomts The hnes "erving Grand Rap1ds mamtain class rates w1th but one excep-t10n prev10usly described Not only m tanff rates but m the rules governmg the1r apphcat10n 1S Grand Rapids already d1S-cnmmated agamst in favor of competmg points. "Offic1al class1ficatlOn Rule 5-B and note (see ExlllbIt) re-stncts the appllcat10n of caiload rate On furniture to carload "h1pments of wh1ch cons1gnor IS the sole and actual owner. ThIs rule governs all sh1pments from Grand Rap1ds although sh1pments from Ch1cago to western pomts are not subject to such a rule Trans-Contmental tanffs name same rates from Grand Rapids to PaCIfic Coast on new furniture carloads as from Chicago, but contal11 a rule 1dentlcal with the offic1al classi-ficatIOn rule (See Exhibit) and by except10n the rule applies on sh1pments from Grand Rap1ds but not from Chicago. The carload rate to PaCIfic Coast points of $2 20 per 100 pounds covers descnptlOns of furniture that 1f shipped less carload would rate from $3 00 to $9 00 per 100 pounds mak111g It neces-sary to often assemble several small dealers' goods mto carload quantities. The carload rate applying on such assembled ship-ments from Ch1cago and not from Grand Rap1ds although the rate is the same from both pOlnts, necessitates sh1pment from Grand Rap1ds to Ch1cago at less than carload rates in order to assemble at ChIcago and obtam carload rate beyond. This already costs from 310 to 63 cents per 100 pounds and that cost WIll be increased 20 per cent if the proposed advances in class rates are permitted. "It therefore w1ll be apparent that the furniture manu-facturers of Grand Rapids paying the highest class rates in all d1rections m competitlOn with many preferential commod1ty rates and only allowed carload rates to western points under restrictions that do not govern their greatest competitors at Ch1Cdgo, Rockford and other centers of manufacture west of the western boundary line of Central Freight association tern-tory, cannot stand any increase in the class rates governing to We will not take part in the Furniture Exposition at New York, Chicago or Grand Rapids. COLLIER.KEYWORTH CO., Gardner, Mass. such an en01mous extent the sale and transportat1On of their product. "The raw materials that enter 1nto the manufacture of fUlmture and all of w h1ch are sh1pped mto Grand Rap1ds are not low graue commod1ties, but 1t IS possible that in the rates applymg thereto some mcreases mlght be made w1thout se.nously affectmg the furl1lture mdustry On the fil1lshed product al-ways rated second class and h1gher up to three times first class no 1I1creaSe can be made Without mthctmg serIOUs and Irrepar-able mJUlY and loss. "Most closely alhed w1th the furmture industry of Grand Rapids 1S the lumber manufactunng Inuustl y. I have present five furmtllle mdnufactUlers and one lumber manufacturer It will requn e but a very few mmutes for them to consecutively take the stand and 1 epl} to certam quc"tions that w1th the con- "ent of the Honorable COml111SS1OnI w1ll put to them" From the above it WIll be seen that should the mvestigat1Ol1 by the commlSSlOn lead that body to the cOnc1US1Ol1that some mcrease 1n the fre1ght rates lS necessary, assummg that under the d1rect1On of the commIS"1On such mcrease vvould be so dls-tnbuted as to be ul11form and vvIthout undue cbscnm111ation, the members of the assoclatlOn most certamly could not oppose or questlon whatever advances the comm1SS1On may approve. 1t 1S also eV1dent that Grdnu Rap1d~' sh1ppers would prefer a ~llght advance In fre1ght rates w1th the dIscnmmat10ns abolished rather than a contmuance of present concllt1Ons. But they hope to secure the abolishment of the d1scrnmnatlons without any general mcrease m rates m any part of the country. The newspapers have also tried to make a great sensation of the fact that a member of the firm of J. P. Morgan & Co, urged the Grand Rap1ds manufacturers to appear before the comm1SS1On That matter also has been grossly m1srepresented. The mCldent was merely the aCCIdental meetmg of Mr. Perkins and Mr Gay. They had never met before and have not 1leen each other nOr had any correspondence since. Mr. Perkins d1d not ask the Grand Rap1ds men to testIfy in behalf of the raJ1road l11terests, but, being well acqual11ted WIth the rules of procedure, he may have thought that by gettl11g them under cross-eXnml11at1On the raIlroad attorneys would be able to draw out something that m1ght be construed as favorable to the proposition to raise freight rates. The issue before the comml5S1On is being stubbornly con-tested It 1S a great fight m whIch the ra1lroad attorneys are graspl11g at every straw that seems to favor their side, and it is stated by officers of vanous commerc1al organizatlOns that fear of bel11g misquoted and outrageously m1srepresented, as were the Grand Rap1ds wltnesses, makes many shIppers and other opponents of the railroad proposit1On reluctant to appear before the commission. THE~nd~tpARLOR. NEWIU ~ BED" ~eed not be moved from the wall. Always ready wit h bedding in pla"e. So .imple, so easy, a "bild "an operate it. H... roomy wardrobe box. CHICAGO, Erie &: Sedgwick. NEW YORK, Norman &: Monitor. 30 WEEKLY ARTISAN ---------------_._-_. ------------ -----_._- - . .- --_. .-...,II , I 1• I,II NEW DESIGNS I-N LOUIS XVI STYLE No. 1711 No. 1705-1705 WRITE FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES. GRAND RAPIDS BRASS COMPANY GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN •• Sell What the People Want_ "Women ,., The veteran clcpaltment manager of the [) and 10 cent store repeatecl the word WIth emphaSIS, "vVomen I" It was hIs way of statll1g the dynamIc of the asto11l~h1l1!b:;U~I-ness that has been bUIlt on 111ckelsand dllnes-the bIg factor that has made it possIble "vVe are accustomed to thmk of the dry goods store as primanly the mstItutlOn that ha~ been developed by the woman shopper," contl11ued the department manager "The dry goods store of course IS a woman's stor.e-but the 5 and 10 cent store is the woman's store Nl11tey-nme hundreths of its customers are v,",omen Nl11e-tenths of Its sales force are woman 1£ It relIed on the male shopper for a success it would be a flat and hopeless faIlure "Study the psychology of the 5 and 10 cent StOle and you will have to study the psychology of the fem1l1Ine::,ex There was a man who dldn't thmk thIS was true I" The department managel's eyes h\ l11kled and he related one of the half score of fact stones that could be \\ Olmed out of hIs twenty years of expenence. There were two 5 and 10 cent stOles m a cel tam Clt). Olle '" as maintained by a film \\ hlch Iud Itself under the humble captlOn of SmIth & Brown The other was operated by a smartly dre~sed, sprucely appealmg young fellow from New York who vHote his name T Thaddeus Dayton Mr Dayton was "ucceeclIng ~1:essrs SmIth & III 0\\ n IV ere not Both were hard \\ 01 kl11g hal d headed men But their most indefatigable effO!ts v\el e not ploducing results The crowd was going acros~ the street to the Dayton store Why? 1\1r Blo",n pondered over the questIOn as he walked gloomIly home one evenl11g I\fter dmner he 10\vered his newspaper and his dlgmty and asked hIs WIfe Now it hap- I -4 penecl that 111 s BI 0\\ n was dn oly,erv111gwoman and a tact-ful 1\ oman She kne\\ pel fcctly IV ell beforehand just what J\Ir Blown \\ as gomg to say, for she had seen the same con-clItlons herself-and knew the reason for them. Also she had a remedy. "Y ou have been mak111g a mIstake. my dear," she saId gently, "because you have stuclIed your goods too much and yOUl customel s not enough You have devoted too much at-tentIon beh111clthe counters and not enough before the coun-ters 'What kind of people do you sell to?" 11r. BroVln floundered. "\Vhy, the usual kind of people for a store of our chalacter, I presume" "That's just it-you don't The five and ten cent store succeeds because It cdters fundamentally to women. Next to clothes. what do you suppose a woman would rather buy?" Mr Brown looked blank. "Of course you don't know. 'Well, I will tell you-candy! And the film of SmIth & Bro\vn is going to devote ItS f1 ant centre counter to candy from this time on, and is going to begin WIth a speCIal sale of marshmallows Saturday after-noon for 10 cents a pound I" Anel the fil111clId It, because J\1r Brown was a wise man even If he wa" slow of perceptIOn \Vbcn the firm member" c0t1l1ted up the plOceec1s of the sales Saturday evening they looked at each other m be\\ ilelell11ent They wel e the largest ill the hIstory of the store. r WEEKLY ARTISAN Old Items Reprinted. From the l\!hchigan ArtJsan for February I884-Charles R. Shgh, presIdent of the Sligh Furniture company, accom-pamed by George \V Perkins. a retaJIer of furmture In Pueblo and \V. H. McKee of New YOlk, are sojourning In Honduras Mr. Shgh will enter into contracts for cuttmg mahogany tim-ber in that country and shippmg it to the United States. Fred Koskul, the desIgner WIll no longer blow hIS horn and soundly praIse hIs old employer, Joseph Peters of St. LoUls Koskul IS now wIth Joe Zangerle in ChIcago. The factory of the Connersvl1lc (Ind) Furmture company was damaged by fire recently Loss $10,000. The semI-annual meeting of the Westeln chair associ-ation In Columbus, 0 , recently, was held behind locked doors. THE best way for you to buy furmture 15 to become farmhar Wlth It before you need It, then you are sure of gettmg what you want when you are ready to buy. This 18 why we make such a pomt of welcom-mg Vl3lto(S and why we don t expect to make a sale every tune we show our goods. We have the newest and best that can be bought. and we are glad to have you keep posted on the best and latest thmgs In furniture by spend-mg your letsure hme lookmg through our store ACTUAL REDUCTIONS Rellular 51'","'1.1 ClrCaSSllln Walnut Dreuer $lHJOO $6~50 C<:>loDal Mahogany Ch £fon er 65 00 4400 $01 d Mahogany Dress ng Table 2900 1850 Solid Mahogany Four Post Bed 32 00 1850 Solid Mahogany Cane Fanel Beds 4Q 00 2950 Soltd Mahogany Rush Seat R<x:ker 1600 If 50 SolId Mahogany Upnolstered Seat Rocker 2100 1375 Ken Iwo th Cha r 1750 1150 Ken l ...onh Rocker 17 MJ 11[j() Hepp ewl, te Desk Chair 1900 15 50 Overstuffed Library Cha r 45 00 27 00 So! d I\>fahogany Colon al Library Table 95 00 6$50 Sol d Mahoganv 5 plece Parlor Sutte 15000 9850 Overstuffed F es de Ch~lr 42 00 2600 5<:>1d Brass Bed" guaranteed 1250 and up Lou s V Solid Mah{)gany Dresser lfiO00 8500 60- nch Solid Mahogany Office Desk wholesale pnce $90 Our p.,ce $7B 6Q Invll5t1gatt: KLINGMAN'S Sample Furniture Company Ionia Fountain and D1VUIlOb. 5t9 Furniture SatIsfaction V,sllors Welcome A Sample of Klmgman's Efforts. The banquet whIch followed was open and loud enough to please (lId Beelzebub and hIS crew Charley Black, late WIth the Sargent ManufactUring company, has entered upon the dIscharge of hIS duties as manager of the Onel Cabinet company. Hermann, of New YOlk, disposed of $60,000 worth of furmture at cut pnces in a single day, last week. Buyel s representing the following well-known houses made the rounds of the factones 111 Grand RapIds; "John J. Hand of George C Flmt & Co, New York; F. S. Chad-bourne, San FranCISco, Cal ; J A Colby, F. W. Jansen, Tobey Furmture company, M. E. Samuels, Chicago; W. P Dil-worth, F H. Scott, Kansas, J H North, North, Orison & Co, Kansa:', CIty; Kenneth Clark, De Coster & Clark, St. Paul; Mr Barsto\\, V111cent, Barstow & Co, Cleveland. fi: L. Neldnnghouse of St LOUIS, who was burned out recently and then faIled, has settled with creditors, paying 75 cents on the dollar. FI ank \!V enter, maker of fancy furniture will erect a factory on South Canal street, Chicago. The RIVerSIde Flllmture company of \Vheeling, W, Va., have assigned. --- .. .-- ...., POLISHES Quality and Economy Two excellent reasons for using the Excelsior or World's Fair Polish on high grade furniture. We claim to sell the best and most economical polishes, and have proved it by their being the Standard polishes for 25 years of use in the furniture manufacturing trade. Get our prices and send for sample before placing your next order. GEO. W. LIGHT MFG. COMPANY, ~_2.312 W. Van Buren St., CHICAGO. 10 SPINDLE MACHINE ALSO MADE WITH 12, 15, 20 AND 25 SPINDLES. DODDS' NEW GEAR DOVETAILING MACHINE ThIS httle machme ho.s done more to perfect the drawer work of funll-ture manufacturers than anythmg else m the furnIture trade For fifteen years It has made perfect filtmg, vermm-proof, dovetalled stock a POSSl-blllty. ThiS bas been accomplIshed at reduced cost, as the machme cuts dove-talls m gangs of from 9 to 24 at one operatIOn It's what others see about your busmess rather than what you say about It, tbat counts m the cash drawer It'. the thnll of enthUSIasm and the true nng of truth you feel and hear back ofthe cold type that makes you buy the thmg advertlsed ALEXANDER DODDS CO., GRANDRAPIDS,MICH.. Reprelellied hy Schuchart & SchUlte al Berhn, V.enna, Siockholm and SI Pelenhur, Represented hy Alfred H SchUlte al Colo8l1e. Bruttel •• uese, Pano, Mdall and Bdhoa Represenled.n Greal Buban and hy the Ohver Maclunery Co. F. S. Thompoon. MBt., 201.203 Deelllsale. Mallchefter. Ensland, 31 32 WEEKLY ARTISAN .-.. Miscellaneous Advertisements. WANTED First class machine foreman on furniture case work. State age, references, experience and wages wanted. Address .'Real," care Artisan. 12 3-10 POSITION WANTED As superintendent for chaIr factory covering all departments from drivmg-up to the finishing department m detail. Nine years spent WIth one of the largest chair manufacturers in United States. Address E. H. H., 21 MIlton-Manor, Buffalo, N. Y. 12 3·10 WANTED. Furniture men to learn furniture designing, rod making and stock billing by mail. Our course of instruction is just the thing for superintendents. foremen and factory men who wish to increase their knowledge and salary. Grand Rapids School of Designing, Dept. L., Grand Rapids, Mich. Arthur Kirkpatrick, Instructor and Designer. 4-9 e.o.w. tf WANTED A position as superintendent of small furniture factory. case goods preferred, or foremanshIp in machine or cabinet rooms of medlUm sized plant. Small CIty preferred. Best of Ref-erences. Address E. V., care Weekly Artisan. 11 19-26 12-3 WANTED Superintendent. One who thoroughly understands bank, office and store fixtures, and specIal order work. To the right man this is a rare opportunity. Address, (stating experience and where you have worked), "Supenntendent," Care of Weekly Artisan, Grand Rapids, Mich. tf WANTED. Commercial salesman for Indiana and Illinois to sell Parlor and Library Tables. State territory covered and lines car-ried. Address "Map". care Weekly Artisan. 9-3tf WANTED. Traveling: salesman to carry a line of Re,ed Rockers and Chairs in Indiana and Illinois. State territory covered and lines carried. Address "Near". care Weekly Artisan. 9-3tf POSITION WANTED. A salesman of ability furnishing best of references and at present engaged, desires a change. Thoroughly acquainted with the trade of New England and New York stat,es and can guarantee results. Address C. A. R., Weekly Artisan. 7-23tf FOR SALE. ;. A nice clean stock of Crockery in a live West Michigan town of 10,000 population. Would also rent store if desired. Address "See" care Weekly Artisan. 5-28tf. .. New York Markets. New York, Dec. 2- The eastern crushers of flaxseed on Monday reduced pnces on their product two cents a gallon to meet the reductlOn made by the western crushers last week. C1ty raw and western raw linseed 011 are now quoted at the same price-95 @ 96 cents per gallon-but carload orders at 94 cents are known to have been accepted. S111g1e-b011ed and double-boIled are firm at last week's quotatlOns-J7 @ 98 and 99 @ $1.01, respect1ve1y. Business is dull, the volume of orders being remarkably light. Turpentine went down to 780 cents on Monday and re-mained at that figure unt11 Wednesday when it advanced a cent and is nuw firm at 79,Yz here and 175cents at Savannah. Some 1m-provement in the demand has been reported this week. Shellac continues to move qUlte freely in Jobbing parcels, and prices are well maintained, though the Calcutta market is reported easier. D. C. is quoted at 27 @ 28 cents; V. S O. and Diamond I, at 24,Yz @ 25. Fine orange, 22 @ 24; bright orange, 21 @ 22. T. N. in cases, 19%; in bags half a cent lower. Bleached, fresh, 22 @ 22; kiln dried, 26 @ 27. A. C. garnet, 18 @ 19. Button lac, 18 @ 20. Varnish gums are 111 steady demand at former quotations, with light order:, from interior dlstnbut111g pomts. Weakness is noted 111 the demand for Latm American goatskins and pnces on all vanetles are lower, the greatest change reported being a drop of t\\O cents on Haytiens, which r STAR CASTER II CUP COMPANY NORTH UNION STREET, GRAND RAPIOS, MICH. I IIIIIII I ..t. (PATENT APPLIED FOR) We have adopted cellulOid as a base for our Caster Cups, maklllg the best cup on the market. CellulOId IS a great Improvement over b..,es made of other materlal When It IS neceqsary to move a pIece supported by cups With cellulOId bases It can be done WIth ease, as the bases are per fectty smooth CellulOId does not sweat and b} the use of these CUI" tables are never marred These cups are finl~hed Ifl Gnldf"n Oak and White Maple, fimshed lIght If you wtll try a .ampl. order of tke.. gooa. you w.ll autre to kanale tkem In quantltte' PRICES: SIze 2~ Inches $5.50 per hundred. Size ~)( Inches 4.50 per hundred. I fob Grana Rap.d, TRT A SAMPLE ORnER I~-- . are now sellmg at ilea cents Vera Cruz are quoted at 47 @ 48 cents, San Lms, Zacateca:" etc., 43~ @ 44; Montery, TampI-cos, etc, -l"2, ~1eX1can frontHcrs, ,,2 @ 32,Yz Paytas, n @ 41,Yz Buenos \yles, ,18 @ ,'3H B1a71h, 65 @ 67,Yz. ] he cordage bus111es" 1Sdull and u11111terestmg, pnces being contwlled and I egulated by the so-called trust. Only fractlOnal changes 111the pn'2es of twmes have been made in the past three weeb The volume of the burlap bminess 1S light, owing mainly to the 0p111l0n of buye1" that the price of Jute is too high and must go do"" n m the near future However, the card rates for ' burlaps are firmly held, stocks here being considered light for thb t1me in the year The few sales reported are made at 3 80 for 7~-ounce, 3 <)0 for 8-ounce and 490 for 10,Yz-ounce Cal-cutta goods One order for a carload of the heavier weight at 485 cents, 1S reported to have been accepted this week. The! e is nothmg new 111 the hardwood lumber markets, which have been m an unsettled condition for several months. "" Index to Advertisements. Adams & Eltlng Company Anllllcan Blower Company Barnes \V F I..~ John Company Barton H H & ';;;on Company BIg SIX Car LoadIng As~oclatlon Bu,,;,,;Machine Company Century FurnIturE' COnlpany Clucago MIrror and Art Glass rompanJ ChrIstiansen A CollIer Keyworth Comp'lny (hallenge Refugerator Company Dodds Alexander Company rreedman Brothers Compau3- Grand RapIds BlowpIpe and Dust ~rrester Company GrancI RapIds Brass Compan\. Gland RapIds Fancv FurnIturE' Company Grand RapIds Refngerator Company Gland RapIds \ enE'er Works Hotel Panthnd Ideal StampIng and Tool Company Inlpenal FurnIture Company Kindel Parlor Bt.-d Company La"YIence l\ilcFadden Company Lf'nt7 Table Company 1 LIght George W ManufactUrIng Company Luce FurnIture Compan). Luce RE'dmond ChaIr Company Marvel Manufactunng Company MIchIgan EngraVIng COlllpany M,ller DI' D ~ ('0 MIscellaneous Morton House "!\Jor thern rurniture r'ompany Olrvf'r MachInery rompany Palmer 1\1anufactunng Company Petersen A & Co porter C 0 Maclllnery Company RIchmond ChaIr Compan3- Rockford ChaIr and FurnIture Company Rockford I'rame and Fn..tu. re Company R03-al ChaIr COnlpany Sheldon E H & Co SIUIth & DaVIS Manufactunng Company Spratt George & Co btow & DaVIS FurnIture Company S" ett Frank" &. Son 1'anne" Itz Works LJ nIOn rurniturf' Company (Rockford) Wadden Manufdcturing Company Walter B & Co Ward 0 A Wh,te Prlntmg Company 23 18 Cover 13 2\) 27 COVE'r 55 22 29 COVE>r 31 10 Cover 30 44 15 4 28 25 29 19 25 31 2 24 17 11 32 4 Cover 22 14 13 198 12 9 18 Cover 11 6 19 8 14 15 30 57 Buss Tilting Table Saw Bench furnished with or wIthout Borinll Attachment. Weight Net, 1200 Ills. Carries Saws up to 18 inches in diameter. Self-oiling Ilearings for countershaft and loose pulley--tight and loose pulleys 9 ~ and lOin. diam.--drive pulley 20 in. diam., 6 in. face. Pat e n t e d
- Date Created:
- 1910-12-03T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 31:23
- Notes:
- Issue of a magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. Created by the Peninsular Club. Published monthly. Began publication in 1934. Publication ended approximately 1960.
- Date Created:
- 1935-02-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- Volume 1, Number 4
- Notes:
- Issue of a magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. Created by the Peninsular Club. Published monthly. Began publication in 1934. Publication ended approximately 1960.
