Detroit 1888

One print entitled "Detroit 1888." The print consists of four engraved drawings that have been printed in black ink on white paper. The three smaller drawings at the top are entitled (left to right): "Detroit in 1705," "Detroit in 1834," and "Detroit in 1820." The large drawing along the bottom shows a panoramic view of the Detroit skyline as seen from a hotel balcony. Printed text beneath this view notes "These cuts are taken from Lyman E. Stowe's book, 'Poetical Drifts of Thought; or Problems of Progress,'" "Population 250,000," and "From a photograph taken from the balcony of the Crawford House, Windsor." Miscellaneous handwritten pencil text in the upper left area of the print shows "This was in my time, 1888, Ray Wheatfill."
Date Issued:
Data Provider:
Detroit Historical Society
Subject Topic:
Detroit Views, Crawford House, and Detroit River
Subject Name:
Stowe, Lyman E. and Wheatfill, Ray
No Copyright - United States