- Date Created:
- 1936-11-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- Volume 2, Number 12
- Notes:
- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. It was published twice monthly, beginning in 1880. and Twenty ..Eighth Year-No. 16 FEBRUARY 25. 1908 r r f\ ",,"",\ "'- .....,,1:, ·~1 \_l ""~' Semi-Monthly The ROYAL is the Original Push Button Morris Chair THE" ROYAL PUSH BUTTON MORRIS CHAIR Ei~ht Years of Test BaTe Established Its Suprema(lY ALL OTHERS ARB IMITATIONS MORRIS CHAIRS FROM ~6.25to ~30 CATALOG· UPON APPLICATION. Royal Chair Co. STURGIS, MICHIGAN Chicago Salesroom: Ceo. D. vVilliamsCo .• 1323 Michigan Avenue, Fil'$t Floor. Chicago, Ill. The One Motion, All Steel Go-Cart FOLDS WITH ONE MOTION NO FUSS, NO FOOLING FOLDS WITH ONE MOTION All Steel; Indestruclible. PerIecled Beyond All Competition. Frame of Steel Tubing. Will Carry 200 Lbs. Over Rough Pavements. The Only Perfecl Cart With a Large Perfect Quick Action Hood. CATALOGUE UPON APPLICATION. FOLDED STURGIS STEEL GO-CARTCOMPANY, Sturgis, Mich. CHICAGO SALESROOM: Geo. D. Williams Co., 1323 Michi2"an Ave., First Floor, Chicago, Ill. i TABLES (No) TROUBLE (No) TROUBLE TABLES No. 20 New Line of Tables IJI We know! IJI Those great big shiny ,nrfaces, and pUlling table' together '0 they will 6~ give you a lot of trouble. t] The Northern Furniture Company is going into the table business with an entirely new line. 'JI We will give you as handsome a-finish as the best: table makers in America-but medium prices. IJI Above all we offer you a line of tables that w~l give you NO TROUBLE. (jf On all our tables we use our new patent knock~down feature, so that anybody can put the legs on a table before you can say Jack Robinson. f]j What is more, any pedestal will go on any table top, and 3 actual tables on your Ooor will give you 9 distinct styles by combining the different pedestals with different tops. IJI We make the'e tables so that they will fit when they go together. They won't warp, and we will pack them so they won't get scratched all to pieces If you want to get rid of your table trouble, try the Nortbern "NO TROUBLE" TABLE LINE. NORTHERN FURNITURE CaMP ANY SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN , HAND CIRCULAR RIP SAW No.4 SAW (ready for cross-cutting) 1 Moon D6Sk Go. MUSKEGON, MIC". OffiCE DESKS NEW STYLES FOR SPRING SEASON line on sale in New Manufacturers' Building, Grand Rallids. MORTISER COMBINED MACHINE Complete Outfit of HAND and FOOT POWER MACHINERY WHY THEY PAY THE: CABINET MAKER He can save a manufacturer's profit as well as a dealer's profit. He can make more money with less capital invested. He can hold a better and more satisiactorv trade with his customers. - He can manufacture in as good style and finish, and at as low cost as the factories. The local cabinet maker has been forced into only the dealer's trade and profit, because of machine manufactured goods of factories. An outfit of Barnes' Patent Foot and Hand-Power Machinery, reinstates the cabinet maker with advatltag"es equal to his competitors. If desired, these machines will be sold on trial. The purchaser can have ample time to test them in his own shop and 011 the work he v.-ishes them to do. Deseriptiv, catalogue and price list free. W. F. Ii. JO"N B,\RNES CO.,654 Ruby St .. Rockford, III. FORMER OR MOULDER HAND TENONER No. a WOOD LATHE No_4 SAW (ready for ripping) No.7 SCROLL,SAW 2 five Complete lines of Refrigerators RIGHT PRICES 'I Opal.., \..ined. at q Enamel Lined. iIj Charcoal Filled a!LdZ,nc Lined. t]i Zinc Lined with Removable Ice Tank. g Galvanized Iron Lined; Stationary Ice Tank. Send for new Calalogue tuld let ~ name you price. Challenge Refrigerator Co. GRAND "AVfN MIC"., U. S. A PALMER MFG. GO. 115 to 13!50Palmer Ave .. DETROIT, M.ICH. Manufac:urers of FANCY TABLES PEDES1ALS 1ABOURE11ES for the PARLOR AND LIBRARY Our famQUt;ROOK-WOOD FINiSH ~:C<JW5 in popularity every day, Nothing like it. W,ite for Pictures and Prices. Pedestal No. 412. UNION FURNITURE CO. ROCKFORD, ILL. China Closets Buffets Bookcases We lead in Style, ConStruction and Finish. See our Catalogue. Ow line on permanent exhibi. tion 7th Floor, New Manufact-urers' Building, Grand Rapids. We Manufacture the Largest Line of FOlOino Gnllirs in the UniU:d States, suitable for Sunday Schools, Halls, Steamers and all public resorts. We also manufacture Brass Trimmed Iron Beds, Spring Beds, Cots and Cribs in a large variety. Sind for Catalogul and PriCl~ to K/lUffM/lN MfG. GO. ASHLAND, OHIO The New Banquet Table Top at well a$OFFICE. DINING ami DIRECTORS' TABLES are out" apecially. STOW & DAVIS FURNITURE CO Gr·.."R .. ido. 'J Midul[lUl. Write for Catalogue. Get 8lUIIpb of BANQUET TAB~ TOP. , 7IR.TI 05'Afi ? $ ft· 28th Year-No. 16. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., FEBRUARY 25, 1908. ~=====~== $1.00 per Year. ROMANCE IN AUCTION ROOMS. What a Seeker's Wife Found While Looking for Bargains. Next time yOll go into an auction shop in search of some odd bit of furniture or fumishmcnt for which yOll are willing to pay ally price so long as it seems a bargain, take a look at the ceiling and poke a bit about the misty, dusty corners of the place. Probably hanging from the ceiling yOU will find an as-sortment of objects that will make you wonder what hroken-np household ever gave forth such incongruous oddments. S,vords there ""vill be, and. perhaps, fencing foils a11(1masks, occasionally a helmet or a thigh piece from some suit of al"11101". But whether OT not you see the ar1110r bits, the swords ,,\'ill be pretty apt to greet your eyes. This is true of the shops that cluster about that old place of forgotten romance, University Sqnare, the bazaars of Fourth Avenue, and the few shops that struggle away uptown, one or two all Broad-way, and some evcn so far north as Times Square. There arc, indeed, one or two on 125th Street. In the course of a discouraging hunt for a certain piece of furniture, thc seeker always noted this stl"ange Damoete-tian array of swords depending from the dusty rafters. And on their old scabbards, the dust was gathered, too, easily seen from the floor. The Seeker',; \i\iife often re-mar~ ed about these strange collectio!ls. But she \vas of the elect, who scent romance afar, and who \vring vivid sug-gestions of life from untOl.vard things. To her, a clawfoot high-boy meant a \","hole novel and a rusty andiron cOlljured visions of the high-cci1cd rooms and merry nights ahout the glare of the blazing logs. One day, after the Seeker's \\lif(~ had cOllle to look reg1~larly for the remnants of old wars, as she thought tbem to bt her c'11ripsity mastere<l her, and she asked the dealer where they came from, and \'rho ever bought them, filr they seemed always to be there. "\VeIL" said he, "nearly all question. As to where they everywhere." "But surely the people living in Kew York who break up housekeeping or who sell their belongings for ally rea-sons, don't have all these swords," said the Seeker's \Vife. "N 0, not all of them," admitted the dealer. "Still, yoU would be surprised to know how many real old swords come from families living right here in New York. Of course. the old families have lots of the civil war swords." The Seeker's \i\7ife gave a little gasp of pained surprise that anyone would part with such a s~cred thing as that. But the cynical dealer sniffed at it-actually sniffed. "There's nothing sacred to this g-cneratioll," he said. "They want art llOllVC:ll1things, God save the mark," for he ~<'as a man witll some glimmering of the eternal fitness of things himself, "and so -when their fathers anc1 mothers die a'rld they clean out the attics to move into some lIe\y p~ace, my regulars come from, come to ask that they come from at Tarrytown may he, they don't want the old s"vorc1s and that sort of tiling, and they come here with the rest of them. liut not all come from such places. ?dy dealers in the out-side towns and my finders send them in occasionally-rather frequently, in fac1." "Finders?"' echoeo::1the S('cker's \-Vife. "Yes. You didn't think my stock all came from the boardillg houses that have gone under, and the flats of the artists. and others, did you?" The Seeker's vVife admitted that she did. ":\:"0. 1 have many mcn who are always 011 the lookout for things for me, over in Jersey and up in Connecticut, and all around. No, 1 don't furnish them with any capital. They buy on their own risk, but, of course, they know pretty well what I want. Yes, you'd think that in such a migratory city as ":-e\..v.. York 1 could get enough stock in the ordinary way, but J don't amI these finders, as I call them, supply many demands 1 could not othen;."ise fill." "But who buys the. swords? vVho'd want that old fencing mask, for instance?" asked the persistent Seeker's V\,rife. "\VelL occasionally we sell them for decorations. They go IArell with some rooms. Not infrequently a professional decorator on the lookollt for some detail to finish some room he is handling rl11ds just what he wishes here ill some old sword, partintlarly if he's doing a Colonial room, or a room like the apartments of the period of thirty-five years ago. Dut hy far our best customers for that sort of thing are the propcrty men of the theatres. vVecan always rely on them to take such things off our hands." ;lDon't they have those things madc usually?" asked the Seeker. "Oh, sometimes, but it's lots cheaper for them and less bother to drop in here and buy them olltright. Of course, we have to sell them at a pretty reasonable figure. \Ve often have to take them with other things in lots, and as we give very small prices for them we can sell tht~m accordingly. ::-.r early e...e..rything that comes in here goes out some time or another Xothillg stays so very long, and the queerest things find sales. I don't know wllerc~ they go. ''I've sold old-fashioned cradles, and it wasn't any proper-ty man who bought them, either. Hoots I get oceasi.onally, and while those usually go to the regular shops for old clothes, if thcy arc very ftne pieccs of work 1 get rid of them, too It's a queer business, this auction bus111ess, and it makes you think, too. Xow that servl11g table that you came in to look for-" N. Y. Times. Traveling Salesmen Necessary, /\ corre~pondent of a contemporary "believes that if the fmniture dealers would drop traveling me11. they would soon be able to buy goods cheaper." \'\/hat <In idea. \?i,loul.-l not tIle manufacturers quietly pocket the money saved hy dispcnsing with travelill.g s'llesmen? The rdailer would derive 110 1)(,11efitfrom the change. And what a dull and stupid lot of tradesmen they \votlld become in the conrse of a few years without the help of the traveling salesmen. 4 .7;I;;R;;; 'T'I..s. Ars ,~* HOMES FURNISHED FREE OF COST. Retailer Considers the Advisability of Cross-Breeding a Furniture Store With a Provision House. Tom Gilman, the furniture salesman, kno .....s what to do when he gets to the little city of Fellows. There is only one furniture store the-re, and he talks half a day to get his, order down in black and white. That is, he talks when Pritchard doc.suOt hold the center of the stage. Anyway, it takes half a day to do business with Pritchard, and, what is more. at least a dozen prime cigars. Pritchard is a good sort of a chap, but he has the whole to\\'11 to himself in the ftl,,(niture tine,' and is inclined to become touchy at the slightest opposition. He can"t stand hard kli0cks without makillg a yell, as the hays say. Gilman strolled into his place last Saturday and handed out a cigar the first thing, wondering what form of insanity the merchant's mind was infected with. "If he gets the freight tariff hee to buzzing," thought the salesman, "I'll have to stay over night and sleep in that ice hox kl10wn as the traveler's bcst room at the Fellows Home for 1ncurables, sometimes called a hote1." Pritchard had a newspaper spread out on his desk, and was bending over it like a school boy at his lessons. "1 don't want anything to-day." He did not even look up, but Gilman took a chair. Pritchard went on reading, hut the salesman could see that he \vas waiting for him to start something. "Yoll act to me like a man who thinks he has come to the spot where he can keep right on selling furniture without ever buying any." Pritchard turned arotmd in his chair and lifted his reading glasses to the center of his forehead. "I've got to the place where 1 can't keep on buying furniture if I ne\'er sell any," he said, with a scowl. Gilman glanced hastily around the store. "Looks like good business," he said. "Yes," was the reply. "1 looks like fine business. This is my busy week. I'm rIfty dollars behind on expenses." Gilman knew beter than to argue. He got his pictures out and opened his new order book. Then he leaned back and q'noked. "Do you know h0't" to produce a bank account by cross-breeding a furniture store with a provision house?" Pritchard looked grave enough, but there was a twinkle in his eyes. "Not 11" said Gilman. "Fact is, hank accounts. What sort of a tree it a bush?" ''I'm not joking about cross-breeding- with the furniture trade," said the dealer. "If you want to sell· furniture in this town you've got to go at it in disguise." Gilman smoked meditatively. The merchant seemed to be warming up. "At least," continued the dealer, "if you get rid of a stock here you've got to' conceal from the populace the fact that you've got to get real money for it." "What's the matter with the people? Do they sit, and eat. and sleep, on the floor, like a lot of monkey-faced ]aps?" "up in the hill district," continued the merchant. "the women have organized a Furnish-Your-lfome-Without-Any-Money club. Do you happen to know the rules of any game that makes a noise like that?" "Can you play a lulu hand more than once at a sitting ?" asked Gilman, innocently. "The ladies go abroad in the city,'.' resumed the merchant, ignoring Gilman's irrelevant question, seeking to devour .some one's bank account. They take orders for soap, and spices, and washing powder, and baking powder, and any old thing in the household line, and when they send away ten dollars of our hard-earned money to swell the wealth of Chicago, they get a premium of a ten-dollar piece of furnihtre." "That's clever of the Chicago house. Do they send furniture that has to be tied up with strings until it can be sawed off on the premium-winner." "If you buy $10 worth of soap," continued the merchant, "they will give you a cute little. writing desk. with paper veneer pasted on the inside of the lid to make it look like it had seen better days. I have known these desks to last as tong as a month." "I see. Is that the kind of ftlT11iture that they carve with a stamping machine?"" "They don't carve it at all," repfied the merchant. "They run it through the planer once and put it together with flour paste." "Can't they he arrested for giving .it away?" demanded Gil- I don't know much do they grow on? about Or is OUR OAK AND MAHOGANY DINING EXTENSION TABLES ARE BEST MADE BEST FINISHED VALUES All Made from Thoroughly Seasoned Stock. LENTZ TABLE CO. NASHVILLE, MICH. THE BETTER BEDS Shipping weight 101 lbs. 5 Smith (E).. payis Mfg. Co., ARE MANUFACTURED BY St. Louis Write for Catalogue Illustrating Our Full Line. No. 170 Iron Crib 4 ft. 6 in. by 2 ft. 6 in., 5 It. by 3 It. $6.25 Net 6.75 Net man. "It seems that a man ought to get six months for a thing like that." "They're getting rich, that's what they're getting," replied the merchant. "If yOll invest in a dollar's worth of crackers you get a cute little doll that can open its eyes, or the small of its back, or can drop a leg or an arm any old time." "And these ladies arc furnishing their h01hes with this crat:c for groceries? \Vhal do the grocers say about it?" "I'm having troubles of 111y own," said the merchant. "1 don't know what the grocers are sayingabont it. If you want to get a ehiffonier that will make yOll think of the ones mother used to make, just order a ton of coal, )T 50mething like that.". "Do they send the coal in the chiffonier?" 1'1 don't know, If the chiffonier would stand the racket they might save freight money by doing so, bl1t I'm afraid the varnish and stuff would mLlSSl1p the coal. I have an ac-quaintance up there 011 the hill \vho sent $~O for groceries and drew a parlor suit. She keeps it locked up in the wood house for fear some one will sit do\\r11 on it. She seems to think it was made to serve standing-raom-only swarrys." 1'1 guess I'll redecorate my furnished roc m," said the sales-man. "They lTlay gIve me an automohile with a breath like a glue factory." "I don't mind a little competition," resumed the dealer, ignoring the remark of the salesman, "but when it comes to giving bookcases away with laundry soap, how is an honest man to pay his pew r<;'.nt? To be frank abol1t it, I don't know whether they gi\re the bookcase away with the soap or the soap away with tl10 hookcase. Anyway. they've got an air-tight game "How many parlor chairs do they give :'t\vay with ;1. dollars' worth of sugar ?, "1 haven't got to thai yet. but 1 reckon they furnish a four-room flat complete if you buy yonI' first month's groceries from No. 16&Iron Crib 4 ft. 6 in. by 2 ft. 6 in.,.$5.25 Net 5 ft. by 3 ft. 5.75 Net Shipping weight 91 lbs. them. Now, its nice selling furniture in a town like this, isn't it?" "You might try giving away Teddy bears," suggested Gil-man. ('YOlt get Teddy bears with a nickel's worth of gum," was the reply. "I'd like to have you see the parlor couch they gave away with a gallon of frtlit extract. I'm sure going out of the retail furniture business." "Here's a fine line of Chippendale chairs," suggested the sales-man, opening hjs pictures. "They couldn't give one of these away with a ton of groceries, not unless they stole their goods." "Yes," snorted the merchant, "I'd like to buy a lot of chairs and have the town flooded with prunes the next day, one chair with every pound of prunes. Say, if you can figure this proposition out I'll give you an order.'" "All right." "1f a man gives you ten dollars worth of furniture when you buy ten dollars worth of groceries, and you do business with him, which one has the pole on foolishness? Is it the man who must lose money if he sends out the stuff he claims to, or the buyer, who gets a lot of stuff he won't dare put on ex-hibition ?" "It r go to Chicago," said the salesman, "and a man says he will sell me the Masonic temple for $50, and I give himtny good money, which is the dunce? Is it the man who gets the money or the rnan who gives it up ?" "Correct !" said the dealer. "Go to the head of the class. Now, get out your game and we'll see if I've got to buy of yOll once more." And Gilman passed out another cigar and got down to work. Pritchard gave a large order and never again mentioned the Fnrnish- Your- Home-Free- cluh. ALFRED B. TOZER. 6 SCREENS AND THEIR MANY USES. Originally Intended Solely to Use as Protections Against Draughts, They Are Now Used for Decorative Purposes. ScrCCllS and their uses are many and various, and in the scheme of the illtcri'or decorator and the arrangement of rooms the screen plays an important part. Originally in-tended for use and' as a protection against draughts, it wa;;, a necessary part of the furnishing of a roO"ln, and serv~d as a protection ill the long,- sparely furnished halls 'InJ living r001115 of the {~;\es of mediaeval times. In this stage it W;}S usually constructed of wood, and heavily carv(~J like the Tcst of the littings of the room, and, indeed, 1he bed or th(' )1 iddl", Ages ""vasa sort of screened alcove, built out from the wall, an(( the samc heavy ornamentation is seen upon the screens of that period. L<tter on with' the development of mare artistic furn:tl:rc and orll;lmental cabillet work, which em-hellislled the palaces and chateaux of the Frellch monarchs in the reigns of Louis XIf., XIV., and Xv. 111 France, the screen shared in the gencra.l elaborate decoration and hecame a thing of bea\'li.y a.<;well as a useful a~ticl<". Exquisite tapestries' and brocades and fine lacquers and woods were used in its const.ructiol1, and the frames were of wood and metal richly carved and gilded in all the designs of the rococo and Louis XVI. periods. ).flirTor tops and delicately carved supports and feet were used in many of thesc screens, and tl'Je boudoir or sitting room of the present clay, which is copied from the French rooms of the sev:n-teenth ami eighteenth centuries, use the screen <IS ;In ltn.. portant part of the decoration. The eastern people have ahvays employed this article 'of furniturE' and for many centuries, both in India and Japan, screens {lave been utilized in perhaps the greatest variety of ways of ally nation or at any time, for the Japanese house is usually made up of folding screens or partitions which can be changed at will. More properly speaking, hmNever, this development of the screel1 is known as thc ghogii, and the Japanese screens, which we know and use, are separate :lr-tides of furniture. These same Japanese screens, wInch have grown rather common of late years, oWll1g to their reproductions in 50 many cheaper materials and in paper, are orten times copied from very beautiful originals, \vhich are works of art and executed by well-kno''''n artists and designers, atid were both Lmbroidered and painted by ha11c1. Nothing more eXf[uisite can be imagined, for instance, than one of these Japanese screens with the background of dull olive gray satin, embroidere,d with sprays and hanging blossoms in high relief of the delicate wisteria vine, with its purple clt,sters droopillg across the panels, alld in the distance between the blossoms a view of the cone of Fujiyama, the sacred mountain; or lhe cherry hlossom screen, with the pale pillk and white clusters studding the brown hrallches of the trce,<lnd falling in a rain of petals to the grol\i\d be-neath. Birds ancl flowers play an important part in these decorative paneled screens, and if we were not sO accustomed to the manifold reproduction we would perhaps realize the beauty of these specimens, which we see oecasional1y, and which desen'c as close study oftentimes as paintings, or other works of art. For the interior decorator who wishes to produce all effect in his room, the screen is the greatest possible help in the arrangement of the furniture, al1(1 the modern varieties aie endless. and, general1y speaking. fairly good in design. For dining room use. if the r00111be Colonial, the screen, of COl:rse, should be of a 1110reor less siinple design, and if an expc1l5ive one is not possible. excdlent plaill screens in th,~ so-called 1-1ission work c,a11be obtained at reasonahk prices. Tapestry screens, however, are always good -for this ptlr-p~ se, and if care is taken in sclfcting tapestries so that they harmonize with the decoration of the room, they can be made extremely attractive. The rounded top oncs, -with the brass-headed nails as the sale ornament, arc the best for di.ning room use in the tapestries, with three leaves, which either rest upon the floor on a square base ur with four legs abont two inches in height for the supports. Also very beautiful and ornamental for this purpose, and in hallways, are the large screens of the so-called Spanish leather, which comes in many designs, and ;,l'e to be found in the antique stores, oftentimes at quite reasonable prices; though the gcnuin'e Spanish leather screen, if in good pre-servation, is vcry expensive. The gorden brown background of the kilther, ''lith the design or pictured panel of figures Or 1andscap;:" is an extremely ornamental pil'..;e of fttfniture, and ,vilt add greatly toa room, if the tltting3 correspond, as these screens are somewhat heavy in desigil, and are not always suitable to drawing rooms or boudoirs. In the ordinary living: roOm of the m.odern house the tapestry or velour screen, or the dark velvet corresponding to the color scheme of the room, is the best. especially if the screen be uncle with the rounded top <llHl trimmed around the edges with a band of dull gilt braid of alltique finish. These screens can be used to the greatest advantagc in slll:tting off a rather too obtrllsive doorway, or as a back-ground at the head of a couch or divan, where the head of the, couch call be placed against the screen ;ind" a palm or plant of some sort in the niche beside the lounge. This screel1 will serve as a protection from the draughts ,md will make <Ill effective corner in a room, which would otherwise he, perhaps, too square in outline, and do away with the stiff-ness of arrangement so noticeable in many modern' rooms. In boudoirs and in my lady's sitting room the screen, whether of brocade of a delicate tint to match t11e walls or of glass and tapestry, or even a dainty Japanese screen, must har~ mOl1izc with the soft colorings of her teagowns and matinees, so that the effect of the picture be not destroyed, but more or less enhanced by this detail of furnishing. Vcry attractive in this connection arc the old-fashiotH~d fire screens made out of a bit of brocade which has been treasured in the family for generations, or an old piece of embroidery worked by some one of our forebears and framed either in mahogany or gilt, and whiehserves to screen one's complexion from the too fierce, glow of the fire. Happy is the possessor of one of these heirlooms: while for those who do not possess them there are mal1Y old J)ieces of undoubted antiquity stttl to be fouod in embroidery and tapestry which can be framed in like manner, and used as ornaments in the boudoir or sitting room. Very small Japanese screens heavily embroidered are used behind sofas Why Not Order? Say a dozen or more Montgomery Iron Display Couch Trucks sent you on approVal) If not misfactory they can be returned at no expense to you whalever, while the price asked is but a triBe,com~ pared to the convenience they afford'and the economy they represent in the saving of Roor space. Thirty-two couches mounted on the Mon~m~ Iron Display Couc.hTnta1> occupy the same Boor space as Iwelve dis. pI.l!yed in the usual manner. Write for cataloguegivingfull descrip~ bon and price in the diiferent 6.nishes, to~ gether with illustrationsdemonstrating the use of the Giant Short RailBed Faslener for Iron Beds. Manufactured by H. J. MONTGOMERY PATENTEE Silver Creek, New York, U. S. A. ~nnis Wue and trOD Co•• c.nadiaD Mantl-faetum.. Loodon, o.t. 71l~..T IIS'A-N •• 0 ¢ ,,.- '; WOODARD FURNITURE CO. ~ak~rs ~_fhigh grad_~ mediu~ priced_?edroom furniture in all the popular _~oods and finishes. New catalog ready. OWOSSO, MICH. Send for prices on this new colonial bed illnddresser (chiffonier shown on page 15). Made in mahogany and drcanian walnut. You will be 8urpriscd at the small amount asked fol' the:se pieces. and make extremely pretty Jlitce~ of colu,·, especially if tile sofa he of C\fved t::ahvood or rosewood. and the Japanese idea carried out, if a vase of SOUle dull colored pottery with a sing-Ie spray of tlowcrs in it be pbced in the fold of the screen, upon a tcakwoo(l stand or tabouret. A pretty dcsig-n ill screcns of a less expensive variety was seen the other day, and the effect was extremely good. The serc,en was a three-leafed 011e with rounded tops in the centre, and the lea F{'S on either side corrcspowkcl to the mid-dle panel. It W,IS of a deep rose pink in dull finish bro-cade, and the only ornamCl1ta",ion was the band of dull gilt hraid around the leaves, and the gilt hinges. The whole screen had the effect of a pieee oi tllc vZll1, as it was pbced by the doon-vay, a 11(1 quite did ;n ...·,(}' v ith tile aH'k~'-ardlJess of entering the room directly from the ollrcr hall. Against th(~ screen was placed a table and ehZlir, and the background of the panels was used to hang several small prettily framed French prints upon, which still further carried out the idea of deeOl-atiol1. These screens can bc thade ,vith- 011t mllch diftlc111ty by a gnor! cabinetmaker, and thc covering can be selected to iiuit o11e's roOIll and individual taste, as the design is extremely simple a 11(1 the framework e<iSy of construction, while the covering can be strctcheil on an(l tacked with brass nails as one would make rl photogTaplJ frame, while the gilt braid can he either sewed em first or fastened on with glue. and the screen will probably be round more sa,i.stactory than many that have heen hought at greater expCl1,:;e. For the ordinary furnishingi; of rooms in the country house and in small apartmcnts, screens of burlap and tapestry with the mission frames can be bought very reasonably, and (Ire very good in certain rOOlllS. The modern cheap tap-estry comes in many excellent dt::signs. and though the colors are somewhat crude, onc cannot expect everythillg, and a panel of tapestry set above thc burlap as a border brightens the effect of the ~,creen and makes a usefUl and ornamental piece of furniture in the dining room or elsewhere. For bedrooms in country hoeses the light bamboo framed screen with the thin materials either shirred all rods or laid ill folds to form the panels are useful and sometimes extremely pretty; as they are just about enong-h protection at the head of the bed or around the washstand or door, and these screens are used constantly, and when made of chintz to correspond I'vith ,be furuishiJ1g of the bedroom or mOrniJlg room are distinctly decorative. They have been copied, how-ever, in so many hideous designs and materials that they have become very common, and it is just as easy if one wants a screen for a morning room or bedroom to use the design Hie ']lave bciore mentioned, like the photograph screen, ~nd make the screen of some pretty chintz or cretonne, which will be much more satisfactory and add greatly to the ap-pearance of our rooms. Cretonllcs and chintzes now come in almost endless variety and design, and SOllle of ihe old English pattenJs which reproduce th~ chintzes of mtlJ1y years ago arc charmingly artistic and- very suitable for t11e above purpose. The list is endless. and the variety of screens give ampk opportunity for selection and t;,(: exercise of th(~ taste of the individual, and oftentimes a screen ..v..ill be found to be a distinct impro\Tement and addition to a room which we have beiore considered almost hopeless of arr<lllgement. N. Y. Times. Good Sales Started. , An ohject lesson in hcd-making attracted crowel,. to the show "...indow in a western town. A neatly dressed young woman entered the window and carefully made a bed ready for ttge, from time to time during the day and evening. The materials used were the hest obtainable for the porp08c, and the exhibit helped to start many good sales. 8 ·:9'~MI9 ..HIG~ ? Half a Century in Business. The business of R. H. Macy and Company was established fifty years ago in New York city by Rawling H. Macy who opened a store on Sixth Ave. near Fourteenth St. He came from Haverhill, Mass., where he had been unsuccessful in business and started in on a small scale in the metropolitan city. Mr. Macy was the first to conduct a department store; crockery and furniture were added to his dry goods and corpet business. Not occupying all the space rented by him, he sub-let the unused spaces to dealers in other lines but it was not long before he decided to run the little· stores himself. The store became very popular. The grocery department was not added until many years later. The lunch room feature was also original with Mr. l\dacy and proved a great drawing card. His delivery system was originally confined to a man with a hand cart. When purchases had to be sent to Brooklyn or Jersey City a special messenger was employed. There are about 800 persons employed in the delivery de-parJment nowadays; the ordinary daily area of the service covers twenty-five miles" and they handle 5,000,000 packages annually. If Rowland H. Macy were to come to life and drop down into the basement of the big store on Broadway and there see hundreds of packages traveling around there on their way to the \';~agons, each package taking its proper route by means of an elaborate mechanism, he probably would drop dead again. To deliver these packages they use 170 wagons, 30 electric automobiles and 400 horses. The restaurant that used to excite so much wonder among visitors years ago in the store of de\'ious passages on Fourteenth street -now seats 2,500 persons and serves 1,000,000 persons a year, showing to what extent this feature of a department store has developed. They eat 100,000 quarts of ice cream a year now in the restaurant. The Yankee who started the store in 1858 after New England hadrefuscd to furnish him a livelihood had a plan of dOiJlg business that made him unique among shopkeepers in those days. He fixed on a certain perccntage of profit that he would get on every article he sold and he added this percentage to the price it had cost him, with the resit]t that in many cases the sum was an odd figurc like 99 cents. Having made the rule Macy refused to depart from it to add the extra cent in order to make it an ewn figure and avoid the bother of making change. It wasn't long hefore not only Macy but his ri \'als as well dis-covered that the odd prices were an allurement that more than made up for the trouble in making change. \\Then "NIr. lvIacy died, in 1877, A. F. LaForege and Robert Valentine took over the business, but they kept the name just as it was when Macy died. Then a year later, when La Foi-ege died. C. B. Webster became associated with Valentine. Mr. Valentine died, and in 1888 Isi~or and Nathan Straus became associated with Mr. Webster, this partnership existing until June, 1898, whcn Mr. \Vebster retired. Since Macey opened his Sixth avenue store therc has been a revolution in the ways of running a big department store. Then manufacturerrs and wholesalers sold goods to 1hcy and he sold them over hi.scounters. Today some of the large stores also own or control these tributaries. For instances, the store started by Macy today has a glassware factory in Bohemia, a cut gl§lss factory in New York city, a pottery at Rudolstadt, a porcelain decorating plant at Carlsbad, a china decorating shop at Limoges and one here, a handkerchief factory in Ireland, mattress and harness factories in this city, as a laboratory and a plant for preparing groceries and making candy. The young man from Haverhill saw his enterprise grow until his store employcd 1,000 persons.· That was considered re-markable. At present the store has 5,000 employees, and if to these are added thme employed 10 the mamllactllring enter-prises the number would reach 10,000. The prescnt Macey store, where they are celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of Mr. Macy's arrival, has a floor space of morc than twenty-four acres. It was complcted in 1902, It still does business on the cash plan started by :Mr. Macey and is said to sell more goods for cash than any other storc in the world. Also it still sells goods at odd prices, just as it!; founder did. Retired from Business. "Is the proprietor in?" asked the visitor. "No, sir," replied the office boy. "Is he in the city?" "Yes, sir." "\VitI he be back soon?" "No, sir." "Tomorrow some time?" "No, sir." "Did he leave word for Mr. Nash?" "No, sir." The stranger looked at the office boy sharply. "When did he go?" "Yesterday afternoon." "Didn't he say when he'd be back?" IiNo, ~ir." "\Vell, where the dickens is he?" "At the undcrstaker's." "What's the matter?" "He's dead." (ESTABLISHED 1868) BERRY BROTHERS' Rubbing and Polishing Varnishes MUST BE USED IN FURNITURE WORK TO BE APPRECIATED THEY SETTLE THE VARNISH QUESTION WHEREVER TRIED WRITE FOR INFORMATION, FINISHED WOOD SAMPLES, AND LITERATURE, New York 262 Pearl St. Boston 520 AtlaDtie Ave. Philadelphia 26-28 No. 4th St. Baltimore 29 S. HaDOver 51. BERRY BROTHERS, LIMITED VARNISH MANUFACTURERS DETROIT Chicago 48·50 Lzike Sf. Cineinnati 420 Main 51. St. Loui. 112 So.4th 5t. San Francisco 668 Howard St. THIS IS THE CAN AND LABEL. CANADIAN FACTOPlY. WALKERVILLE ONTARiO ---_. --------------------------------------- 9 REX [::~~]MATTRESS CHAS. A. FISHER & CO., 1319 Michigan Ave., Chicago. WRITE FOR BOOKLET AND PROPOSITION Warehouses: ST. LOUIS. MO. KANSAS CITY. MO. PEORlA. ILl.. LlNCQLN, JLL. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN CHICAGO. ILL. had many requests to furnish dining tables to match. They ha-...1edecided to comply .vith the request of their friends to the extent of making a limited numher of styles of t.ables to match the buffets and chinas. Once started on the dining table proposition, there is no telling where it ",ill end--very likely in a big. addition to their already large plant. In Old Detroit. The Pioneer 1Tanufactming C011111allY have rtcently brought out several nev,' patterns 9£ baby carriages, with rattan bodies, leather tops and steel gears, which have new features ill the way of receptacles for small parc.els, They are made after the Eng-lish styles, and can acco111modiateone or two children, They also have a large and fille line of reed and rattan chairs and rockers, \vhich are made HI> from the best stock and most careful work-manship. The Possclius Brothers Furniture 1lanufacturing Company have received their 1!:J08spring catalogue of dining exten~ion tables. It is a handsome book. showing their full line, and there are so lllany good ones in it that it \vOldd be a task to describe them. They are all sellers, and good valnes. The Palmer lvIallufactnring Company are showing some beautiful specimens of decorated parlor and library tables and pedestals, in their famous Rook\vood finish. These are among the most attractive tables on the market, and al'e sure to hayc: a large sale. The Detroit Rack Company have brought out a new ,~tecl collapsible go-cart, which it is claimed is the only coHapsibie go-cart in ·which thc wheels are entirely hidden from view when the cart is folded; in fact, when it i:'\ folded and taken in hand like a grip or suit case it is impossible to tell whether it is a go-cart or 110t. I. C. \Vidlnan & Co, brought Ollt a "large tllllllber of ncw patterns of bnffets and china closets, [or the spring trade, and so well were they received by the huyers that they have Pioneer Manufacturing Company DETI{OIT. Mien. Reed Fnrniture Baby. Carriages Go-Carts Full line sLown on i second floor, 1;\ 19 i MicLigan Ave., Chi_ ca~o~In January. Palmer Mfg. Co. DETROIT. MICH. Murphy Chair Co. MANUFACTURERS OF WOOD AND IRON FRAME Wire Mattresses MANUfACTURERS DETROIT, MICH, SPRING BEDS. COTS AND CRIBS. ALSO PARLOR AND UBRARY TABLES. Write for llluurated Circular. WE'VE GOT THE GOODS. A COMPLETE LINE 10 Cut Rate Funerals in Baltimore. If there is in Grand Rapids any thrifty citizen who has a hankerillg for a stylish funeral at a bargain, let him pack his grip at once and hurry away to Baltimore, remarks the Press. Funerals can he had in Grand Rapids, and very good funerals, at prices to suit all purses, but for the end of the world oargains Baltimore -is the choice spot in the United States today. The reason for this is that an undertakers' war is in full swing at Baltimore. The funeral directors aTe cutting prices and advertising their CLlt rates 'in the newspapers. An up-ta-date Baltimore funeral can now be pnrchasec1 ready made, including five rubher tired carriages, a massive hearse with black horses, a "mahogany" casket with silver handles, silyer name plate, suitably engraved, burial suit or robe, grave dug to order, according to plans and specifi-cations, warranted embalming, correct public advertising, rugs, chairs, pedestals, call(lIes, silver and gold crucdixes. necessary draperies and six pair of white gloves, <11sothe operations lleCessary to the deceased's final toilet and one large buneh of crepe for the front door-all for the sum of $75. The firm which advertises this particular bargain com-bination adds: "Let competition try to match it ~ They wilt either charge you marc or give you a funeral that is not complete!" Think of a fUlleral that is 110t complete! The billboards have also been utilized in the war and HOWthere are many reminders of the hereafter scattered about tOWll in the form of pictures of huge coffins and placards bearing the cheerful inscription: "Try our hlllerals! You will never use any other." This guarantee is doubtless "afe. It has never yet been fJ11estionea. \Vhile Balfimore is enjoying cut rates in this particular line it is doubtful if the Grand Rapids bargain hunter would figure out any great saving should he jOUTtl("y to Mary-land for his final public appearance. Funerals are appar-ently higher here than are the cut-rate offerings of the. price-slashing Baltimore undertakers, but still Grand Rapi..::lspos-se. sses the. tmiqu(', distinction of 11aving more undertakers in proportion to its size than any city in the United States and consequently competition keeps the rriee dO\vn to what seems it fair level, even when comparisons arc made with the Baltimore cut ra.te.. This statement that Grand Rapids has mare undertakers than any other city in the country may seem rather shock-ing to the averag~ Grand Rapids citizen, but it is neverthe-less declared to he true. It does not mean that the mor-tality rate is high here~there are living proofs to the con-h, ny-but it is simply the result of peculiar local con-ditions. One of the largest casket factories in the country is lo-cated here. So is it large emha ltping fluid factory. Other funeral accessories are made here. including hearses. A local undertaker who ki10ws the business thoroughly is aut1l.Ority for the statement that undertaking supplies are cheaper here than in any town in the country. 1t is easier to start into busil\(~sS here, too. he t1cdares. necause of the pres'ence of the casket factory ,Hid other factories a man can begin operations on a capital of $25. That is the reason he gives for the number of undertakers doilig business in the city. V,lhile Baltimore gets hargain funerals at $75, Grand Rap-ids is able to get a regular funeral at an average price of $100. Of course cheaper funerals can be secured, the scale running down in same instances below $50. It is also possible to secure more expensive funerals, with the cost mounting up to $1,000 or more. The $100 funeral is the average, however, for persons of ordinary means. "The cost of funerals in Grand Rapids runs from $iJO to 71R Tl.S'.7fL\J '\~ •• , 7ee"- $250," declared P. H. O'Brien of the firm of O'Brien Broth-ers, veterans in the undertakillg business in Grand Rapids. The average is about $100, This provides for a handsome casket, bearers' 'wagon, hearse, four or five carriages, minis-ter's services, the opening of the grave, floral doorpiece, embalming alld so all. "The cost is largely regulated by the price of the casket. The cheaper the casket the cheaper the funeral, and vice versa the more expensive the casket the more costly the ftmeral. The $100 average provides a good casket of hcLl1d-some appearance. Caskets range up in price above $1,000. A mahogany casket, copper lined, will run up to $400 or thereal::otlts. A metallic casket is still more costly. There have been caskets used that rail up to $600 or $700 at the wholesale price. It is seldom that they go al::ove that .figure. ;'The:'e are certain fixed charges outside the co~,t of the casket. These run up to the neighborhood of $50. They ;'.i-c:Emkl1l11ing, $10; hearse, $ft: pall bearer's wagon, $.'); carriages. $:l e(leh; floral door spray from $2.50 to $3, ;:IC~ cording to the si.-:e and the season; openi"g the grave, $4; r::lig:,otls services. $;'). Some of these fixed charges can be eliminated, such as the floral doo. spray and the religious sCt\'ices. Likewise they call be added to, some of the extra charges being ior thi~ dc.corating of the grave and more elabor-ate religious services. Just at present the prices of hacks. and the bearers' "..a..gol1 is lower than those quoted, owing to rate slashing, In,t T am giving the normal prices. "Undertakers are more nttIllerons in Grand Rapids in proportion to population than in any city of the United States. \Ve have three times as many as Detroit and t",..ic(' as many as Chicago in proportion to population.'" nlickley &. Rauschenberger, whose principal business is on the west side, quote a slightly lower average cost. Their figure is $97. They give the items making up this as follows: Casket, $50; hearse, $6; wagonette, $5; five hacks, $15; em-halming, $10; burial robe, $1; opening of the grave, $4. It will be noticed that these figures do not call for the minis-ter's fee or floral door spray, but they include a burial robe. "\-Vhen we aTl::ange for the minister, \\Te pay him $5," says ~'Tr. Ra1..1schenberger. "T ,nn told that where the families arrange with them the fee r1111Sfrom nothing to $10. One singer costs $3 and two cost $5." According to Bliekley & Rauschenberger's books they llad eighty funerals during the last year in which the cost ran below $90. Berton A. Spring, like O'Brien brothers, places the aver-age cost of a funeral at $100. "A well-to-do family wil1 go up to $150 or marc,'" de-clares Mr. Spring. 'hut $100 is a fair average. The casket of course largely regulates the price. Caskets rangc from $2:'1 up to $2,;')00. "The average of different undertakers vvil[ differ, ac-cording to the major part of their custom. Some confine their work largely to the poorer part of the population or handle contracts. The average of these might run. down to $50. The $100 average is for an undertaker who ooes a general business. not limiteo'to anyone class. "The fixed charges are practically the same. Embalming costs different prices, ranging from $5 to $2'5. The· average is' $](). The cost is governed largely hv the condition of the sl'hject aild the length of time that the body is to be preserved. "Tn the matter of extra incidentals there is a large range, depending upon the purse and desires of the family. \\There a burial robe or suit is used the price ranges from $5 to $25, with the average well down, say along about $8. For this price the entire equipment costs little more than would' be paid for linen and 11eckties under ordinary conditions. "As regards to h;tcks 'and so on, the items can be made high or low. The [lverage number of backs secured by the 11 DAVENPORT BEDS SOMBTHING NEW. Swell fronts and Tops. We ha"e tlte Line you want, and one that satistaaion. Wdre 118-w1lJ scad cuts and quote you prices that will Intered you • • WAITE FOR OUA CATALOGUE. T"OS. MADDEN, SON&. CO., Indianapolis, Ind. Show Rooms: 35 to 41 North Capital A.e. family is three or foul". There have heen funerals \'v"here it ran up above forty." Grand Rapids undertakers cannot fIgure out how a mahogany casket can he furnished at a $7;) funeral, as re-ported in the Baltimore story. The price of a solid mahoga-ny casket fUllS in itself up to several hundred dollars, even here \'v"here caskets are made. It is surmised that the Baltimore bargain article may he a thin veneer or an imi-tation. Here is a sample of the ads that have aroused the regu1ar- Made by Nelson-Matter Furniture Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. rate undertakers of Baltimore to indignation, but 'which are making business for the cut-raters. The ads are t:lken from a Baltimore newspaper: WM. COOK'S $75 Complete Funeral Is the Safeguard for the 11as5c5. There arc many undertakers who have: tried to copy this funeral and who ,voIJld deceive you by using my style and lllethpd of advertising. i (The method in vogue ,.., the present day underbkers is to add $:10 to $75 on every funeral bill for extras.) \\'hcll yOu engage me you pay for what you' know you get and not one cent extra. )'1y $75 CO*1P1etc funcral stands pre-eminently :1.'; the best and only cQmplete funeral for the one price. ! Following is another bargain offering, but it will be noted that "more elaborate" funerals are higher in price, 'which possibly means that all actual comparison between a regular $75 Grand Rapids funeral and a bargain Baltimore $7.') funeral would not show so bad for GnlBd Rapids after all. TURNER Funerals Save You SO Per Cent. \Vhen yOU arrange with Turner for one of his Completc $75 FUllerals you get the best of every-thing and you save 50 pcr cent on what others will charge yon for the same scrvice and goods. It i5 ~ folly to squander your money and deprive the living. The old-time idea of hllying the Casket and then paying extra for everything else has been relegated to oblivion hy Turner. \Vith him the price of the Ca,skct is the price of the Fl111eral. That price is Seventy-Five Dollars and not a penny 111ore. Tn all the more elaborate funerals, costing $100 or over, a brick or stOlle grave such as the ceme-teries charge $18.50 for is included \-vithout extra charge. Likewise solid mahogany, oak or walnut casket or heavy white, black or gray broadcloth on cedar, or a full couch casket, all with heavy extension rod handles. 12 ODD AND BEAUTIFUL FURNISHINGS. "Studios" of Artists. New Yorkers are getting the studio habit more and more and the word studio is misleading these days. ' Nat so very long ago to live in a studio meant that the occupant was a professional or a semi-professional, that he or she painted pictures or mode \led day or studied music or did something else called artistic. It meant usually that the pie, when there was a pie,was hidden under the sofa and the frying pan behind a portiere-for nearly always the studio fixings included a frying pan. At that time studio life was regarded by non-professionals as a mild sort of bohemianistll. From the artist's stand-point one very large skylighted room, which on occasion could be subdivided by curtains, or one large and one small room or alcove, constituted luxurious quarters, and in most studios of the kind improvised tables, cllairs and couches were highly regarded. Studios of this description and even humbler varieties all of them occupi('.d solely by artists, are now more plen~iful in New York than ever, just as there 'are now two artists for everyone of even ten years ago. In addition to such studios are dozens of others of imposing design and later construction, which comprise suites of richly appointed rooms. From these the frying pan is conspicuously absent. The chafing dish has driven it out. These too are occupied almost solely by artists-very successful artists. But there is a third class of studio buildings, almost new to New York and almost unknown in any other American city, which has developed in the last couple of years or so in ways quite unforeseen by the builders, who in one or two instances had only'Stlccessful artists in mind when they made thei.r plath. It was not till married couples and spinsters with snug incomes and bachelors who knew little or notbing about art and cared less began to drop i.n and quiz the janitor about the renting price of a two or three or four room studio and ask to see it, that O'''7/1ersawoke to the fact that living in a studio seemed to have attractions for very many persons who were not working at any sort of art and who had not the least leaning toward any form of bohemianism. For reasons not very clear to the Owners these inquirers in in-creasing numbers "vere anxious and willing to close a bar-gain for a two room and bath studio with no kitchen privileges to speak of at the cost of a five room house-keeping apartment in a high class apartment house. Few of these newer studios stand long empty. For in~ stance, in one new studio building so-called uptown which contains thirty-odd studios ranging in size from two to four rooms arid bath and in which fewer than one-half the tenants are artists-using the word in its most comprehen-sive sense-there are only two vacant studios. In a building containing studios of palatial dimensions, in which live families at a cost far in excess of the cost of living in a first class apartment house, there is only one vacant -apartment. In a centrally located studio building altered from a private house and afterwards equipped with an elevator and three one room and alcove and bath studios to a floor there arc only three artists in the building and no vacancies. And yet in no one studio is there anything ap-proaching a kitchenette, and the rents are very high. Se,'eral of the tenants are men; the majority an'. women, who cheerfully do without an imposing entrance hall or any sort of room where callers may wait while being announced in order to live it] a studio building. In a similar house not far from Madison Avenue, and minus an elevator, tcnants climb two and three flights of stai'rs and pay $850 a year for a one room aleove and bath studio lacking many of the picturesque features of those in regular studio buildings, and they do it without grumbling. Plans are in progress for the erection of two large studio buildings in Ncw York, one of which is below Central Park, and already, it is said, persons who haven't the least in-tention of following artistic pursuits are putting in tentative bids for accommodations in them. This shows the trend of things. • An agent for one of the new studio buildings, who acknowledged that one-third of the tenants were not artists gave these reasons' for the growing popularity of studi~ quartcrs: First, windows; second, style of rooms; third, a deske for something different; fourth, a desire to shirk re-sponsibility. "A tenant who moved fronT a seven room apartment to one of our four room studios," said the agent, "told me that she wanted to entertain informally for a while, which was her reason for moving. I confess I didn't know what she meant, but as her references, both financially and socially, were of the highest, I was only too glad to let her have the studio, which has no kitchen privileges. I don't know now how she entertains." A tenant in a similar studio made it quite clear, however. "No cooking allowed in the studios" is a rule of the building, but the studio referred to is equipped with a kitchen-ette, a very small room communicating with a dumbwaiter. Tn this place are a small electric stove, an ice box, a cellarette and a sink witll running water, -In the dining room of the studio are a chafing dish, a tea urn and a coffee urn. As a prospective tenant gravely informed the agent when the no cooking clause was repeated to her, a chafing dish is now an important feature of every household. To prepare tidbits in it is part of the role of every hostess who pretends to understand the art of entertaining at alL And the agent, with a reminiscent expression in his eye, agreed with her. The tenant referred to explained that meals are sent to studios via the dumbwaiter when they <lre ordered fTOnt the house kitchen and that none of the tenants attempts or has any desire to attempt cooking <t hcarty meal. With chafing dish tidbits it is different. i "I am living in a studio," she confessed, "in order to shake a lot of servants for awhile and to have an excuse for doing things informally. In a house or a large apartment formality is necessary. "Then:~ 111ust be a certain number of servants standing around. In a studio guests are willing, they are delighted in fact, to wait on one another. They expect to do it. "No matter what form of entertainment is given or whether one has a studio with a kitchen or without a kitchen, the mere fact that it is a studio entertainment which is given simplifies -the affair at once and makes it easier for a hostess to give." Some of the most' attractive of the newer studios are duplex, that is they have one large room, presumably the studio propcr, which non-artists Use as a living roont; a smaller room, used as a dining room, and a kitchenette on aile floor and two rooms and a bath on a mezzanine floor, reached by a winding stairway broken by a landing lighted hy a decorative window. The smallest and least expensive studio of this style rents for about $1,100 a year, and there are some in which the main floor includes a huge studio or living room as the case may he, having at one end a winding staircase conuecting with a mezzanine bakony, from which open several sleeping rooms,_ a dining room, kitchen, 'butler's pantry, etc., opening off the living room. The rent of such studios soars away up in the thousands. But big or little, duplex or single the modern studio has wonderful windows as a rule and' a lack of monotony in its general architecture, and this, as the agent observed, RICHMOND CHAIR CO., Richmond, Ind. DOUBLE CANE LINE See Our New Pallerns Catalogues to the trade. appeals to most \vomen. Two story winc1O\,vs, with small panes above and long casemcllttike pan.;:s below and extend-ing across a whole side or end of a room, present \'v'onderful possibilities in drapery effects; and it is windows of this sort and a queer looking alcove here and projection there and an odd door in another place 'which often reconcile tenants to high rents and to squec;,,;ing themselves into comparatively restricted quarters. The furnishings of the new class studios occupied by other than artists form one of their IilOst attractive features. Here as nowhere else is individuality in taste exercised. The tenant of one told a friend frankly that her idea in living in a studio was that she might furnish it differently from the average apartment. To that end she has grouped in her living rooms odds and ends of furniture and all almost Persian variety of colors, and yet the effcct is distinctly good. 1n one the tenant, who has a lovc for everything Japanese and a good sized pocketbook, has produced very beautiful results without adhering with painful strictness to Orient.1.1 colors and fabrics. For cX<lmple, the ".valls of the living rOom nre covered to within twelve inches of the ceiling ,,,,-ith Japanese paper in a green, brown and yellow foliage Jcsign, dotted wjth gay plumaged birds. The ground work of the paper is a soft gray and the ceiling and plain frieze are of the same tint. The floo!" moulding, ahollt fi\'c inches wide, and tbe narrow moulding betweC'n the wall papn and frieze are of black enamelled "va ad picked out with gold. There is a parquet tloor ill era::::y p"tterlls, OVC1-which are spread a few small Persian rugs. The windows, occupying the entire end of the roOm, are draped with fine lace sasll curtainsl with liberty silk curtains very soft a11-:1 thick of gray with fine tracings of yellow hanging full length on either side. 1n one corner is a teakwood table about four by three feet ltavil1g a marble top sunk into the frame and on the top of it a solid brass lamp l"vith a tentlike shade of gorgeous tinted glass. Some other things in the room nre a divan with te:rk-wood legs and frame and a cane scat piled with a dozen pillows, showing many examples of Japanese fabrics in many colors; two huge carved teakwood chairs, sotne side chairs of hlack and gold rattan, two teakwood stools, a teakwood tahollret and a corncr cabinet of tcakwood about five feet tal[ and four feet wide. without glass doors, the shelves loaded with curious brass and gold ornaments, picked 11p in antique shops: There is an ebony piano and stool, and the room is lighted from the sides, clusters of queerly tinted bulbs in chrysanthemum shape toning the light. The room did not look at all like ;l drawing room, nor like a studio. It was far more charming than the average studio of even the richest artists. There ,vas not a single picture on the walls. The dining room sho\ycd a departure from strictly Japanese effects. The furniture was of early English design in weathered oak, the chair~ having seats of Japanese leather in green and gold tones. 1\ panelled dado five feet high of dark wood surmounted with Japanese paper in gorgeous floral desigll lined the room. The low buffet of weathered oak showed only some curious copper dishes with grotesque handles and mountings. There was no silver in sight. The bedroom of the mistress of this studio had a per-fectly plain pale pink tinted wall, with white enamelled moulding and baseboard. Almost covering the ceiling was a Japanese umbrella in which many colors were grouped in a chrysanthemum and conventi<>11al binl pattern. Patches of rich yellow and of old blue were combined with crimson and with black. The bed .. the cheval glass and dressing table were of white enamel, cretonne similar in color to the umbrella draping the bed and being caught up in a crown over the dressing table. The two easy chairs' in the room were upholstered in the same cretan. Almost covering the floor was a plain a trifle darker in tint than the \"'a115. In was a set of costly Japanese armor, and swords decorated the dining room. The bedl"ODm of another studio presided over by a bachelor woman of means is very different. It contains an ungainly low bureau of mahogany. It unquestionably is an antique. The narrow mahogany floor, the sewing tahle are match. "I hate things that match," said the owner. "That's \vhy T ·wanted a studio so that I could furnish it in any oU style that appealed to me. No one expects periods followed exactly in a studio." In her dining room instead of a round table is one with two folding leaves, a reproduction of <"Ill old timer. Her buffet matches tbis and is adorned with some old fashioned bits of silver. A.gainst the plain buff wall hang several large pictures light weight rug the entrance hall cTossed Japanese bed, the two equally quaint small rugs on the and no two things 13 ALASKA QUALITY Guarantees perfect insulation, circulation and the moJ! econom-ical consumption of ice. They insure the dealer a satisfied customer every time. Zinc, White Enamel, Porcelain and Opalite Linings. ASK FOR CATALOGUES AND PRICES. The Alaska Refrigerator Co. EXCLUSIrE REFRIGERATOR MANUFACTURERS MUSKEGON, MICHIGAN t4 MICHIG71N • ., 7 f of English hunting scenes. Tn her living room is a wonderful carved chest ill the corner furthest from the windows and there are several old high back chairs, the seats upholstered ill faded tapestries. One call buy faded tapestries now in the shops, the owner said. or what looks like old faded fabrics and are really new and consequently will last longer. The tahks, chairs, ornaments and andirons in front of an open fireplace were nothing jf not odJ and the designer had been careful to keep to dark effects. For this reason her very beautiful windows stand out in greater relief. These windows reach from floor to ceiling and extend clear ac·ross the rOom. There are casements opening like doors and about six feet tall. Above the casements is a continuous double row of small panes of glass, perhaps 2~ feet wide. This top is shaded with a Venetian or fluted curtain in cream silk, which if desired can be pulTed up' into a few inches of space. Gathered sash curtains of the same fine soft silk drape the casements, and on either side of the window hang soft folds of dull yellow velvet, a narrow puff of the same mate-rial running across the tops of the Venetian curtain. The portieres at the doors are of yellow vdvet. The popularity of Japanese grass cloth for walt covering and of mission cloth and craftsman cloth, and a sort of crash jute, self-toned, for portieres, is noticeable in 011(' studio building w[lere the appointments arc not of the ex-travagantly expensive order. Cotton velvet for portieres is also much used in the living rooUl. Another Iloticeabk thing is the partiality shown to flowered cretonne for bedroom furnishings. In one case there was a deep pleated valance of pink rose patterned cretonne on a white ground above the windows, and curtains of the same material, which could be dr,n"lll close together or separated, hung below tlle valance. The small bed had a valance and spread of this oretOl1ue, and the large wicker chairs were cushioned with it. The walt was covered with a pale yellow, narrow striped paper. The dining room of this studio W,lS a study in old blue achieved at very moderate cost. 'Old blue figured paper, self-toned, covered the walls, to mcet a plate rail placed about six feet from thc Aoor. Above this· rail the- wall was crcam cotor. 1'l1e furniture was in mission style, made of weathered oak, the chairs having rush scats. A serving table with drawers took the place of a buffet, and it was topped with a chafing dish. There was a plain blue rug on the floor. The walls of the living room \-vere draped with old gold Javanese grass cloth, which made a good background for a large array of water colors and photographs. The por-tieres were of a soft brown craftsman cloth, with a stencilled border in a queer looking conventional design of soft greens and yeHows. Cushions of the same material were used on a high backed sofa and in several roomy chairs of the mission order. There were -floor book shelves along one end of the room topped with bits of pottery. A big cabinet was filled with odd bric-a-brac. Curtains of net draped the windows, offset with side draperies of the brown craftsman cloth. The floor rug was in variegated 50ft colors. N one of the new studios, all agent said, is decorated Ul1- til the tenant has signed his or her lease, so that individual preference can be considered in the color of wall paper and woodwork. Many tenants with ideas more extravagant than the agents' decorate at their own expense and add space saving devices like a mirror door and built in cabinets and book shelves at considerable cost. vVhat they spend in this fashion is marc than made up by what they save in servants' wages, some of them think. The up-to~date studio building includes usually a man who can do valeting. Chambermaid service is furnished without extra cbarge and meals are served to those who want them at a very moderate charge. It is possible therefore .to get on very comfortably \vithout hiring servants by the month. --Sun. The Attitude of the People. Every merchant should cmploy tests from timc to time to ascertain the attitude of the people of his town and vicinity towards his store. Prizes for suggcstions as to the best method of improving the service and as to goods that ,should be kept in stock, the delivery of good.'! and kindred subjects, bring out many usditl ideRs from the ladies and a~jsts the merchant in ascertaining where he is "at." The prizes should be displayed (n the windows a week be-fore delivery to the winners. Henry Schmit n Co. HOPKINS AND HARRiET STS. Cincinnati. Ohio' makers of Uphol&tered Fornitore LODGE and PULPIT, PARLOR, LIBRARY, HOTEL and CLUB ROOM ~Mlf!fHIG7fl'J Sturgis, Mich. Sturgis is very much on the riWp of ::'vlichig811these days. rt is one of the busiest little cities in southeru Jdichigall. \,Vith live furniture factories, the largest steel go-cart works in the \""cst, if not in the cou1Itry, and several other factoric", includillg a well equipped woodworking machinery plant, and heing on the linc of three railroads, ,llld in 011(' of the best agricultural sections of1Iichig'an, it call110t help hut be prosperous and the people happy. Among the important manufacturing industries is the Royal Chair company, makers of the Royal Push Button I\forris chairs, and the Reg"al. noth of these lines aTe great sellers and among the rnost popular in the Coulltry. TIlt Royal is the original push hutton :'\lorris chair, and shipments of these chairs <Ire made to all parts of the country. Their catalogue will tell the rest, and may be h:-ld for the asking. The Sturgis Steel Go-Cart cornp;my have placed on the market a go-cart which they have named "The Best." These are among the reason.'> for giving it this name: "It opens and collapses instantly, with ant touching the wheels, therehy not soiling the gloves or hands. It opcrates so easily that a mother can open and close it "vith a child 111 her arms. It is made of _"tecl thronghout; it is slrollg and highly en-ameled. It has a perfect flexible spring, that will operate at five pounds weigh,t, and is still a spring at flity pounds. It has a long, solid back of leatherboard that will never w-arp, and is a perfect support for it child's back. It has a large, generous hood, works automatic, not a moment's delay. ::\1"0 thumb screws to opcrate. This company has sent two MANUFACTURERS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER &. VENEERS SPECIALTIES: ~l"1'f'E'BQUAR. OAK VEN EERS MAHOGANY VENEERS HOFFMAN BROTHERS COMPANY 804 W. Main St.. FORT WAYNE, INDIANA 15 expert s;l1csmcn to England and the continent of Europe, ;111c\ recently received a sample order from Australia. A carload \vent to Los Angela.", Cd., and another to Seattle, Made by Woodard Furniture Co., Owosso, Mlcn. shows that Sturgis steel go-carts afe going round the earth. "The hand that pushes the Sturgis steel go-cart rules the world." The Aulsbrook & Sturges Furniture company has some-thing important to say on another page, which is too long to be incorporated in this letter. Look it up. The Stebbins and \Vilhelm Furniture company report a fair trade, with prospects goot!. They are going to bring out some higher grade goods for the fa!! trade .. The Grobhiscr & Crosby Furniture company have lhe largest table factory in sottthcrnMichigau, and their trade ex-tends from one end of the c01l11try to the other. Its a great line. Traveling salesmen, returning from their first trip to the furniture manufacturing centers, report stocks in the hands of re-tailer:; generally very low. Morton House ( AmericanPlan) Rates $2.50 and Up. Hotel PantJind (EuropeanPlan) Rates $1.00 and Up. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. The Noon Dinnet Served at Ihe Pallililld fot SOc is THE FINEST IN THE WORLD. J. BOYD PANTUND, Prop. 16 HORN BROS. MFG. CO.·~;C~~~:s"~7Lt BEDROOM FURNITURE OUR SPECIALTY Good. displayed at tbe Manufacturen-' Futniture Excha.nze. Wabash and 14th St. andwith Hall & Knapp, 187 Michia"an Ave".Cbicago. Ul. DRESSER No. 629 -Golden Quartered Oak, $18.50: Genuine M,,!wBany,Veneer< d, $19.50; Birdseye Maple, $19.50; Genuine Tuna Mahopny, $19.50. CHIFFONIER No. 6o-Golden Oak,$I9: Genuine Mahogany Veneered, $20; Bifd~- ~ye Maple. $20; Genuine T lLQaMahogany, $20. DRESSING TABLE No. IS-Golden Oalt. $13; Genuine Mahogany, Veneered, $13.50; B!Tdieye Maple. $13.50; Genuine Tuna Mahogany, $13.50. EMPLOYEES RECEIVE DIVIDENDS. H. B. Graves Gives His People Share in Profits and a Dinner. After entertaining his employees at an elahorate dinner at Teall's hall, Rochester, N. Y., all February 12, H. B. Graves gave out the largest number of dividends to them he has yet distributed in the eight years in which he has followed the cu'stom of sharing with his people the profits of his business. One hundred and forty-five plates were laid. every matI having the privilege of bringing lvith him either his wife or .a friend. Rev. E. P. Hubbell, of Corn Hilt llilethodist Church, was the guest of honor and last speaker. Mr. Graves talked on "An Ideal;" R. Southgate, on n '08," and C. S. Todd was toastmaster. F. G. Beach \vas heard in an original poem entitled "A Little Rhyme to Pass the Time." All new employees wore pink bibs presented to them by the others. Invitations had been sent to persons who were at former dinners hilt who arc not' now in the dty. Among these were L. Dean Cady, of Los Angeles, Cal.; l\'frs. Helen Fisher Mc Laughlin, of St. Louis; who has sung at the annual dinner, and H. Wilbor Graves, IV1r. Grave's son, who last year wrote a poem for the occasion, a~l(l is in Dartmouth College. Mr. Graves said that it was only once a year he had the opportunity of seeing all his people together. He said he be-lieved there was among them an unusual degree of the fraternal .spirit. Rochester had been more fortlmate than most cities. in the results of the financial depression, he said, as he plunged into advice as to financial wisdom and business methods. The recent panic should teach the excrcise of prudenc~ even in times of prosperity, he said. Progress and enterprise were good bDt lessons in thrift and economy were also needed by the American people, he ,;'3aid. rVlost of aU, econOmy of time was necessary in business. Mr. Hubbell!s subject was "Absorptioll." "To yOll who 'wear bibs,''' said he, "I would say. absorb, and come up in the ranks. May I use a street phrase? 'Soak in,' and you won't always wear a bib. Absorb the sunshine of life. for this is what the world needs, Absorb the sunshine of hope, of courage and of victory. May your checks be large, your success great and sunshine all the \vay." All employees who had been in Mr. Grave's store two years or longer shared in the dividends. Those who received them for the first time were given bank books, the others. checks. Fifteen books were given out, the checks numbering forty.. The first dividends of eight years ago were according to salaries, but now all in the establishmellt, whether manager of a de~ partment or a deaner of floors, have shares. These were based On what the employees would have had from $30,000 worth of stock at 6 per cent. interest. the first year, but 110W they aggre-gate more. Eightv-five persons arc on the pay roll. l\'liss -Bedelia Parkhurst pJay"'d a piano number, Miss Ruth Stevens recited ;'The Baldheaded 1hn." J. L. "Wentworth ~ang a tenor solo, :1\'li5.'> N. M. Robbins and F. E. Robbins played a mandolin and guitar duet and H. Plumb gave a violin solo. Making the Old World New. At the annual pub-lie dinner of tl12 National Society for the Promotion of Industrial Education, held at'the Audito-rium Hotel, Toastmaster Theodore v\'. Robinson. First Vice- President of the Illinois Steel Company, and Chairman of the Illinois State Committee, said in part: "The Society for the promotion of Industrial Education is the organized recognition of a vital defect in the edu-cational system of this country. The ultimate aim of this Society is to promote the prosperity and happiness of our coming generations by increasing their collective efficiency. That there is an awakening to the importance of this movement is evinced by the character of this very meet- .ing, by the personnel of the delegations to this ~onvention and by the fact that thirty-nine states have already or-ganized committccs for promoting Industrial education. Legislation upon this subject has been e~actcd by the states of Massachusetts and \Visconsin, and there has hecn at least one notable bill introduced in congress bearing upon the matter. It is not poetic license, then, to say that the convention to which this dinner is a preludc is unique among conventions in this convention city. "This country has been sleeping the self-complacent sleep of conndence born of sttlpendous resources and wonrlerful inventive genius, but other nations have possessed them-selves of our inventions, and Germany, comparatively poor in nature's herit<lge, is surpassing us in the market of the world. "The Industrial Education of Europe is making the old world new, while apathy and obsolete methods arc making our new world old. Our educational development has not kept pace with the marvelous chrlllgcs th;lt Inve taken pl.acc in the last generation, and it is time th8t we awake jf we are to attain our natural destiny. "TIle efficiency of a laborer would not have to he extra-ordinarily increased to raise his earning powe't twenty-five cents a day, yet such a difference in the earning capacity of our wage-earners would pay our national debt in about two years time. The cen5US reports of HW5 shm.v that there were 5;470,321 wage-e.\"rners. If their average daily earning capacity was increased twenty-five cents it would amount to over four hundred million dollars per year to them, to their cmployersand to the country. These figures are startling. bnt art;: indicative of the material reward which might be expected. The movement for which our society stands Ol_ppealsto considerations broader than selfishness or avarice an.j wi}] brook no opposition born of mistakes; self-illterest or desire for restrictive monopoly. Vle stand for the fundamental principle of just opportunity for alL 17 The Manistee Manufacturing Company DRESSERS' Dre .. er No. 320 From $ 6.50 To 17.00 fJJ A sample order will convince you that our goods and prices are right. 1908 CATALOGUE now ready Dreuer No. 305 Reliable and Substantial Furniture SUCH AS WE MAKE IS EVER THE SOURCE OF PLEASURE AND PROFIT TO THE RETAILER AND THE PURCHASER ROCKFORD CHAIR AND FURNITURE CO., Rockford,III. [8 ESTABLISHED 1880 ~UIllL.laHECl .v MiCHIGAN ARTISAN CO. ON THE 10TH AND 25TH OF EACH MONTH QFFICE-108,110, 112 NORTH DIVISION ST., GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. ENTERED ~e MIo1'Tl!R OF THE SECOND OLII.aa In his address to the adyertiser's club, of Grand Rapids, recently, O. H. L. \Vernicke, of the Macey ~ompany, declared that it would have been impossible to rescue that company from bankruptcy but for the \york of his predecessor, Fred Macey, as an advertiser. The name of Macey was given as much fame as that of the great merchant Macy, of New York by liberal and judicious advertising. Mr. Wernicke originated the sectional bookcase, and when he commenced the operation of his modest little factory on Nicollet Island, Minn., about fifteen years ago he entered upon his career as an advertiser. Among the first orders received were a number from Grand Rapids, and his success is familiar to all. °to °to The third week of February was a notable one in the history of the furniture trade of St. Louis. A large nnmber of retailers spent the week in that city, and the enterprising manufacturers entertained their guests as royally as if it were a pleasure to make bonfires of bank and govemment issues. Banquets, theater entertainments, smokers, tours of the city, and visits to the factories were among the pleasures provided. The manu-facturers of St. Louis are noted for their liberality and the many resources they bring into action whenever opportunity offers to do something for the credit of their city and the strengthening of the industry in \vhich they are engaged. °to °to Successful merchant owe a lot to the boys and girls in their employ. They should be properly instructed and cared for, en- COlt raged to be neat, and to devote their energies strictly to busi-ness. The wise merchant is ever looking among his young people for those who are deserving of promotion. The boys and girls employed in one of the big stores of Boston meet every week to listen to talks from their employers. "How to be healthy," and other topics of personal interest are discl1ssed. °to °to A good superintendent is necessary for S11ccessin a furniture store. Such a one must know all abolit business and possess the energy, quickness and precision of a gatling gun. He must be able to answer one thousand questions on the instant and know all the points in human nature. Without this knowledge he is likely to assemble a lot of incompetent help in the ,<;tore. A popular dealer in a westcrn town invites his friends and customers to his store once each year to celebrate his birthday. Entertainment is provided, and much good follows the thought-fulncss and kindly consideration evinced by the merclHlnt towards his patrons. °to °to Merchants have a right to expect that the demand created by manufacturers advertising trade marked goods shall be supplied from their floors. Advertised goods draw new cus-tomers-- enstomers of other stores where advertised goods are not sold. °to °to The wise store manager, in dealing with his help, elllploys tact, good nature and optimism to bridge over trouble.. By 71Ra T 1.5'.7f..l\I 7 ee keeping friends. alone. on the sunny side of the road he wins and keeps By keeping on the shady side he has a chance to walk °t" °to "All advertising of trade-marked goods is retail advertising in the end," remarked Howard Ireland of Philadelphia. Re-tailers should aim to secure the benefit of such advertising and not allow the advertising manufacturer to reap the same. °t" °to 'When the mind is cheerful and vigorous the best results in salesmanship are attainable. Interest is centered in the work of the hour. The remembrance of last night's bird and a cold bottle or two often defeats a sale. °to °to The manufacturers of furniture at Ft. Smith, Ark., five in number, issue a catalogue jointly. Dealers approve of the plan as it. furnishes information concerning the lines manufactured in that city in a convenient form. "to °t" Why is not t,he dealer entitled to reap the benefit of the interest in and the demand for an 'article that has been ex-tensively advertised by the manufacturer? "'to °t" A fire place is considered a good center piece in window decoration, but it does not excite as much interest as a group of romping puppies or a live alligator. °to °to Who says it does not pay to carry articles advertised in the magazlOes III stock? The Artisan would be pleased to publish "his say'! on the subject. "to "to Manufacturers owe a debt of gratitude to retailers who handle trade marked and adverthed goods and push their sale vigor-ously. °to °to The dealers who keep thoroughly advertised articles in stock are not obliged to turn away enqlliries .for the same. °te. "to A prompt decisiol.l in a mattcr of business is of more value than a decision uttered too late. "to The first and fundamental attention to business. "to principle of b~Jsiness is strict "to Have you planned decorations "to for windows for Easter week? Everything for the Bedroom. A visit to a show room which contains eleven hUlldred pieces of bedroom furniturc is a rare treat for the buyer visiting Grand Rapids. This display is at the factory of the Sligh Furniture Company. 'When one has time to wander leisurely through aisle after aisle and admire the hundreds of beautiful patterns of bedsteads, dressers, chiffoniers, dressing tables, desks, chairs, chevals, and stools in mahogany, tuna mahogany, circassian walnut, birdseye maple, and quartered oak, and fcast his eyes on beauties of crotch mahogany, as shown in the bedsteads, and the beautiful figures in the walnut veneers, to admire the beautiful styles. There is nothing loud but everything is in good taste, showing the thoughtfulness and care of a master mind. After pulling out drawers and noting- the careful construction, and the finish, one feels like taking off his hat to' the producers of the line. Readers expect to be told of the various periods and old time masters, consulted by the designers, but what's the use? The only way to appreciate this magnificent display is to see it, on any business day of the year. SECOND HAND GLASS. Many Practical Uses Found for Old or Broken Plates. Among the innumerable things that may be bought second hand is window glass. \Vhat with the demolition of old build-ings and the breaking of \vindow.'>;old and lltW, there come into the market large quantities of second hand glass; but for all this 15 a demand .. f'or one purpose or another, down tQ the last scrap, When a dealer in second hand building materials buys a building to .vreck for the materials contained in it he is 110t likely, jf this building sbouJd contain a plate glass front, to take that ont himself. Dealing in second hand plate, or, as it is called, salvage glass, is a business by itself. So when the house wrecker has a plate glass front to sell he sends to a deale!' in salvage glass, \vho comes and looks it over, measures the plates and notes their condition and makes an offer; an offer that is likely to be satisfactory, for plate glass is a valuable commodity, and the dealer is ready to give what it is worth. Salvage glass in good condition can be sold at a price not vcry far bcluw that of new. Broken plate glass the house wrecker and dealer in second hand building materials takes to his own storehollses, and this he may sell along in smaller or larger quantities to varions buyers, keeping whatever is not sold in this manner until he has accumu-lated a lot of such glass, enough to pay for handljng, when he sells the lot to a dealer in salvage glass. And the dealer in second hand building materials can sell broken sheet glass to glaziers for repair work. Much of the salvage derden; stock comes from the plate glass insurance companies, These companies have different methods. One company, for instance, keeps no stock of glass on hand, but buys \\rhenevcr glass is required to replace a broken pane, seIling the broken pane, if enough of it remains to sell. to a sahrag-e dealer. Another company may keep a warehollse of its own to \vhich it remove~ broken glass that may still be in fit condition for use. Perhaps one corner has been broken from a big light, practically new; such a pane can be cut down to fit some smaller window. 1n these days most plate glass everywhere is insured, but not all of it is. If an uninsured plate is broken the owner goes to a dealer. new or salvage. and gets a fres!1 plate put in, selling the broken glass to the sah'age dealer; ;md so from the insur-ance companies and the house wreckers and from nninsured glass the salvage dealers accumulate great stocks of second hand plate glass, which is disposeo of in various ways. Some of it may be in snch condition that it can be ceset any-where; some of it may be sold to go into Willdo> streets less conspicuoHs. A hig plate may come in \vith a deep sc,ratch in the middle. 1'rom such a plate they cut ont a strip containing the scratch, leaying- perhaps two clear smaller plates availanle for smaller windows. Architects may specify tllat Jlew gbs.:; shall be nsed in con-stfllction. but tnore or less salvage ghss is used in repair work and in replacing sheet glass. In a downstown city building that was built with windows of sheet glass the windo>vs have been reglazed with salnge plate, as have been also the glass w·jndows in the partitions of the offices on the ground floor. You might find a scratch here and there on this glass if you looked for scratches, hut the salvage plate is the old sheet. Glaziers buy the salvage plate to replace broken glass in smaller windows or to replace sheet gl.ass. There is an inter~ esting detail connected with the use of plate glass in place of sheet glas.:; in windows that are made to be raised. Plate glass weighs abollt three times as mllch as sheet glass, and of course to make the windows work properly the sash weights must be corrcspomllngly increased in weight. No.,v, in the sash ..,'eight pockets of the window framing as originally 19 constructed for windows wlth sheet glass there wouldn't be room for iron weights of the additional length required by the added weight needed for plate; lor with the added weight required the sash weights would be so long that you couldn"t raise the window to its full height or pull it down cortes:pond~ ingly. So when they replace sheet glass with plate in a window that opens they replace also the iron sash weights with weights of the same size of lead, \\'hich is three times heavier. Salvage plate that is too much scratched to be used again for window g-lass may be made into ground or frosted glass for use in office partitions or doors. Some of the salvage plate glass too small for use in window purposes is used for the glass doors of refrigerators; larger by Northern Furniture Company. Sheboygan, Wis. pieces may be used for glass tahle tops. A good many small fragments are cut for use as small. hand mirrors, though only clear pieces of glass can be used for this purpose.. Quantities of salvage plate of pieces too small for any sort of windows are used [<){' making glass signs. A dealer in salvage glass would not consider as remarkable an order for lO,llOll strips of plate glass cut to specified dimensions to be. made into glass signs. So the salvage glass has many uses, but after the last merchantable piece has been cut from it there stil1 remain the scraps and fragments in the cutting. Even the scraps and frag-ments can be sold; they don't bring much, but they do bring something. and these arc melted up and used in the manufac-ture of bottles.-Sun. Among the First. Among the first of the corporations and firms engaged in the making of metal beds was the Smith & Davis Manufacturing company, of St. Louis. In the year 1887 Mr, Davis, the presi-dent of the corporation, introduced hj5 line to the trade of Michi-gan, The beds were low and narrow, built of har iron, joined together with bolts, and painted black The beds were so well constructed that many are still in use. 20 ·f'~MICHIG.7IN ·'7 d HEARD ON THE FAST TRAIN. Bedsteads That Give Dreams Like the Figure Eight and Hair Renewer That SUpped a Cog in Results. "Speaking about bedsteads." observe\. Harry, the veneer man, ;'do you know that Uncle Sam is having all kinds of trouble in getting men for the ~rmy who are tall enough to command the respect of the effete monarchies of the smelly east?" Tommy, who sells bedsteads and other tbings, laid aside his newspaper and looked out into the corn country, through which the train was making its laborious way. Then he lighted a cigar, very deliberately, and turned to t11C speaker. "What's the answer?" he asked. "Eh? vVhat's what answer?" "Do you guess about soldiers and bedsteads and win something in a pink box if you get it right?" "Oh! The answer is that every generation of men 'is shorter than the prcceeding generation." "I know a lot of men down on \Vall Street who are rather short just now." "V-lell, it wasn't ).'our bedsteads that made them short, not in the way you mention, but it is the modern bedstead that is making the American race short in stature." Tommy pulled away at his weed and looked out into the corn country. He had an idea that Harry was trying to stir him up to the story-telling point. "You bedstead makers," continued the veneer man, "are shortening' your bedsteads in order to elongate your bank ac-counts. You arc too thrifty in the matter of lumber and iron. Every year you shorten up your bedsteads an inch." Thc corn country seemed to possess great attractions for the bedstead man. Tbe "ELI" FOLDlNfi BEDS ARE ORfAD A.ND PROfIT WINNERS No Stock complete without tbe Eli Beds in Mantel and Upright. ELI 0•M,ILLER•·a".CO· WEr'a~teDfo.r.clI1ItI5•a•ndJpnDceds l~. ON SAI.E IN FURNITURE EXCHANOE, eHICAOO. "And the worst of it is," continued the veneer man, "that the people who make bed clothing follow their leader in the matter of scant material. The clothes are made to fit the bedsteads. I'm not an extra long man, but, half the time, r have to sleep with my feet on a chair or a light stand, covered with an overcoat in cold weather. You chaps arc sure making a race of dwarfs." "I presume," said Tommy, "that the manufacturers make the kind of bedsteads-" l'Look at the soldiers of France. Are they short? They have to stand on a chair to look into the ,muzzles of their guns. Have you ever slept in a bed in gay Parree? \-VeU, that's the answer. Do yOU think you can raise a long man on a short bed? Not according to the latest returns." "I presume the bed makers find out-" "What is needed is a bedstead that will let a J!lan stretch out without getting corns on the sales of his feet. Then we shall be a race of giants, I should think you chaps would know better." "If the people want bedsteads-" "Look here! It doesn't cost any more to feed a tall man than a short man, does it? Besides, a fellow has to gro ..v. in some direction, doesn't he? Do you men who make short bedsteads ever think of that? Don't yOU know that if a man can't grow cast and west he'll grow north and south, about where he fastens his suspenders? You manufacturers give me pains!" Tommy looked out of the windOW and .gave up trying to get a word in, for the time being. Harry would show less speed in a minute. "Why don't you get up bedsteads like mother used to make? They were long, and wide, an.d high up from the floor, Vife used to hide under 'em, They wasn't much like the contrivances you make, the half-resters that give a man views of things reptillian in his dreams. r suppose you think the people are going to sleep with their knees tucked up under their chins so you can save an inch of lumber on a bedstead 1" "Quit it!" said Tommy. "If you had to sell bedsteads, you'd-" "Just because lumber is going UP, you want to turn out a lot of warriors that will have to use a step ladder to climb into a pair of adult boots. You ought to be arrested for condensing the human family." The veneer man chuc,kled and Rat back with a sat-isfied look on his face. Tommy turned from the window, and 'looked as' if he bad taken every word seriously. "1 t strikes me," he said, "that the men who are making bedsteads know the demands of the trade. I guess they aren't putting stick together in a shape that won't sell. If the people wan't short bedsteads we'll make em. How do you ,know that long beds will make long men? You've got to show me. Suppose we go and 'get up a lot of bedsteads so long that th~y (lave to h~introduced into the. upstairs rooms through the window, like a blooming piano, and the average height of people in that section is under five feet? I guess we'd be declaring divide'nds in surplus product, what? "You make me think of a man who had invested his all i.n a patent hair renewer, the only trouble wltll whic.h ,vas that it \vouldn't renew. He described his remedy for that billiard-ball effect in the mail order papers, and even hired a poet to make up a song about .it, but it wouldn't sell and he was, 'in consequence., living pretty close to the husks. You see, he was making something that wouldn't fill the bill, wasn't up to the sample, as it were." "\Vhat's that got to do with.a bedstead that makes a man have dreams like a figitre eight?" demanded the veneer man, with· a grill. "You b~eljto the prev'ious <111c5tio11." "Olle day th;" hair renewlst discovered a barber with a head of hair that was' a wonder. It was blonde, and soft, and fine, and plenteons. where the barber workcd lulu. Then, after about possessed of an idea." "I should think you'd ",,-ant to change the Harry. "Go on out OIl the platform and play brake while I read my paper." "He took the barber to one siue and showed him how he could acquire half of all the moncy there was in the world, reserving the other half for himself. <All you've got to do,' he said to the barber, 'is to go to some town v./.here you're not known and shave off that hair. Of course you don't have to reap it all. Just shave a spot on your dome about as big as Olle of Bauman's soup plates.' "The barber said that he ,..·.o.uld defend that head of hair with his life, and all that, but this promoter was long all talk. 'Then, when you get as bald on your 1111t as a brick, you get a job in a barbc·r shop,' he said to him, 'and I'll do the rest. Some day, soon, while they are reviling your barren coco, I'll drop in and ,1111l0UT1Ce that I've got a bottle of something that will make your head look like Sampson's in about two months. Then, wben you begin to ruh this dope on you quit shaving your hC2d. See? It is so easy that it seems a shame to take the money. You keep putting on the dope in the presence of the passengaire, and let the hair grmv. Harriman W111 be building railroads. to bring the bald-headed to us. and Rockefeller will be in on a special train. Nothing to it, barber!" "So the harber deprived about balf his llead of its luxu-rience and went to a town where he ,vasn't known and got a job in a shop. Oh, yes, they set the trap, all right. They accumulated coin about as fast as the niints could turn 1t out for a tithe, for it is an interesting thing to see hair growing on a pate heretofore as bald as a new drum. It looked like the rcne·wer was doing business according to schedule, and the men who were shy of hair in that valley were plenty. He used to drop into the sbop to admire that hair. It sure was a a week of adoration, he became subject," said you're an air "Then one day the barber sought his companion t1l crllne with a scared look on his face. 'See here,' he said, 'you told me there was nothing in this stuff that \Voulu injure the f01wdations of the curly locks I sacrificed for you. Look at that eminence! There isn't a thing between that slippery place up there and the solar system, Your dope's killed the roots. \Vhat are yOU going to do about it?' 'Now .. what could the promoter do about it? lIe had worked out a false proposition and got a stock of hair goods on hand that represented all his profits and all he could borrow. He was like a man who had warranted a seven foot man to every eight foot bedstead and fonnd 'em raising a mess of Tom Thumbs. lIe had deceived the public. as to what his product would do, just as yOU would do if you put ont a line of talk about long bedsteads. He had produced somcth'ing the public WQuld no longer buy. "\-Vhat could the poor man do? Besides all the loss, there was the barber, mourning his Sampsonian locks and likely to get a gun or a razor into play at any time. He got out of the state fl mile aheael of the barber, who is now the baldest man in his section." "\Vhat's the answer to that?" a~.ked the veneer man. "Besides," said Tommy, "yot! go and put tall soldiers in the ficld and they 'will get their heads knocked off the first shot. That \.-..i11make a demand for short men, and that will make ;] run on short bedsteads. According to your own rlguring, you'd he in worse shape than the barber." "And that," said tht: veneer mall, "i~all the sense a short-bed miln has." ,\ LFRED B TO~ER. Covered steam pipes are great money savers. Lockless Metal Folding Beds -Manufactured by the-- Sll'ETY FOLDING BED COl\1PANY (Ltd.) DETROIT, MICH. It has long pusse({ thl) experImental poInt, RDd is now TN\"- ognized as perfection in bed manufacturing. .It ha" been in practical use in tb6IJsands of homes for the paBt 8ix yeal';; aod each yeltr its· popularity bas iucrea!led. It is all establhhed fact thllt l\olETAT.. Beds are the most Sanitary, and that Folding Met_ al Beds are the most desJl'ub-le lor many reasons. It has been our aim to produce a :Folding l.\Ietlil Bed that combines all tbe qualities of the ordl-nar: r Btattonllr;r bed, and in addition have the folding feature simple and !'Iafe. It is as impoBsihle for a "Safety" bed to close up when. o('cu-pied as it would be for the ordinary bed ... 'l:n fad, the more ,';eigllt is in it, the more rIgid it Is. There are no welgbt~ ur complicated meehlUlism about the "Safety"; it is simplicity itself. It needs only to be tried w be appreciated. A whole bed when yoU want it. ODe~third of a bed when you don't, n'hen closed it can be moved about ~U!I eardly .\)8 a bub)· carriage. The bedding Is not dl$turbed and when covered bed stand~ back againlit the wall, leav-lug the floor space for utber U!l'&i. The Improvements during the past year (;Over nearly every point In mechanism, construction and ma-terial. There ba8 been abS()lntely noth~ log left undone that could add to the de-lIirability ot the "Safe-ty." A point that we wiBh to call your at-tention to, and one which every house-keeper will appreciate is this: There ilil no trouble in handling the mattrells, eoven or pillOWlI, as they Sire at ail time!!! securely fastened to the bed: The "Safety" .;t0ClInot monopolize a whole room when In use. It folds up to 'o.,e·tbird its size when open O'IJcupy:lng a space 14 x 82 inches." ,,\-cUb tbis bed a parlflr or ;UUng 1"0010may be used 1110 a :81ee~lng apartment without the slightest meonven. ience or discomfort. When; it'lio'pen it looks like a bed, not the great cumber-some, IIDWieldr;'. iin~ 8ightly thlng of the l\11st tbat llfffld to be called a folding bed. S tee I, l\Ialleable Iron and High Car~ bon Angle are used throughout, thu:;; as-suring a stl'fmg. dur~ Ilble lu.d thHt will Illllt a lifetime. Elich bed, regurd-lcs~ of dellign, price or sbe, IIliB the same "Ea!!!)' Lift" m(}{~han-iOlm, ball bearing call-· tel'S, tubular IiIpl'ing frame with clastic fabric,whtch not only insures Lwmf6J't but extt-eme ease in ope;ration. N(I lock!!! or weight!!! of any kind are u~ed on the bed. None are needed. ,.' Standard. 8.1z e 8 of 8pring frame are made in the foUowing width: 4 feet 6 \Debes, 4 feet, 3 feet 6 in('hes and S feet, ull 6 feet S inches long unless other~ wi!!!e ordered, M:at~ tresBeB of standard length and width can IJe used on Qllr beds_ ""e do not recommend any particular style or thieknestl. "':rite for DESCRIPTIVE CIRCVLARS AND PRICE LIST. Line on sale 1319 Michigan Ave., CHICAGO. 21 --------------------------------------- -- 22 Auls~roo~3 Stur~es furniture Co. Sturgis, Mich. from Our No. 556 Suite. ==~=WEMAKE BedroomSuites, $16 to $75 $44 $29 Sideboards, $13.50 to Princess Dressers, $12 to ASK fOR 1908 CATALOG. Menlion the Michigan Arlisan. The Aulsbrook & Sturges Furniture Co. Aulsbrook & Sturges have for morc than a quarter of a century been known as one of the most successful firms of furniture manufacturers in .Y1ichigan. While they have never attempted to go into the highest grades, their medium priced goods have always heen in demand because they were honestly made from good designs and finished as well or better than most medium priced goods on the market. Their line con-sists of chamber suites, sideboards and buffets, and while starting in a very humble way they have grown to one of the largest and most important houses in th~ir tine iu southern l\iIichigan. Five years ago Albert Sturges died, and his son, Chas. A. Sturges, a successful lawyer, took his father's place, in charge of the office. And while he was pain~aking, methodical and successful, his tastes were more faT the law than commercial pursuits, and so on January 1st he sold his interests ·in the firm Made by Aulsbrook & Sturges Furnit.ureCo., Sturgis. M.ich. to E. L. Jones and J. D. lVliskell, of Goshen, Ind.,' and the name has been changed to the Aulsbrook &. Sturgis Furn.iture Co. M. E. Aulsbrook, who has been maoufactLlring furni-ture for forty years, continues as the general head of the manufacturing department, while Mr. Jones, who as salesman, merchant and manufacturer has heen in the furniture business twenty-two years, has charge of the office. Mr. Miskell, who 15 also an old timer in the business continues to represent the company on the road, his territory being Ohio and Indiana. M. A. Schmidt, one of the stockholders, who came into the factory when it was started, he then being but a lad, has grown up with the business and retains his position as superintendent of the t;onstrl1ction department. Thus we see that the company, alwaY$ &trong, is much stronger by the new additions than ever. The company is coptemplating enlarging the tine by the addition of mahogany and circassian walnut, July 1st. Every effort wi1l be put forth to make this one of the most representa-tive lincfj in the' country. Their fine Ilew catalogue for 1908, which pe/lutiful1y illustrates their whole line, is out, and dealers who h,we not t'cceived a oopy may have one for the asking. A Budding Genius. lIe came to the city from a small town in Northern 11ichi-gall, where he "learned his trade" in a small cabinet shop at-tached to a planing mill. He was twenty-two years old, and had spent three long years at the benc1I,and "vas sure he had mastered every detail of the business, and felt himself fully competent to Jill any position in the largest furniture factory. In the littlc cabinet shop from which he graduated with such distinguished honors, on the last day of his third year, he had been employed in making kitchen ch;lirs and washstands, ironing boards, clothes racks, kitchen tables, mostly in bass-wood and elm, and on rare occasions had risen to the height of making panel bedsteads in maple, and dressers with three drawers and a looking glass. \Vhy should he not know all about making furniture? The next day after he arrived he boldly started out ill quest of a position of importance. I-lis first call was at the office of Clark, Jones & Co., famous for making high grade library, dining and chamber furniture, and asked to see the president. The office boy led the way to the president's private office, where he was ushered into the presence of a kindly faced gentleman who had spent forty-seven years in the furniture manufacturing industry and was kno~n as the best posted furniture man in the whole city. The president looked up from his desk as the young man en~ tered, and in a pleasant voice asked ·what he eould do for him? "I am looking for a position, sir, having learned my trade as a cabinet maker, and feel myself competent to manage your factory if you desire, sir." "You say yOll have learned you trade?" "Yes, sir." "How long did yOll serve?" "Three years to a day." "\Vhat kind of furniture did yOll learn to make?" "All kinds, sir." "Then you must be a valuable man, and I think we can employ you. But \vhat compensation do you expect ?'! "I do not understand you, sir." "¥lell, \vhat wages do yOll think you can earn?" "I have not received less than seven dollars a week and board for the last six months, but coming to the city I think I should have atkast eleven dollars a \\reek, as I have to board myself." ",""{ell,if yOll are fully competent to fill any position in our factory, you are certainly worth eleven dollars a week Ellt I wish to kno'ov a little mOTC about your qualifications. Are you an expert in laying crotcJ, mahogany veneers, so as to have the figures show perfectly?" "\Vhat are crotch mahogany ·veneers? 1 never heard of anything like that." "Are you an expert in crossbanding?" "~'hat is crossbanding?" "Can you take the designer's detail drawing and cut Ollt a chamber suite and have it exactly like the designcr's sketch, with very little waste of lumber? You know mahogany is very expensive. and that every inch mllst connt." ""Vhat's a chamber sweet? Never heard of that kind of furniture." "Do you know the difference between birdseye maple and circassian walnut?" "1 never heard of maple with bird's eyes, and the only walnut I ever secn 'ovasthe walnut trees we boys llsed to gather nuts from." "Are yom familiar with Chippendale, Hepplewhite, Queen Anne, the Louis XIV, XV and XVI. "Oh, say. now, Mr. President, I don't know any of those city people: this is thc largest town I ever was in and this is my first visit. ..... ""Vell, my young friend," said the president, "I hardly think :\,Ollare capable of rtlling every or any position in our fadory, 1)1.1t if you 'ovill go to the superintendent's office and apply for 23 a job as an apprcntic~, telling him you are anxious to learn the cabinet maker's trade, and that you will gladly serve seven years or longer :if necessary to become proficient; I will give yOll a note to hitjn requesting him to give you a trial. I have been forty-seven [years in this business, and have tried to tearn every detail, but: I am sure I have mastered but a small portion of it. However, I like yonr looks, and like to encourage budding genius. Now!we witt see the stuff you are made of." -M. C. Th~ Oklahoma Way. Ne1s Darling of qklahoma City, in an address delivered recently, described the I operation of "a eampaign of education" . , l1l trade that has been i introduced in that state as follows = "A campaign of e~ucation has been inaugurated in. many towns in my state. It iis not alone the farmer who sends away for his goods, but it is the merchant, and the banker, and real-izing this, in many tmyns in Oklahoma the merchants have 01'- associations wllich hold meetings, discuss the subject, and device ways and mean:s of bringing the merchants, the farmer, and aU consumers idto contact with each other. In some towns the merchants he operating a series of entertainments. Tickets are issued free lof charge to the business men of the town and fanners in the co~nmunity. At these entertainments ques-tions of interest to th~ local community and questions of po-litical eCOnomyare dis~ussed. The consumers and the farmers, are asked to speak. We find in some instances the merchant is to blame, in some caSes his prices may be excessive on some articles, 'while on others they are too low. lIe may not carry the kind of goods needed, He may underestimate his patrons' tastes and judgment. ,:1tpays to sell goods, whenever you can, It pays to educate the ipeople to buy the bst thy can afford. If the people in i the communit)· wish the merchants to carry stock whid:h wilt not alone be a convenience but a credit to the !people, stock which wilt enable them to look to their home: merchants instead of a market abroad, it is necessary that t~e people patronize the home merchant, giving him a volume of business which will justify him in carry-ing the proper stock ~lld maintaining the price which fiUs the needs and wants of the people." , Muske~uD. Mich •• MUSKEGON Y~LLEY FURNITURE COMPANY Odd Dressers Chiffoniers Wardrobes Ladies' Toilets Dressing Tables Mahogany Inlaid Good, Ladies' Desks Music Cabinets Line on aale in Manufacturel'll' Building, Grand Raptd-. EVANSVILLE LINES MANUFACTURERS' FURNITURE EXCHANGE Corner Wabash Avenue and Fourteenth Street THE BOCKSTEGE NEW SUPERIOR liNE EVANSVIllE ------ Fulllill,e of Samples on Exhibition throughout the year on the first floor of the New Manufactnrer8' Furniture Ea:ckange, Wabash Atl8. and 14th Bt., Chicago •. THE BOCKSTEGE FURNITURE CO., Evan.vme, Ind. Evansville Metal Furniture Co. EVANSVILLE, IND. MANUFACTURERS OF Metal Bedsteads ([ FuOline of Samples on exhibition during the entire year, on first Roar of the Manufacturers' F umilure Exchange, comer Wabash Ave. and I4th St., Chicago. THB WORLD FURNITURB CO. (Member of Big, Six Car LoaclinR" Association) EVANSVIllE INDIANA Manufacturers of Folding Beds (Mantel and UPl'ight). Buffet&. Hall Trees, China Closcu, Combination and Library Bookcaaes. Full line of samples on exhibition doring the entire year on first Aoor of the Manufaeturen Furniture uchange. corner Wabash Ave. and 14th St., Chicago. Globe Side ·Boards and Hall Racks Are the best for the money. Get our Cala-logue. Mention the Michigan Artisan when writing. Fuliline of samples on exhibition·during the en-tire year, on the first Roor of the Manulacturers Furniture Exchange, Cor. Wabash Ave .. and 14th St., Chicago. Globe Furniture Company EVANSVILLE. IND. ON SALE IN CHICAGO MANUF ACTURERS' FURNITURE EXCHANGE Corner Wabash Avenue and Fourteenth Strut Cupboards Kitchen Cabinets and K. D. Wardrobes. Is all we make but we make lots of them. JORDAN CRESCENT. Get Calalog\le and P..i.ces. Start 1908right by buying an Up-to-date Line. T"E CRESCENT LINE The Bosse Furniture Co. EVANSVILLE. IND. is wbat you want-IT SELLS ITSELF. Crescent Stove WorKs Full line of 8(!,r"ples on o:hibilion during (he entire year on fiTstjlOfJr of the ManujactuTlJT6'Furnittlre Exehange, corner Wabash Ave. and 14th St. Okicago. Evansville. Indiana Karges Chamber Suites ARE OF BEST QUALITY GOOD Style Construction Finish PRICES RIGHT Write for Catalogue Karges Furniture Company, EVANSVILLE:, INb. Full line of samples OD 011 exhibition during the entire year, on fi.s{ floor of the Manufacturers' Furni-tme E",change. cornet W a-ba. h Ave. and 14th 51. Chicag<)o 26 Merit Appreciated. Truthfulness is the best policy-that is, in case a man . can't tell an egregious lie and get away with it. But this is the story-the true story, too, d'yuhmind-of how a notorious liar made good, all on account of his tying. And strangely enough, it was after he was found. out that he got in right. This liar may be known as \Vilmont, although he never went by that name before. One could call him by his real name, if it were not for the fact that a sllccessful liar does not necessarily like to be advertised as such. Vv~ilmont was working as a bookkeeper in a local concern manufacturing machinery on a large scale and the cashier Made by Nelson-Matter Furniture Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. would press $1.4 into his palm shortly before the whistle blew each Saturday afternoon. But \\Tilmont was a hero about the offce. For he never ca,me to work in the morning that he did~'t have an ex-citing tale of personal adventure or hairbreadth escape of some sort to narrate to his fellow employes and thus chase the shadows from the prosaic paths of their just-a-few-dollars- a-day existence. \i\t'hcn he told these tales he al-ways wove in a lat of names of well known people and dates and places that added the proper tone of plausibility. N0- body ever thought it necessary to verify anything that "Vil-mont said. He was one of the; few liars who could get by. Then one day "VVilmontgot a day off and went down the state to a little courthouse square town to be an usher at a wedding. The day follo·wing he did not show up at the office hut a letter came from him telling the particulars about how he was shot in the foot in rescuing someYOllng wOman from thugs and how it would ·probably be a day or two before he would be able to come back. The office force ,vas greatly excited. Everybody was sorry, now that \Vilmont was in trouble, that they hadn't given him more deference around the office. Good old scout, \Vilmont, they all recalled. One clerk was so worked up about it that he sent a telegram down to a cousin that he remembered he had· in the town where \\Tilmont was shot, to get more particulars. "Never heard of any shoot-ing affair," came hack the word. "SawWiimont at a dance last night and he wasn't lame." A day or two later \-Vilmont eame in, limping. course everybody ·was wise. One man came up sympathetically and asked how it alt happened. But of to him \-Vilmont told a story that lacked not a detail-not even the name of the doctor who removed the bullet. Then another clerk came around to hear the story, and another, and so on until he had told the story to everybody in the office, one at a time. But he never varied in a single detail in any of the several recitals of his experiences. Each story was just like a carbon copy of the one he had told before. The boss was the last one to hear the story. After Wil-mont had finished the boss looked at him with a cold, mackerel stare. "You're an infernal liaT," the hoss an-nounced, "and you know it. You weren't shot, and that limp is all a bluff. You've been lying to us from day to day for months, and now you've lied to get a couple of days away from the office. But we know all about you now. So you're discharged. That's what you are. Fired! I won't have you around here. Go to the bookkeeper and get your wages to the end of the week and then clear out." But the head of the sales department happened along just as the boss was in the act of firing Wilmont. "You aren't firing him, are you?" he inquired while "Vilmont was waiting for the cashier to hand him his money. "What! Say, I woulddn't fire him if I were you. Turn him over to me. A man with an imagination like that ought to be worth his weight in gold as a salesman. Just let me try him out." And the boss relented to the extent of giving \Vilmont a month's. trial in the sales department. One day the office found itself short of salesmen just when there was a big order hanging fire at· Pittsburg. "Vil-mont wanted to try his hand at it, and they put him on the job on condition that he should quote no prices, for they were a:fraid he might lie and quote prices below the cost of the raw material in the machinery. Wilmont came ·back next day, with a $1,200 order. How he had managed to do it without quoting prices was a puzzler to everybody in the: office, but he explained that he had just told the man how silly it would be to haggle over prices when his con,cetn had made its reputation on always selling the best goods at the lowest possible price. "I'll guarantee that the price'llsuit," he had said. And it went. Less than three months latervVilmont was placed in charge of the New York office of the concern, succeeding a Fred J. Zimmer 39 E. Bridge St., GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Maker of HIGH GRADE UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE Write/or Cute and Prices. Every Piece Guaranteed PERFECT. man who had been there for twelve or f01.1,rteenyears. Not long ago it was said that he had tripled the concern's busi-ness in that territory. The first of this year his salary was fixed at $12,000. And the strangest thing about the whole story is that it's true. If Wilmont had adhered strictly to the truth he might by this time have had his weekly salary increased from $14 to $16 and been entrusted with longer and more tedious tasks to perform. ·~MIfjfIG7fN 27 GEESE Do Not -Grow BETTER FEATHERS OR DOWN THAN THESEPILLOWSARE FILLEDWITH. ------WRITETHE--------- I"ild--l'i:ll"= SCHULTZ & HIRSCH COMPANY 260-262 S. DES PLAINES ST.. CHICAGO, 10' ,h. P ILLUSTRATEDCATALOGUEandPRICEUST of Bedding Goods. That will tell you all about it. We would like to have: YIlU see our line at 1319 Michigan Avenue, Chicago. STORE EMPLOYEES' DINNER. Sibley Benefit Association Holds Its Anti.aal Dinner. On the night of Febrnary .12, in the tea room of the Sibley store the Employees' Mutual Benefit Association of the Sibley Lindsay & Curr Company, general merchants, held its fourteenth annual banquet. There were between 20U and 300 present. vVaftcr S. Hubbetl was toastmaster and the Spcilkcrs were James S. Havens, of counsel for the ~ew York Central, who talked on "Railway Regulation;" Hon Bernard J. Haggerty, whose subject was "Statesmen and Politics,'" and Rev. Cor-nelius vVoeHkin, D. D., who gave an address Otl "Reversed Spectacles." In discussing rate regnlation ~'iIr.Havens said that he thought its importance conun~rcially and politically .vas misunderstood. The railways, he said, were responsible for raising the standard of living and of intelligence, but that althollgJl great obstacles had to be overcome, in the construction and operation of American railways the rates were far below those in force in Emope. The public character of the railways, be said, had been \o"t sight of in many instances. !vfr. Havens said that while it was considered just and proper for wholesale concerns to make better rates to the bigger buyers, the Toads were restricted to a uniform rate to all. Basing rates 011 distanc.e was in his opinion unwise, and he ventured the opinion that the result of it might be to reduce the earnings to the point of strangulation of the operations of the railways. Rates, according to 1\ilr. Havens, should- be made by the owners of the roads themselves. He said that the agitation of the last Jive years against the railways seemed the height of folly, and that it meant not regulation but destruction. The treasurer's report of the condition of the employees' association showed the organization to be in a flourishing condition. The officen,;are: President, George]. Bean; record-ing secretary, J. S. Taylor; financial secretary, Charles Bunnell; treasurer, Elmer Roblin. The dinner committee was composed of Jesse Vi. Lindsay, Elmer Roblin and H. W. Bramley, and the reception committee was made up of F. J. Fisher, W. C. l\lcCracken, J. T. Brady, Samuel P. Caldwell, VV. H. Crumley, H. F. Johnson, John Engler and C. ~d. Pratt. SHELBYVILLE, IND. ~~el~JvilleDes~ (om~anl MANUFACTURERS OF Offl([ Dr~K~ Mahogany and Imitation Q.!!artered Oak. Plain Oak in Three Grades. Special Features. A Square Deal. Write for latest Catalogue. 28 -~MI9jIIG7J-N ANTIQUES IN CONNECTICUT. Finds Still to be Made on Old Nutmeg Farms.-Chippendale and Hepplewhite. Mahogany and Crown Derby in Un-expected Places. Penalty of Offering Too Much for Antique Furniture and Old Crockery. Litchfield, Conn., Feb. I-Nothwithstanding the industry of searchers for old furniture and old china of the Colonial period for years past, finds of antiques are still made oc-casionally 011 Connecticut £<tnns. Within a month a book agent who knew about old furniture and crockery hallpened to call about ..::linnertime at a farm'- house a few miles out of Hartford. The owner of the farm was a widow over 70, the sale remaining descendant of a noted lawyer of the latter part of the eighteenth century. The farmhouse had been the homestead of the family since 1730, and when the visitor was shown into the front parlor he found a dozen Chippendale chairs there. Although the oaken ceiling of the dining room showed the dust of generations and the floor was warped, in oue corner stood a Hepplewhite sideboard propped up on three legs. A mahogany block front desk, carved tables and Colonial mirrors were a few of the treasures' that the attlc disclosed, all of which the owner was glad to exchange for the money that would buy her modern luxuries. It leaked out later that a traveling collector had Ull-earthed in a neighboring house some weeks hefore and had carried away for 15 cents a Crown Derby cup and saucer that he sold later for $30. ANew Yorker, a member of the faculty of Columbia University, told 'friends here recently of an experience he had a few months ago with a Connecticut family who had migrated with their worldly goods just arcoss the state line into New York. Vi/hile tramping over the hills he stopped to ask for a glass of wat~r at a little tumble down house and on being invited to enter W<lS surprised to find in the' only bedroom a high carved bed of Spanish mahogany. On being asked lf she' would sell it the woman of the hou~e said she would be glad to have in its place a white iron one. "\iVhat do you 'want for it?" inquired the scientific man. "Well," said the old lady, "last summer one of those automobile felIers came alollg. aud he offered me $20 for it, but I wouldn't sell it 'cause I thought that if he offere.:l so much his money couldn't be good." STAR CASTER CUP CO. NORTH UNION STREET, GRAND RAPIDS, MtCH~ (P ...T.ENT APl'LlED FOR) We have adopted celluloid as a base for our Caster Cups, making the best cup on the marker. Celluloid is a great improvement over bases made of other material. When it is necessary to move a piece supported by cups witb celluloid bases it can be done with ease, as the bases are per-fectly smooth. Celluloid does not sweat and by the use of these cups tables are never marred. These cups are finished in Golden Oak and White Maple, finished light. If you will trv (J. sample Qrder Of Uuse goods you will desirtlto handle tMm in quantities. PRICES: Size 2Minches $5.50 per hundNcL Size 2U inches ...•.. 4.50 per hundred. f· o. b. Grand Rapids. TRY A SAMPLE ORDER. \\lhen told that the New Yorker was ready to deposit $20 ill gold ill exchange for the bed and give her time to test the coin before taking it away she expressed great surprise that people could have so much money and be such fools with it. He carried back to New York with him a bed estimated to be worth $400. A Connecticut physiclan tells how he came near losing in his early days one of his best paying patients through his love for antiques. In his visit to the home of this patient, some twenty years ago, he offered to buy of her a set of six historical plates known to colIectOTs as the Dr. Syntax plates. He paid her a dollar apiece,$3~more than she asked fo'r the set. Some days afterward he overheard her relating the fact to a neighbor, winding up her recital as follows: "Do you know I'm beginning to think Dr. M-isn't just right in his Made by Nelson-Matter Furniture Co•• Grand ~pids, :Mich. head payin' such a price for those old blue plates of mine, an' I've half a tuind not to have him again." Occasionally a piece of thi-s old furniture is parted with at a sacrifice by its owner. In Norwich recently an old sofa was sold by its owner for sufficient money to keep her out of the poorhouse for the winter. For several years professional collectors and others had been trying to buy it, but its owner had always -refused to sell. She said that her mother had died on that sofa and that as long as she could keep it she would. An undertaker of eastern Connecticut has been collecting furniture and crockery from his customers for. the last quarter of a century in part payment for bills, and all this has been stored away until he now owns antiques valued at a large sum. A neighbor of his, a widow; has educated her three children and put two girls through Vassar CoIlege on money that she has nnde from the sale of her own colIeetion, made during her prosperous days, anJ what she has been able to gather since. \Vithin a few weeks thc death of a collector over the Massachusetts line disclosed that he had left a fortune of $300,000. Ten years ago hc was working on the streets of a small New Ellgland -city when an old colored woman sold him for a dollar a ""'reck of an olq bureau. \"'hile carting it to his home after work he met an auctioneer who offered him a five dollar biII for the ·bureau. He sold it. A day Of two later he saw a prosperous looking city chap on all express wag-on toting that same bureau into the city, and led by curiosity he stopped him and asked him where he got it. "I just bought it." said the proud possessor of the bureau, "of Mr. Smith and paid him $150 for it." "Begorra," said the laborer, "that's the bu-reau I sold Smith myself for $;j day before yesterday." That night he gave UP hif' jpb on the road and started collecting antiqucs.-N. Y. Sun. I I I 29 SIiOh'S S616GtStU!6S S611ana Satlsfu D6al6rs ana Th61r Gustom6rs MANY NEW FEATURES ADDED' FOR SPRING SEASON OF 1908, EVERYTHING FOR THE BEDROOM {MediuIn and Fine Quality]. Office and Salesroom corner Prescott and Buchanan Streets, Grand Rapids, Mich. Line now ready for inspection by dealers. GEO. SPRATT & CO. SH'EBOYGAN, WIS. Manufacturers of Chairs and Rockers. A complete line of Oak Diners with quarter sawed veneer bac
- Date Created:
- 1908-02-25T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 28:16
- Notes:
- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. It was published twice monthly, beginning in 1880. and ----- --- ~~~ ------------------- _.J Twenty"Eighth Year-No.1 OCTOBER 10. 1907 Semi-Monthly RIGHT IN FRONT AS USUAL Here is a SANDER. that will finish your worIi PE.RTECTL Y No, 163 Universal Sand Belt M..chine. This machine bas a variety of adjustments and will sand WITH THE GRAIN and require no re-touching by hand, the following: Mirror frames, round, avaIl any shape; drawet rails, base rails; drawer fronts, serpentine, ogee, round or swell, either straight or cross veneered; agee, round, bevel or straight edges of dresser or table tops, of round, square or scrolled patterns; table rims, dresser posts; veneered roils or columns; straight ogee or rounded mouldings; raised surfaces of panels; spirals of table legs; curtain slats for roll top desks; spindle carvings; French table legs; plumbers' wood work; table tops; etc. Ask for Catalog E ~'The BestTruck--TheStrongestTruck WI-'SONa & MILES CO., Cedar St. and Sou. R. R., aREENSBORO, N. c. I, "¥tW" This is the famousGillette Roller Bearing Factory TrUck-the truck on which it is said, "One man can move a load of 3000 pounds while with the other trucks it takes three men," This is the truck that is strong where others are weak-the truck that has an unbreakable malleable iron fork. This is the truck YOU are looking for if you wish to invest in rather than waste money on factory trucks. Gillette Roller Bearing Co. ORAND RAPIDS, MICHIOAN The Lightest Running. Longest Lasting Trouck I f.. -...- .......E Our New Home Yes, we are a bit "stuck up" about our new factory, and why shouldn't we be? It is about as complete from dry-kiln to shipping room for our work as could be constructed. With electrical driven machines, new equipment in most depart-ments, plenty of light in all rooms and sanitary surroundings we have put our workmen in a position to give us even better work than in the past. And it may bother us some at that to know just where to try and improve. But we will improve on shipments---there have been times when we hardly knew how to dig out from under our orders. Conditions are better now, try us. If you don't know our line of Factory Furnish-ings, better get a catalog. Grand Rapids Hand Screw Co. Cabinet Makers' and Manual Tra~iDg Benches, Trucks, Hand Screws and" Clamps .. 918 Jefferson Ave. . . Grand Rapids, Mich. LARGEST BENCH MANUFACTURERS IN THE WORLD. -- - ----------------------- 1 5~ARTAI~ MAHOGANY STAINS There is a wealth of beauty and a richness of tone in the colors of our SPARTAN MAHOGANY STAINS that cannot be found in any other Mahogany Stain made. Whether it is desired to produce a genuine or an imitation Mahogany finish, either with the brush or in the dipping tank, the most perfect results are assured with SPARTAN. MAHOGANY STAINS. They are made in a wide range of shades from a light Toona Mahogany to the very darkest effects. Write us for a sampIe of the particular shade you are most interested in. MARIETTA PAlNT & COLOR CO. MARIETTA - OHIO IT HAS BEEN CLAIMED -that nothing will ever sUJlplant Golden Oak all a wood finisb, particularly fo( furniture. and there is no denyinjl its beauty. It it also conceded thai OUR GOLDEN OAK OIL STAINS ate 'the moSt practical on the market for the 6nisher. while they are nbo the mMl; ecollomical for the manufacture', The colors are ri~hand perfect, and include every ehade rangiuQ: from the very lil{hl oak 10 the darkeSt shades, Write (or our Golden Oal: folder. Veneer Presses, all kinds and sizes. Veneer Presses Glue Spreaders Glue Heaters Trucks,tEte" Etc. T ...E: These Specialties are used all Over the World IT HAS BEEN PROVEN - time and again thai OUT Wood Fille", Stains and Surfacels- are tM moil: practi-cat line of Wood Finishing Material$ ,pffered to tBe trade. Our Oil Staillll and ,pur line of Spartan StroM are reoollllized by furniture' manufacluIe1'8 fKlm the At. Ianlic and from. Canada 10 the Gulf all 5uperiDr 1(1all otber$. Hand Feed Glnelng Machine (Pat. pending.) Eight styles and sizes. Wood-Working Machinery and Supplies I'ower Feed Glue Spreading l\olachine, (Patent applied tOI".)Single, Double and LET US KNO:W Combination. YOUR. WANTS C"AS. E. FRANCIS s.. BRO..a 419-421 E. EllIhth St. CINCINN4TI,O. No. 6 Glue Heater, Do You Want The Originality of our work is one of its chief characteristics. Something Original? WE BUILD HIGH GRADE CATALOGS COMPLETE ENGRAVING I'RINTING BINDING White Printing Co. 2 to 20 Lyon Street GRA.ND RAPIDS, MICH, I f ---- -------------- 2 ·J'~MICHIG7IN .7IRTI.5'JL7'I -..- "7 a· 9 e . 2re A Bird in the Hand is Worth Two in the Bush THIS OLD PROVERB IS TRUE IN BUYING MACHINERY Wouldn't you rather bUya machine that is substantially built and that will outwear two other machine", than invest your money in a machine that will last half as long? THE HALFTONE REPRESENTS OUR NO. 62 WOODWORKER The frame is SUbstantially built and entirely free from vibration and is therefore adapted for the heaviest range of work. This machine is especially noted for the immense variety of work it will do 'and tbe ease and quickness with which it can be adapted to the various kinds of work. It is equipped with two tables made of iron which have independent vertical and lateral adjustments by means of a hand wheel at the working end of the machine. The vertical and lat-eral adjustments can also be made simultaneonsly. It is equipped with a boring table on the opposite side of the machine which has vertical· and lateral adjustments to suit the size of the material to be worked. SHALL WE SEND YOU DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR? 505-525 W. FRONT ST. Cincin.n.ati,Ohio.. U. S.A. \..z 28th Year--No. 7. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., OCTOBER 10, 1907. WATCHING THE NIGHT WATCHMAN. Modern Invention Has Murdered the Sleep of the Old Time Guardian of Property. All the cheery jokes about the sleeping capacity of the average night watchman passed into obscurity long ago, 110t so much because the night watchman may not be as sleepy as of yore as because science has found so many ways ·of keep-ing him awake. Stolen naps may still be sweetest, but a few mechanical devices have made them few and far between and full of peril for the man who is supposed to keep nightly vigil of the safety of mill and factories. From the watchman's {loint of view this is a cold and cruel world; "\vithin the last few years its cruelty has been worked out with so fine an inventive genius that he has small chance of "beating" the s}'stcm of checking by which his movements are recorded. So frail is hL1m"mnature and so likely to skip some of its work if no incentivc but a sense of duty is pro-vided that "watching the watchman" has become an art in itself. For years inventors have heen busy ill the attempt to produce a mechanical system for recording the ,,,,atchman-'s rounds that "v'ill prove reliable in all emergencies and that cannot be beaten by ordin<lry human ingenuity such as a watchman is likely to possess So far as the latter aim is concerned, preventing the watcbman from dodging the sys-tem, the effort has been successful in most instances and it is a skillful man indeed ,,,,110 can fail in his rounds and still have the record indicate that he was on the job. But when it comes to providing a system that will accomplish its purpose in all emergcncies and prove infallibly. effective in -protecting property, perfection has not been reached. As between the systems in common use, opinion is divid-ed over the question of which is t'he surest and most reliable. A recent writer in Insurance Engineering, after consideration of the various methods, declares that there are as yet no definite records which wilt prove which is the most satisfac-tory, and that it is merely a matter of opinion. Therdore., the wakhman, in return fOT having his O:wn traditional rest disturbed, bas at least the satisfaction of knowing that he is causing his employers more or less worry, which may result in sleeplessness. It may be slim comfort for a man who had decided to take the night watchman cure for insomnia, but it is about all there is left for him. There are three common methods of "v-latching the watch-man," each of which has its advantages and disadvantges. and over the efficacy of which opinion is divided. T"vo of these are automatic, while the third requires a more elabor-ate installation aml the kceping of records by operators at a special central station. About the earliest method employed when property o\Yn~ ers began to realize the necessity of keeping tabs on the watcblilen they employed to protect their buildings from fire; was the portable watch or clock. This is, perhaps .the simp- $1.00 per Yeaf. lest method, and the least expensive. It consists of a watch or clode carried by the watchman on his rounds, the clock being perhaps five or six inches in diameter and usually en-closed in a leather case with a shoulder strap for ease in car-rying. In addition to the regular clock movement, the in-strument has a paper dial which can be replaced every day and on ,..h..ich the record is kept. At various places throughout the building or grounds to be patrolled are keys permanently fastened by chains. each of whicb fits into the clock and leaves its own particular re-cord on the dial. Thus the latter, divided- into hours and minutes, sho\",s in the morning the time record of the use of the keys \I\Then this system first came into use '...a.tchmen were prompt to discover ways to beat it. The keys were so simple that they could he duplicated without much difficulty. so that the watchman, if he chose, could sit and doze in comfort, waking up often enough to insert one of his duplicates. The record ,,,,hen examined, therefore, indicated that he had been keeping schedule time on his rounds when in fact he may not have stirred out of his chair all night This and other defects were so apparent that the system fell into disrepute as being worth little when matched against the v,'its of the watchman '''''ho would rather shirk than work. \Vithin the past few years, however, such improvements OUD5PfClAlIMPfniAl WfATnfDfD OAR OIl5TAIn is the standard all over America. Are YOU using it? NANUFAC-rURCD lIi11t£.Y,p y CHICAGO WOOD FINISHING CO. 259·63 ELSTONAVE"'Z·16 SLOAN ST. CH I CACO. 4 ·:f'~MIf ..HI~7fN ? • .7IR T I oS'.7U'J ¥ ; 7 r· COLONIAL AND MISSION "nO=KUM=lOOSr" WOO~Kno~s Made in Mahogany. Oak and all popular woods. The only kind that won't come off. These knobs are made in ovals, rounds and squares. Nearly one million of these knobs made and sold within a year. Write for prices. WADDELL MFG. CO., Grand Rapids, Mich. have been made in it that most of the defects have been eli-minated, and the system is practically as hard to beat as any other. The modern clocks are strong, btlilt to stand abuse without getting out of order, the keys have a raised letter or figure which fits into a matrix in the clock so that they are extremely difficult (0 duplicate, and they afe attached to· their stations in a way that make it impossible to remove them without prompt detection. This system requires no wiring, and is 50 simple and in-expensjve that it is one ·of the most commonly used, espec-ially "in small establishments. The ncxt developmcnt was the invention of the electric clock system, and while there are various classes of these. the method of their use and their effectiveness are practically the same. This system requires the wiring of the building or area to be covered, the dock being located in the office or elsewhere, the watchman either pressing a button or turning a box crank at the various stations The record is thus left on the dhd of the clock. which may, if desired, be located where it is not accessible to the watchman for any possible tampering. Insofar as these two systems are automatic, though the possibility of putting the electric clock outside the building gives it the advantage of not being destroyed in case of fire, its record of the watchman's movements thus being pre-served in case of question as to whether the blaze was due to his negligence or not The third system,however. is radicaHy different, involving constant sl1pervis"ion of the watchman's movements, SO that if he fails to keep to his schedule an investigation may be made at once This is called the central station systemj and is commonly used only where there are groups of factories near together, as in a manufacturing city. The method is similar to that used by police departments for their telephone and signal systems, except that it is or-dinarily not equippcd with telephones at the stations. Boxes are located at various points along the watchman's route, connected by electric routes with the central station, where oneot mOre operators are commonly on watcb Each box haS a transmitter operating on its own closed circuit, so that the central station operator can tell by the number what box is being "rung in." A record of the calls is kept by the operators, and sheets showing the time at which the watchmen visited their various stations are sent to the manufacturers in the morning, In addition to the regular call, whose only purpose is to keep track of the watchman, each of these stations is equipped with apparatus for sending in special firm alarms. This system is naturally far" more expensive than any other that is in common use, and is subject to the disadvan-tage of human fallibility in that the operator at the central station may make mistakes. Its marked advantage is th<lt by it.tbe watchman is kept under almost constant super- VISIOn. If he should' fail to appear for work, or if sudden illness during the night should make him unable to continue his rounds the fact is quickly noted and an investigation made. The importance of this may be seen from the r.ecords of the fire insurance companies, one case on record being that a new ""'atchman ,was expected that night, but had failed to show up_ It also frequently happens that the watchman is called from his rounds or delayed in making them by the ne-cessity of stopping leaks, tending fires, etc. Whenever for any reason he misses a eall the omission is noted and an investigation made. This system, like that of the electric clock which is kept outside the building, preserves a record Df the watchman's movements whic'h is not destroyed in case of fire. The re-ports of insurance inspectors, on the other hand, often show BENNETT& WITTE MANUFACTUREltS OF ==LUMBER== For FurhUu", Mfr8.• Car Builders and Cat"t'ia.ceTrade. Sl~~:~t dWhite and Red 00.1\ {J':i;:e~~~ RED and SAP GUM Poplar. Cottonwood. Ash. Elm and Chestnut. A Full Line of Southern Hardwoods. E.zport and Domestic. WRITE EITHER OFFICE. B,ancltM: emphUT..... Main Office, Cincinnati. O. We sell on National Hardwood Lumb~r Association inspection only. cases in which the watchman's clock has been destroyed by fire, so that J)is statements as to where he was cannot be veri-fied WhateYer the system adopted by the employer, 1t is re"'" garded as an investment for. increased protection against fire or other danger, and is reckoned as a factor in determining the fire hazard and the insurance rates. The conscientious watchman also finds it an advantage in that it gives a per-manent record which will verify his statment in case doubt arises as to where he should have been in case of qre or other emergency. It is only the watchman who would rather live up to the traditions of the old time joke who regards the adoption of any mechanical system of watching him as an infliction to be deplored. And the latter has heen pretty completely elim-inated or reformed against his will, precisely as the adop-tion of police signal systel1,1S has made it difficult tor the patrolman to dodge the making of his regulai beat. USE A MORTON KILN IT WILL END YOUR DRY KILN TROUBLES Does not warp or check lumber. THE MOST PERFECT MOIST AIR KILN ON THE MARKET. / 10 Spindle Machine AI80 made with 12, lS, 20 and ~ Spindles. 5 \ TRUCKS, CANVAS DOORS, RECORD-· ING THERMOMETERS and other sup-plies. Write for catalog H which tells HOW TO DRY LUMBER. MORTON DRY KILN CO. DODDS' NEW GEAR DOVETAILING MACHINE This Uttle machine has done lDore to Perfect the drawer work of furniture manufactnrers than anything. else In the fuml. ture trade. For fifteen yeal's it has made perfect-fitting, vcnnln-proot, dove-tailed stock It pOMliblllty. Tblf!l bas been accomplillhed at reduced cost, as the machine cuts dove-tails in gangs of from 9 to 24 at ODe oPeration. ALltXANDER DODDS. Grand Rapids. Mich. Repreeented by 5chudUlJdl & Schlltte at Bedin. Vienna, Siockholm and St. Pderthutll. Represented by AUred H. Schulte al Cologne. Brussels. lleae. Patill, Milan and Bilbao, RepmeQled in Gr~1 Bntian and Ireland by the OIivel Machin-ery Co • F. S. Thompson, Mil'., 201·203, Dealuute. Manchestet. Enaland. Perfect Satisfaction All Along the Line Among Users of the "ABC" MOIST AIR DRY KILNS 2i8 LASALLE ST" CHICACO. SHAlJ.. WE SEND YOU FURTHER INFORMATION? "We aTe ftill usioilihelhree Dry Kiln& that you fllTnisbed us and same are doing lloc.d work and are llivinQ:entire satiafadion."'- C. B. Atkin. Mfrg. Wood ManteI.. Knoxville. Tenn. "The kiJn bas.lways !liven 116 Pflffect .Dsfadion is e1'ety respect. We conslmor it a handy. practical aDd COI!venjeJ\t kiln in every way:' - Abram Walrath Co., Weedaport (N. Y.) Bent Worka. "The lonael ~ use it, the bettel we like it."-Duane Chair Co.• Dalton. Ga. AMERICAN BLOWER COMPANY. Detroit. Mich. NEW YORK, 141 Broadway. CHICAGO. 15sa MarqueHe Bldg. ATLANTA. 1019 Empire Bid ... WNDON. 70 Gracecburch St. 6 CALL ON US FOR WALTER CLARK 535 Michigan Trust Building Citizens Phone S9 J3 Quarter Sawed Oak Veneer I WE ALWAYS HAVE CHOICE STOCK ON HAND I GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN Manufacturers Who Are Useful Citizens. The busine!-is community of Indianapolis is intensely loyal to that city. Possessed of unusual civic pride, many of the manufacturers, bankers, merchants and professionals never hesitate when money, influence or labor is needed to promote the welfare of the community. The good book says "the Lord loves a cheerful giver," but the business men of Indian-apolis not only give cheerfully, but liberally. Among the most noted- of the "useful men" of Indianapolis is A. A. Barnes, one of the owners of the Udell Works, Thomas B. Laycock and F. L. Lindley of the Laycock Manufacturing Company, Thomas Madden and John H. Emrich. These men are noted for their loyalty to the city and their services in every movement to improve the physical and moral wel-fare of the people. Probably no man in the city has given more of his time and talents and as generously of his means in aid ,of stich in'stitutions as the Young l\Ien and Young Women's Christian Associations as Mr. Barnes. He not only inspired the construction of large and beautiful homes for these associations, but JllS was the willing hand that raised a large part of the funds needed to pay the cost of the same. His own pockets were never closed 'when the test of his phil-anthropy were put to a trial. He has given important ser-vice to the Baptist Orphan Asylum, the Baptist College at Franklin and contributed liberally to their treasures. He is a trustee of -VVinona Institute, a. Presbyterian institution, where 500 young men and women are taught useful trades annually. Such men as 1'11'.Barnes arc public benefactors. The accumulation of money is not 'their" sale purpose in life. Knowing how to use funds 'wisely, they aim to acquire it that a considerable part of it may be expended for the benefit of the community. A Model Mercantile House. "Ever stop at Kansas' City?" enquired the traveled sales-man of another of his class. "No; what about it?" "I will tell you but one thing about it. It contains the 1110stup~to-date furniture store in the west. You enter and are, met by a great, warm-hearted" kindly mall, who makes you feel that he is really glad to see you. His shake is T!-0t like that ,of the average hotel clerk, whose halld is as cold and damp as a rubber overshoe. 'Wciuld you like to look thro.ugh the store? 'Gla,d ~o furnish, all escort. Here George, shaM' the.gentleman through the store. Take plenty of time in d£ling so.' In time y'ou return and the great one enquires if you are pleased. Of course you are. You have witnessed the conveniences and perfect appointments of the place and the clean, splendid stock and say so. The great one enquires, 'Have you seen Mr.: Repp?' No; but you would like to. Vou are led into the office of Mr. Repp and very cordially received by that gentleman. In turn, you are pre-scnted to Mr. Cooper, the buyer, who dismisses his stenog-rapher for the time being and faces you with an air of be· nignity that explains that all his time is your own. You a'~' given the utmost consideration and when you have completed your business and retire, the great one escorts yoU to the door and bids you a hearty good-bye .. Say, it is worth going to Kansas City to meet the men of this house, if you knew before starting that you would not take an order. Do the Designed by Otto Jlranek, Grand Rapids, Mich. business? Well, I should say, Yes, yes,' as they do in New York when they speak the truth. \Vhell they do not one yes serves their purpose. Wish there were'more houses like Duff & Repp." Case Makers Will Meet. The semi~annual meeting of the National Case Makers' Association will be held in Chicago on November 7. Will another advance in prices be made? Wait and see. ·:f~MIPJ-1IG7fN 7 ..- HAY CITY MILLS SWEPT BY FIRE .av ..:this ,Jr'ge mnk lim-ived In-lOUS bad be- '~he o{ Nt be" K' cu,' PLANT OF W. D. YOUNG &. CO. bo' / wa ex,':' Mr; ,b ... ca& BURNED AND LOSS NEARLY A HUNDRED THOUSAND. )1, .' A Y CITY, 1\i:tc_., Sept, ,2.-The saw-mill and hardwooil' flooring mUl of. W. AF D. ~oun~'& Co. 9urne~ tonight, to- .,~ Ilg,ether With ,320.000 fee,t.Of' kiln dried maple flooring, 250,QOO·, feet ot: rough ~: I n:ap"!e IUll1ber an,d. th~e ·,.lOaded r, g~ hi'! He starte ~n e dr kiln and mi' ~e; rapl y .~.' . '. " ,he po' dg firemen l)y l;hatd wnrk saved two .large I W€ 1 Iwarehouses '·:t\lIed 'WIth 1.500,000 feet ,of l.aUt :-ni( ritess~d fleliH'ing. al~l).dugh ohe of them wh: '.h~-' adjoined the ,flooring n;Lfll and suffered cut • the IQ,ss of'the~ot. I The fire ,W'a:;;dls- is ,1 covered 'at 6:;80' and· ,"fas not 'undar 'wea'; c:ontrolfor ,t~!o' hhurs., ,The, loss' Is to ij from $75.000 0" '$100.000: covered by abQl imnironGe. The orlliJ.n or theftl'e is .~.. sen mystery,. the\pl,a..nt toda¥.1 .....;.Jd W. " ""0< b.= -"-" " b"" " r EurQpe. l' ~ m~~~e~,~,~ab~nlbtea:. d :.1!::,I<ln,.rt, ",.' "'~, ,tt~l:l'~P'~,',;;"' linemen:. wereba.Ug~-6 under a falling I waIl. tl;te former 'esca-p!hg~vl-t.l)a. few bruises, while: the 'l~tter' w~e:-t:badly I' 'llt..abput',. t},,~;face and h:ea,w', " Profitable All Around. Arthur \V. Cobb, the general manager of the Udell \i\'orks, Indianapolis, \-vho spent a day in GrcUld Rapids recently with the company's eastern salesman, George C. Dyer, stated that the several departments of the Udell \Vorks are operated on the contract system. During' the past year a large amount of money has been invested in new l11acbitH~ry and additions will be made as fast as tools shall be developed that will prove more profitable to operate than those now in use. il/Ir. Cobb holds to the theory that the most compc,tent men will get into a rut if he does not watch himself, and declares that the sudden aud unexpected jolt the business man gets from time to time is invaluable, if he shall heed it. "The fact was borne forcibly on my l11iml that one of the weaknesses of the Udell vVorks was in our carving de-partment. Our machines were old and the system employed was faulty. The contractor for that department was very much out of patiel1ce when I suggcsted that there were new and better ways for producing carvings and that his depart-ment needed a shaking tip. Finally I offered to,provide new tools if he would divide the savings effected by their intro-duction with the company, and he said he would gi ..'e the plan a trial for thirty days. Before that time expired he wished to thro"v· up the contract, but I persuaded him to hold on and he is now earning mort "money than before and tlIe carvings cost the company considerably less than before the change was made. Old fashioned methods were followed in the glue room until it \vas pointed out to the contractor that savings could be effected by changes in the working force and the use of tools, which the company proposed to furnish, provided a part of the savings effected should go to the company. We are getting more nnd better veneered stock than formerly at a material reduction in the cost of the same. The contractor is perfectly satisfied with the change. Systems better than the old had been put into force in other Strange, isn't it, that peo-ple will continue to build and operate these old fire-traps, when our New Kiln Process makes a kiln FIRE PROOF doubles its capacity, runs on exhaust steam, saves lumber and labor and 1$ guaranteed as to results. GRAND RAPIDS VENEER WORKS Grand Rapids, Mich. departments with the same results and yet }\'fr. CobQ does not regard the Udell plant as perfect by any means. ,He i~f'till plal111illg improvements. r-" In the past he had experienced considerable difficulty with the superintendents employed on account of their t1nwil-lingness to accept suggestions or orders in the operation of the plant. "Too often the superintendent would reject a suggestion with the remark, 'I have run furniture factories twenty-five years and kno'w 'my business. When I need your advice I will ask for it.' Such men are in a rut, but are too stubborn to acknowledge that fact!' Among the il11provements at the Udell Works is the sand-ing machine, which, does the ",.·ork as well <IS when a drum sander is employed. No.600. The engraving helow is one of the'designs brought out by the Ornamental Products Company of Detroit, Mich., which they arc making of lig-nine in the following sizes: One and one-half inches, om' and three-fourths inches, two inches, two and one-half inches, three inches and three and one-half inches. This capital has good details and is a suitable orna-ment for sideboards, china closets, buffets, mantels and pianos. \ 8 Grand Rapids School of Designing 544-545IHoDseman Bldg., Grand Rapids, Mich. ARTHUR KIRKPATRICK, Instructor. WE TEACH A COMPLETE COURSE IN FURNITURE DESIGNING IN TWO BRANCHES: DETAILING and SKETCHING WE ALSO TEACH A COURSE IN ADVANCED ORNAMENT WATER COLORING, WASH DRAWING and CARTOONING THE LARGEST AND BEST COURSES WRITE US TODAY FOR PARTICULARS 7IRTI>5'~"· i 2m • . A TELEPHONE TANGLE. How the Common Carrier Law Made a Racket in Montana. The right of eminent domain is a precious right. The rule of law placing the convenience of the public above regula-tions established by common carriers is a good thing in some. instances. But there are cases where the most approved laws balk when vigorously applied. Here is a case in point: The manager of a telephone- exchange received a visitor one day who got into the private office "by dealing the office girl clerk a left-hander and kicking the door open with a number twelve boot. The manager thought in a second of all the wicked things he had ever done. The visitor looked like a bad man out for blood. He was sturdy of framer his neck looked like the cylinder of it steam engin'e, the length of his reach was a won-der, and on the. whole, he looked like a man who could go some. In a contest provoked under Mill Creek rul-es, which declare a foul if you hit anywhere below the shoes, he would be a tough proposition. "Look here!" shouted the visitor, shirt open at the throat, sleeves rolled above the elbows, trousers kept above the hips by a rusty leather belt, "I want my money back, and I want it right now!" He pounded the top of the roll-top desk with one clenched fist and glared down at the astonished manager, who waS be-ginning to wish that an earthquake would come' booming along or a cyclone would lift the lid off the building, anything in order that he might escape what seemed to be coming to him. \\.'-h-a-t money?" asked the telephone man. The manager is a cautious man. He knows the purchas-ing power of money as well as the next one. He tempor-ized. The visitor did not speak again for a moment and he asked: h\Vhn's got your inoncy, my friend?" hYour agent down at Deep Holler says you've got it. Says he turned it over to yOll. I want it~two dollars an' sixty cents.'" "Oh, yo.t1paid it to the agent for the use of the 'phonei"" "That's ,it-two dollars an' sixty cents for the use of ,a wire about as big as a blade of grass. Yes, it was a little wire, but it contained more vocabulary than a ten-volume dic-tionary bound in calf an' sold on the installment plan. Say, mister, that wire was full of talk. When do I get my money?" "So you used the wire?" "Huh?" "If you used the wire; why· do you, demand you: money back?" "I wanted to have. the thing split up," replied the bad man. "I want them either fellows who was using the wire at the same time to pro rate on the tariff. See?" "Sorry if you were annoyed, but we can't-" "You bet you cam1" 'IBut if you used the wire-" "If I used the wire? Say, mister, every man, woman an' child in seven states an' two territories was usin' the wire at the same time. I goes out to the agent an' I says to him that I wants to talk with Sally Norman over to Calico Hill. He pulls a plug and says as how that was my Satly.Wa, it? Not! It was a man orderin' mules from out in Idaho. So I goes to the agent again an' says as how I don't get PO Llraw out of the telephone pack." "Wires got crossed, Ipresume," said the agent. "Yes, I suppose so. The agent explained that under tht· laws of Montana any 'phone' com.pany had a right to connect with any long distance wire on payin' a reasonable fee. He ---- ---- --- - - said- the --tfouble was that some little company with about tWo miles of wire had cut into the long di.stance line." "That was right," "So I says to the agent, 'Don't I get no action on my play?' Art' he says to try it again, This time it was a miner out on the hills sendill' in a wail for a gallon 0' red eye. I could 'hear Sally murmurin' at Calico Hill, an' I k:new that she thought it was me orderin' the whisky. \Nhen I go over there again I'll be put out doors so hard I'll have to stay in bed for a week. Can I get damages {or that?" "';.,r e can't dodge the 1",,\","said the agent. "\Vhatevcr tl,e {~ot1rtsays goes." "So I goes back to the .1gent, with them telephone tol1s TUllnin' up every second, an' speaks mildly to him about the interruption. So he says for me to try again, an' I does. This time it is a man at the Double Cross mine as is ex-pressin' himself in language unbecomin', a gentleman. {'m the man what's got the call, an' the girl operator thinks it's me assassinatin' tne language an' promises to send her big hrother over whh a rope. I'm expectin' him along most any time. If I get sniffed out in place of the man what was turnin' the United States language inside out, can I get dam-ages for it? Say, wnen do I catch that two-sixty?" "'liVe have to abide by the law," explained the manager. "The courts S:lY that these little llinky-dinky companies have the right to connect with our long distance lines, and there y011 arc." "An" you collect totls from them that talks over the line?" "Certainly-a little." "Then yOll charge part of this bill 0' mine up to the mule man, an' the rcd cye mall, an' the cUss-word man. If I try it from here do y<.m think 1 could talk with Sally at Calico Hill?" * '''You might try." "An' if some one cuts in?" "'1'.Te can't help that." 'Thcy might cut in at Ro\ivar~" "Of course." "0. Carnovan?" "Certainly." "An' they mig"ht plan murder?'-' "::-.Jotlikely to over the wire." "But ii th~y did the police might come out an' hang m<,:?" "\i\Tell, I'm busy,'" said the nW.11ager, thinking the man talked too much to be really dangerous. "I don't see how I can return your money. The law gives these little com-panies the right to cut in, and cut in they wil]," The visitor tightened 'ltlS belt. I-lis clenched fist swung pendulous at his side. He moved back and forth over the office floor likc a panther. The manager got behind a C01111- THIS IS THE CAN AND LABEL .7IRTI,sA..N ~~ ... $ sr. ~ tcr and 'pus'hed the elecJric button which summoned his clerk. "See -here !," shouted the visitor, "I'm goin' to play even in this game. In about two days I'll be in the hospital, an' be a di~consolatc lover, an' be dead! All because of this long distance "lire what you stakes for the play but don't controJ none." It began to look like the law of eminent domain and the law rdating to C0111moncarriers had bumped up against a snag. The visitor tightened his belt. His elene.hed fist SW1ll1g rough house by piling things in the middle of the floor. The manager anxiously watched for his clerk, thinking that he was confronted by a madman_ "If you don't know Sally," he said, between breaths, "(yon can't size up what I've got COO1in'to me when next we meets in the gloaming. I've been called a drunkard, an' a gambler, an' a sheep thief, <In' a moonshiner over that common carrier ,,,,ire of yours, an' I'm doublin' the stakes to make good. After I get this ranch fixed up all right I'm going over to Bolivar to argt;e with the man who said I stole a blind mule from him last winter. If you've got that two-sixty handy, I might use it for ointment." By this time the manager was digging do.wn in his clothes am] the open door showed an array of frightened fa~es. "There \'"as a woman on that wire," continued the visitor, "'what said I was her only-only one, an' Sally went Ollt on the line to ask her about it. I guess Sally will raise the price of wigs in that section. It's all right to have this emi-nent domain, an' this common carrier, but what we wants is telephone service." The manager dodged a volume from his electrical library, which hit the wall about <minch from his ear,-and the clerks rushed in. "It's all right," gasped the visitor, as they loaded him into the patrol wagon, "hut when I get out I'll come over here an' start a telephone company iyith a wire two feet long, anl I'll pump that long distance thing of yours so full of United St.'ltes that it will sow capital letters over the' country." "You might do that, all right, according to recent de-cisions," said the tl1anag~r, brushing the dust of battle off his coat. "You bet I might," yelled the visitor. <'Say, if Sa[Jy comes down an' asks for me say that I enlisted in the army all' went out to fight the yallet niggers. Your eminent do-main's got me fadeu, all right." And the m<lnager breathed easier as the patrol wagon' turned a corner. ALFRED B, TOZER. Ground has becn broken for a new interior finish fac-tory at Lansing, Ivlich. BERRY BROTHERS' Rubbing and Polishing Varnishes MUST BE USED IN FURNITURE WORK TO BE APPRECIATED THEY SETTLE THE VARNISH QUESTION WHEREVER TRIED WRlTE FOR INFORMATION, . FINISHED WOOD SAMPLES. AND UTERATUFtE. New York 262 Pearl St. Do.ton 520 Atlantic Ave. Philadelphia 26-28 No. 4th St. Baltimore 29 5. HanCiver51. BERRY BROTHERS,LIMIT~ VARNISH MANUFACTURERS DETROIT Cbi~o 48.50 Lake St. Cinciobati 420 MainSt. St. LoW. 112 So, 4th St. San Frallcueo CANADIAN FACTORY, WALKERVILLE: ONTARIO 668 Howatd St.. 9 10 A Rare Treasure. Securely kicked in a secret apartment of his safe John Widdicombhas placed a rare little book, that came into his possessiol1 forty years ago. It is the first photo-cata-logue brought out in Grand Rapids, and represents the line of the llrm ofWiddicomb Brothers, since incorporated as. the Widdicomb Furniture Company~ Trhe photograph::>, niostlytwo by three- inches in size, represent two round end spindle beds, a round end spindle Lounge, one cheap {:hamher suit~J in ash, ornamented with strips of walnut, four small tables for the chamber or sitting room, and a round end spindle crib. The firm also manufactured trundle beds-an article almost unknown to the dealer in -furniture of the present. The sale of these simple but useful articles were so large as to keep tbe modest factory of the firm fully em-ployed. A Varnish That Will Not Print. A marvelous result in varnis'h making has been attained by the Acme White Lead and Color \\,T orks of Detroit, Mich., in the production of a rubbing varnish that will not print. It Designed by Otto Jir811ek, Grand Ra.pids, MiCh.: is called Paradox. The user of this varnish can save much time in finishing a11d preparing goods for shipment and is safe in· guaranteeing to customers a finish that will not print. Many tests Ihave proven the reliability of Paradox rubbing in the respect mentioned. The Acme White Lead and Color Works have recently started twelve additional fires and their wood finishing department is running to its capacity. Sales Manager Quigley reports that a considerable number of new accounts have been opened recently by users of WQod finish-ing goods. .An 'Extension to the Hotel Pantlind. "Furniture men" visiting Grand Rapids in January will be pleased with the additional accommodations by the extension of the Hotel Pant lind, now under construction. The cafe w:ill be. materially enlarged and thi.ty-"five chambers with baths and other mvdern conveniences provided when the new structure shall be completed. The new apartments will be furnished with the best products of the factories of Grand Rapids. Rdused a Bonus. The Grand Ledge Chair Company refused the offer of a heavy bonus -recently to move their factory to ManhHee, Mich. The company will remain loyal to their home town. .7fR TItS' A:1"I" e 4 7 re NO! NO TROUBLE HERE! Simply wanted to get you to give this something better than a passing glance and since we have caught your eye let's catch your orders for Veneered Rolls. We build the famousj~RELIABLE" ROLLS. WRITE FOR PRICES. The Fellwock Auto. & Mfg. Co. EVANSVILLE. INDIANA Ours is the larqest Roll Plant in tM United State8. 50 PER CENT of the Circulation of Trade Papers (Excepting the MichiganArtisan) IS mailed to manufacturers, designers, shop hands, com= mission men, jobbers of fac-tory supplies and others who do not sell furniture and kin-dred goods. To reach the largeStnumber of retailers use I The Michigan Artisan's Mercantile Editions Mailed to Dealers Only. 11 Li~ine CarvingsUnbreakable f] Perfed reproduction of hand c:arvings. Full depth of grain. Will not CHIP. CHECK. CRACK nor SHRINK. fJJ Sl10nger than wood. CJ No waste in your fadory. f] Are applied lhe same as wood Carv~ ings, by nailing or glllinS' I.lI No heating nor steaming. Finish with filler or stain. tj Write for sample and catalogue showing Capitals, Heads, Shields, Scrolls, Claws, etc. Consider LIGNINE carvings in your new creations. ORNAMENTAL PRODUCTS CO., 551 West Fort St., Detroit, Mich. TO MAKE SPECIAL CHAIRS. Michigan Seating Company Formed in Grand Rapids. \\lith a capitalization of $20,000, of which one-half has been subscribed and paid in, the l'vlichigan Seating Company has been formed. Those interested are Arthur D. McBurney, $7,900; Henry B. Morris, $2,000. and Joseph Kirwin, $100, all of this city. The purpose is to manufa.cture arId sell chairs for porch and lawn purpose!; \..h..i.cb arc to be made along spe-cial lines. Ivlessrs. McHurney and 1'1orris came to Grand Rap-ids recently from rVlichigan City, Ind., and were for years identilied with the big chair manufacturing house of J. S. Ford, Johnson & Co., of Chicago, one of the most widely known institutions of its type in the country. Under the present models of porch chairs it is claimed that the seats and backs manufactured from the materials in vogue are rough and not altogether comfortable. The process to be used by this new house employs pressed paper and hemp for the seats and backs, the two types of materjal~ Wood Stains Good Stains Correct Stains Economical Stains Non=Fading Stains BOOK All about up-ta·date styles of finish, nobby shades and just how to pro-duce them for furniture or house-by writing to WALTER K. SCHMIDT COMPANY 90 Canal St., Grand Rapids, Micb. being used in separate lines. This material gives a smooth surface, providing comfort which is lacking in much of the furniture of this class on the market. The projectors of the enterprise are looking over sit~s in the city and expect to locate and begin active operations SOOH. The intendon is to start in on a modest scale, ex-panding as the demands of the business require. It is de8ir~d that a line be rcady for showing at the mid-winter sales that the output may be in shape for the spring market. Progress Toward Currency Reform. Currency reform advocates all over the country are mani-festing much pleasure at the noteworthy triumph won by the progressive clement in the National Bankers' Association at its recent Atlantic City convention. The bankers of the country have aI-ways been reprehensibly apathetic toward cur-rency reform. This papthy is the more to be censured for it is beyond question that if the bankers would agree on any measure and urge its enactment upon their members of con-gress they could secure its adoption. Now at last they have agreed, in the ::ldoption of the Atlant:c City report, and it re-mains to be seen how much steam they will get up behind the measure which will in due course be brought to the at-tention of congress. The new plan contemplates the issue of additional bank notes, not secured by deposit of bonds, but resting upon the capital and resources of the bank, not ~o exceed twenty-five per cent of its capital or forty per cent of its bond-secured circulation, supported by a legal reserve and subject to taxa-tion which is cOllvertr,d into a guarantee fund for redemption. Here is a moderate and apparently safe beginning in the direction of a credit note whieh aH who accept the principle of banking currency can support, and which seems; in addi-tion, to present the fewest possible points of objection from hostile criticism. Factory Supplies. Varnish gums are stronger again, especially medium and low grades of kauri. Another advance is recorded, follow-ing a continued upward movement at primary points. Ma-nilas are steady at previous quotations. Damar and China wood oil are firm on spot, although a slightly easier tone pre-vails in the foreign markets. Turpentine is again easier and lower as to prices. Buyers were uninterested on account of the downward movement and trading was practically at a standstill. The probability now is that even lower figures will rule. A fair degree of activity has been manifested in the linseed oil market, although trading continued to be con-fined largely to spot supplies for current requirements; The tone of the market has been firm throughout and what ten-dency values displayed was in the direction of a slightly high-:- er level, temporarily at least. This was due principally to the strong positio1l of the seed market. 12 "~r;!f.HIG7JN 2 Business Tact ·as Applied to· Salesmanship. The business world is divided into two great parts--":the buying and the selling. No matter how modified or com-bined, this is.the ruling- basis of all business activity. The task of -the buyer is much the easier and simpler of the two. This requires only a knowledge of the goods to be bought and an understanding of market conditions so there will be ·no under or over -buying. But the selling-the word of the solicitor, salesman, agent or under whatsoever other guise this duty may be performed -"aye, there's the rub." The degree of success attending the selling of any mer-chandise is dependent upon two factors-the bu·siness tact of the seller and the merit of the merchandise that is being sole!. Placing business tact before the merchandise itself may seem to be the "'irong sequence; it may look as if an unwar-ranted preference and pre-eminence were given to business tact. Yet such is the case; in fact I will emphasize this state-ment, that business tact is of more importance than the mer-chandise itself. We have only to remember the many times a persuasive skillful book-agent has lured us into buying one or a volume of books which we never had intended to purchase, for which we have no use and whose pages have never been opened after the first hasty glance, to demonstrate the contention that business tact, properly applied, preludes the merchandise itself. Trace all selling transactions from the solicitor who ap-pears at your door with his wares, to the saIseman who sells manufacturing estabishments, their many thousand of dol-lars' worth of requirements each season, and on to the men who promote and operate tremendous schemes, involving millions of dollars and you will find the same principle de-monstrated again and again-business tact, then merchandise. The purchasing of goods which the buyer had not previously intended to get, giving an order larger than actully needed, and even the buying of inferior goods-all because of thc bus-l11CSS tact of the seller. Business tact as applied to salesmanship involves a good many requirements, all of equal importance, and the misuse of anyone of which utterly destroys the effectiveness of the others. To introduce _yourself to a prospective buyer-gain his attention and confidence-interest him in your proposition and ultimately bring it to a successful termination, requires a combination of self-assertion-deference-imperativeness -and docility. It means nothing should be omitted or committed that will tend to place the buyer in an aggressive attitude. It means you must have no mannerisms in dress, speech or physical make-up to detract the buyer's mind from your proposition. It means you must grasp a situation o,r a change. in a situa-tion im~ediately so as to modify or assert yourself as the occasion may require. It means that you must have yourself under absolute con-trol .and, regardless of the provocation, never lose your temper or. over-enthuse. It means that you must know your poropsition and goods so thoroughly that there will be no hesitancy-no indecision ---or faltering in answering any question that may be put to you. You do not have to talk quickly; think before you answer, but when you do speak, carry conviction with every word. All this is business tact. ]u'st as these many details are observed and fulfilled, just so we have the highly successful, mediocre and poor salesman. To introduce yourself and get a hearing from a prospective buyer is an extremely difficult matter. All conditions must be favorable. Among these favorable conditions are your personal appearance and manner~the mood of the approaches (if I may so call them) and the time of your visit. The greatest care should be used to avoid carelessness or foppishness in your attire. Over dressing as 'well as slovenli- Iless will make the task of the salesman much harder. The eye receives the first impression, and it is weU to cater to the first impression. If the eye is pleased you will have an excellent point in your favor. The same care should be used in your ge~eral manner upon entering the office of your prospective customer. The smoking of a cigar or cig-arette, or .even their odor is likely to be objectionable; the care with 'which you open the door, present your card and s"eat yourself are all minor details which are important fac-tors in the favorableness of your reception. Of necessity there must be some prelude-an introductory talk before coming to the proposition you have to present; this prelude to the business you have in hand is the time for qUick mental work. Here is your opportunity for "sizing up" your man. Here is where you get the first hint how to handle him, which really means how to adapt yourself to him, There is no rule or set of rules to guide you. He who has a knowledge of human nature-is a keen ohserver-can grasp details readily-and most important of all, can think and act quickly-such a one is best equipped to gather in and use all those external points which will help him get his bearings. Those who cannot grasp these various items and make helpful deductions therefrom, will 'have to spend added time and energy to get information which is already his "who has eyes and sees." This "feeling your way" talk should give you a sufficient line on your man to guide you as to what points of your subject yOUare to emphasize and what ones are to be treated only in an incidental way. You cannot appeal to all men along the same lines; what will interest one, receives a deaf ear- from another, \Vherc you must harangue on price with one man you n:ust ignore price and harp on quality with another. ""'here yolt must impress one man thatyoll are an author-ity on the subject under discussion, and that every argument you make is beyond question or criticism, you must figura-tively "kow-tow" to another and so express yourself that white you are really giving information and putting forth the best points of YOllrproposition or merchandise, you are at the same time catering to his 'ego and giving your hearer the impression 'that of course you are aware that he is well in-formed on all points about which you are talking; you are (mly mentioning them to recall them to his mind. Right here is where we meet one of the mostiniportant elements of salesmanship, and that is catering to the ego of the average business man. Now don't confuse flattery with catering to the ego; flat-tery is highly disgusting; ther'e will probably be one case in every thousand where a man will submit to and be pleased with flattery, But catering to his ego-praising him without using direct words of praise-----:-payinghomage without toadying-show-ing deference and respect without submerging your own in-dividuality, this is the trick that will give you a willing ear and the good will of your man without fail. It is needless for me to dwell on what should be done when you get into the heart of the matter you wish to present. If you know the subject about ,which you are talking in its every minutests detail and are prepared to decisively answer every question put to you, then you are on a solid foundation and need have no fear. Rhetorical flouriShes, attempts to m:uth some of Web-ster's largest and most unused words, violent gesturing, are all to be avoided. And be careful when you get into the 'heat of your discus- ~MI9 ..HIG7fN If We Can Prove To You that the Mattison No.5 TallIe LeI!Machine will produce better work and at the same time save its cog};over your present method of leg turning, would it not be to your interest to have one ~ Then why not investigateand give us a chance to show you? The effort is all on our part. With the Improved Cutter.Head, the Oscillating Carriage and the Variable F rietion Feed' we claim and stand ready to prove that our Machine will produce better work and at less cost than any similar machine on the market. All we ask for is a chance to explain its merits in detail. and are periedly vv:illingto pul our time against yours in an effort to prove that it would be profitabletOYOll. Now is a good time to write us. C. MATTISON MACHINE WORKS 863 FIFTH STREET, BELOIT, WISCONSIN. U. S. A. sian you do not pitch your voice too high. That puts your man on a tension, in which state of mind your arguments can-not be considered advantageou,sly. At the first sign that your man is getting bored or desires to terminate the interview, bring your argument to a speedy but forcible climax, which will elicit either an acceptance, re-fusal, or \,rill at least give you some encouragement. Then leave. "I thank you for your attention," "I trust I have not taken too much of your time," "\Vith your permission I will take this matter up with you again." Expressions like these are very appropriate and leave a pleasant remembrance with your hearer. If you have not been successful during your Grst visit, sub-sequent calls should be made. The successful salesman is a living follow-up system whose dominant characteristic is per-sistence. But be careful 110t to confuse persistence with bullheaded-ness; the one is effective, the other is not. In your succession of calls almost a glance should be sufficient to show yoU whether it is wise to talk business with a prospective customer or not. I know a solicitor of life insurance (we all can appreciate the endless difficulties he has to encounter) who has built up a large clientele that gives this agent all their life insurance business, and he owes his unprecented success to one thing-he knows when not to talk life insurance This man has time and time again gone out and visited men whose business 'he desired, but has never talked a word about life insurance with them; because at a glance at the face of the man upon whom he called, the work piled upon his desk, the general busy atmosphere of his nffice, he saw that conditions ,vere not fav-orable; and again when he wo\\ld talk insurRnce ,llJd during the conversation find that the sub-ject v,,-as not appealing to the hearer, he would skillfully change to an entirely different topic ofgelleraJ interest. He waits until he finds the situation favorable-then-well, I am told he has never lost a customer~ Now as far as I can see, the company which this agent represents is not any better than a lwlf dozen others; nor does he know the insurance problem any better than many other men of his calling. But that one point which all others seem to ignore, of knowing when not to talk. has made him pre-eminently suc-cessful. Never criticize your competitor nor his product to the man whose business yOll are soliciting. It will react to your detriment. \Vhen a salesman comes into an office, takes up the work of a competitor that may be lying around and starts to point ant defects and errors, he is reflecting upon the good judgment of the mol11 he is addressing. In all probability the thing he is so ruthlessly criticising 13 was bought from his competitor after careful, lengthy consid-eration by that purchaser, alld to be abruptly shown that it was a gross mistake to have thus bought, is not pleasing to say the least. This kind of criticism interpreted means you are saying to the man whose good will and patrOllage yOU want: "You have poor business judgment; if you had sound common sense you would not have dealt with my eompeti-tot." Another very conUIlon fault to which many salesmen arc prone, is trying to sell their wares by telling how eagerly other houses have ordered from him. "Now Mr. Blank, the Smith-Jones Company bought 500 gallons of this varnish from me yesterday, and you know they are very shrewd buyers." YOllr efforts along those lines v,,'ill be useless with the average business man, who insists upon doing his own think-ing and docs not want some other house to do it for him. Forcibly impress upon your hearer, why it will be to his THE WEATHERLY INDIVIDUAL GLUE HEATER Send your address and receive descriptive cir-cular of Glue Heaters, Glue Cookers and H?t B01es and prices. WEATHERLY CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. particular interest to buy the varnish in question and how he will profit therefrom. There arc no guide posts by which y011can be shown the direct road to salesmanship. By actual experience only can you get the proper and full appreciation of w.hat business tact means as applied to selling transactions. Tt is all a matter of how quickly yOU perceive the bene-ficial effects of certain of your actions and the uselessness or harmfulness of others-make the former your stock in trade -and avoid the latter-then you will bring yourself to the topmost step of successful salesmanship--Busine-ss Men's Magazine. 14 !:STABLISHED 1880 , , ' ~' I " " C ' ~-- ~ ~' ~ - - PUel.ll1HlSD .. v MICHIGAN ARTISAN CO. ON THE 10TH AND 25TI1 OF EACH MONTH OPFICE-2~20 LYON ST.• GRANO RAPICS, MICH. ENTERED ...S MATTl!R OF THE 8ECOllD Cl.A&8 Commission salesmen have good ground for complaint 011 account of the individuals, firms and corporations failing, and in most instances, refusing to furnish a daily list of the shipments made. A salesman visiting Omaha, for an in-stance, in October. and learning that no part of an order taken by him in July hom a certain dealer had been filled, would be certain to utter words that would not be deemed either polite or refined. If he had been informed that no goods had been shipped the salesman would have been saved much time and expense spent in making the second trip to Omaha. Commission and salaried salesmen well com-plain bitterly of the tre'atment they receive at the 'hands of the men -in the office. Letters asking for information are but seldom answered. The receipt of orders is seldom ac-knowledged and reque'sts for remittances are unheeded when it is not convenient to respond. In an address to the manu-facturers of Grand Rapids a year or two ago Hon. George P. Hummer declared that as a rule the men engaged in the business of manufacturing furniture are competent, but in the equally important branch of marketing their products they are rank failures. It might be added that there is much that should be learned in the conduct of correspondence and the considerate treatment of traveling salesmen. *!* *1'" *1* "'1* Efforts to establish a uniform system of scaling in the lumber trade have failed, but it is not the purpose of the several associations of manufacturers that have endorsed the movement to abandon it. The failure was occasioned by the fact that the scaling of lumber is, and must ever be, a matter of judgment. The estimates of one scaler may differ largely from that of another as to the value of a stock of lumber. Size, figure,color, texture, the nature of the soil in which timber may have been grown, and many other details arise to !c1aim the consideration of the scaler. To find-'a uniform basis for estimating the value of timber is not an easy task, the promoters of the movement are prepared to t~Hfy. "'1* *1* *1* *1* Some of the manufacturers arc displeased over tl1,~ new rule of several of the railroad companies which eliminates the practice of tacking advertisements on box cars, The rallroad managers are not opposed to giving their patrons all the free advertising possible, but ohject to the defacement of 'rolling stock aJld the necessity of putting the employes to the extra task of removing the placards and fasteners after the cars are unloaded. "'1* *1* *1* *)* Owners of property must not place too much confidence in local agents when seeking just alld fair rates of insurance. Such agents receive one-third of the amounts paid in pre-miums as their compensation and naturally it is for their il1terest to make the rates as high as the applicant will stand. Good results have been reported by property owners who make it a rule to "put the hammer" on local underwriters. *1* *1* *1'" *1* A very successful salesman of lumber, whenever possible, makes'an inspection of the contents of a dealer's yard before presenting himself at the -office of the oWner. He is an ex-perienced scaler and inspector and by learning, in advance, the quality and sizes of stock handled by the yard owner, he knows how to approach him and discuss his wants intelli-gently. ' *1* *!* *!'" A noted, financier of Boston would ease the mOney market by settling accounts by checks. He would have employers O! labor pay their employes and more matrons pay the bi1ls of tradesmen in that way. The plan sounds very nice, but it remains for the noted financier to point the way to the ~oin necessary to put in the banks for the purpose of redeeming the checks. rIiII *1* *1* *1* *1* After making the rounds of the factories of Evansville and finding the word "Smile" printed in large letters upon the walls of the offices, a traveling' salesman remarked that the advice offered W<lSyery good, but the promoters of smiles were lacking. There was 110 booze in sight, and none was offered. *!* *1* *1* *1* The mal1u{acturers of refrigerators held a convention in New York recently and agreed upon prices for the' coming year. Owing to the fact that the cost of materials have not been reduced, prices were materially increased. *1* *1* *1*' *1* It appears that a few large trees remajnuncut in the state of Oregon. Four fir logs, cut from one tree, containing 42,000 feet of lumber, each log occupying a car, wer,e shipped to a mill man, in Raymond, recently. *1* *1* *1* *1* A glue factory in Chicago is distributing horns taken from Texas steers, among- favorite customers. The horns are intended to give the wood worker the right steer when in need of glue. *1* *1* *\* *1* The case makers will probably make another slight ad-vance in the prices of goods for the coming year. Estimated Weights of Lumber per Thousand Feet. Green Shipping Well Kiln From Saw. Dry. Seasoned. Dried. A'h, bla~k .", .4700 3500 3100 3000 Ash, white .", 4800 3700 3550 3300 Basswood .. , ,., 4400 2800 2500 2100 Beech ..... , .. ""., _, .5500 4400 4000 3700 Birch .. "" ... , _, _ 5400 4200 400Q 3600 Chestnot ",'" _ , .4800 3250 2800 245q Cherry ,." _ , , " , . 5000 Cottonwood .4600 Elm, rock , .. 5300 Elm, soft _ 5000 Gum .. ,,, , __ , . 5300 Gum, sap.. . . 5000 Hemlock 4000 Maple, hard 5300 Map1e, soft 5000 Oak, red "" __5500 Oak, white . _.. .. . ,5700 Poplar 3900 Spruce (Adirondack) 3300 Spruce (W. Va.)." ,3000 Walnut '" _ __.'" ,,5000 3100 4300 3300 3600 3300 3000 4150 3650 4250 4500 3000 2700 2700 4000 2800 3900 3150 3300 3000 2500 3900 3300 4000 4100 2800 2300 2300 3750 2400 3500 2900 3050 2750 2300 3400 3000 3400 3600 2400 2200 2200 3500 15 WHY USE TURPENTINE? When the L.-Mac. f American Reducer will answer the same purpose and costs so much less. HEADQUARTERS FOR WOOD FINISHING MATERIALS _________________ 1., TheLAWRENCE-MCFADDEN CO. Successors to THE BARRETT-LINDEMAN CO. Philadelphia Chicago First Sectional Bookcases. w. H. Rouse managed the business of the Wolverine Chair Company in Grand Rapids twenty~fLve years ago. It was not on account of his management that the company was com-pelled to go out o-f business. That is another story, and it might as well be told now. The control of the stock changed hands in the settlements after a night spent at a poker table and a sporting gentleman undertook the management of the business with the usual result to the UJHJualified and the inexperienced. The company manufactured chairs for the trade and furniture to order. One morning a prominent local attorney called upon :l\h. Rouse and remarked that he had a lot of valuable books in his office, and that the thought 'had occurred to bim that iil the event of a l1re in the building in which his offices \vere loc:'Lted the books would be de-stroyed. He had an idea that if bookcases could be con-structed in sections their nse would enable himself and hi.s friends to carry a"vay the books quickly if necessary. Draw-ings were made and approved when sectional cases capable of sustaining the large library of the attorney were manufac-tured and put into use. The attorney died recently in Pasa-dena, CaL Dummy Selling Agencies. Certain manufacturers of furniture, who advertise largely in the magazines, have organized selling agencies much like the "dummy" boards of directors brought into life by the big corporations when abollt to engage in a stock-shifting en-terprise. All inquiries for goods received ill response to the advertis~mel1ts <lH~ referred to these selling agencies, ·which are usually of employes of the advertiser or his friends. The plan \vorks ""..ellas it enables the manufacturer to retain his standing for fairness with the retailers. Purchased a Factory. The Alaska Refrigerator Company of :vIuskegon Heights. 11ich., recently purchased a commodious brick factory, form-erly operated in the manufacture of clothes pins, and five acres of ground adjoining, and will use the same in the man-ufacture of refrigerators. The building is a substantial one, comparatively new. It will be fitted with machinery soon. r QRAnD1DUnn Dl. 5151[" MOST ATTRACTIVE ROUTE JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION Tick.ets on sale daily until Nov. 30, 1907. at very low rates. Pas-sengers have choice of several routes. On season and ·sixty-day limits, liberal stop-over. Passengers may go one route and return via another. Full particulars at City Ticket Office, 97 Monroe street. Phones-Citizens, 5..1)76B; ell, main, 576. C. A. JUSTIN, C. P. & T. A. GRAND RAPtDS. MICH. I 16 WIR.E GLASS The Great Fire Retardant Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company . is the Largest Jobber of Wire Glass in theWorid For anything in Wire Glass, OrnamentaL Figured Glass, Plate Glass, Mirrors. Window· Glass;· or a~y-thing in Paints, Brushes,. or Painters: Sundries address any of our branch warehouses" a list of which is given below: NEW YORK-Hu.dsOD aDd Vandam 8t8. &QSTON-41·49 Sudbury St .• 1.9 .Bowker St. CHICAGO· 442·452 Wabaab Ave~ C1NCINNATI-BPOadwa,. and Court Ste. ST. LOUIS-Col'. 7th and Mark •• St •• MINNEAPOLIS-SOO·!16 s~Tblrd St. DETR.OIT-53.59 Lartled St •• E.' --' GRA\IlIDRAPIDS. MICH.-39 ..41 N. DlYi.ton St. PITTSaURGH-I01·103 Wood St. MILWAUKItIt. W'15.-492·494 Market St. ROCHESTER. Hi Y._Wllderll)." ... Main oEzohanll.Ste. B~LTIMOR.E-2 1.2Z3W.PrattSt. ' _ CLEVELAND-143001434 West Tbird St. OMAHA -1608.1 O.lZ' Harne)" St. ST· PAUL-349-351 Mkilrroeaot. St. ATLANTA. 'GA.-30-3Z·34 S. P.r:vorSt. SAVANNAH...!..GA,-745.749 Wheatorro St. KA.NSAS CITY-FlUb arrodW)"arrodott. 8ts- HIl\M'INGHAM. ALA.-2rrod Avo. and 29th St. BUFFALO. N. Y.-372-74·76·18 Pearl St. 6aOOKLYN-63S-631 Fultorro St. PHILADELPHIA-Pitcairn Bldg •• Arch arrod11th St •• DAVltNPORT-410-416 Scott Sl. I igf\api~5.f\ic~ IDdianapo1i~ Indiana Write for Information. PriClii. Etc. === 'PERFORMS THEWORKOF ===== The· Universal Automatic CA/?V1NOMACfflNE 25 HAND CARVERS And does the Work Better than it can be Done by·Hand -------MAOE BY~-~~--- This Machine Makes the Money =========BY SAVING IT===== It makes a perfeel imitation of any open grain because it uses the wood itself to print from, and one operator and a couple of boys can do more work with it than a dozen men with any other so~called machine or pads on the market. Tha.t"s why it's a money maker. It imitates perfectly I PLAIN or QUARTERED OAK. MAHOGANY.WALNUT, ELM. ASH or any other wood wilh open grain. ---- --- WRITE THE Posselius Bros. Furniture Manufacturing Co., Detroit, Mich. MENTION THE: MICHIGAN ARTISAN. FOR PRICES AND FULL PARTICULARS. 18 Fruit Used for Ornament by the Early Romans. Fruit was first used as ornament in the early feast days of the Romans. It was the custom in those days to hang from the frieze of the temple and general places of worship fes-toons of the natural fruit between rosettes of ribbon and the skulls of t'he animals that had been slaughtered for the feast. The ripened fruit and the polished skulls of the beef must have produced a gorgeous effect, and it no wonder that the architects and designers of that day saw this beauty. and at-tempted to produce it in stone and wood, thus making a per-manent decoration which has survived as the Roman style to the present time. Example No. 1 is a panel of German Renaissance, show-il~ g the c'hild!s head with clusters of fruit. This makes a very 7IR.'T' IS .7Li"J 3 75:+ 19 KNOXVILLE CARVING AND M.OULDING CO. KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE Manufacturers of SPINDLE and HAND CARVINGS. ROPE, BEAD and EMBOSSED MOULDINGS. HANDLES, Etc, U/rite j0r,lltustraled Circula,'s and Prices. strong decorative feature, especially for the dining room. Xos. 2 and 3 are examples of Roman Renabsance as :iuggest-ed from the grollping of the natural fruit, and are very ar-tistic and effective. So. 4 is a combination of a basket and fruit in moc\(:rn Gerrnan Reu8issancc, and is a fragment of a design by \7\/. Behrens. Ko. 5 is a tassel or pendant of fruit by the same designer. No.6 is a combination of fruit, horn and acanthus leaf by :\lr. Arthur Kirkpatrick, in,structor in Grand Rapids School of .Furniture Designing. This js an-other eXaInple, in which the student should draw one-half tlH':ucsign, then transfer to the other half, and complete dr<l\v-ll1K. V-lhen designing ornaments of this kind, rough out with charcoal, and dust off with a soft cloth. A faint shade will remain. Go over this with bard pencil, impmving the outline as you proceed. It makes an excellent center piece or pallel carvjng. Example No_ 7 represents the cornucopia or tlOrn of plenty .filled with fruit, and is ernblematic of a bountiful season. It was designed by a modern German de-signer. 1\0. 8 is another of Behrens' dcsig-ns, showing fruit gracefully placed ·with the shield and scroll. No. 9 is an example of the 110m turned upwal-{l, a1ld filled wjth fruit. which makes a beautiful design. The drawings on thi'; plate from the hand of ~Ir. Kirkpatrick were especially se-lected to show the variety of graceful effects in the combina-tion of fruit with other features. Change of Name. The Barrett-Linden:an Company in consolidation ·with thc Lawrcl1ce-:"''1cFadden Company authorize the announcement that papers hrrvc heenfiled changillg tbe name of the con-cern to the Lawrence-McFadden Company. The capital stock h~s been jncre,'lscd from $100,000 to $150,000. The La ..v..renee-IVjcFadden Company began business in 1900, and organized by Alex8nc1er Lawrence, Jr., and Bruce C. :vlcFadden, both of whom at one time were employes of the Rarrett-T _indeman Company. The rapid rise of the business establislled by these two enterprising young men, has been one of the interesting successes of the wood finishing trade, as in 1906.. a period of not quite six years since they began, they. in conjunction with lVIr.T. L. 1IcFadden of Canton. Fa., purchased the entire stock of the Barrett-Lindeman Com-pany, consolidating the two companies successfl1lly, and are steadily incre8sing the business. Late last fall they pur-chased the varnish factory of .rv1r. Conrad F. Rau, secured the services of a competent varnish maker and arc now mantt-facturing in addition to their stains and fIllers, a eornplete tilJe of varnishes and japans for the furniture and piano man-ufacturers. :"'1essrs. Lav·lrence and McFadden 'have grown lip in the \vood fmishing business, having devoted their en-tire lives to it. They are earnest business men, who hand1c wisely the affairs of the company, and are to be congratulat-ed upon their won'derful suceo?ss acquired in such a short space of time. Morris Wood & Sons Move to a Large Factory_ rVforris \VooJ & Sons, builders of wood cutting tools and machinery at 31 and 33 South Canal street, Chicago, during the pnst tbirty-three years, have taken possession of their new huilding, )Jos. 2714 and 2716 ""Vest Lake street. The new works are completely equipped with every modern appliance kno\vn in the manufacture of wood working-bits, cutters and tools, and, with the aid of the most able tool makers CHALLENGE REDUCER I A solvent equal to turpentine in every respect for re-ducing varnish, stains, or anything requiring a solvent of turpentine' strength or quality. This solvent is fully fifty per cent cheaper than turpen-tine, as it costs less and requires less to obtain the same re-sults; and as a reducer for oil stains it has no equal. Manufactured and sold only by GRANO RAPIDS WOOD flNIS",NG CO. 55-57 Ellsworth Ave,. Grand Rapids. Mich. the country affords, the fi.rm is well prepared to furnish the very highest grade of tools as descrlbed in their catalogue 1\0. 10. This business was established in 1874 by the late 11r. :i.\{orris\Vood, a mechanic of great skill and a genius in invention. The firm manufactures the famous 'lilood's solid steel glue cutters, also many original tools, which have proved indispensable to the manufacturers of furniture, pianos, organs, interior wood finishes and kindred goods. Nearly every wood working shop in the United States and Canada have at one time or other been users of the tools made by this firm. To those who have not, a trial order will be a good investment. 20 A PARADOX Furniture Manufacturers: You can save at least one-third of the time now required in your finishing room and still maintain or better the quality of the work done by using our Paradox Rubbing Varnish (In three shades-Pale, Light and Medium) Work can be coated every day and last coat rubbed the third day; it dries tough and hard, will not soften up or print in packing. Order a sample barrel subject to your approval and test it. We manufacture a full line of Cabinet Varnishes; they are made upon Honor and sold upon Merit. Our facilities and products are second to none. The Largest Paint and Varnish Works In The World DETROIT MICHIGAN U. S. A. C. B. QUIGLEY, MANAGER OF SALES, VARNISH DEPARTMENT 21 22 Various Matters. "While the manufacturers have had five years of active business, the co'ndition attending the producing of goods are not all- favorable," remarked W. l Maddox: of the Maddox Table Company. "For instance," his listener remarked. "VvTell, to commence a summing up of the disadvantages existing," :\h. Maddox continued, "shop hands have earned larger wages than during any period of the past, and having no fear of losing their jobs and not lacking faith in their abil-ity to find other employment if they should so desire, they do Ilot recognize the responsibility that is due to their em-ployers. They are not as careful in their work as formerly and do not produce as much pef man as when they were driv-en by necessity to do their best." "For instance, again," remarked the listener. "Certain pieces of our line have been recut many times during the past five years. In former times the first cutting of stock cost mUch more than the subsequent ones. One naturally expects that with the familiarity a shop crew gains with pieces that have been recut time and again, the work would be done at much less cost than the original cutting. My experience js the reverse of this. Every recutting takes more time than the one immediately preceding it, with ad-ditional expense accrued. "VVhy,it is becoming a well es-tablished fact that a manufacturer can produce a stock of goods from new designs cheaper than he can recut an old line." Mr. lbddox shifted his cigar from the north to the south side of his mouth and resumed: "The ever growing demand in the industries for shorter work days and larger pay works disadvantageously to the shop hands. Perhaps it has never occurred to these men that the shorter the work day and the payment of high wages adds g-reatly to the expenses of the manufacturer in producing goods, and that the expeilse so added is charged to the cost of goods whieh the shop hands must buy to sup-port their families. If the farmer is compelled to pay $25 for a table that 'he could purchase in past years for $15, the dif-ference in the prices I have mentioned is added to the 'pota-toes, the wheat and other articles of food the shop hand 111ust buy. By force of numbers the shop hands often compel manufacturcrs to engage in expenditures which he would not consider under ordinary cireums'tances." "For instance?" again interrupted the listener. "Say a shop is equipped to produce $100,000 worth of goods per annum, operated on thc ten-hour work day. A de-mand is made for an eight hour work day and conceded to the workmen under pressure. The output of the factory is cut down to such an extent that the margin of profit almost disappears. There is but one of two things to do. Add manufacturing facilities and men sufficient to restore the out-put and advance the selling prices of goods to cover the cost of the new invcstment and the increased pay roll, or cut the wages of the men employed on the eight hOllr work day sys-tem. The higher cost of goods must be paid by consumers, and consumers are largely the men who labor in the fac-tories." 0--0-0 Nearly one year ago Frank C. Doernhecher, president of the Doernbecher Furniture Company (a former employe of the Berkey & Gay Company of Grand Rapids) sailed on the ill-fated steamer Dakota on a trip to Asia. \\Then rescued from the stranded steamer he had time to explore Japan be-fore resuming his journey. His practical eye discovered large tracrs of valuable oak timber and ascertaining that it could be purchased reasonably cheap he contracted for a large number of logs. which werc shipped to the company's mill in Portland and cut for use in the manufacture of ftlrni-ture. Thelumher cost $18 per thousand ready for the kiln. By importing the timber in the log duties were not levied and the Doernbecher company is selling its output, made of cheap lumber, for the prevailing high prices. The timber is not as choice, as the white oak of Indiana and Michigan, but it is better than that grown in Wisconsin. 0---0-0 During his sojourn in the Hawaiian islands a few years ago, John Mowatt of the Grand Rapids Chair Company dis-cOv'ered a species of hard, fine grained timber which the na-tives catted Hawaiian mahogany. It was admirably adapt-ed for use in the construction of piano cases, furniture, in-terior finishes and like purposes. Mr. MlDwatt has learned that the manufacturers of California have imported consid-erable quantities of the lumber and are using it for the pur-poses mentioned. 0-0-0 The Philippine islands contain millions of acres of choice hard timber and may eventually become the source of sup-ply for the manufacturers of the United States. In the past the expense of shipping the timber to this country has been too great to make its use practical, but with the constantly advandng prices charged for timber of domestic growth the importers will SOOl1 be able to discover a' healthy and -satis-factory margin of profit in the Philippine timber business. 0-0--0 A pair of traveling salesmen occl1pying seats in a Lake Shore coach a few days ago discussed the trials and tribula-tions of the men of their 'class. ((1 prefer to work on a com-mission basis. If I am good I want to get the benefit of my capacity. If I am no good, 110 one suffers from my in-competency but myself." Tt is very difficult for an inexperienced salesman to get a start. Employers want none but experienced men. When a man is able to pay his -own expenses and is willing to work on a commission basis he finds many obstructions in his ef-forts to find employment. The thought never occurs to jobbers and manufacturers that men cannot gain experience \vithout employment. They will not allow an untried man to goo on the floors for two or three weeks to study the stock, but expect him to go to the trade and take orders with-out preparation. Under such circLlmstances all that a trav-eler can do is to place the samples and prices before a cus-tomer and say: "I know nothing about this business. Here are the prices and the stuff. Tell me something about this game. Help me out." o~o-o C. W. Herrick of the Maddox Table Company expects to witness a moderation in the pace of the business world dur-ing the coming year. "Trade will be affected by the presi-dential election, and the desire of t'he panting business world would be to take a long breath. I would not be sur-prised to witlless a reduction in the sales o! manufactured goods amounting to twenty-five per cent. After the presi-dential election the swift pace of the past five years will be resumed." Mr. Herrick is a dose student of business, as reflected by the stock markets. 0-0-0 Except in the form of bedsteads, metal furniture has not prOVell suc.h an attraction to house owners as the manufac-turers had expected. Hall furniture has sold moderately well, but in other lines of production metal furniture has proven a complete failure. It has no material value over furniture made. of "'mod. WHITE PRINTING CO., GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. PRINTERS OF CATALOGUES and everylhill~ needed by business men ·~~MI9HIG7fN 23 THE CREDIT BUREAU OF THE FURNITURE TRADE The LYON Furniture Agency ROBERT p, LYON, Gen~ral Manager CREDITS and COLLECTIONS Does It Pay? "The bl1siness men of the eastern cities as a rule aTe too exclusive," remarked a businC':ss man of the west. dFor in-stance?" rejoined an item seeking reporter. "Business called me to Boston a few weeks ago. It was more important to a certain corporation of that- city that I should meet one of their officers than such meeting ..vould be to me. To be short, I \vished to make an important pur-chase, but desired to gain certain technical information be-fore placing my order. I had been advised that the infor-mation desired could be furnished by {he official whose name it is not necessary to mention. At the office of the corpora-tion r asked for the offlcial at the windO\v "labelled" infor-mation. The attcndant sLated that lIr. E. had left the c.ity, going to the seashore OIl his vacation. On the evening of the same day T was presented to "),1r.E. at a club and whcn I expressed surprise oyer my failure to mcet him at his office he explained that the information clerk had followed his in-structions with regard to strangers or pers011s whom he pre-sumed he would not care to meet. "You know," he explained, "solicitors for insuran·ce. advertising, charities and entertain-ments are ever abroad in our city, not to mcntion inventors and politicians. and it is neccssary for business men to prac-tice a little deceit in order to avoid meeting such people." Tn view of the fact that 1 bad traveled 1.500 miles for the sole purpose of placing an order with this offic:ial, you can imag-ine my feelings upon hearill<..!;his remark The order was not placed with his house. I journeyed to Kew York and on tlhe following day entered the elaborately furnished offices of a prominent corporation located on Broadway. Scrib-bling my name on a plain card, T handed it to 'Information,' and asked to be shown into the office of the president. 'I'm sorry,' remarked Information, '~Jr. K is not in.' 'Could I see the vice president?' Again Information was very sorry, but the vice president was engaged in confercnce with two salesmen \'v'ho were to take ship for Europe in a few hours. 'iVhom could I see? ?vIr.M., the advertising maluger, ,vas in his office. V>.r ould r care to see him? "Escorted to the room of 1Jr. 11., I found four noisy young men engag'ed in playing a game of bridge. The room was filled with smoke and a half d07.en empty- bottles a11<1 as many filled \"'ith beer betokened tbe character of the assem-bly. 'How'd ye do, sir. Anything T can do for you? Sor-ry I cannot attend to your wants. See the bead of the sales department. Call in when you shall CaDle to the city again. Vihat is the trump?' chattered the impatient ~Jr. M. "Returning to the vestibule 1 met a richly dressed lady, Grand Rapids Office, 412-413 Houseman Bldg. GEO, E. GRAVES, Manager CLAPPERTON & OWEN, Counsel THE STANDARD REFERENCE BOOK CAPITAL, CREDIT AND PAY RATINGS CLEARING HOUSE OF TRADE EXPERIENCE THE MOST REUABLE CREDIT REPORTS COLLECTIONS MADE EVERYWHERE PROMPTLY~REUABLY and to her inquiry in regard to the president of the corpora-tion 1 witnessed the opening of the door and then the lady di-rected her footsteps toward the door of that official. "Very much disgusted with the 'eastern' way of treating a stranger, I rcturned to my home in the west and placed my order ,vith a iolly little man who met me at the door in his shirt sleeves, pulled me into his oftice, pushed a box of cigars into my hand and scratched a match with which to light it. His way is a different and·a better way. "Does the eastern way pay?" Alexander DoddS Has moved into his new fIve story building. It is one of the most convenient factories in Grand Rapids. During the month of September hc shipped two twelve spindle gang-dovetai1crs to England and has orders for shipment to the IMPROVED. EASY atld ELEVATORS QUICK RAISl'NG Belt, Electric and Hand Power. The Best Hand Power for Furniture Stores Send for Catalogue a.nd Prices. KIMBALL BROS. CO" 1067.;.Ih st., Council BlUffs, la. Kimball Elevator Co •• 3.U Prospect St., Cleveland,O. 108 11th St., Omaha, Neb.; 120 Cedar St., New York City. same country of one ten spindle, one twelve, one fifteen and one twenty-five spindle machine; also a table leg ma-chine; a fifteen spindle dovetai1cr to Germany, besides a large Humber of orders to various parts of thc United States. The traveling salesman is ah;",ays to be reckoned with. He is onc of the most important cogs in the whole gearing of industri,tl generation. It isbis ·work, his finessc, his ac-curate knowledge of local conditions on which the manu-facturer or the wholesaler must depend for success in his undertaking. He constitutes in a collcctive sense one of the essential, co-ordinate factors of the industry. He comprises the connecting link betwecn the producer and the jobbcr, the wholesaler and retailer or wholesaler and consumer. He is an indispensable adjunct to the proper distribution of any product. There is no room for argument.on this subject, because there is none to successfully challenge the state-ment. The salesman is as much an integral factor in the in-dustrial machinery as any other and is entitled, therefore, to equal consideration in the final analysis of trade divisions. BEAR THIS FACT IN MIND ::: : You can present YOllr claims for trade to a larger number of buyers of furniture. and kindred goods, through the mercantile editions of the Michigan· Artisan, mailed to dealers only, than is possible by the use of any other trade paper. WRITE FOR RATE CARD ------ ---------- 24 noYel~Woo~Wor~s Grand Rapids, Mich. We make good work at reas-onable prices and prompt ship-ment. Our capacity is such that we can take care of more trade and for that reason you see this Ad. Write us for anything you want in Good Wood Carving New Patterns in Hoohs. WRITE us FOR PRICES. GRAND RAPIDS BRASS CO., Grand Rapids, Mich. aran~Ua~i~sDlow Pi~e an~Dust Arrester (om~anJ THE LATEST de·vice for handlillg shavings and dust front all "lvood- 'z'lJorking 'lnachincs. Our ninetee-n }'caors experience hz this class of work has brought it 11earer perfect-ion than aH.y other S}IstCJ'lt on the THar/wt today. It is 'J10 experinlent.' hit a demon strafed scientific fact) as 'we have sC'ZNral hun-dred of these systems in. 't{SCJ and not a poor one mnortg thent. Our Autmnatic Furnace F eed ~)~ystC1'nJas shown in this cut, is the most perfect 'Z\)orking device or anj1fhing in this line. Write for our prices for equipments. WE MAKE PLA.t\S A:\ID DO ALL DETAIL WORK WITHOUT EX-PENSE TO OUR CUSTOMERS. EXHAUST FANS AND PRE~ SURE BT.OWERS A OV AYS IN STOCK. Office and Fa.ctory: 205-210 Canal Street GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. CItizen. PhOb.8 1282 OUR AUTOMATIO FURNACE FEED SYSTEM Z6 Just Keep Doing All You Can. There is lots of joy in living if you strike the proper gait; If you always come up smiling in the face of every fate; If you're keeping step and whistling some lively little tune, You'll be Jiving gay and happy as a sunny day in June. Keep !a: level head, don't worry, help your brothers on the way, Let the sunshine of good humor shine Upon you every day; Speak a cheerful word at all times, never "knock" your fel-low man, And you'll surely be rewarded-just keep doing all you can. There is lots of joy in living if you live your life aright. Lots of sunshine and roses, keep your eyes turne-d to the. light. Look behind the clouds of trouble, there's a silver lining there, And you'll find it if you're only living on the square. Scatter good cheer like the thistle scatters seed before the wind, And the petty woes and troubles soon win be left far behind. Be a "booster" every minute, help along your fellow man, And you'll surely be rewarded-just keep doing all you can, THE READY.TO.LIVE.IN HOMES. Renting Furnished Flats a Business in New York-Every. thing the Nomad Needs in His Temporary Quarters. "Why don't you rent a furnished apartment?" said the well seasoned New Yorker to her green friend from the West in answer. to a bitter complaint in regard to the difficulty of finding living accommodations. "Chiefly because nobody wants to rent an apartment for the winter," replied the other, "unless New York is different from any other city I have ever lived in." "That's just the point; it is," said the New York woman, "In New York when we want a thing we don't have to rely on the lucky chance of somebody else wanting to get rid of it. We just step out and get what the evolved commercial-ism of the metropolis has provided for the filling of every human need. "If you want to rent a furnished apartment you don't have to go prowling around among your friends and acquaintances for a chance to sub-let. You go to the renting agencies. They have furnished apartments in all styles and sizes and they will rent them to you by the week, month or year at prices ranging from $30 to _a couple of hundred a month. "The best part of the scheme is that you don't have to camp dow~ in the midst of some other person's intimate be-longings or promise not to use the best silver or the linen napkins. The apartments are furnished with essentials only and you can import your own gimcracks and geegaws and be monarch of all you survey. "Yes, and pay more for the privilege than it would take to buy the whole' outfit. Not I," sniffed the woman from the West, "I know your New York speculator, He doesn't get me into his toils." "No, really," expostulated the New York woman, "You do the furnished apartment renter an injustice. It is true that formerly the business was in the hands of a rather un-scrupulous set of people, but recently it has become respect-able. "Some of the big real estate companies are going into it and furnishing apartments for housekeeping in the better class of houses in first rate style. The furnishings are not only not cheap and flimsy, but they are chosen with taste and discernment. "The dining room and kitchen equipments are usuaIJy surprisingly well balanced and complete. Silver, table linen, towels, china and bedding are included, and as a rule, they are of excellent quality. "Furthermore, the agents, who are chiefly women, by the way, seem to have discovered the important fact that in renting a place furnished people want to be as free as possible from the idiosyncrasies of pronounced individual tastes. Most of the better class of ,apartment that I have seen and I flat-ter myself that I have seen a good man;, for 'r have just rented One for myself, are decorated with the plain carton papers, furnished with good, plain pieces of Flemish oak built in the simple obvious lines, hung with draperies of plain denim, curtained with dainty white muslin and carpeted with rugs of inconspicuous pattern and harmonious color. "This sort of equipment gives just the neutral and non-committal background against which 'the books and pictures, the objects of art and other small personal belongings that even permanently homeless people usually carry about with them, can be made to show up in such a way as to give real character and individuality." "But even so," said the woman from the West, "don't you think that it's an extravagant way to live. Don't you think that one would pay more for her furniture in rent· than it would cost her to buy it?" "Very probably," said the New York woman. "But sup-pose you don't want to buy anything? Suppose you don't want to own anything? «There are literally hundreds of people in New York ""no don't. They are all fully alive to the comfort and con-venience and cheapness of light housekeeping over any other way of living, and yet, for one reason or another, they don't want to lay in the necessary equipment, "Some of them are people in your position-people who have come to New York to seek their fortune and who are not yet ready to bring on their goods. Others belong to the great nomadic herd of writers and artists, musicians and the_ atrical people who do not want to be hampered in their movements by a lot of possessions "It is no economy for these people to buy things, because they don't want the things. If they buy a complete house-keeping outfit onc season they are as likely as not to have to pay storage on it next. It is really cheaper in the end for these people to pay rent for their hous-ekeeping necessaries while they want them and to be able to get rid of them eas-ily when they need them no longer." The woman from the West made no response and the New Yorker continued: "Take my case, for instance. I have to live in New York just so much of my time. I can't afford to stay at a hotel. I loathe. boarding houses, and my digestion has rebelled against myoId system of eating my dinners at restaurants and getting my other meals over a chafing dish in my fur-nished room. "On the other hand, I don't want to lay in a domestic out-fit because I never stay in New York longer than I have to and to trail about the country dragging my pots and pans after would make me feel like an Indian. A couple of years ago, when for the 'steenth time I was hunting rooms in New York, I 'learned of the possibilities of the commercial fur-nished apartment and since that time, whenever I have found myself in for a several months stay in New York, I've hunt-ed up a neat little furnished flat and lived in comfort. "The flat I now have is in a very decent building, with tel-ephone and hall service, in a very decent Harlem neighbor-hood. It contains four good light rooms of a respectable size and rents for $40 a month." The New York woman paused, but the woman from the West still sat wrapped in thought. At last she looked up_ "Well," she remarked slowly, "it's a discovery. I shall cer- ~r;.If[IIG7}N t We can hdp you. Time saved and when done leaves are bound (by your-self) and indexed by floors or departments. BARLOW BROS., Grand Rapid., Mich. WRITE RIGHT NOW. Michigan Art Carving CO. FOR WOOD CARVING of all kinds. Mention Michigan Artisan GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. West Side 36 Inch Band Saw Machine, Gleason Palent Sectional Feed Roll, -- --MANU1'ACTURl:<U UY--==-------- WEST SIDE IRON WORKS, CRAND RAPIDS, MICH.) U. S. A. tainly made it a point to intervie"w that phenomenally intelli-gent and scrupulolls agent of yours .v..ithout delay, but I con-fess that I could consider the arrangement only as a mere temporary expedient. "I can't conceive how you can put up with such a 'Nay of life as a permauent, established thing. Don't you sometimes long for a real home, a place '\vhere you can have your own things about you and which you can invest with your o..v..n character and individuality?" "Not I!" ejaculated the New York \voman, promptly, "To me the idea of getting- together the heterog-elleolls collec-tion of things that makes up a housekeeping outfit and then sitting down in the midst of it for the rest of my days, even to invest it with character and individuality, constitutes my CCl'nceptionof Egyptian bondage. "Long ago I made up my mind that money that could be spent to bring me the spiritual delights of music, books, pic-tures, travel and the theatre, was absolutely wasted on ma-terial joys such as Turkish rugs and old mahogany. I want to be free to move around, to go to the country for the sum-mer, or to California for the winter "lithout having to pay double rent or without having to worry about finding a tenant ",,'ho will not pour boiling water over my cut glass or use my embroidered napkins for dish towels, and to change my abiding place without having to call in the expensive assist-ance of the moving van, if the man across the way sets up a phonograph or the woman next door invests in a parrot. "Personally, I believe that the time is coming ,,,hen we shall be able to rent most of the necessary equipment with 27 ====-SEE==== West Michigan Machine &. Tool Co., LId. GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. for U1G" GRADE PUNC"ES and DIES. If your DESIGNS are right. people want the Goods. That makes PRICES right, (tlarence lR. lbflls DOES IT 163Madison Avenue-Citizens Phone 1983, GRAND RAPIDS. UICH. A.L.HOLCOMB~CO. I ;;;~;;U~;;;~IG~;;~ up to 5-16 thick. ---- Repalrlng···Satlsfactton guaranteed. Citizens' Phone 1239. 27 N. Market St., Grand Rapids. Mich. R, H. RUPPER 1;\?6',\',~'l~ Manuladurer of MMhine and Carving Taou. All kinds of Woodworking Tools to ordeT--ShaperHeads, Jointer Heads, Spindle Carver Cuttera and everythi.llg in took. WABASH B. WALTER & CO. INDIANA M,nuf"'tu~nof TABLE SLIDES Exclusively WRITE FOR PRICES AND DISCOUNT our dwellings quite as a matter of course. We already rent our cook stoves with our flats. "It seems to me perfectly logical to look forward to a day ,,,,hen we shall rent our pots and kettles \Ivith them, too. In many of the better class of apartments a beginning has al-ready been made in the sideboards that have been built into the walls. \;Yhy shouldn't the dining table and chairs be added? "The humblest flats nowadays have the refrigerator and the \vindow shades furnished, Why shouldn't the flat of the future be equipped with beds and tables and chairs and win-dow curtains?" "Mine won't," said the woman from the West, firmly. "Oh, yes it will," smiled the New York woman. "And, furthermore. when you have become reconciled to the comiort and convenience of having a ready-to-live-in home you will be setting yonr face with determination against a movement that will then be threatening to take away from you even your rented kitchen utensils. "Some of these days, sure as you're born, your food will be cooked not in your own little private kitchen, but in a gigan-tic public kitchen on the top floor of your apartment build-ing and sent down to you bet",,'een hot covers on a dumb waiter." "Kot mine," said the woman from the West, setting her lips firmly. "\Vait and see," said the New York woman, with a smile. -Sun. 28 ·~MI9«HIG7}N Our Clamps received GOLD MItI)AL at World's Fair. St. Louis. VENEER PR.ESS (Patented June 30,1900.) CHAIN CLAMP [Patented June 30,1903.) CAB.INET CLAMP. Write for prices and particulars. Black Bros. Machinery CO. MENDOTA, ILL. 5aw and Kn'fl e Fl'itnt'g Mach'lnery and T00IS TLhie"BMiggoeos"t "a"n"d"dB.est Baldwin. Tuthill ®. Bolton GraDd Rapids. Micb. Filer., Setters, Shal'f)eners, Grinders. Swages. Stretchers. Brazin,! and Filino Clam~s. Knife Balances. Hammering Tools. Investigate our Line. Bolton Band Saw Filer lor Saws ~ inch UP. New zoo page Catalo~ue for 1907 Free. 8. T." B. Shla D, KnifeGrinder. Full Automatic. Wet.Or d.ty. -----------------OFFICES--~ _ &oBlon New York Jamestown High Point Cincinnati Detroit Qrand Rapid. Chicago St. Loula MIDDeapo.1a Associa.te Offices and Bonded Attorneys In all Principal cltle. Wood ~ Forming Cutters We offer exceptional value in Reversible and One-Way Cutters for Single and Double Spin-dle Shapers. Largest lists with lowest prices. Grea.test variety to select from. Book free. Address SAMUEL J. SHIMER & SONS MILTON. PENNSYLVANIA, U. S. A. FGrn:J.erly the FeUwock Roll & Panel Co. bul tbe natlle. REPORTING FURNITURE, UNDERTAKERS, CARPET HARDWARE AND KINDRED TRADES. COLLEC-TIONS MADE BY AN UN'RIVALLED SYSTEM THROUc;H OUR COLLECTION DEPARTMENT •.. The Furniture Agency WE PRODUCE RJ;;SULTS WHERl!: OTHERS FAIL. WRITH FOR P"RTlCUL"RS AND YOU WILL SUNO US YOUR BUSINESS. Why Worry with the Roll Question ----?--.- Leave tbat to us. We are fire-pared to soJve it quicker and better be-cause we have the Knowledge and t:'l.uip-ment. Wr use nothhlg but cheatout in 0 u r cores. WriUforprict!s. The hllwock Auto-mobile: & Mfg. (.0 EVANSVILLE, IND. Nothing changed Our Complaint and Adjustment Department Red Drafts Collect H, J, DANHOF. MIchIgan Manager, 441 and 348 Houseman Building. Grand Rapids. Mich. VENEERED ROLLS The "Reliable" Kind STAIN AND fiLLER CORRECT SHADE FOR GOLDEN OAK fOR QUARTERED OAK THE L MAC E NO. 1914 GOLDEN OAK STAIN NO. 506 TRANSPARENT·FILLER fOR PLAIN OtlK THE L MAC E NO. 1636 COMBINATION FILLER Produces same shade as Golden Oak Stain and Filler. THE BARRETT-LINDEMAN CO. in consolidation with Tnr lAWKrn(r =McfADDrn (0. Philadelphia Chicago '-·i::~·.::·.:::::"'·_::"::::::-'C':::::"'_-- - 30 ~t-LI9f1IG7f-N , THE TELEPHONE IN BUSINESS. Should Never Be Used in Deals of Supreme Importance. "The telephone is of incalculable benefit to the business man, but it is like all other good things. It must be used wisely and temperately." Thus Robert Garland, president and general manager of the Garland Furniture Company, jobbers, addressed himself to a coterie of chums. "For instance?" This from Hadley, who, somehow, had a knack of excit-ing contention whenever opportunity offered. "The telephone," continued Garland, "is all right in its place, but it has its limitations. Here's your 'for instance,' Hadley. If you wanted to touch a man for ten, a man who had no special interest in you, you would hardly ask for the favor over the wire? Eh? You'd be certain to be turned down. Whereas, if you met him face to face and gave him a good talk, and hypnotized him with your personality, yon might succeed in separating him from his money. This is an instance where the 'phone is a rank outsider, except to the touchee." i<Your argument is all right," declared Meyers, "only you don't go. far enough, For instance, if you wanted to secure an order from an uncertain firm, or collect a bill, you wouldn't go at it by 'phone, would you? To my mind. the telephone is a nuisance in a business office. How many times have you, talking face to face with a .buyer, got him down to the order point, and had him called away to answer the 'phone. And when he returned it was all off. I won't have one of the machines in my office." "But you might be the one called away from the enter-prising salesman," cut in Hall. "Then the 'phone might save you money." "Oh, we've got to have the service," said Garland. "I've got my clerks trained so that they never use it except in cases of importance. I'll fire the first man I catch collect-ing, soliciting or talking privately over the 'phone. They all understand it, too. They know me." "You think you have," laughed Hadley, "but you just sneak il1~oyour place some day and see what is going on over the wire. The telephone is a mighty handy thing, but office people have a habit of working along the line of least resis-tance. You try it, Garland." This is '''''hy Garland stole into his place of business one day and sat down in a corner where no one saw him. He wanted to prove to himself that his office employes were loyal to orders and all right generally. One of his city salesman sat at the telephone table, palm of hand on cheek bone, receiver to left ear. His whole at-titude .expressed luxurious ease and utter lack of haste or hurry. His hair was nicely parted in the middle, his coat was free of dust or wrinkle, he talked into the transmitter in a drawling tone which was not at all like brisk business con-versation. In a moment Garland realized that the fellow was soliciting orders by telephone! No'w, Garland is a red-headed man. Besides being red-headed, he has reddish mutton-chop whiskers thriving on his square jaws. The hair was pushed forward in front of his ears, while the mutton-chops were brushed forward. He was quick and energetic in movement, and, as he moved about, he gave one the impression that somewhere in his rear there was a strong gale blowing him forward, He almost foamed at the mouth as he heard the salesman soliciting orders and joking-actually joking!-over the tele-phone. "Say," said the voice af the 'phone, "if you want another lot of those oak chairs you'd better get a move on, Ever hear the story of the somebody or other who was late at the wedding? Oh, there's no wedding. That was just a joke. You've just ordered from the Boston man? Well, 1m sorry; but I couldn't get over there.this morning. You don't give orders by 'phone? Quite right! Save the next one for me." By this time Garland was puffing with suppressed wrath. He opened and shut a pair of powerful hands, following the animal instinct of" a strong man in anger, and would have thrown something at the salesman, only he wanted to remain unnoticed a little longer: So this was his well trained office force? The salesman was losing an old customer who might have been retained iti a personal interview. In fact, the man at the other end had said that no orders were given by 'phone. Garland mentally said things about the 'phone and about unruly salesmen, but kept his seat. The s;:llesman called another number and dropped into his drawl again. Then: "Hello! Is that Maybury & Co.? That you, Billy? Where did you go last night? Oh, I guess you wasn't the only one in the Bad Lands! I reckon the sidewalk was tip-ping snmel Pardon mel Thought it was Billy. Just a joke ..v.e have between us. No, I didn't see him last night. Called you up to ask about the chairs, We have a new lot out, and if you want-" The red-headed man almost bumped his head against the wall. Here was another order lost! His fingers ached to get at the salesman. Personally, he never used the 'phone except when he hadn't the nerve to countermand an order in person or turn down a request for financial assistance or to inform his wife that he would not be home until late, and here was this salesman-. Well, he would soon see where he got off! The salesman called another number. This is what he said: "Hello! Dalton & Co.? This is Garland's. Thought I'd let you know that the new chairs are out. Oh, I can drop over there if necessary, but-. What? You have giv-en the order to Sliver & Co.? That's too bad. See you in the future." The salesman rung off. Three good customers and not an order! Garland's hair and whiskers now stood out like a cyclone from the vicinity of Medicine Hat was urging them forward. He could stand it no longer. With a rush which knocked the salesman from his chair, he grabbed the receiver. "If I had a dozen like you," he shouted, "I'd be out on a blind siding somewhere making bark furniture. How long have you been running this salesman act by electricity? Get out!" The salesman picked himself up and tried to say some-thing. but there was a strange contraction in his throat and his lips were too dry to form the words he sought to use. If his hair hadn't been plastered down so securely it would have stood on end. There was a call from the 'phone and Garland pla<:ed the receiver to his ear. The call was from the factory. "Say, that was your fault about those tables," said the voice of the superintendent. "You did say curved legs in-stead of carved legs, and I've got to make them over again. I don't know what the old man will say. You want to cut out this giving information by 'phone." Garland felt like beating the salesman over the head with the receiver. In fact, he might have done so, only for an-other call of the 'phone. "Hello! Say, you old lobster, come over here and take those buffets away. I wouldn't exhibit them at a dog fight. If yOll can't-" Garland rang off and turned to the salesman, standing cowed and ashamed before the desk. "You're a peach," he began, and then the bell rang. Won-dering if the 'phone was always in action, helistene<;1. "You're a nice old skate," came over the wire. "If I catch you about my daughter again, .I'll hand you a few good ones. I don'L kno\" how you got out, but you'd better go back to your old room at the Zoo." Garland looked like a man about to throw a fit. He pounded the receiver on the desk and said things which were long remembered to his discredit by the office girls. He shouted: "Hold on! Centrall Get that number for me again. vVho was it? Oh, Y0U don't think you know! Emv '''.'ould you like to sit on a rock and play goddess of liberty: This thinking part you seem to have is too strol1g for yOll. Oh, you'll report the 'phone, will you? All right. Now, you may go back to your dream of little Reginald." Garland turned to the salesman. "You get O\1t," he said. ;;1 want the space you occupy. rm going to put this tekphone in an air-tight closet, and the man who uses it will have to show the head bookkeeper be-fore he gets in. I've been beaten out of a thousand dollars' worth of orders by it, and called a lobster and a skate. Get out," The salesman left in a rage, and now the man who tlSeS the 'phone at Garland's must simply make a date for a per- ~onal interview, if necessary, and ring off. All of which goes to show that Garland was right. A telephone is a ha.ndy thing, a necessary thing, in an office, but it must be used sparingly and with good judgment. A business 'phone is not for lovers, or order-seekers, or col-lectors. It is just to say things to people when you haven't got the moral courage to face them! At least, that seems to be an important function of the machine! ALFRED B. TOZER. "Wiping Out" the Parlor. A neH'spaper published in Cleveland discourses, with the wisdom of an envl, as follows on the topic quoted above: HThe Cave Dweller had one great advantage over the man of today. There was no parlor to his house. Jt was all one living room, and if he had progressed far enough to take pleasure in life-archeology is silent on that point and the novelists, 'vVaterloo, London and Morris, are likewise dumb-he probably cntertained his callers with thrilling tales of good fighting and better feasting. "The modern parlor, though not as extensive a social blight as it was a score of years ago, is still altogether too much of a killjoy. For the past few years architects have labored to do away with it by planning houses in which space was far too precious to be tied up in such a room. They have been measurably successful, but tradition is a hard thing to upset. The parlor is one of the cherished traditions of our down east ancestry. "\Vhen Moses Cleveland (the founder of the city of Cleve-land) landed on \Vhisky Island, or opposite it, the first thing he did was to have a town meeting; the next to build a house with a locked-up parlor. Then he furnished it with a chro-matic carpet that brought blind >itaggers on all who saw it, shiny horsehair chairs, as slippery as Mayor Johnson's methods, and, as culminating horrors, he hung "The Voyage of Life" upon the wall and put a stuffed bird and a wreath of flowers in wax under glass globes on the center table. Then he turned ..the key in the door. And it has been there ever since. "Such a room should be locked. If it were shut off from the world all the time there would be no complaint. But a sort of atavistic hospitality, an echo of those grim times when Cotton Mather called on his parishioners and talked of the abominations of the scarlet woman and was given cider and doughnuts in the best room, prompts the modern house-wife to open the door and pull up the curtains at certain sta-ted intervals in the calendar of the year. Anyone who has attended such a festivity would rather sit in a dentist's chair with a rUbber dam in his mouth and several of the real kind in his thoughts, than go again. ;'Such a man, and his name is legion, ".·.i.ll pray that the ':<lmpaign of Mrs. Curtis Guild, wife of the governor of Mas-sachusetts, may be extended to the Western Reserve. She has begun a crusade on the )j"ew Eng]aJld parlor, that veri-table chamber of horrors, and promises to fight it out on that line jf it takes all her husband's term of office: She ralls at the horsehair, she fulminates against the waxen treasures, she has only words of hissiJlg and deris.ion for the pictures, and she calls upon her hearers to throwaway the key to the door. ;;Better still, she beg·s her sisters to tear down the parti-tions, to throw the parlor into the 'sittin'-room' and make one big, comfortable, companionable room of them both, with light and sunshioe and spaciousness to commend it. Put the piano there and the writing desk, give the sewing machine a place in the corner, if room cannnt be found elsewhere; make the room the heart of the house in its activities and its pleas-ures. "110re power to the elbow of Ylrs. Guild; more length to her stride, that she may reach here the sooner." The cranky old bachelor and the scrumptious Mrs. Curtis Guild arc not "such-a-much." If either \-vere the parent of six or seven blooming daughters, he or she would find his or her household at "sixes-and-at-sevens" when those darlings were old enough to receive company. Suppose six or seven Sweet \Villiams were to call on the six or seven bloomers night 2fter night and expected to hjde away behind a sliding door, where the gas might be turned low and a hand squeez-ing contest engaged in without hindrance. vVhat then? A part of the "bunch" might giggle and hug in the hall; others Illig-ht perch themselves on the stairs, but nOne would care to invade the "big comfortable, companionable" room domi-nated by ';pa" and "ma" and a crowd of noisy "kids." As a matter of course, the "grumpy" old editor who would destroy the parlor never had the pleasure of sitting on a hair covered divan built for two, and it must be inferred as well that Mr. Curtis Guild was an unusual sort of lover, who did most of his sparking through the telephone or in the visitors' room at the young lady's academy, where the fair one awaited his coming. There was a misconception evi-dently of the proper plan for negotiating a matrimonial en-tanglement on the part of Guild, else he and his wife would defend the old fashioned parlor, rather than attempt to de-stroy it. :"'1rs. Guild had better take herself to a nunnery. Every unmarried girl 'would rejoice over her departure for such an institutioH, and every unmarried man would "bite his thumb" in contempt of the cranky old editor of Cleveland. The parlor will remain so long as Cupid's torch shall burn. Youth demands it and will not be denied. Another Complete Outfit. The Ohio )'latch Company, VVadsworth, 0., have recently erected a very large addition to their plant, and are install-ing the Grand Rapids Blo'" Pipe and Dust Arrester Com- P<l11Y's complete system, inclUding two large fallS, directly connected to eleetric motors; Verrell's pate.nt dust collectors, piping, furnace feeders, etc. of the Manufacturers of Furniture, kindred Trades. Order at Once... The Classified White Directory - Pianos, Organs, Bedding, Interior Finishes and WHITE PRINTING CO., Grand Rap;d •• M;ch. - 32 ~ tvI,IF,.I-IIG7f-N t INSIST ON HAVING Morris Wood ~ ~on~ ~olid ~teel alue Joint (utlers for there are no other.". "ju.rt a.r good." They cut a clean perfect joint always. Never burn owing to the GRADUAL CLEARANCE (made this way only by us), require little grinding, saving time and cutters. No time wasted setting up and cost no more than other makes. Try a pair and be convinced. Catalogue No. 10 and prices on application. MORRIS WOOD &. SONS Thirty-two years rat 31·33 S. Canal Street. CHICAGO. ILL. Mr. Manufacturer-Do you eVel consider what joint gluing co~ts? The separators 'and wooden wedges, if you use them and many do, are a large item of expense accounts; but this is small compared to wage ac. counts of workmen who wear them out with a hammer, and then a ~~e per cent of the joints are failures by. the insecurity of this ~eans. RESULT, it has to be done over again, if possible. If you use inde-pendent screw clamps the result is beller. but slower. altogether too slow. Let US tell you of something better. PALMER'S CLAMPS. All ~eel and iron. No wedges, no separators, adjust to any width, clamp instantly yet securely. releases even faster. Positively one-third more work with one-third less help. In seven sizes up to 60 inches, any thickIleS! up to 2 inches. 200 fadories convinced in 1906. Why not you in 1907) Nthouw. sold by dealers <:.Verywhere let us Send you p"'licul",. /\. E. Palmer 8: Sons. Owosso. Mich. FOREIGN AGENTS ~ ProieCtile Co., LondOD. Engla,ud. Schuchardt & Schutte, Berliu. Germany. 7IRTIS'~ t 71:. "lwtllry Style" lor Drop Carvings, EmbOS@6d~ouldiug8, Panels. EMBOSSINC AND DROP CARVINC MACHINES. M:Il.t'lllnes for ll-II pur))USell, ~nd at prices within the :reach 0' all. Every machine hUll our guarantee ngllin"t breakage for ODe '·f'llr. "Laterql Style" tor large cR))tWity heavy (Jai0vina'8 and Deep Eml;.osl!lings. We have the Machine you waul. at a _tisfaci4r, lJri~. Write lol' descriptive el~oJars. Also make dies for all :makes of .Ma~ chIne",. UNiON rMBOSSINO M4C"INr CO.• Indianapolis, Ind. Johnson's Tally Sheet ---FORI---- HARDWOOD LUMBER NOT LIKE OTHER TALLY SHEETS. c. A. JOHNSON, Marshfield, Wis. 33 p-EL-TRACE MARK REGISTERED WOOD FILLERS Get a good Start. You know the value of a good /iller as a basis of a perfect finish and we know that you will particularly appreciate the merits of what we have to offer cin this line. Our goods will Stand thinning to a much greater degree than ordinary material and Still retain their colors. Our Fillers actually fill. They are absolutely no~-shrinkable as only the pureSt min-eral pigments are used in their manufacture and they are unequalled for uniformity and trans-parency of color. They work easily. never pull and dry as hard as lIint over night. Use Silax Wood Filler and your out-put will look better, sell easier and laSt longer. THINK IT OVER. STA.E CHICAGO The Sad Fate of "1, Me and My~e1f." A traveling salesman and a designer were seated in the reading room of a hotel at Tnlianapolis, Ind., engaged in re-counting their experiences with men and things, when "I, Me and Myself" entered. "N"ow we afC doomed to a three-hour session with, the great rnau of the furniture trade," remarked. the designer, quietly. "011, I don't kno\v," rejoined the traveling s:11esman. \A/hen "I, 1'1e and tJyself" had taken a seat and commenced an eulogy of himself \",jth a preliminary "r tell you, boys," the traveling salesman. who is blesscd with an active imagination and a wonderful flow of language. "cut ill," and the elltlwsias mhe employed in extolling the busi-ness sagacity of "I, ~le and ]\IY5e1£'5" principal competitor and the marvelous productions of his shop, made "I, -;vle and l\fyself" think that Hughey Jennings and "Jack" Me Gra'''... would be mcrc infants in a gab-fest with the wily traveling s-ile~mall. No opportunity pn:'senti1Jg itself for "I, T'de and FOLDING BED FIXTURES Prontahle fixtures to use are those which give the )e:l~t tronble. They are made by Folding Bed \Vil1iams in many styles and designs, suitable for every folding' bed manufactured. Furniture Cast-ings. Panel Holdus, Corner Irons, etc. New ideas and in\'entions constantly being added to the line. F. B. WILLIAMS 3812 VINCENNES AVE., CHICACO MallufactuTerof Hardware Specialties for the Furniture Trade. Established H178. I\Jysdf" to break into the "conversazionc," he arose slowly, stretched his arms and remarked, "I guess I'll go home." vVhen be had passed 011t of the door the designer, the trav~ eling salesman and a crm",d of bystanders loosened a roar that souJJCled as if <I home Tun hit had been made at the ball park. Finely Cut Carvings. The Kovelty YVood \~rorks, under the experienced and able manag-ement of Ralph Van Kuiken, are fully employed on orders for tine wood carvings, after special and stock de-signs. 1\Jr. Van Kuiker.l possesses large and up~to-date manu-factl1ring facilities. A request, addressed to Grand Rapids, Mich .. for a catalogue will be furnished without delay. Metal Kitchen Cabi.nets. The manufacture of kitchen cabinets' of metal is a new industry. The cases arc not so sllsceptible to the alternating temperatures of the kitchen as wood,"but there is ever present in the kitchen more or less moisture, and the metal cabinet is sure to be affected by rust. Th ideal kitchen cabinet, made of tiles and mahogany has not yet made its appearance. Enlargement of Mirror Factory. The H<trt 1fitror Comapl1Y have commenced the ereation of an addition to their factory, in Grand Rapids. It will be 50 x 100 feet in size and three stories high. The company manufactures high grade mirror plates. Enlarged Their Plant. Th,e Blanchard-Hamilton Furniture Company of Shelby-ville .. Incl.. have taken possession of a substantial three-story addition to their plant and add( d a numher of machines that ,,ViIIenable the company to largely illcrt:ase their output. 34 ·:f'~MI9rIG7}-N A WONDERFUL BEDSTEAD. Inventor Worked in a Combination of Fire-:-Escape and Burglar Alarm. He was long and lean, rind looked like he had been starv-ing on the meagre lU11Ch rotHe for many moons. His clothing was all to the bad, and his face looked as if the bunch of hoboes he had been touring \ovitb had lost their only razor. He walked with an uncertain step, doubtless caused by long practice on the ties which railroad companies persist in dis-tributing along Tights of way at unequal distances. He a tramp, all right, but he had the appearance of being a su-perior sort of a tramp, one given to talking much and toiling not at all. Kennett, designer at the Oakville factory, found him sit-ting by the long table when he returned from the manager's office. The long table was well covered with sketches and plans, and the designer's first notion was that the visitor was there to absorb some of the designs, which were about ready for the market. "What do you want here." he demanded. "Just dropped in." "\Vell, suppose you just drop out. "01e do 110t receive guests here, and, besides, this is not visitors' day. Get OHt." "I'm a furniture man myself, sir, and 1-" "W·here is you'r factory?" asked the designer. , "I haven't got a factory-yet! I'm an invent6r." The visitor paused to rub one side of a broken nose with a long and dirty forefinger. He looked like he hadn't slept in a month, and the spot HIlder the rope which held up the waistband of his trousers was of the ingrowing kind. He looked hungry as well as sleepy. The office cub drew a pencil sketch of a bum asleep on the sunny side of ~ haystack, with a drove of pigs nosing about him, and threvJ it over to Kennett. "If you are an inventor," the desigller said, ;"you must ha,-'e something to show me. Of course, you caqte up here ·to show me how to- make furniture." i "I've got something to show," 5aid the tramp, with as-sumed dignity, but before I do so I want you to promise me that you WOll't use the idea without sharing the profits with me. I want my bit out of this." "All right," replied the designer, thinking that the easiest way out of the scrape was to listen for a moment and then turn the proposition down cold. The visitor took a roll of paper from his pocket. As he spread it out on the table the designer saw that it was dirty paper, 'worn, almost through here and there where anxious and impatient hands had dwelt upon it. It was covered with marks which represented a cross between a bedstead and a nightmare. "This," said the visitor, "is a patcnt bedstead. got the patent yet. I'm waiting to interest some party in the inve'ntion. It costs a lot of money ents." I haven't responsible to get pat- Then the designer: "You don't call that a bedstead? \Vhat are those funny little attachments for?" "This one," replied the tramp, "is the burglar alar11l. Nat~ urally, when a burglar enters a house to burgle he approaches the bed whereon the master of the house is sleeping. I have heard that people having money to carryover to the next day place it under their pillows. I have never had exper-ience carrying money over to the next day. Well, when the burglar approaches the bed he naturally touches this front rail as he bends over to search under the pillow. Now, here's the beauty of this part of the invention. When the burglar touches the rail. this little kedewy reaches out anti grabs him, and-" "Does what?" gasped the designer. "Read1es ant and grabs him. Throws out these strong steel arms, represented here by red lines, and seizes him aroulld the waist, pinning his arms to his sides. Then the slceping man awakes and does the rest. ~ow, this feature of the invention is not the most important one, as you shall soon see, but it ought to be sufficient to make the fortune of any company making those bedsteads. I'm thinking of putting in an attachment which will blow chloroform in the face of the burglar and put him to sleep if he becomes vio-lent." The designer threw himself back in his chair and laughed. "Ah," said the tramp, "you may make merry over the idea if you choose, but think, think, young man, of what might be your fate should a burglar come to burgle your house in the dead of night, and creep, creep, creep through the dark rooms and stand in silence beside your couch-and you with-out this patent, adjustable, sure-thing, quick":action burglar alarnl." "I don't see how I've got along without one as long as I have." said Kennett. The visitor failed to find the frost in the voice and the face of the designer. He took 'a stub of a pencil from his pocket alld traced another Set of lines on the rough drawing. "Here is the most in~portant feature of my invention," he said. "When you comprehend the mighty possibilities of the thing you cannot refuse to put it on the market. Joined to the comfort of a superior bed and a money-protecting burglar alarm, we have here a patent, neck-saving, fire-defy-ing fire escape-all in one bedstead, the place of rest, the burglar alarm and the fire escape." The designer backed away for a moment, but the fellow looked harmless enough, so he stepped nearer to the draw-ing. "So that is a fire escape?" "The best one ever invented, sir!' "How does it work?" "You See these lines? Yes. Well, they represent coiled wires. This black mark is the end of the coiL Observe this spring. You wind t
- Date Created:
- 1907-10-10T00:00:00Z
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- Collection:
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